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lithium chloride
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2022 ◽  
Ashkan Golshani ◽  
Sasi Kumar Jagadeesan ◽  
Mustafa Algafari ◽  
Maryam Hajikarimlou ◽  
Sarah Takallou ◽  

Abstract Lithium chloride (LiCl) is a widely used and extensively researched drug for the treatment of bipolar disorder (BD). As a result, LiCl has been the subject of research studying its toxicity, mode of action, and downstream cellular responses. LiCl has been shown to influence cell signalling and signalling transduction pathways through protein kinase C and glycogen synthase kinase-3 in mammalian cells. LiCl's significant downstream effects on the translational pathway necessitate further investigation. In yeast, LiCl is found to lower the activity and alter the expression of PGM2, a gene encoding a sugar-metabolism phosphoglucomutase. When phosphoglucomutase activity is reduced in the presence of galactose, intermediates of galactose metabolism aggregate, causing cell sensitivity to LiCl. In this study, we identified that deleting the genes PEX11 and RIM20 increases yeast LiCl sensitivity. We further show that PEX11 and RIM20 regulate the expression of PGM2 mRNA at the translation level. The observed alteration of translation seems to target the structured 5′-untranslated region (5′-UTR) of the PGM2 mRNA.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Huan Tian ◽  
Xinxing Yan ◽  
Fu Zhou ◽  
Chuan Xu ◽  
Chao Li ◽  

AbstractA feasibility study was carried out on generation of hydrochloric acid and lithium hydroxide from the simulated lithium chloride solution using EX3B model bipolar membrane electrodialysis (BMED). The influence of a series of process parameters, such as feed concentration, initial acid and base concentration in device component, feed solution volume, and current density were investigated. In addition, the maximum achievable concentrations of HCl and LiOH, the average current efficiency, and specific energy consumption were also studied and compared in this paper to the existing literature. Higher LiCl concentrations in the feed solution were found to be beneficial in increasing the final concentrations of HCl and LiOH, as well as improving current efficiency while decreasing specific energy consumption. However, when its concentration was less than 4 g/L, the membrane stack voltage curve of BMED increased rapidly, attributed to the higher solution resistance. Also low initial concentration of acid and base employed in device component can improve the current efficiency. Increasing of the initial concentration of acid and base solution lowered energy consumption. Moreover, a high current density could rapidly increase HCl and LiOH concentration and enhance water movements of BMED process, but reduced the current efficiency. The maximum achievable concentration of HCl and LiOH generated from 130 g/L LiCl solution were close to 3.24 mol/L and 3.57 mol/L, respectively. In summary, the present study confirmed the feasible application for the generation of HCl and LiOH from simulated lithium chloride solution with BMED.

Р.А. Черпаков ◽  
А.Н. Кузовлев ◽  
Д.Г. Макаревич ◽  
А.В. Лобанов ◽  
А.В. Ершов ◽  

Введение. В современном мире проблема инсультов постепенно выходит на лидирующие позиции. Отсутствие эффективных медикаментозных методов коррекции острого нарушения мозгового кровообращения приводит к необходимости поиска новых препаратов с нейропротекторным потенциалом, способных если не предотвратить, то значимо минимизировать последствия и тяжесть ишемического инсульта. Цель исследования - оценка влияния различных доз хлорида лития на фосфорилирование GSK-3β и выживаемость животных на модели ишемического инсульта. Методика. В исследовании были использованы беспородные крысы - самцы, разделённые на 5 групп: ложнооперированные (n=9), контрольная группа (ишемический инсульт с введением раствора NaCl 0,9% в объеме, эквивалентном вводимым лекарственным средствам в других группах, n=5), и группы с введением хлорида лития в дозах 4,2 мг/кг (n=5), 21 мг/кг (n=5) и 63 мг/кг (n=5). Ишемический инсульт моделировали по методу Лонга. По истечении 7 сут от начала эксперимента животные подвергались гуманной эвтаназии с извлечением головного мозга и дальнейшим определением уровня фосфорилированной формы GSK-3β (p-GSK-3β) методом вестерн-блоттинга. Нейропротекторный эффект солей лития реализуется благодаря прямому ингибированию ключевой киназы аптотического механизма клеточной сигнализации - гликоген-синтазы киназы-3β (GSK-3β) с переводом её в фосфорилированую форму (p-GSK-3β). На 7-е сут также был проведен анализ показателей летальности в группах. Для множественных сравнений рассчитывали критический уровень значимости при использовании поправки Бонферрони. Результат. Хлорид лития в дозе 4,2 мг/кг оказывал минимальное влияние как на уровень p-GSK-3β (p=0,8), так и на летальность по отношению к контрольной группе (p>0,017). Доза 21 мг/кг, в свою очередь, значимо повышала уровень p-GSK-3β (p=0,008), но не снижала летальность (p>0,017) по отношению к группе контроля. При использовании дозировки 63 мг/кг уровень p-GSK-3β был максимально приближен к группе ложнооперированных животных (p=0,007), а летальность на 7 сут была значимо ниже (p>0,017). Заключение. Хлорид лития обладает отчётливым дозозависимым нейропротекторным эффектом. Нейропротекторный эффект солей лития реализуется благодаря прямому ингибированию ключевой киназы аптотического механизма клеточной сигнализации - гликоген-синтазы киназы-3β (GSK-3β) с переводом её в фосфорилированую форму (p-GSK-3β) Реализация нейропротекторного эффекта данного препарата потенциально способна улучшить прогнозы течения ишемического инсульта. Background. Ischemic stroke is becoming a major medical concern worldwide. Reasons for this include the aging population, which experiences an increasing frequency of cardiovascular problems. Additionally, social factors, e.g., smoking, fatigue, substance abuse, lead to strokes in young and middle-aged people. The lack of effective medical methods for correcting acute cerebral circulatory disorders underscores the need for new drugs whose neuroprotective potential can prevent or significantly minimize the consequences and severity of ischemic stroke. Aim. To evaluate the effect of different doses of lithium chloride on GSK-3ß phosphorylation and on animal survival in a model of ischemic stroke. Methods. 29 male rats were divided into five groups: Sham-operated (n=9); control, ischemic stroke with administration of a volume of 0.9% NaCl solution equivalent to the volume of the administered drugs in other groups (n=5); and groups with administration of lithium chloride at doses of 4.2 mg/kg (n=5), 21 mg/kg (n=5), and 63 mg/kg (n=5). Ischemic stroke was produced by the Long method. After 7 days, the animals were subjected to humane euthanasia. The brain was excised, and the phosphorylated form of GSK-3β (p-GSK-3β) was measured by Western blotting. The neuroprotective effect of lithium salts occurs due to a direct inhibition of the key kinase of the apoptotic mechanism of cell signaling, glycogen-synthase kinase (GSK-3β), that is transformed into a phosphorylated form. Also, the group mortality rates were analyzed on day 7. For multiple comparisons, a critical level of significance was calculated using the Bonferroni correction. Results. Lithium chloride, 4.2 mg/kg, had a minimal effect on both p-GSK-3ß (p=0.8) and mortality compared to the control group (p>0.017). A dose of 21 mg/kg significantly increased p-GSK-3ß (p=0.008), but did not reduce mortality (p>0.017), relative to the control group. At a dose of 63 mg/kg, p-GSK-3ß was similar to that of the sham operated animals (p=0.007), and the mortality on day 7 was significantly lower (p>0.017). Conclusion. Lithium chloride produces a dose-dependent, neuroprotective effect. This protective effect occurs due to a direct inhibition of the key kinase of the apoptotic mechanism of cell signaling, glycogen-synthase kinase (GSK-3β), that is transformed into a phosphorylated form. This neuroprotection is potentially able to improve the prognosis of ischemic stroke.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (S9) ◽  
Rei Asano ◽  
Tadanori Hamano ◽  
Shu‐Hui Yen ◽  
Hirohito Sasaki ◽  
Tomohisa Yamaguchi ◽  

2021 ◽  
pp. 105352
Xingyun Liu ◽  
Jun Xu ◽  
Xinyu Chang ◽  
Lu Chen ◽  
Ruiting Shen ◽  

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