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2021 ◽  
Vol 48 (2) ◽  
pp. 149-156
Eunike Kristi Julistiono ◽  
Lilianny Siegit Arifin ◽  
Bisatya Widadya Maer

Vertical housings have been developed to solve housing quality degradation due to rapid urbanization. These housings are often lack of privacy and comfort, since the lay-out mostly consists of one open plan space with limited area. This paper presents a lightweight and multi-purpose partition to improve the living quality in vertical housings. The lightweight characteristic is intended to minimize structural loads, while the multi-purpose property allows the partition to be transformed into some furniture for spatial efficiency. A literature review and material surveys were performed prior to material selection and the design process. Then, physical model experiments were carried out to simulate the installation process and the transformation process of the partition modules into some furniture. Result show that the partition’s weight is only 11-36.7% of the common partition wall, and when installed, the transformable property enables an adaptable space which can be adjusted to the occupants’ different conditions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (58) ◽  
pp. 410
Janaína Machado STURZA ◽  
Karinne Emanoela Goettems dos SANTOS

RESUMO Objetivo: Este estudo tem como objetivo fomentar a reflexão sobre o atual cenário de conflitos sociais, no qual se encontra a sociedade contemporânea, destacando a importância do acesso à Justiça por meio de um processo civil constitucionalmente adequado, na perspectiva do bem comum. Metodologia: A pesquisa converge para a importância da adaptação dos procedimentos judiciais à realidade social, por meio de um estudo bibliográfico norteado pelo método hipotético dedutivo, apresentando a hermenêutica filosófica gadameriana e as perspectivas de Mauro Cappelletti como principais referenciais teóricos. Resultados: Entender a sociedade a partir de um contexto conflituoso implica assumir uma nova postura diante da complexidade social e da efetivação do necessário processo de transformação na perspectiva de bem comum e, essencialmente, de acesso à Justiça como compromisso. Na órbita do processo civil, esse compromisso torna-se ainda mais evidente com a superveniência do novo Código de Processo. Contribuições: A demonstração de que a efetividade dos direitos fundamentais e a consagração da cidadania perpassam necessariamente por um processo civil constitucionalmente adequado, o qual deve e é capaz de adaptar-se às complexidades da vida social contemporânea.Palavras-chave: bem comum; cidadania; acesso à Justiça; processo constitucionalmente adequado.  ABSTRACT Objective: To encourage reflection on the current scenario of social conflicts in which contemporary society is situated, highlighting the importance of access to Justice by way of a constitutionally adequate civil process in the perspective of the common good. Methodology: The research converges to the importance of adapting judicial procedures to social reality by way of a bibliographic study guided by the hypothetical deductive method, presenting Gadamerian philosophical hermeneutics and the perspectives of Mauro Cappelletti as main theoretical references. Results: To understand the society from a conflictual context implies taking a new stance before social complexity and the implementation of the necessary transformation process in the perspective of the common good and, essentially, access to Justice as a commitment. In the orbit of civil proceedings this commitment becomes even more evident upon the supervenience of the new Code of Procedure.Contributions: The demonstration that the effectiveness of fundamental rights and the implementation of citizenship necessarily pass through a constitutionally adequate civil process, which must and is capable of adapting to the complexities of contemporary social life. Keywords: Common good; citizenship; access to Justice; appropriate constitutional process.

Cristina Bianchetti ◽  
Anna Todros

- Spina 3 is the old district of Turin steel production, it is an area of more than 1 million square metres, which, over the past fifteen years, has gone through a transformation process that radically reversed the relationship between public and private properties, in favour of the first ones. The outcome appears to be a space where it was possible to play freely with its elements, but where, at the end, it was generated a hard space, where the tracks of the person who live there are struggling to settle. The house, built from the market so rigidly and traditionally, became a symbol of the common choice to live in the new Turin.Key words living, practices, friches, space appropriation, space scheme, commonality.Parole chiave: abitare, pratiche, friches, appropriazione (dello spazio), disegno (dello spazio), comunanza.

2019 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 236-240
Elisabeta-Emilia Halmaghi ◽  
Dănuț Moşteanu

Abstract Water is essential to man’s life, nature and economy and has a fundamental role in the climate regulation cycle. It is a resource that is continually regenerating, but is at the same time finite and cannot be produced or replaced by other resources. Nothing is possible without water, this resource being the heart of human and economic development. That is why water is an essential factor for the existence of life and the development of human society. Rapid urbanization, the global demographic explosion and climate change have led to water quality degradation and have become acute pressures on water resources, which has led to concern for water protection. Water is the common denominator that links all areas of activity, and these actions have the role of encouraging a better understanding of the need for water use and management in a more responsible manner.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-54
Géza S. Horváth

The paper analyzes the various parallels of plot and text in Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punisment (1866) and Hawthorne’s Scarlet Letter (1850). Similarity of motifs in these novels has already been noticed in the critical literature but more detailed research is still lacking. In this paper, it is claimed that Hawthorne’s novel provided Dostoevsky not only with the material for certain narrative situations, motifs and characters in Crime and Punishment but also influenced the heterogeneity and complexity of the genre in Dostoevsky’s novel. To illuminate this relationship of the two novels, the article examines the characteristics of the genre of romance, the eschatological plot of revelation and the apocalyptic imagery proper to the romance. The study is focused on the common metaphorical basis of the two texts, such as the biblical and mythical semantics of the motifs of New Jerusalem, pearl, treasure etc., which circumscribes the transformation process in the correspondence of tresaure and word, letter and text.

2015 ◽  
Vol 752-753 ◽  
pp. 949-954
Pham Son Minh ◽  
Thanh Trung Do

In this study, a hot gas is used for heating the cavity surface of a mold. Different stamp thickness were designed and insert into the cavity plate. The stamp surface temperature was heated to above the glass transition temperature of the common plastic material. The heating result show that cavity surface can be heated to 196 °C after 20 s. The highest temperature appears at the center stamp surface. The stamp thickness strongly affects the heating speed and heating uniformity. When the stamp thickness is 0.5 mm the fastest heating rate can be reached with the value of 8.3oC/s. With the thicker stamp, the slower heating rate could be reached.

Kasman Supriadi ◽  
Khairil Ansari ◽  
Abdurahman Adisaputera

The aims of this study is to find out the development of module teaching material of writing short story of literacy based in Senior High School Parulian 1 medan. The research method of this study is qualitative research. The result show that The development of module teaching materials is carried out by determining the title, objectives, material selection, framework preparation, and collection of relevant materials with short story writing material and the techniques used in writing short stories. In addition, to assess the feasibility of the product being developed, validation tests were conducted involving expert lecturers, and Indonesian language teachers, as well as limited student testing. Feasibility assessment of this module includes 4 aspects, namely aspects of content / material, presentation, language, and graphics.

Jaebin Lim ◽  
Myounggu Kang

To cope with the exacerbating housing problem due to urban population increase and rapid urbanization, the number of multi-unit residential complexes (MURCs) is sharply rising. MURCs account for approximately 30% or more of housing stocks in the New York and Los Angeles metropolitan areas; and much higher in developing world, for example, 58% in Seoul, Korea. Likewise, the share of electricity consumption of MURCs in cities is increasing. Most existing literature analyzed the electricity consumption at household or house level and neglected the electricity consumption in publicly shared spaces and utilities such as outdoor lighting, parking system, elevators (vertical transportation), playgrounds, site water and sewage, management offices, security offices, and so forth. Unlike single houses, MURCs with hundreds or thousands of houses tend to be planned and built all at once, under one site plan. Therefore, urban design or site planning can crucially affect the aggregated electricity consumption at neighborhood level with different land use patterns and spatial configurations, which change light, shade, wind, heat island, reflection for individual houses and public domain. Site plan attributes can also affect residents’ choice of indoor and outdoor activities. A few simulation studies tried to examine the effect of urban design at neighborhood level, but empirical analysis can be hardly found mainly due to data limitation. This study aims to empirically investigate the effect of urban design on aggregated electricity consumption at a neighborhood level. We collected the aggregated electricity consumption data of 1122 MURCs in Seoul during the first half of 2016 and adopted the panel analysis. This study confirmed that more building coverage roads and pavements increase the aggregated electricity consumption; more green open space reduces it. Interestingly, mid-rise and mid-open plan would be the optimum design because of the effect of the number of floors. As the number of floors increases, electricity consumption for vertical transportation increases faster and offsets the benefit of high-rise and high-open plan. The study is significant, because, unlike previous studies, it empirically analyzed the collective consumption of electricity at a neighborhood level, considering the site plan features. Furthermore, this study provides evidence-based implications for sustainable urban design, especially for MURCs.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 47-64
Resakti Alamsyah Bermani ◽  
Safnil Safnil ◽  
Arono Arono

This study investigates the argument pattern in research articles by postgraduate students of English and Education University Bengkulu, based on Toulmin’s Theory (1958). This study analyzed the argument pattern, and reveal the type of data used by the student to support the claim in their argument contains in introduction section and discussion section of Journal Applied Lingusitic and Literature (JOALL) 2016. The data analysis result show that (a) the common argument pattern employed for arguments in introduction section of Research Article published in JOALL is Semi-complete pattern; (b) in discussion section the authors also commonly employ Semi-complete pattern. In addition (c) there are five types of data used by the authors to ground their arguments they are, Facts, Statistics, Example, Expert Opinion, and A Note on Visual. It can be conclude that the Research Article author published in JOALL have a good argumentative text based on Toulmin’s theory.

N. Harisha ◽  
J. Tulsiram ◽  
Amrutha T. Joshi ◽  
D. M. Chandargi ◽  
S. K. Meti

Indian agriculture is severely affected from climate change, fragmentation of cultivable land, water scarcity, rapid urbanization, declining crop production and productivity, crash in market price, declining biodiversity and ever-increasing population, demand for food, especially vegetables has increased manifold. Protected cultivation has offered a new dimension to produce more in a limited area. The study was undertaken during the year 2016-17 in the Kolar, Malur and Mulbagal taluks of Kolar district based on the maximum number of shade net structures growing tomato. From each taluk, respondents were selected by using purposive sampling procedure to constitute a sample size of 80 for the study. The study found that no one respondent raised nursery for seedlings. The probable reason might be lack of extension functionaries’ effort from respective departments. In the case of cultural practices, concerning ploughing, nearly two-thirds (62.50%) of the respondents partially adopted the recommended number of ploughings (2-3times). On the other hand, 100 per cent of the respondents didn't adoptthe digging practice, whereas more than half (53.75%) of the respondents had partially adopted the recommended size of the bed (1-meter width, 15 cm height and 0.5 meters between the rows) and nearly half (48.75%) of the respondents belonged to partial adoption category of bed treatment @ 4% formalin for tomato cultivation. The findings of Karl Pearson correlation coefficient showed that variables such as annual income, extension participation, exhibited a positive and significant relationship with the adoption behaviour of respondents at 1 per cent level of significance. Concerning the relationship of independent variables with the adoption of tomato, variables like annual income, extension participation, exhibited a positive and significant relationship with the adoption behaviour of respondents at 1 per cent level of significance.

Micromachines ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (10) ◽  
pp. 1184
Atanas Ivanov ◽  
Abhishek Lahiri ◽  
Venelin Baldzhiev ◽  
Anna Trych-Wildner

This paper provides an overall view of the current research in micro-electrical discharge machining (micro-EDM or µEDM) and looks into the present understanding of the material removing mechanism and the common approach for electrode material selection and its limitations. Based on experimental data, the authors present an analysis of different materials’ properties which have an influence on the electrodes' wear ratio and energy distribution during the spark. The experiments performed in micro-EDM conditions reveal that properties such as electron work function and electrical resistivity strongly correlate with the discharge energy ratio. The electrode wear ratio, on the other hand, is strongly influenced by the atomic bonding energy and was found to be related to the tensile modulus. The proposed correlation functions characterized the data with a high determination coefficient exceeding 99%.

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