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personal identity
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2022 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Damiano Ranzenigo

Abstract Aim of this paper is to support the view that all human practical identities are contingent by arguing against the view that there is at least one necessary practical identity shared by all human beings, namely Humanity. The view that Humanity is a necessary practical identity is explicitly defended by Christine M. Korsgaard (Korsgaard, C. M. 1996. The Sources of Normativity, edited by O. O’Neill. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; Korsgaard, C. M. 2009. Self-Constitution: Agency, Identity, and Integrity. New York: Oxford University Press) and indirectly by Marya Schechtman (Schechtman, M. 2014. Staying Alive: Personal Identity, Practical Concerns, and the Unity of a Life. New York: Oxford University Press). Korsgaard understands Humanity both in terms of pure self-legislation, and as deep sociality. In the first case, Humanity as self-legislation faces what I call ‘Existential dilemma’: either Humanity has specific content, typical of contingent practical identities, but stops being necessary for all human beings; or Humanity is emptied of its content and is conceived of as necessary self-legislation, but stops being a practical identity. In the second case, i.e., Humanity as deep sociality, Korsgaard confuses the necessary natural fact that human beings are social creatures, with contingent contexts of human socialization, which are the true sources of specifically human practical identities. I articulate this confusion in the guise of what I call ‘Nature/Nurture dilemma’, which also applies to the morally neutral account of human personhood advocated by Schechtman (Schechtman, M. 2014. Staying Alive: Personal Identity, Practical Concerns, and the Unity of a Life. Oxford University Press). In conclusion, I address the worry that without the necessary practical identity of Humanity we might not be able to extend our practical and moral concerns to distant fellow human beings by sketching an alternative path to extend such concerns.

Siharta Leman Anwar Nababan ◽  
Warto Warto ◽  
Triana Rejekiningsih

<p><em>This study aims to formulate indicators and characteristics of an effective leader and are desired by a multicultural society. This research is important to answer various problems or conflicts that occur in Indonesian society, especially social conflicts related to religion. Based on the existing literature, it is explained that the factors associated with effective multicultural leadership to deal with social conflict are personal identity, individual competence and individual experiences related to diversity. The method used in this article is through normative research or through literature searches such as books, journals, papers and other sources that are considered to be similar or relevant. The results of the research in this article indicate that factors related to multicultural leadership expected by society are one's innate nature, values that support diversity that are instilled early in a person and environmental factors that can provide experiences to increase cultural intelligence. In the indicators there are innate traits that are important to have, such as: patient, courageous, assertive and innovative.</em></p>

Muhammad Imran ◽  
Iqra Akhtar

Employee innovative behaviour is crucial for any firm success in terms of generation, promotion, and realization of new ideas, which can increase the organisational performance to organizational positive performance. The main purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between supervisor feedback, customer employee exchange, creative personal identity, and innovative behaviour with the mediating role of interpersonal trust. The three hundred and seventy (370) responses have been collected from employees of Punjab emergency service (Rescue 1122) through questionnaires. The partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) has been employed to draw the results. The final results have shown a positive and significant relationship between supervisor feedback, customer employee exchange, creative personal identity and innovative behaviour of employees, while interpersonal trust was found to play an intermediary role between customer employee exchange, creative personal identity, and innovative behaviour.

2022 ◽  
pp. 169-186
Nataliia Svitlychna ◽  
Natalia Afanasieva ◽  
Iryna Ostopolets ◽  
Olha Zastavna

The chapter is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of social and personal identity of the participants in the armed conflict in Ukraine, in particular the formation of the personality's detachment. The level of social detachment of the veterans, the participants of the armed conflict in Ukraine, is investigated, their attitude to significant aspects of life is determined, the degree of intensity of adaptation processes is revealed, the peculiarities of the adaptation period of a personality are analyzed. The study involved three groups of subjects: Group 1 includes volunteers that are citizens of Ukraine who voluntarily joined. Group 2 includes mobilized persons – the citizens who were obliged to appear on call to the military commissariats. Group 3 are professional servicemen. The study showed that all three groups of the participants require social and psychological rehabilitation, which makes it especially urgent to develop ways and means of providing psychological assistance to this category of people in order to prevent and restore their psychological health.

2022 ◽  
Robert W. Firestone ◽  
Tamsen Firestone ◽  
Joyce Catlett

Bella Shania Ardilla ◽  
Santi Delliana

<strong>Abstrak</strong><p>Pesan kesehatan kini bisa ditemukan di berbagai media, termasuk media sosial. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui alasan dan tingkat kepuasan yang dicapai oleh pengguna media (followers) ibu hamil @Temanbumil. 10 konten IGTV @Temanbumil yang memiliki viewer, like dan komen atau respon yang cukup banyak dari para followers @Temanbumil. Beberapa IGTV @Temanbumil tersebut memiliki 30.000–70.000 Viewers, 1.000–3.200 likes, beberapa komentar positif dan respon dari para followers @Temanbumil (pada tanggal 4/4/2020). Penelitian ini menggunakan teori <em>uses and gratification</em>. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif, metode survey eksplanatif. Teknik sampling yang digunakan yaitu <em>purposive sampling</em>. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa motif di balik pengguna media IGTV @Temanbumil adalah kepuasan informasi dan bahwa pengguna media ibu hamil mendapat tingkat kepuasan tertinggi. IGTV @Temanbumil bisa memuaskan pengguna media ibu hamil. Informasi, identitas pribadi, integrasi sosial dan keterlibatan, dan hiburan adalah empat kategori. Kemudian untuk motif penelitian yaitu pengetahuan 3,55, identitas pribadi 3,31, kenikmatan 3,18, dan motif integrasi dan interaksi sosial 2,98 diperoleh hasil urutan. Motivasi informasi merupakan variabel yang paling kuat dan bernilai paling tinggi dalam variabel motif. Dalam situasi ini, informasi mendesak ibu hamil untuk mengikuti akun Instagram yang berfokus pada kehamilan IGTV @Temanbumil. Kesimpulannya bahwa motif dan kepuasan pengguna media berhubungan dengan IGTV @Temanbumil yang membahas tentang kesehatan kehamilan kategori tinggi.</p><p><em><br /></em></p><p><em><em><strong>Abstract</strong><br /></em></em></p><p><em><em>Health messages can now be found in various media, including social media. This study aimed to find out the reasons and the level of satisfaction achieved by media users (followers) pregnant women @Temanbumil. Ten @Temanbumil IGTV content with many views, likes, comments, or responses from @Temanbumil followers. Some of @Temanbumil's IGTVs have 30,000–70,000 Viewers, 1,000–3,200 likes, some positive comments and responses from @Temanbumil followers (on 4/4/2020). This study uses the uses and gratification theory. The paradigm used is positivistic with a quantitative approach. The method used is the explanatory exploratory survey method with the purposive sampling technique. The results showed that the motive behind @Temanbumil's IGTV media users was information satisfaction and that pregnant women media users got the highest level of satisfaction. Therefore, IGTV @Temanbumil can satisfy media users for pregnant women. Information, personal identity, social integration and engagement, and entertainment are the four categories. Then, the results obtained are sequences for the research motives, namely knowledge 3.55, personal identity 3.31, enjoyment 3.18, and the motive for integration and social interaction 2.98. Information motivation is the most potent variable and has the highest value in the motive variable. In this situation, information urges pregnant women to follow the Instagram account that focuses on pregnancy IGTV @Temanbumil. The conclusion is that the motives and satisfaction of media users are related to IGTV @Temanbumil, which discusses the high category of pregnancy health</em></em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 329-355
Mahr Abdulsalam Khalil ◽  
Hassan Hussein Sediq ◽  
Yusef Abdulrahman Muhammad

Genetic engineering represents the essence of modern scientific developments, rather, it is an essential branch in the contemporary biological revolution, which has become the subject of astonishment and hopes for human life. It plays an effective and influential role in all fields of life, such as science, agriculture, medicine, the environment, animals, and in the field of security and space as well, Therefore, the judiciary tried to benefit from it, And makes it within his service, especially in the field of judicial investigations, establishing lineage and revealing criminal files such as sexual rape, murder and kidnapping, which is done through the use of DNA analyses of human cells known as DNA tests of genetic material as a judicial presumption in order to use it in establishing clear legal, social and legal cases, this is due to the rare and explicit scientific characteristic possessed by the genetic structure of the DNA that is present on chromosomes, the genetic material of all cells of the human body, and it performs the function of inferring a single identity, the personal confidentiality of each individual, which is transmitted through heredity naturally and automatically from both parents for children and grandchildren, it expresses and represents, on its part, the biological characteristics and personal identity of each individual.

Bajo Palabra ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 21-45
Alfonso Muñoz-Corcuera

There are, at least, three fundamentaldimensions in what we all are: a physical,a mental and a social dimension. In thispaper I will focus in how, in the historyof the debate about personal identity, different neo-Lockean theories have triedto account for these dimensions. Themain goal will be to show that the onlyneo-Lockean theory that can account forthese dimensions is what I call the NewNarrative Approach, that establishes adistinction between three entities thatwe are: human beings, selves, and persons.

2021 ◽  
pp. 154-176
Jason E. Shelton

This chapter assesses the importance of spirituality among African Americans. More specifically, it examines the extent to which respondents in a large, multiyear national survey view themselves as a “spiritual person.” Four sets of comparative analysis are offered: (1) racial differences among black and white members of various evangelical Protestant traditions, (2) racial differences among black and white members of various mainline Protestant and Catholic traditions, (3) denominational differences specifically among African Americans, and (4) racial differences among blacks and whites who view themselves as “spiritual but not religious.” The findings reveal significant interracial and intraracial differences in how spirituality shapes one’s personal identity. Because organized religion has historically been so central to African American community life, the implications for the growth in noninstitutional spirituality are considered.

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