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2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 198-204
Agustina Ni Made Setiawati ◽  
Suandari P.V.L ◽  
Wardhana Z.F

Hospital nowadays is demanded to be able to give a good, qualified, and as standard service to the society such as medical supporting service, training and education program application and working motivation which is one of the factors that can improve the performance of medical supporting employee in the hospital because the optimal performance of medical supporting employee is needed by the hospital a lot. This research aims to know about the effect of online training and education program application and also working motivation to performance of medical supporting employee in BaliMed hospital Denpasar. This research used quantitative approach. The sample taking technique in this research used proportional random sampling. The instrument of this research used questionnaire, the data analysis test that was used to solve the problem in this research was multiple line regression test. Based on the data analysis result, it is obtained that online training and education program application and working motivation have significant positive effect to the performance of medical supporting employee with the tcount of online training and education program application 4,568 and working motivation with the tcount 4,416 and also determination data 0,571 or 57,1% and the significance score 0,000 with α = 5 % (0,000 < 0,05), so the variable of training and education program and working motivation have significant and positive effect to the performance of medical supporting employees in BaliMed hospital Denpasar.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (02) ◽  
pp. 74-84
Iqbal Risca ◽  
Rahma Dianti

Reading habit influences students’ achievement of reading comprehension. It is assumed that if people have good reading habit, they will have good comprehension toward reading texts. The study was highlighted to examine the association between English education department students’ reading habits and their critical reading skills. This study was conducted using a correlational research design. The population of this study consisted of 112 undegraduate students of English Education department of Tridinanti University in the academic year 2017/2018. There were 37 students participating as the sample of the study chosen by using purposive sampling. In collecting the data, a questionnaire of reading habit and a critical reading test were distributed. A correlational analysis using Pearson Product Moment was applied to seek the association between the variables measured. Based on the data analysis result, it was found that students’ reading habit was not significantly correlated with students’ critical reading skills. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (10) ◽  
pp. 784-789
Brigita Cecilia Armanda ◽  
Sapto Adi ◽  
Prisca Widiawati

Abstract: The research aim to develop a basic technique model of lob punches that combined a badminton smash in the from of video that uses android application media. The method of this research is using Research and Development. The subject of this research is badminton athlete PB IMARA. The athlete has age criteria between 8-12 years with the number 30 athlete. The based on needs analysis that a badminton athlete PB IMARA Kediri are still deficiency on the skill level of accuracy of lob punches with smash badminton, this is known when athletes perform training activities. lack of variation lob punches with a badminton smash. data analysis result of data analysis of the validation badminton expert the percentage of 86 percent very valid category, media expert the percentage of 90 percent very valid category, then of a small groups trials with subject 8 athlete the percentage of 88 percent very valid category, the result of a large group trials with subject 22 athlete the percentage of 91 percent very valid category. Concluded a based of table classification appropriateness that a product development classified very valid and feasible use. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan produk berupa model latihan teknik dasar pukulan lob yang dikombinasikan dengan pukulan smash bulutangkis berupa video menggunakan media aplikasi berbasis android. metode dari penelitian ini menggunakan Research and Development. Subjek yang diteliti adalah atlet bulutangkis PB IMARA Kota Kediri yang mempunyai kriteria usia 8-12 tahun dengan jumlah 30 atlet. Berdasarkan hasil analisis kebutuhan bahwa atlet di PB IMARA Kota Kediri masih kurang pada tingkat keterampilan akurasi pukulan lob dengan pukulan smash, hal tersebut diketahui ketika atlet melakukan kegiatan latihan. Kurang adanya variasi pukulan lob dengan pukulan smash bulutangkis. Hasil analisis data dengan validasi oleh ahli bulutangkis persentase sebesar 86 persen kategori sangat valid, ahli media persentase sebesar 90 persen kategori sangat valid, selanjutnya dari uji coba kelompok kecil oleh 8 atlet persentase sebesar 88 persen kategori sangat valid, uji coba kelompok besar oleh 22 atlet persentase sebesar 91 persen kategori sangat valid. Disimpulkan berdasarkan tabel klasifikasi kelayakan dari produk pengembangan yang dihasilkan, hingga memenuhi kriteria sangat valid dan layak digunakan.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Dan Gao ◽  
Lin He ◽  
Jingru Liu ◽  
Zhangchao Li

PurposeDigital humanities database is one of the essential tools in digital humanities research area. Therefore, examining the usage of digital humanities database in academic papers is conducive to assessing the value of digital humanities database for scientific research activities and improving the construction of digital humanities infrastructure.Design/methodology/approachThis paper constructs an evaluation system of digital humanities database from the perspective of academic influence and social influence, with mention frequency, usage motivation, platform access data, usage region and usage discipline as indicators and takes China Biographical Database Project as the empirical object to explore the usage of digital humanities database in China.FindingsThe data analysis result demonstrates that digital humanities databases are widely used and recognized in China. However, the problem of low actual usage remains.Originality/valueThis paper constructs the digital humanistic database's evaluation system and discusses applying the digital humanistic database in China, which provides a new perspective and method for the influence evaluation study of the digital humanistic database.

Suresh ◽  
Rohit Kumar Chouhan

INTRODUCTION: Female foeticide is one of the most nefarious crimes on this earth, perhaps what detestable is that the people who commit crime belong to educated class. Some of the worst gender ratio gross violation’s right is founding south and East Asian countries such as India and china. Numerous scholars have observed that the latest advances in modern medical sciences – the tests like Amniocentesis and Ultrasonography which were originally designed for detection of congenital abnormalities of the foetus are being misused for knowing thesex of the foetus with the intention of aborting it if happens to be that of a female. AIM OF THE STUDY: Assess the awareness regarding female foeticide among eligible couples. METERIAL AND METHOD: A descriptive study was carried out to assess the awareness & attitude of 100 eligible couple selected by purposive sampling, who were eligible couple in rural area in Jodhpur Rajasthan were assessed by using a structured knowledge questionnaire and analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis. RESULT: The finding of the study shows that majority (54%) of the sample had average awareness, followed by 29% had poor awareness and remaining (17%) sample had good awareness regarding female foeticide. The finding of the study shows that majority (35%) of the sample had negative attitude followed by 28% had positive attitude, 20% had strongly negative attitude and remaining (17%) sample had strongly positive attitude regarding female foeticide. However, the majority of the demographic variables such as age of husband, education of husband, education of wife, monthly income of family, occupation of husband, occupation of wife and source of information of the samples indicates significant association with level of awareness and attitude regarding female foeticide except age of wife, religion, and type of family. CONCLUSION: It can be concluded that eligible couple have average awareness regarding & negative attitude regarding female foeticide as per current research recommendations. They require education and to enhance their awareness & attitude regarding female foeticide KEY WORDS: Awareness, Attitude, female foeticide, Eligible couple.

Mohammed Rizwan

INTRODUCTION: Byssinosis is one of the oldest occupational lung disease, which is incurable and is caused by inhalation of cotton dust. Byssinosis is preventable disease. Still this disease kills thousands of workers around the worlds every year. Various studies have should that the textile workers due not having awareness regarding byssinosis and its prevention. In this study, distribution of booklet among textile workers is an attempt to improve the knowledge regarding byssinosis and it/s prevention. AIM OF THE STUDY: Assess the awareness regarding byssinosis & its prevention among textile workers. METERIAL AND METHOD: A descriptive study was carried out to assess the awareness of 100 textile workers selected by purposive sampling, who were workers in different textile mill in Jodhpur Rajasthan were assessed by using a structured knowledge questionnaire and analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis. RESULT: The findings of the study reveals that to the level of awareness shows that majority (73%) of the sample had poor awareness followed by 19% had good awareness and remaining (8%) sample had average awareness regarding byssinosis and its prevention. However the majority of the demographic variables such as age, level of education, marital status, religion, monthly income, working experience, type of work, working hours per day and existing pulmonary disease were found significant association with the level of awareness regarding Byssinosis and its prevention except age of starting work and duration of smoking. CONCLUSION: It can be concluded that textile workers have poor awareness regarding byssinosis as per current research recommendations. They require education and to enhance their awareness regarding byssinosis. Self-information booklets were distributed to them to improve the awareness regarding byssinosis and its prevention. KEY WORDS: Awareness, Textile workers, Byssinosis, Information booklet.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 143-152
Erna Risnawati ◽  
Fatma Nuraqmarina ◽  
Laila Meiliyandrie Indah Wardani

The purpose of this study is to examine the role of fathers involvement in parenting towards the development of self esteem in adolescents. This research used quantitative method with purposive sampling technique. The participants were 149 adolescents who live with the their fathers. This study used self esteem scale by Rosenberg and father involvement scale which was developed by researcher based on the theory of Goncy and Van Dullman. The data analysis result using regression test shows that the contribution of the role of the father involvement on adolescent's self esteem is 38%, while the other 62% was caused by other factors. This finding indicate that the greater role of father in parenting, the higher self esteem. This study hopefully can increase father’s awareness and brings new pattern of family parenting about their roles that not only in economic but also for the psychological effect, especially self esteem.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-3
Sumit Dhruve ◽  
Aditi Chandrakar ◽  
Omprakash Raj

BACKGROUND:The Integrated child Development services (ICDS) is India's response to the challenge of meeting the holistic need of the child. ICDS is one of the world's largest and most unique outreach programme for early childhood care and development. In case of children between the age group of 6 months to three years, supplementary food item is provided to carry home. And this is in the form of “READY TO EAT” food packet. OBJECTIVE: 1. To assess the utilization of Ready to Eat food packets by children 6month to 36 month under ICDS project. 2. To assess the knowledge regarding Ready to Eat food packets by children 6month to 36 month under ICDS project. MATERIAL AND METHOD: A community based cross sectional study conducted in 11 Anganwadis. 20 Children of 6 months to 3 years were picked from each Anganwadi by convenience sampling method thus total sample were 220each.Mx-Excel and SPSS 20 was used for data analysis. RESULT: Mean score of knowledge was 5.95. 156 (71 %) had good knowledge scores .80% of respondent knew about the different type of available food packets, its contents and advantages. Mean score of utilization was 16.77. The responses with regard to practice were average only (52%) of the participants although only 72% consumed entire food packet .67% have noticed improvement of health 61% respondents wanted to continue food as it was good for health, 18% as it is free of cost, 14% as food tastes good, 7% as it is timely available. CONCLUSION: According to the study we concluded that knowledge of the Ready to Eat food packet under ICDS were adequate but utilization of the Ready to Eat food packet is just satisfactory in urban aanganwadis

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-26
Khairani Nasution

This research aims to know how the relation of primary School 050772 Pangkalan Susu. The sample of this research 30 student where 21% taken  of 141 students. This research uses data collection tool in the form of Likert scale. Questioner is compiled based on variabel and tested to  respondent that is not research sample. Data analysis process is conducted by using quantitative approach through three steps, they are: 1. Describing research variabel data. 2. Testing requirements analysis. 3. Testing hypotesis to reveal the relation the relation beetween research variables using correlation analysis technique. Based on data analysis result and testing process, then the conclusion is (1) the school culture has positive relation with student’s character of primary school 050772 Pangkalan Susu. This case is proved that the correlation r (0,504) > r table (0,3061) while the significance is 0,004 < 0,05; (2) the teacher’s example has positive relation with student’s character of primary School 050772 Pangkalan Susu where correlation coeficient r (0,603) > r table (0,3061) with significncy 0,006, it is fewer than 0,05; (3) School Culture and teacher’s example has positive ration with student’s character of primary school 050772 Pangkalan Susu where correlation coefisiency r (0,662) > r table (0,3061), testing result F shows that F count (10,506) > F table (3,35) while significancy < 0,05 that is 0,000. Based on the research above, it can be stated that student’s character can be formed through school culture and teacher ’s example.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 369-382
Indri Maulidya Kanthi Yuniar ◽  
Nita Widiati

Abstract: In a few years, the world of cinema could not be separated from literary works. There are many literary works, one of them is a novel that was used as inspiration to produce a movie. Novels that have high popularity and selling power are able to attract producers to adapt novels into movie form. This research focus is to describe the ecranization of the novel into Cinta Laki-Laki Biasa movie, which includes (1) plot ecranization, (2) figure ecranization, and (3) setting ecranization. The approach used in this research is a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. The main instrument in this research is the researcher herself. The data sources of this research are the Cinta Laki-Laki Biasa novel by Asma Nadia and the Cinta Laki-Laki Biasa movie by Guntur Soehardjanto. The data collecting techniques are reading, watching, and recording the data contained in the novels and movies of Cinta Laki-Laki Biasa. The data analysis result of this research shows there is a novel ecranization process to the Cinta Laki-Laki Biasa movie, which includes adding, shrinking, and changing various. This is deliberately done to fit the needs of the movie. There are 3  plot shrinkage changes, 22 plot additions, and 8 plot varied changes. Then, there are 3 figures shrinkage changed, 11 figures added, and 2 figure varied changes. In addition to plot and figure, there are 2 setting shrinkage changes, 10 setting additions, and one setting varied changes Keywords: ecranization, novel, movie Abstrak: Dalam beberapa tahun, dunia perfilman tidak lepas dari karya sastra. Banyak karya sastra, salah satunya novel dijadikan inspirasi untuk memproduksi sebuah film. Novel-novel yang mempunyai popularitas serta tingkat penjualan tinggi yang mampu menjadi daya tarik para produser untuk mengadaptasi novel ke dalam bentuk film. Fokus penelitian ini adalah melakukan pendeskripsian ekranisasi novel ke dalam film Cinta Laki-Laki Biasa, yang meliputi (1) ekranisasi alur, (2) ekranisasi tokoh, dan (3) ekranisasi latar. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Instrumen utama dalam penelitian ini adalah peneliti sendiri. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah novel Cinta Laki-Laki Biasa karya Asma Nadia dan film Cinta Laki-Laki Biasa karya Guntur Soehardjanto. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah membaca, menonton, dan mencatat data-data yang terdapat pada novel dan film Cinta Laki-Laki Biasa. Hasil analisis data penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya proses ekranisasi novel ke film Cinta Laki-Laki Biasa yang mencakup penambahan, penciutan, dan perubahan bervariasi. Hal tersebut sengaja dilakukan untuk menyesuaikan kebutuhan dalam film. Terdapat 11 penciutan alur, 22 penambahan alur, dan 8 perubahan bervariasi. Selanjutnya, terdapat 3 penciutan tokoh, 11 penambahan tokoh, dan 2 perubahan bervariasi tokoh. Selain alur dan tokoh, terdapat 2 penciutan latar, 10 penambahan latar, dan 1 perubahan bervariasi. Kata kunci: ekranisasi, novel, film

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