In this paper, we study the problem for a nonlinear elliptic system involving fractional Laplacion: (equation 1.1) where 0 < α, β < 2, p, q > 0 and max{p, q} ≥ 1, α + γ > 0, β + τ > 0, n ≥ 2. First of all, while in the subcritical case, i.e. n + α + γ − p(n − α) − (q + 1)(n − β) > 0, n + β + τ − (p + 1)(n − α) − q(n − β) > 0, we prove the nonexistence of positive solution for the above system in R n . Moreover, though Doubling Lemma to obtain the singularity estimates of the positive solution on bounded domain Ω. In addition, while in the critical case, i.e. n+α+γ −p(n−α)−(q + 1)(n−β) = 0, n+β +τ −(p+ 1)(n−α)−q(n−β) = 0, we show that the positive solution of above system are radical symmetric and decreasing about some point by using the method of Moving planes in Rn Mathematics Subject Classification (2020): 35R11, 35A10, 35B06.