<p>Even though space missions provide fundamental and unique knowledge for planetary exploration, they are always costly and extremely time-consuming. Due to the obvious technical and economical limitations for <em>in-situ</em> planetary exploration; laboratory simulations are one of the most feasible research options to make advances both in planetary science and in a consistent description of the origin of life.&#160; Planetary Atmosphere and Surfaces Chamber (PASC) are able to simulated atmosphere and surface temperature for the majority of the planetary objects and they are especially appropriate to study physico-chemical and biological changes induced in a particular sample due to in-situ irradiation in a controlled environment (1). Number of relevant applications in planetary exploration will be described in order to provide an understanding about the potential and flexibility of planetary simulation chambers systems: mainly, stability and presence of certain minerals on Mars surface; photochemistry process on molecules and microorganisms potential habitability under planetary environmental conditions would be studied. Furthermore, UV-photocatalytic process on mineral surfaces has shown species potential fixation (2-6). Therefore, simulation chambers assess several multidisciplinary and challenging planetary and astrobiological studies. Furthermore, will be a promising tools and necessary platform to design future planetary space mission and to validate in-situ measurements from orbital or rover observations.</p>
<p>1.- Mateo-Mart&#237;, E.; Prieto-Ballesteros, O.; Sobrado, J. M.; G&#243;mez-Elvira, J. and Mart&#237;n-Gago, J. A. 2006. &#8220;A chamber for studying planetary environments and its applications to astrobiology&#8221;. <strong><em>Measurement and Science Technology</em> </strong>17, 2274-2280.</p>
<p>2.- E. Mateo-Marti*, S. Galvez-Martinez, C. Gil-Lozano and Mar&#237;a-Paz Zorzano. &#8220;Pyrite-induced uv-photocatalytic abiotic nitrogen fixation: implications for early atmospheres and Life&#8221;.<strong> </strong><strong>Scientific reports</strong>&#160;&#160;9: 15311-1--9 (2019).</p>
<p>3.- E. J. Cueto D&#237;az, S. Galvez-Martinez, M&#170; C.Torquemada Vico, M. P. Valles Gonz&#225;lez and E. Mateo-Marti*. &#8221;2-D organization of silica nanoparticles on gold surfaces: CO<sub>2</sub> marker detection and storage&#8221;. <strong>RSC Advances</strong>,<strong> </strong>10, 31758 (2020).</p>
<p>4.- C. Gil&#8209;Lozano*, A. G. Fair&#233;n*, V.Mu&#241;oz&#8209;Iglesias, M. Fern&#225;ndez&#8209;Sampedro, O. Prieto&#8209;Ballesteros, L. Gago&#8209;Duport, E.Losa&#8209;Adams, D.Carrizo, Janice L. Bishop, T.Fornaro and E. Mateo-Marti<strong> </strong>&#8220;Constraining the preservation of organic compounds in Mars analog nontronites after exposure to acid and alkaline fluids&#8221;<strong> </strong><strong>Scientific reports,</strong>&#160; 20, 71657-9 (2020).</p>
<p>5.- Zorzano, M. P.; Mateo-Mart&#237;, E.; Prieto-Ballesteros, O.; Osuna, S. and Renno, N. 2009. &#8220;The stability of liquid saline water on present day Mars&#8221;.<em> <strong>Geophys. Res. Lett.</strong></em><strong>&#160;</strong> 36, L20201.</p>
<p>6.- Gomez, F., Mateo-Mart&#305;&#180;, E., Prieto-Ballesteros, O., Mart&#305;n-Gago, J.A., Amils, R., 2010. &#8220;Protection of chemolithoautotrophic bacteria exposed to simulated mars environmental conditions&#8221;. <strong>Icarus</strong> 209, 482&#8211;487.</p>