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pollen analysis
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2022 ◽  
Vol 962 (1) ◽  
pp. 012033
S A Reshetova

Abstract This article presents the results of the study of the bottom sediments of the meromictic Lake Doroninskoe. For the study, the method of spore-pollen analysis was used. The record showed that during the accumulation of 65 cm of the sediment layer in the Chita-Ingodinskaya depression, pine and larch predominated along the ridges, with steppe and meadow associations in the lower parts of the depression. According to regional correlations, the distribution of light-coniferous-taiga vegetation in Transbaikalia occurred as early as the Middle Holocene, and it did not undergo cardinal changes until modern times. According to these data, sediments may have accumulated during this time period.

2021 ◽  
Vol 61 (2) ◽  
pp. 195-217
Krystyna Milecka ◽  
Grzegorz Kowalewski ◽  
Agnieszka Lewandowska ◽  
Witold Szczuciński ◽  
Tomasz Goslar

Lobelia dortmanna L. (Lobeliaceae family) is an indicator species that is predominantly found in oligotrophic and acidic lakes. They are mainly distributed in northwestern Europe. Their occurrence in Poland is highly threatened by the increasing grade of human activity and environmental eutrophication; however, new sites of Lobelia were discovered in the last few decades, for example, in Lake Krzywce Wielkie situated in Bory Tucholskie National Park (BTNP), Poland. The existence of Lobelia in this lake was unexpected because Cladium mariscus was also found in the lake. Cladium has different ecological demands and is regarded as a species typical of calcareous habitats where calcium is found in abundance in the substrate. To explain the coexistence of both species in Krzywce Wielkie, pollen analysis of organic sediments was performed for four short cores collected from the littoral zone of the lake and for one long deep-water core. Additionally, macrofossil analysis was done for all the short cores. Pollen analysis revealed the existence of Cladium from the early Holocene period up to the present time. Pollen and seeds of Lobelia were found to be present since the beginning of the 20th century. Development of L. dortmanna and Myriophyllum alterniflorum populations and a decrease in the number of aquatic macrophytes in the eutrophic water indicate oligotrophication of water. This process started following the construction of drainage canal and the consequent water level decrease. This situation can be attributed to the abandonment of the agricultural areas adjoining the lake, which causes a decrease in the inflow of nutrients into the lake. Development of pine forest and establishment of BTNP enabled the protection and conservation of the surrounding catchment areas, thus restricting the potential eutrophication of the habitats.

Elif Ayşe YILDIRIM ◽  

Varvara O. Bakumenko ◽  
Ekaterina G. Ershova ◽  

In this work we present the results of spore and pollen analysis of forest soils from the Zvenigorod biological station of Moscow State University (Moscow Region, Russia). A comparative analysis of forest soils formed on the site of historical fields of the XVIII–XIX centuries and beyond showed that a specific complex of pollen and spores remains in the residual arable horizons, characteristic only of soils that have passed through the stages of plowing and fallow. It includes pollen from cultivated cereals and arable weeds (buckwheat, cornflower blue), spores of the mace-shaped plaunus (Lycopodium clavatum), as well as spores of the mosses Riccia glauca and Anthoceros spp. The latter are exclusive indicators of fallows, since they are practically not found in other habitats. The identified pollen indicators can be used in landscape and archaeological research to interpret the data of spore-pollen analysis of cultural layers, buried soils, gully-ravine sediments. They can also be used to define the boundaries of ancient fields under modern vegetation.

А. М. Скоробогатов ◽  
В. Д. Березуцкий ◽  
С. В. Васильев ◽  
Ф. Г. Курбанова ◽  
Т. А. Пузанова ◽  

Статья вводит в научный оборот материалы погребений эпохи энеолита, происходящие из кургана, расположенного на Среднем Дону (Воронежская область). Обнаруженный в кургане инвентарь (керамика с примесью раковины, подвески из зубов оленя, наконечники стрел и орудия из кремня, металлические пронизки) в совокупности с абсолютными датировками указывает на энеолитическую принадлежность публикуемого комплекса (втор. пол. V тыс. до н. э.). Спорово-пыльцевой анализ погребенной почвы под курганом свидетельствует о кратковременном похолодании и повышенной увлажненности в период сооружения кургана. The paper introduces into scientific discourse materials from Eneolithic burials in a kurgan located on the Middle Don (Voronezh region). Funerary offerings discovered in the kurgan (ceramics with crushed shells admixture, pendants made from deer teeth, arrowheads and flint tools, metal tubular beads) along with the absolute dates obtained demonstrate that this assemblage dates to the Eneolithic (second half of V mill. BC). The pollen analysis of the buried soil under the kurgan reveals short-term cooling and a high moisture level at the time when the kurgan was erected.

А. А. Малышев ◽  
А. Н. Бабенко ◽  
Е. А. Спиридонова

Несмотря на очевидный прогресс в наших представлениях о системе расселения восточной периферии азиатского Боспора, круг известных памятников совсем невелик, а об их хронологии можно судить только на основании подъемного материала. Комплексные исследования на городище Гечепсин позволили выявить два строительных горизонта, датируемых керамическими материалами в пределах II в. до н. э. - II в. н. э. и охарактеризовать особенности топографии (фортификацию, коммуникации и т. п.). Исследованная кладка сооружения фортификационной системы крепости была сооружена на культурном слое эпохи позднего эллинизма и просуществовала не более века. Выявленные на площадке городища постройки возведены, судя по всему, в античных традициях сырцово-каменной архитектуры. В конце I тыс. до н. э. - нач. I тыс. н. э. в районе городища, согласно спорово-пыльцевому анализу, были широко распространены степные злаково-разнотравные растительные сообщества. Присутствие пыльцы водных растений в верхней части профиля отражает, вероятнее всего, использование речной глины для возведения сырцовых конструкций. Despite obvious progress in developing our concepts on the settlement system in the eastern periphery of Asian Bosporus, the group of the known sites is not that large, while their chronology can be determined only with the use of surface finds. Comprehensive excavations at the Gechepsin fortified settlement made it possible to identify two construction horizons dated by ceramic finds to 2 century BC -2 century AD and characterize specifics of topography (fortification, communications, etc.). The examined masonry of the fortress fortification construction was built in the occupation layer of the Late Hellenic period and did not function more than half a century. Constructions identified at the fortified settlement were, most likely, built in Ancient Greek traditions of adobe-stone architecture. At the end of I mill. BC - early I mill. AD steppe gramineous-mixed grass plant associations were widespread in the area around the settlement as evidenced by pollen analysis. Presence of water plant pollen in the upper part of the profile, most likely, reflects use of river clay for building adobe constructions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 82 (3) ◽  
pp. 132-134
Stoyan Vergiev

The aim of the present study is to reconstruct the palaeoclimate variables in the Beloslav Lake Region (Northeastern Bulgaria) during the last 6000 years, based on the pollen analysis from lacustrine core Bel-1 and using modern analog technique (MAT). Pollen data was used for reconstructions of four parameters: average annual temperature, average temperature of the warm and cold half-year and average annual precipitation.

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