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female sterility
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2022 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 765
Matteo Ripamonti ◽  
Luca Cerone ◽  
Simona Abbà ◽  
Marika Rossi ◽  
Sara Ottati ◽  

Scaphoideus titanus (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) is the natural vector of Flavescence dorée phytoplasma, a quarantine pest of grapevine with severe impact on European viticulture. RNA interference (RNAi) machinery components are present in S. titanus transcriptome and injection of ATP synthase β dsRNAs into adults caused gene silencing, starting three days post injection (dpi) up to 20 dpi, leading to decrease cognate protein. Silencing of this gene in the closely related leafhopper Euscelidiusvariegatus previously showed female sterility and lack of mature eggs in ovaries. Here, alteration of developing egg morphology in S. titanus ovaries as well as overexpression of hexamerin transcript (amino acid storage protein) and cathepsin L protein (lysosome proteinase) were observed in dsATP-injected females. To evaluate RNAi-specificity, E.variegatus was used as dsRNA-receiving model-species. Different doses of two sets of dsRNA-constructs targeting distinct portions of ATP synthase β gene of both species induced silencing, lack of egg development, and female sterility in E. variegatus, indicating that off-target effects must be evaluated case by case. The effectiveness of RNAi in S. titanus provides a powerful tool for functional genomics of this non-model species and paves the way toward RNAi-based strategies to limit vector population, despite several technical and regulatory constraints that still need to be overcome to allow open field application.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (4) ◽  
pp. 463-476
OG Abraham ◽  
JO Faluyi ◽  
CC Nwokeocha

This study explored the underlining reproductive factors that cause sterility in rice, using hybrids obtained from crosses among landrace selections and improved varieties. The study was carried out between 2016 and 2018. Nine landrace cultivars and two improved varieties were involved in the hybridization experiment. Among the 17 putative hybrids that were obtained, only 5 were confirmed as true hybrids. Meiotic chromosome studies and pollen studies in the F1, and Mendelian segregation studies for fertility in the F2 were carried out. Some F2 lines were monitored to F3 to ascertain the level of fixation of gene combinations for fertility. The results obtained from the chromosomal studies showed that phenomena such as laggards, precocious movements, formation of multivalents, and unequal segregation to the poles are associated with pollen sterility in all - 5 hybrids, at the F1 and F2 generations. The indehiscence of anthers contributed to infertility due to pollen shortage than the fertility of the pollens themselves. Even though in males, there is a preponderance of male sterility, female sterility is also a phenomenon that is possibly contributing to inter-varietal sterility. The segregational pattern of 13:3 was observed for fertility in the F2 which suggests the inhibition of fertility by a gene in the dominant state. There was the restoration of fertility in many of the lines advanced to the F3 to up to 93 % fertility. It was, therefore, concluded from the study that landraces of rice still hold the key for the rice crop improvement and should therefore be conserved.

2021 ◽  
Neil Rosser ◽  
Nathaniel B. Edelman ◽  
Lucie M. Queste ◽  
Michaela Nelson ◽  
Fernando Seixas ◽  

2021 ◽  
Riccardo Moretti ◽  
Elena Lampazzi ◽  
Claudia Damiani ◽  
Giulia Fabbri ◽  
Giulia Lombardi ◽  

Abstract Background: Releasing considerable numbers of radiation-sterilized males is a promising strategy to suppress mosquito vectors. However, releases may also include small percentages of biting females which translate to large numbers when releases are large.Currently, the effects of irradiation on the host-seeking and host-biting behaviors have not been exhaustively investigated. Information is also lacking regarding the effects of sterilizing treatment on the endosymbiotic bacterium Wolbachia, which is known to affect the vector competence of infected mosquitos.Methods: To ascertain the effects of irradiation on females, the pupae of two Aedes albopictus strains, differing in their natural or artificial Wolbachia infection type, and Ae. aegypti—which is not infected by Wolbachia—were treated with various doses of X-rays and monitored for key fitness parameters and biting behavior over a period of two weeks. The effect of radiation on Wolbachia was investigated by qPCR and FISH analysis.Results: Partial Ae. albopictus female sterility was achieved at 28 Gy but the number of weekly bites more than doubled compared to that of the controls. Radiation doses of 35 and 45 Gy completely inhibited progeny production but did not significantly affect the survival or flight ability of Ae. albopictus females and caused a tripling of the number of bites per female per week (compared to untreated controls). These results were also confirmed in Ae. aegypti after treatment at 50 Gy. Wolbachia density decreased significantly in 45-Gray-irradiated females, with the greatest decreases in the early irradiation group (26±2-hour-old pupae). Wolbachia density also decreased as adults aged. This trend was confirmed in ovaries but not in extra-ovarian tissues. FISH analysis showed a strongly reduced Wolbachia-specific fluorescence in the ovaries of 13±1-day-old females.Conclusions: These results suggest that, under SIT programs, the vector capacity of a target population could increase with the frequency of the irradiated females co-released with the sterile males due to an increased biting rate. In the context of a successful suppression, the related safety issues could be generally negligible, but they should be conservatively evaluated when large scale programs relying on imperfect sexing and high overflooding release ratios are run for long time in areas endemic for arboviral diseases. Also, the effects of irradiation on the vector competence deserve further investigation.

Development ◽  
2021 ◽  
Seoyeon Jang ◽  
Jeon Lee ◽  
Jeremy Mathews ◽  
Holly Ruess ◽  
Anna O. Williford ◽  

Emerging evidence suggests that ribosome heterogeneity may have important functional consequences in the translation of specific mRNAs within different cell types and under various conditions. Ribosome heterogeneity comes in many forms including post-translational modification of ribosome proteins (RPs), absence of specific RPs, and inclusion of different RP paralogs. The Drosophila genome encodes two RpS5 paralogs, RpS5a and RpS5b. While RpS5a is ubiquitously expressed, RpS5b exhibits enriched expression in the reproductive system. Deletion of RpS5b results in female sterility marked by developmental arrest of egg chambers at stages 7-8, disruption of vitellogenesis, and posterior follicle cell (PFC) hyperplasia. While transgenic rescue experiments suggest functional redundancy between RpS5a and RpS5b, molecular, biochemical, and ribo-seq experiments indicate that RpS5b mutants display increased rRNA transcription and RP production, accompanied by increased protein synthesis. Loss of RpS5b results in microtubule-based defects and mislocalization of Delta and Mindbomb1, leading to failure of Notch pathway activation in PFCs. Together, our results indicate that germ cell specific expression of RpS5b promotes proper egg chamber development by ensuring the homeostasis of functional ribosomes.

Luciana Galetto ◽  
Matteo Ripamonti ◽  
Simona Abbà ◽  
Marika Rossi ◽  
Marcello Manfredi ◽  

2021 ◽  
Neil Rosser ◽  
Nathaniel B. Edelman ◽  
Lucie Queste ◽  
Michaela Nelson ◽  
Fernando A. Seixas ◽  

Hybrids between diverging populations are often sterile or inviable. Hybrid unfitness usually evolves first in the heterogametic sex -- a pattern known as Haldane's rule. The genetics of Haldane's Rule have been extensively studied in species where the male is the heterogametic (XX/XY) sex, but its basis in taxa where the female is heterogametic (ZW/ZZ), such as Lepidoptera and birds, is largely unknown. Here, we analyse a new case of female hybrid sterility between geographic subspecies of Heliconius pardalinus. The two subspecies mate freely in captivity, but female F1 hybrids in both directions of cross are sterile. Sterility is due to arrested development of oocytes after they become differentiated from nurse cells, but before yolk deposition. We backcrossed fertile male F1 hybrids to parental females, and mapped quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for female sterility. We also identified genes differentially expressed in the ovary, and as a function of oocyte development. The Z chromosome has a major effect, similar to the "large X effect" in Drosophila, with strong epistatic interactions between loci at either end of the Z chromosome, and between the Z chromosome and autosomal loci on chromosomes 8 and 20. Among loci differentially expressed between females with arrested vs. non-arrested ovary development, we identified six candidate genes known also from Drosophila melanogaster and Parage aegeria oogenesis. This study is the first to characterize hybrid sterility using genome mapping in the Lepidoptera. We demonstrate that sterility is produced by multiple complex epistastic interactions often involving the sex chromosome, as predicted by the dominance theory of Haldane's Rule.

Agnieszka Barbara Janas ◽  
Zbigniew Szeląg ◽  
Krystyna Musiał

AbstractWithin the agamic Pilosella complex, apomixis (asexual reproduction through seed) involves apospory, parthenogenesis, and autonomous endosperm development. Observations of reproductive biology in P. brzovecensis throughout four growing seasons in the garden have shown that both tetraploid and pentaploid plants of this species do not produce viable seeds and reproduce exclusively vegetatively by underground stolons. The reasons for the seed development failure were unknown, therefore our research focused on the analysis of reproductive events in the ovules of this taxon. We found that apospory was initiated in the ovules of both cytotypes. Multiple aposporous initial (AI) cells differentiated in close proximity to the megaspore mother cell (MMC) and suppressed megasporogenesis at the stage of early prophase I. However, none of the AI cells was able to further develop into a multi-nucleate aposporous embryo sac (AES) due to the inhibition of mitotic divisions. It was unusual that callose was accumulated in the walls of AI cells and its synthesis was most likely associated with a response to the dysfunction of these cells. Callose is regarded as the isolating factor and its surprising deposition in the ovules of P. brzovecensis may signal disruption of reproductive processes that cause premature termination of the aposporous development pathway and ultimately lead to ovule sterility. The results of our embryological analysis may be the basis for undertaking advanced molecular studies aimed at fully understanding of the causes of female sterility in P. brzovecensis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Ting Zhang ◽  
Ju-Li Jing ◽  
Lei Liu ◽  
Yan He

RAD17, a replication factor C (RFC)-like DNA damage sensor protein, is involved in DNA checkpoint control and required for both meiosis and mitosis in yeast and mammals. In plant, the meiotic function of RAD17 was only reported in rice so far. Here, we identified and characterized the RAD17 homolog in maize. The Zmrad17 mutants exhibited normal vegetative growth but male was partially sterile. In Zmrad17 pollen mother cells, non-homologous chromosome entanglement and chromosome fragmentation were frequently observed. Immunofluorescence analysis manifested that DSB formation occurred as normal and the loading pattern of RAD51 signals was similar to wild-type at the early stage of prophase I in the mutants. The localization of the axial element ASY1 was normal, while the assembly of the central element ZYP1 was severely disrupted in Zmrad17 meiocytes. Surprisingly, no obvious defect in female sterility was observed in Zmrad17 mutants. Taken together, our results suggest that ZmRAD17 is involved in DSB repair likely by promoting synaptonemal complex assembly in maize male meiosis. These phenomena highlight a high extent of divergence from its counterpart in rice, indicating that the RAD17 dysfunction can result in a drastic dissimilarity in meiotic outcome in different plant species.

2021 ◽  
Xia Xu ◽  
Yao‐Hui Wang ◽  
Zu‐Lian Liu ◽  
Yong‐Qiang Wang ◽  
Lin He ◽  

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