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cytochrome b
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2023 ◽  
Vol 83 ◽  
B. M. Khan ◽  
M. Sabir ◽  
M. N. Alyemeni ◽  
P. Kaushik ◽  
M. Saeed ◽  

Abstract This study aimed to identify the phylogenetic similarities among the muntjac (Muntiacus spp.). The phylogenetic similarities among seven major muntjac species were studied by comparing the nucleotide sequence of 16s rRNA and cytochrome b genome. Nucleotide sequences, retrieved from NCBI databases were aligned by using DNASTAR software. A phylogenetic tree was created for the selected species of muntjac by using the maximum likelihood method on MEGA7 software. The results of nucleotide sequences (16s rRNA) showed phylogenetic similarities between, the M. truongsonensis and M. rooseveltorum had the highest (99.2%) while the lowest similarities (96.8%) found between M. crinifrons and M. putaoensi. While the results of nucleotide sequences (Cty b) showed the highest similarity (100%) between M. muntjak and M. truongsonensis and the lowest s (91.5%) among M. putaoensis and M. crinifrons. The phylogenetic tree of muntjac species (16s rRNA gene) shows the main two clusters, the one including M. putaoensis, M. truongsonensis, M. rooseveltorum, and M. muntjak, and the second one including M. crinifrons and M. vuquangensis. The M. reevesi exists separately in the phylogenetic tree. The phylogenetic tree of muntjac species using cytochrome b genes shows that the M. muntjak and M. truongsonensis are clustered in the same group.

Kelath Murali Manoj ◽  
Daniel Andrew Gideon ◽  
Laurent Jaeken

2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 84
Nik Azwarina R Azmi ◽  
Lyena Watty Zuraine Ahmad ◽  
Roziah Kambol ◽  
Sharifah Aminah Syed Mohamad ◽  
Farizan Aris ◽  

One of the top species in the aquaculture sector, known as striped catfish or Pangasianodon hypophthalmus, is an important and valuable freshwater fish in many countries. Due to the high demand for this species, their number has declined to "threatened" levels.  Hence, the purpose of this study is to analyse the genetic variation of wild and cultured striped catfish collected from five producers in Asian countries; Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, India, and Philippines, by using mitochondrial DNA partial region data sequence; CO1 and cytochrome b gene. Population analyses using 395 base pairs length for CO1 and 275 base pairs length of cytochrome b partial region nucleotide sequence have shown no significance difference between wild and cultured striped catfish. Vietnam species had shown a wide range of genetic distance of the intrapopulation compared with other countries in the range of 0.000-0.040 for CO1 gene and 0.003-0.008 for cytochrome b gene. The Neighbour-joining method has also been used to construct phylogenetic trees using CO1 gene; the tree formed few subclades with mixed populations, and the tree using cytochrome b showed only Vietnam species divided into a few sub-populations. For the other four countries, Thailand, Indonesia, India, and Philippines were in the same group. Hence, this study's findings may provide a reference for inter and intra-relationships of P. hypophthalmus that may help in the aquaculture activity of this striped catfish.

2022 ◽  
Vol 43 (1) ◽  
pp. 105-114
E.M. Abdussamad ◽  
A. Gopalakrishnan ◽  
K.G. Mini ◽  
S. Sukumaran ◽  

Aim: The study was carried out to ascertain whether morphotype of Scomberoides commersonnianus (Talang queenfish) existing along the Indian coast is a new species or not. Methodology: Talang queenfish and the morphotype were tested for their uniqueness using systematic and molecular tools. The morphometric and meristic details including otolith morphometry were analysed and compared for taxonomic divergence and Cytochrome Oxidase I and Cytochrome b gene sequences for quantifying genetic divergences. Results: The systematic analysis indicated significant morphometric differences between both. The otolith morphometry and phylogeny also confirmed the divergence between them, and qualified the morphotype as an independent species status and named Scomberoides pelagicus sp. nov. Interpretation: The new species is distinct by deep ovate body, concave dorsal head profile, anal fin origin anterior to second dorsal fin and pelvic to pectoral fin, helical arrangement of body scale and stout and less numerous gill rakers on the first gill arch. The phylogeny as on Cytochrome b and Cytochrome Oxidase 1 sequences are very distinct, with 11.2% and 2.0% divergence respectively. Their known distributional range are peninsular region of Indian coast, Malaysian region of the South China Sea and Manila Bay, Philippines.

2022 ◽  
Vol 45 (1) ◽  
Aline Meira Bonfim Mantellatto ◽  
Susana González ◽  
José Maurício Barbanti Duarte

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (12) ◽  
pp. 2138
Hồ Nguyễn Quỳnh Chi ◽  
Trần Thị Minh ◽  
Ngô Thái Minh Quân ◽  
Lý Ngọc Cang ◽  
Hoàng Nguyễn Quang Huy ◽  

  Nghiên cứu nhằm đánh giá mối quan hệ di truyền của heo rừng tỉnh Đắk Nông dựa trên trình tự gene cytochrome b. Kết quả sắp xếp trình tự cho thấy tồn tại 26 điểm đa hình đơn nucleotide (SNP) giữa các haplotype ở heo rừng Đắk Nông với các haplotype khác từ châu Á và châu Âu. Vùng biến đổi mạnh xuất hiện từ vị trí 15029 đến 15045. Haplotype DKN3 và nhóm heo rừng bản địa Việt Nam biểu hiện một vị trí các SNP giống hệt nhau là TATG; trong khi các haplotype DKN1, DKN4-DKN7 và nhóm heo rừng lai Việt Nam cùng biểu hiện hai vị trí SNP CATA và CATG. Các haplotype DKN1, DKN4-DKN7 và nhóm heo rừng lai Việt Nam có mối quan hệ di truyền chặt chẽ với lợn rừng châu Á; trong khi haplotype DKN3 và heo rừng bản địa Việt Nam nằm trong nhánh tách rời của cây phát sinh loài. Kết quả này cho thấy có hai quần thể heo rừng ở Đắk Nông, dẫn đến kết luận rằng heo rừng bản địa Việt Nam và heo rừng lai Việt Nam có sự phân bố trải rộng khắp Tây Nguyên. 

2021 ◽  
Thejanee Perera ◽  
Franziska Schwarz ◽  
Therese Muzeniek ◽  
Sahan Siriwardana ◽  
Beate Becker-Ziaja ◽  

This is the first report on the molecular identification and phylogeny of Rousettus leschenaultii, Rhinolophus rouxii, Hipposideros speoris, Hipposideros lankadiva, Miniopterus fuliginosus bat species in Sri Lanka, inferred from mitochondrially encoded cytochrome b gene sequences. Wellawaya Wavulgalge cave in Sri Lanka is one of the largest sympatric colonies found on the island, occupied by five species of bats. Recent research has indicated that bats show enormous cryptic genetic diversity. Moreover, even in the same species, acoustic properties of echolocation calls and morphological features such as fur colour could vary in different populations. Therefore, we have used molecular techniques for the accurate identification of five bat species recorded in one of the largest cave populations in Sri Lanka. Bats were caught using a hand net and saliva samples were collected non-invasively from each bat using a sterile oral swab. Nucleic acids were extracted from oral swab samples and mitochondrial DNA was amplified using primers targeting the mitochondrially encoded cytochrome b gene. This study identified the bat species recorded in the Wellawaya cave as Rousettus leschenaultii , Rhinolophus rouxii , Hipposideros speoris , Hipposideros lankadiva and Miniopterus fuliginosus . Our findings will contribute to future conservation and systematic studies of bats in Sri Lanka. This study will also provide the basis for a genetic database of Sri Lankan bats .

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