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character development
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2022 ◽  

The four problems that become the main study in this study. First, how to plan early child’s character development through habituation and exemplary in the Kindergarten of Al-Quran Matsaratul Huda Panempan Pamekasan. Second, how to organize the development of early child’s character through habituation and exemplary in the kindergarten of Al-Quran Matsaratul Huda Panempan Pamekasan. Third, how the implementation of early child’s character development through habituation and exemplary in the kindergarten of Al-Quran Matsaratul Huda Panempan Pamekasan. Fourth, how to evaluate the character development of the early child through habituation and examplary in the kindergarten of Al-Quran Matsaratul Huda Panempan Pamekasan. It is a qualitative descriptive study where the data collected through field observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that developing an early child’s character should be well managed. Instilling good habituation for the children and becoming an excellent example of the teachers proved successful in early child’s character development.

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-52
Mayolica Marsillam Toruan ◽  
Akrim Akrim ◽  
Indra Prasetia

This study aims to determine the implementation of National Curriculum 2013 and the International Baccalaureate curriculum and to compare student learning outcomes, especially in the field of Indonesian language studies at Sampoerna Academy Medan. The results shows that there are differences in learning outcomes in the field of Indonesian language studies using National Curriculum 2013 and the International Baccalaureate. The difference in the level of ability of students in the field of Indonesian language studies is indicated by the average learning outcomes of Indonesian language studies with National Curriculum 2013 which is lower than the International Baccalaureate curriculum. The findings of this study indicate that the use of both National Curriculum 2013and the International Baccalaureate has an impact on student learning outcomes at Sampoerna Academy Medan. This difference is due to differences in assessment standards, learning activities, communication both oral and written as well as the values ​​of cultural and character development of each curriculum applied in schools.   

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (6) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Sereth Sosiden ◽  
Pisuth Viraek

The goal of this study is to figure out the benefits of having extracurricular activities in schools so that they become a factor when people think about going to college. The type of research is qualitative with an ex post facto model, and it's done that way. The method used to get data in this study is called field research, and it includes things like observations, interviews, and documentation. The total number of people in this study was 153, and the total number of people in the sample was 21. This study found that extracurricular activities can help students develop a variety of character traits, including: In (b) the flag ceremony, students learned how to be disciplined, patriotic, and able to defend their country. The role of nationalism and the country as a whole. (c) When individuals do exercise, they become disciplined, orderly, keep their bodies healthy, and build relationships with other people. (d) Scouting: Activities that build a democratic, confident, obedient to social rules, spirit of cooperation, respect for diversity, independence, discipline, hard work, and responsibility are all part of Scouting. While the things that help and hurt extracurricular activities are (a) the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of the students, the cohesiveness of all parties, parental support, the teacher's role model, good communication between students and teachers, and enough time. (b) things that make it hard to do something Lack of teachers for extracurricular activities, different family backgrounds, and limited facilities and infrastructure make it hard to do extracurricular activities.

Vevy Liansari ◽  
Wahyu Taufiq ◽  
Dian Rahma Santoso

This study aims to describe the implementation of literacy culture programs of elementary school. This study used phenomenology of a qualitative approach. The subjects were the headmaster, teachers, students who were selected by using purposive sampling technique. The validity data test used triangulation techniques by comparing the results of observations, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that: 1) The policy for implementing a literacy culture at elementary school by using the School Literacy Movement program of the government. It is based on Permendikbud No. 23, 2015 focusing on character development. (2) The implementation of literacy culture of elementary school. It is based on the habituation stage that carried out 10 minutes of reading Al Qur’an and storybooks before lessons. The development stage of the activities carried out the respond to the contents of reading books by reading independently, giving appreciation for student literacy achievements, and having a school literacy team. The learning stage is by getting used to reading textbooks and using various strategies that support learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 217-230
Siti Munazilah ◽  
Agus Yulianto

The teaching material focuses on the theme of rain which is discussed through the I-SETS approach (Islamic, scientific, environmental, technological, and social). This study aimed to determine the characteristics, feasibility, and enchancement of student character after using teaching materials. This study uses the Research and Development (R D) method in the form of One Group Pretest-Post-test Design. Data collection techniques through interviews, observation, questionnaires, and test results. Data analysis techniques is quantitative descriptive. The characteristics of the teaching materials that had been developed were viewed from three aspects (content, presentation, and language). This characteristic is supported by validating the feasibility of teaching materials of 86.58% had very feasible criteria. Readability results reached a percentage of 53.20% in the appropriate category for students. The results of the application of teaching materials showed that there is no influence yet of teaching materials on the character development and integrated thinking skills which are based on the N-gain test acquisition of 0.169 from the results of the character questionnaire, 0.218 from the results of the character observastions, 0.085 from pretest-posttest mark. This is due to obstacles when learning online and limited number of encounters. 

2021 ◽  
Richard M. Lerner ◽  
Marc H. Bornstein ◽  
Pamela Jervis

Positive character involves a system of mutually beneficial relations between individual and context that coherently vary across ontogenetic time and enable individuals to engage the social world as moral agents. We present ideas about the development of positive character attributes using three constructs associated with relational developmental systems (RDS) metatheory: the specificity of mutually beneficial individual<-->context dynamics across time and place; holistic integration of dynamic processes of an individual with both context and all cognitive, affective, and behavioral processes; and integration of the character-system with other facets of the self-system. These features of RDS-based ideas coalesce on the embodiment of positive character development. We discuss the need for more robust interrogation of embodied features of the character development system by suggesting that coaction of morphological/physiological processes with cultural processes become part of a program of the integrated individual<-->contextual processes involved in the description, explanation, and optimization of positive character attribute development. We discuss moments of programmatic research that should be involved in this interrogation and point to the potential contribution of theory-predicated research about the embodied development of positive character attributes of to enhancing the presence of moral agency and social justice in the world.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 203-210
Nuah P. Tariga

Jambur is a public meeting building in the Karo Batak tribe, or just called Karo, which has a robust kinship system and can see it from the architecture of the traditional building. Even in realizing the building by using the community's approach, it becomes an empowering process for all procedures. We see that deliberation for consensus is not something impossible which is not just lip service. The principles of genuine and open democracy took place, but that only happened in the past, maybe. Because it turns out that we build no longer with the heart and character but with an approach that is often consumptive and hedonistic, this has become a very extreme and blind problem. We see it in terms of personal character development and Karo community both in Jakarta, Medan, including cities in Tanah Karo such as Kaban-Jahe and Berastagi, and others. Is there any concern or equity for vulnerable or marginalized communities in the design and planning process? Let us build it together. Nothing is impossible. Can the regional action plan be developed regarding the accessibility of physical buildings such as jambur or public meeting buildings? Can it be implemented? Furthermore, is it compatible with the National Action Plan for Persons with Disabilities? So that everything can be well coordinated.   

2021 ◽  
Lene Aiono

<p>The New Zealand Film Commission (NZFC) is the government organisation that finances films. The NZFC agrees with many screenwriting authors that the most common problems with scripts relate to character development (Batty, 2011, p. 45; Frayne, 2019; Nelmes, 2010, p. 202; NZFC Scriptwriting, 2020). Therefore, a screenwriter needs resources to overcome character development problems in their scripts. However, there are too many screenwriting manuals in publication. Also, an inexperienced amateur screenwriter may not know which manuals would solve their particular character development problems. In this annotated bibliography, the screenwriter is the author responsible for developing the script. Furthermore, the script serves as a guideline to producing media content: feature film, short film, videogames, radio-play, television (Field, 2005, p. 19; Gallo, 2012a, Chapter 2; Nannicelli, 2013, pp. 11–18). On account of this, this annotated bibliography will focus mainly on screenwriting manuals dealing with feature film scripts. Feature film scripts are 90 minutes or longer in duration (Field, 2005, p. 22). Additionally, since a script encompasses story and character elements, this annotated bibliography will focus only on character development.</p>

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