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skill level
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2022 ◽  
Vol 30 (7) ◽  
pp. 0-0

To solve the dilemma between the increasing demand for cross-border e-commerce talents and incompatible students’ skill level, Industry-University-Research cooperation, as an essential pillar for inter-disciplinary talent cultivation model adopted by colleges and universities, brings out the synergy from relevant parties and builds the bridge between the knowledge and practice. Nevertheless, industry-university-research cooperation developed lately in the cross-border e-commerce field with several problems such as unstable collaboration relationships and vague training plans.

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 269-278
Rika Harman ◽  
Tukino Tukino ◽  
Amrizal Amrizal ◽  
Sasa Ani Arnomo

The material provided in this training is divided into 3 groups, namely Microsoft Word 2010, Microsoft PowerPoint 2013, and Microsoft Paint groups. The briefing material given to the Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 group was the introduction of spreadsheets, starting from worksheets, to the use of functions and formulas to solve problems. Activities are carried out based on the division of the ability/skill level of each teacher. Teachers who have been proficient are grouped separately from teachers who are still new to computers so that coaching is more intensive. Teachers who are still laymen are guided and accompanied by instructors starting from the procedure for turning on the computer, opening files, saving files, using the mouse, basic typing, introduction to computer parts to the procedure for turning off the computer. The introduction to the spread sheet material begins with explaining worksheets, menu functions, and how to create borders, introducing cell alignment, and introducing Microsoft Excel formulas and functions to solve a particular problem/case. So far we have known more or less about Microsoft Office, including Microsoft Office XP, Microsoft Office 2003, Microsoft Office 2007, and the latest we know is Microsoft Office 2010.

2022 ◽  
pp. 357-376

The goal of this chapter is to discuss and analyze strategies related to private computer users and digital homes. The chapter begins with an analysis of ICT users based on (1) age and (2) skill level in using digital technologies. Based on these two factors, four categories of users are identified: (1) young uninformed, (2) old uninformed, (3) old informed, and (4) young informed. The chapter analyzes each category in detail and discusses digital strategies for each group. Next, the chapter examines strategies that can be used to digitize houses, such as the use of temperature monitoring and light controls. The chapter concludes with an analysis of smart home trends.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (02) ◽  
pp. 105-114
Yogi Ferdy Irawan ◽  
Indra Prayoto

This research aims to find out: 1) Futsal playing skills of futsal extracurricular participants; 2) Basic techniques of playing futsal extracurricular participants. The sample in this study was an extracurricular futsal participant at Muhammadiyah Vocational School of Sadang which numbered 20 participants. This research design is a quantitative descriptive study with one variable without making comparisons and connecting with other variables. This study uses the FIK Jogja Futsal Skills Test instrument. The data analysis technique used is percentage, aims to collect data, present data and determine value, in addition to conclusions that can be made with reference to the standard of basic futsal skill level that has been determined. The results of the study can be concluded that the level of futsal playing skills of futsal athletes is sufficient with the consideration of the most frequency in the category enough with an average number of 76.61 at intervals 70-82, namely middle value. The results of this study have implications: 1. The emergence of coach awareness in improving the quality of exercises carried out, especially exercises related to the ability to play futsal. 2. Encouraged coach to improve basic technical skills of playing futsal such as passing, dribble and shooting in students, as well as as an effort to achieve maximum results. This research can contribute information about the skill level of futsal athletes, so that it can be used as a consideration in compiling a training program or further research aimed at improving the futsal skills of futsal athletes.Keywords: Basic Skills, Futsal, Extracurricular, Student High School

V. A. Sizov ◽  
A. D. Kirov

The article is devoted to the problem of developing an analytical data processing system for monitoring information security within the information security management system of modern companies conducting their main activities in cyberspace and using cloud infrastructure. Based on the analysis of modern information technologies related to ensuring information security of cloud infrastructure and the most popular products for ensuring information security of cloud infrastructures, as well as existing scientific approaches, a formalized approach to the synthesis of an analytical data processing system for monitoring the information security of an informatization object using cloud infrastructure is proposed. This approach takes into account the usefulness of the used information technologies from the viewpoint of information security. A general model of the structure of information support of an analytical data processing system for monitoring information security, as well as a model of the dependence of the usefulness of information technology on time and the ratio of the skill level of an information security specialist and an attacker are presented. The quality of the information security monitoring system is used as a criterion in the first optimization model. The following limitations are suggested: limitation on the time of making a decision on an incident; limitation on the degree of quality of analysis of information security events by the analytical data processing system and limitation on the compatibility of data analysis functions with data types about information security events. The cited results of the study of the second model show a logically consistent dependence of the usefulness of information technology on time and the ratio of the skill level of an information security specialist to the skill level of an attacker. The particular models of the structure of the information support of ASOD are presented. They make it possible to determine the rational structure information support of ASOD according to particular criteria. The following particular criteria are used: the maximin criterion of the usefulness of the information support of ASOD for monitoring the information security of an informatization object in the cloud infrastructure; the criterion for the maximum relevance of information support distributed over the nodes of the cloud infrastructure for systems with a low degree of centralization of management.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 80-92
Norhisham Muhamad ◽  
Muhammad Zulazizi Mohd Nawi ◽  
Norhasniza Daud

This study was conducted to identify the teacher skill level and attitude towards the use of multimedia in the teaching and learning of the Holy Koran for Autism students. This study was conducted using a set of questionnaires that were completed by 40 teachers who teach in the Integrated Special Education Program (PPKI) class selected by random. These quantitative data from the questionnaire were analyzed descriptively through SPSS software, version 22 to obtain the frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. Pearson correlation analysis was used to determine the relationship between skill level and teacher attitude towards using multimedia in the teaching and learning of the Holy Koran for Autism students. The results of the analysis of the study found that the teacher skill level (M=3.63, SD.=0.82) and teacher attitude (M=3.80, SD.=0.71) were at a moderate and high level. Meanwhile, this study also shows that there is a significant relationship between skill level and teacher attitude. Indeed, the teacher skill level and attitude towards using multimedia in teaching is positive but has weaknesses in terms of the application of multimedia items. Thus, while conducting the teaching process, a teacher must take into account the skill level to be applied and the readiness of the teacher attitude to build a multimedia-based teaching process to be more effective. AbstrakKajian ini dijalankan bagi mengenal pasti tahap kemahiran dan sikap guru terhadap penggunaan multimedia dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran al-Quran untuk murid Autisme. Kajian ini dilakukan menggunakan set soal selidik yang telah dilengkapkan oleh 40 orang guru yang mengajar di kelas Program Pendidikan Khas Integrasi (PPKI) yang dipilih secara rawak. Data kuantitatif daripada soal selidik ini dianalisis secara deskriptif menggunakan SPSS versi 22 bagi mendapatkan kekerapan (frekuensi), peratusan, min dan sisihan piawai. Analisis korelasi Pearson digunakan untuk menentukan hubungan antara tahap kemahiran dengan sikap guru menggunakan multimedia dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran al-Quran murid Autisme. Hasil analisis kajian mendapati, tahap kemahiran guru (M=3.63, SP.=0.82) dan sikap guru (M=3.80, SP.=0.71) berada pada aras sederhana tinggi. Sementara itu, kajian ini juga menunjukkan wujud hubungan yang signifikan antara tahap kemahiran dengan sikap guru. Sememangnya tahap kemahiran dan sikap guru ke arah menggunakan multimedia dalam pengajaran adalah positif tetapi mempunyai kelemahan dari aspek pengaplikasian item-item multimedia. Justeru, semasa menjalankan proses pengajaran, seseorang guru mesti mengambil kira mengenai tahap kemahiran untuk diaplikasikan dan kebersediaan sikap guru untuk membina proses pengajaran berasaskan multimedia agar menjadi lebih efektif.

2021 ◽  
pp. 0887302X2110551
Dina Smith

The purpose of this qualitative case study research was to explore how elements of and barriers to authenticity impact the level of authenticity achieved in Regency reenactors’ gowns. Interviews with ten female Regency reenactors and participant observation were conducted. Participants displayed categorical differences in their commitment to historical knowledge and willingness (interpretive attitude) and ability (skill) to replicate primary historical sources. Overall, the results confirmed that reenactors negotiate their desire for authenticity with personal needs and limitations when creating reenactment dress but contradicted the idea that authenticity is a function of developing historical knowledge. Reenactors’ interpretive attitude, which was often influenced by skill level, was more influential than historical knowledge in pursuing and achieving authenticity. This research resulted in the revision and integration of The Historic Styles of Dress Design Considerations Model into the Authenticity Continuum, creating the Updated Authenticity Continuum, which may be used in future research reenactment and related topics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (10) ◽  
pp. 784-789
Brigita Cecilia Armanda ◽  
Sapto Adi ◽  
Prisca Widiawati

Abstract: The research aim to develop a basic technique model of lob punches that combined a badminton smash in the from of video that uses android application media. The method of this research is using Research and Development. The subject of this research is badminton athlete PB IMARA. The athlete has age criteria between 8-12 years with the number 30 athlete. The based on needs analysis that a badminton athlete PB IMARA Kediri are still deficiency on the skill level of accuracy of lob punches with smash badminton, this is known when athletes perform training activities. lack of variation lob punches with a badminton smash. data analysis result of data analysis of the validation badminton expert the percentage of 86 percent very valid category, media expert the percentage of 90 percent very valid category, then of a small groups trials with subject 8 athlete the percentage of 88 percent very valid category, the result of a large group trials with subject 22 athlete the percentage of 91 percent very valid category. Concluded a based of table classification appropriateness that a product development classified very valid and feasible use. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan produk berupa model latihan teknik dasar pukulan lob yang dikombinasikan dengan pukulan smash bulutangkis berupa video menggunakan media aplikasi berbasis android. metode dari penelitian ini menggunakan Research and Development. Subjek yang diteliti adalah atlet bulutangkis PB IMARA Kota Kediri yang mempunyai kriteria usia 8-12 tahun dengan jumlah 30 atlet. Berdasarkan hasil analisis kebutuhan bahwa atlet di PB IMARA Kota Kediri masih kurang pada tingkat keterampilan akurasi pukulan lob dengan pukulan smash, hal tersebut diketahui ketika atlet melakukan kegiatan latihan. Kurang adanya variasi pukulan lob dengan pukulan smash bulutangkis. Hasil analisis data dengan validasi oleh ahli bulutangkis persentase sebesar 86 persen kategori sangat valid, ahli media persentase sebesar 90 persen kategori sangat valid, selanjutnya dari uji coba kelompok kecil oleh 8 atlet persentase sebesar 88 persen kategori sangat valid, uji coba kelompok besar oleh 22 atlet persentase sebesar 91 persen kategori sangat valid. Disimpulkan berdasarkan tabel klasifikasi kelayakan dari produk pengembangan yang dihasilkan, hingga memenuhi kriteria sangat valid dan layak digunakan.

James L Park

One method used by archers and coaches to optimise archery equipment is to measure the size of arrow groups on the target prior to and following an adjustment. The group sizes are then used to determine if an equipment change assisted or detracted from the archer’s performance. A model based on a Monte Carlo method and group size measurements from seven elite archers were used to test the validity of this process. The results showed that this method was neither an effective method nor useful process because the probability of false positives or false negatives was too great. A better approach to optimise archery equipment is to monitor the archer’s skill level or average score over an extended time following any change.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (10) ◽  
pp. 57-60
Fang Zhou ◽  
Jingjing Sun

In order to promote the reform of vocational education, the state has issued the National Vocational Education Reform Implementation Plan, in which the reform of “Teachers, Teaching Materials, and Teaching Methods” as well as the “1 + X” certificate have been the most prominent topics for discussion. Facing new opportunities for vocational education development, popularizing the blend of “1 + x” courses and certificates, strengthening the integration of production and education, as well as enhancing professional soft skills are urgent issues to solved. This article combines the “1+ X” certificate of civil engineering professional construction drawings and analyzes the necessity of promoting the “1 + X” professional skill level as well as the combination of certificate and curriculum construction in deepening the reform of “Teachers, Teaching Materials, and Teaching Methods.” Several suggestions have been put forward for the reform of “Teachers, Teaching Materials, and Teaching Methods,” which would be helpful for the practical exploration in the reform of “three teaching methods.”

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