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body measurements
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2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 2-12
Bánier Ramírez Reyes ◽  
Nicholaus Mtegho Banzi ◽  
Yoel Rodríguez Valera ◽  
Harold Font Puente ◽  
Yanara Almaguer Pérez ◽  

La investigación se realizó en la oriental provincia de Granma, área que destaca por sus resultados científicos relacionados con el comportamiento productivo de la especie bubalina en Cuba. El objetivo fue estimar el peso vivo a través de medidas corporales  en bucerros desde el nacimiento hasta los ocho meses de edad. Se registraron datos de 1 302 animales, hembras y machos nacidos de 120 búfalas  de la raza Buffalypso en  el período 2008 a 2015, las medidas corporales: alto de la cruz (AC), longitud del cuerpo (LC), perímetro torácico (PT), perímetro abdominal (PA), ancho de la pelvis  (AP), largo de la pelvis (LP) y ancho del tórax (AT) fueron medidas con cinta métrica en cm. Mientras el peso vivo (PV) fue determinado con plataforma digital, todas las maniobras se hicieron cada 30 días. Los modelos predictivos utilizados fueron: Quetélet,  PV = (PT)2 (longitud de cuerpo) (87,5); Crevat,  PV= (PT) (Longitud del cuerpo) (PA) (80) y Correa, PV= (PT)2(Longitud del cuerpo)/ 300. Los resultados comparativos por sexo arrojaron diferencias altamente significativas (P<0,001) para el PA y diferencias significativas (P<0,05) para el PT, PV, LP y LC a favor de los machos. EL modelo que mostró mejor ajuste (r2=0,96, P>0,001) combinó tres variables (PT, PA y LC), aunque el perímetro torácico solo mostró parámetros elevados (r2=0,94, P>0,001). Finalmente se concluye que las elevadas correlaciones entre las medidas corporales y el peso vivo,  demuestran  que las variables estudiadas pueden por si solas o combinadas explicar el comportamiento del peso vivo, pero la ecuación de predicción del PV (kg) a través de PT (cm) propuesta atribuye mayores ventajas para la práctica del pesaje.   The research was carried out in the eastern province of Granma, an area that stands out for its scientific results related to the productive behavior of the buffalo species in Cuba. The objective was to estimate live weight through body measurements in calves from birth to eight months of age. Data were recorded on 1 302 animals, females and males born to 120 buffaloes of the Buffalypso breed in the period 2008 to 2015, body measurements: height at the withers (AC), body length (LC), thoracic perimeter (PT) , abdominal perimeter (PA), pelvic width (AP), pelvic length (LP) and chest width (AT) were measured with a tape measure in cm. While the live weight (PV) was determined with a digital platform, all the maneuvers were done every 30 days. The predictive models used were: Quetélet, PV = (PT) 2 (body length) (87.5); Crevat, PV = (PT) (Body length) (PA) (80) and Correa, PV = (PT) 2 (Body length) / 300. The comparative results by sex yielded highly significant differences (P <0.001) for the PA and significant differences (P <0.05) for the PT, PV, LP and LC in favor of males. The model that showed the best fit (r2 = 0.96, P> 0.001) combined three variables (PT, PA and LC), although the thoracic perimeter only showed elevated parameters (r2 = 0.94, P> 0.001). Finally, it is concluded that the high correlations between body measurements and live weight show that the variables studied can, alone or in combination, explain the behavior of live weight, but the prediction equation of LW (kg) through PT (cm ) proposal attributes greater advantages to the practice of weighing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Mohammed Inad Ghazwan ◽  

The present study attempts to find out the effect of some fish preservatives in the laboratory, such as alcohol and dilute formalin, on some biological characteristics related to the body measurements of those fish preserved in these materials. The fish used in this study were the local Planiliza abu. The processes of expansion and contraction of the bodies of fish preserved in diluted formalin solution at a concentration of 10% and diluted ethyl alcohol solution at a concentration of 70%. As that the standard length of the specimens of this study, which are separately preserved in formalin 10% and alcohol 70%, in a completely isolated are fluctuating in change. Constant shrinkage in head length in both diluted formalin and alcohol. Most fish bodies preserved in formalin at a concentration of 10% gain significant weight gain, in contrast to alcohol preservation.

Sonei G. Bonai ◽  
Frandz Pawere ◽  
Hanike Monim

Abstract Bandicoot  (Echypera rufescens)  is an alternative source of animal protein and a source of germplasm for humans, especially local communities in Papua. These animals are obtained by hunting and/or setting traps in the community's closest habitat.  The aim of this research was to determine the relationship between body measurements and body weight and carcass weight by utilizing 32 bandicoots, 16 males and 16 females, with a live weight range of 400 - 2000 grams in Yapen Island Regency, Papua. The study was conducted by using an explorative study and the data were analyzed using multiple correlations and regression. The carcass was obtained by slaughtering the head, removing the blood, and then removing the hair by burning (singeing). The average body weight of male bandicoots was 1403 grams and that of females was 598.75 grams, while the average carcass weights of males and females were 1050.06 grams and 415 grams, respectively. The average heart girth of male bandicoots is 23.03 cm and that of females is 17.81 cm, while the average body length of male and female bandicoots is 25.19 cm and 18.91 cm, respectively. The average percentage of male bandicoot carcasses was 73.99 cm and that of females was 69.22 cm. The correlation coefficient between body weight and body measurements was 0.911 while the carcass weight and body measurements were 0.901. The correlation between body weight and carcass of male bandicoots were 0.911 and 0.901. The correlation between body weight and carcass of female bandicoot were 0.702 and 0.747. The regression equation for male bandicoots to estimate body weight (BB) and carcass weight (BK) were BB = (-1705, 594+84,432 X1 +46,234X2) and (BK = -432,092 +71,545 X1 +33,127X2). The female bandicoot regression equations to estimate body weight (BB) and carcass weight (BK) were: (BB = -509,134+39,437 X1 +21,443X2) and (BK= -436,703 +31,720 X1 +15,164X2). Keywords: Bandicut (Echypera rufescens); Carcass length; Carcass weight; Carcass; Heart girth; Live weight; Singeing   Abstrak Bandikut (Echypera rufescens) merupakan  salah satu sumber alternatif protein hewani dan sumber plasma nutfa bagi manusia khususnya masyarakat lokal yang berada di Papua. Hewan ini diperoleh dengan cara berburu dan/atau  pemasangan jerat di habitat terdekat masyarakat. Penelitian tentang hewan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara ukuran-ukuran  tubuh dengan  bobot badan dan bobot karkas dengan memanfaatkan  32 ekor bandikut masing-masing 16 ekor jantan dan 16 ekor betina dengan kisaran berat hidup 400 -  2000 gram.  Karkas diperoleh dengan cara bagian kepala disembelih, dikeluarkan darah kemudian dilakukan penghilangan bulu dengan cara dibakar (singeing). Karkas terdiri dari daging, tulang dan lemak setelah kepala, isi rongga dada dan perut, kaki belakang bagian bawah dan kaki depan bagian bawah serta ekor dikeluarkan. Rata-rata bobot badan bandikut jantan adalah 1403 gram dan betina adalah 598,75 gram, sedangkan rata-rata bobot karkas jantan dan betina masing-masing adalah 1050,06  gram dan 415 gram. Rata-rata lingkar dada bandikut  jantan adalah 23,03 cm dan betina adalah 17,81 cm, sedangkan rata-rata panjang badan bandikut jantan dan betina berturut-turut adalah 25,19 cm dan 18,91 cm. Rata-rata persentase karkas bandikut jantan adalah 73,99 cm dan betina adalah  69,22 cm. Koefisien korelasi antara bobot badan  dengan ukuran-ukuran tubuh adalah 0,911 sedangkan antara bobot karkas dengan ukuran-ukuran tubuh adalah 0,901. Korelasi bobot badan dan karkas bandikut jantan adalah  0,911 dan  0.901. Korelasi bobot badan dan karkas bandikut betina adalah sebesar 0,702 dan 0,747. Persamaan regresi bandikut jantan untuk menduga bobot badan (BB) dan bobot karkas (BK) adalah BB = (-1705, 594+84,432 X1 +46,234X2 dan BK = -432,092 +71,545 X1 +33,127X2. Persamaan regresi bandikut betina untuk menduga bobot badan (BB) dan bobot karkas (BK) adalah BB = -509,134+39,437 X1 +21,443X2 dan BK= -436,703 +31,720 X1 +15,164X2. Kata kunci: Bandicut (Echypera rufescens); Berat karkas; Berat potong; Karkas; Lingkar dada; Panjang karkas.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 041-046
Jessie Ezekiel Udoh ◽  
Emmanuel Godwin David ◽  
Uduak Linus Unah

The study compared live weight and linear body measurements of two breeds of cattle (White Fulani and Muturu Cattle) and regressed linear body measurements on live weight. A total of eighty-six cattle of forty-three per a breed were reared at the cattle production unit of the Teaching and Research Farm, Akwa Ibom State University – Obio Akpa Campus, Nigeria in a semi intensive management system. Parameters measured were; live weight (LW), face length (FCL), head circumference (HC), ear length (EL), neck length(NL), neck circumference(NC), height at wither(HW), body length(BL), body circumference(BC), hind limb(HL), fore limb(FL), and tail length(TL). The data obtained were subjected to statistical analysis for morphometric traits and prediction was done through linear model regression method using SPSS statistical software package. Breed of cattle significantly (P>0.05) affected all linear body measurements and live weight exception of NL .Linear body Parameters of both breeds were compared. The mean live weight of White Fulani and Muturu were 251.28kg and 149.81kg, respectively. Means of FL, EL, NL, BL, HL, TL and BC, NC and HW of White Fulani were significantly (P<0.01) higher than Muturu breed but the HC of Muturu was significantly (P<0.01) higher than White Fulani breed. Muturu breed had higher R2 of 0.98 in BL and BC than White Fulani breed. In conclusion, White Fulani was considered a larger breed than Muturu cattle. Live weight can be accurately predicted from linear body measurements through BC and BL in both breeds.

Ansar Abbas ◽  
Muhammad Aman Ullah ◽  
Abdul Waheed

This study is conducted to predict the body weight (BW) for Thalli sheep of southern Punjab from different body measurements. In the BW prediction, several body measurements viz., withers height, body length, head length, head width, ear length, ear width, neck length, neck width, heart girth, rump length, rump width, tail length, barrel depth and sacral pelvic width are used as predictors. The data mining algorithms such as Chi-square Automatic Interaction Detector (CHAID), Exhaustive CHAID, Classification and Regression Tree (CART) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) are used to predict the BW for a total of 85 female Thalli sheep. The data set is partitioned into training (80 %) and test (20 %) sets before the algorithms are used. The minimum number of parent (4) and child nodes (2) are set in order to ensure their predictive ability. The R2 % and RMSE values for CHAID, Exhaustive CHAID, ANN and CART algorithms are 67.38(1.003), 64.37(1.049), 61.45(1.093) and 59.02(1.125), respectively. The mostsignificant predictor is BL in the BW prediction of Thalli sheep. The heaviest BW average of 9.596 kg is obtained from the subgroup of those having BL > 25.000 inches. On behalf of the several goodness of fit criteria, we conclude that the CHAID algorithm performance is better in order to predict the BW of Thalli sheep and more suitable decision tree diagram visually. Also, the obtained CHAID results may help to determine body measurements positively associated with BW for developing better selection strategies with the scope of indirect selection criteria.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Eonyou Shin ◽  
Elahe Saeidi

PurposeThe purpose of this study was to categorize the whole body shapes of overweight and obese females in the US and examine apparel fit based on the current ASTM sizing standards related to the body shapes categorized.Design/methodology/approachBody scan data from 2,672 subjects were used. To categorize their whole body shapes using 97 body measurements, principal component analysis with varimax rotation, a hierarchical cluster analysis and K-means cluster analysis were used. To compare the ASTM sizing standards for plus sizes (curvy and straight) and missy sizes (curvy and straight), five body parts (bust, under bust, waist, top hip, hip) using the formula for fit tolerance (measurement plus half of the interval) were compared with the ASTM sizing standards to determine the size appropriate for each body part.FindingsFive whole body shapes among overweight and obese females in the US were categorized: Rectangle-curvy; parallelogram-moderately curvy; parallelogram-hip tilt; inverted trapezoid-moderately curvy and inverted trapezoid-hip tilt. When the body measurements in each body shape were compared with the current ASTM sizing systems for both misses and plus sizes, four-fifths or more of overweight and obese female adults in the US would find it difficult to obtain a perfect fit for both tops and bottoms.Originality/valueIdentifying whole body shapes among overweight and obese women in the US contributes significantly, as it will help apparel companies that target the markets of larger women develop a new sizing system. This study is the first attempt to analyze fit by comparing the ASTM sizing charts with body measurements in each body shape group. Further, the study contributes to the body-related literature by filling gaps in missing whole BS categories among overweight and obese females.


Изучена молочная продуктивность коров бурой швицкой породы и определена ее производственная типичность в условиях Смоленской области. Исследования показали, что в породе преобладают животные молочного (36%) и низкомолочного (31%) типов, при этом высокомолочные коровы составляют 26% от всего поголовья. Рассчитанные усредненные значения коэффициента производственной типичности (КПТ) и индекса производственной типичности (ИПТ) находятся в пределах 3,00—3,99 ед., то есть изучаемых животных возможно отнести к классу молочных. Отмечено снижение значений результатов типичности от 1-ой к 3-ей лактации на 0,04—0,03 ед. (Р≤0,001).Экстерьер коров в зависимости от производственного типа имеет, в основном, недостоверную разницу между значениями промеров, но позволяет определить их соответствие типу. Следует отметить значительную разницу у коров всех лактаций глубины груди — 8,4—10,0 см (Р≤0,001), косой длины туловища — 5,6—8,2 см (P≤0,001). Интенсивность удоя в первую и вторую фазы лактации в зависимости от производственного типа увеличивается от 1-й к 3-й лактации. У коров всех производственных типов происходит снижение коэффициента устойчивости от 1-й к 3-й лактации и составляет 0,9—13,3%. Результаты коэффициента молочности постепенно увеличиваются от 1-й лактации к 3-й, кроме группы высокомолочных коров. Полученные данные обеспечат достоверность отбора лучших животных для дальнейшей селекции, повысят точность определения производственного типа, ускорят проведение оценки, поскольку для установления направления продуктивности животных целесообразно ее проводить по окончании 1-й лактации путем расчета КПТ и ИПТ. Итог — получение стад соответствующего направления продуктивности в зависимости от пожеланий собственника. The milk productivity of Brown Swiss cattle was studied and its trueness to type assessment was carried in the Smolensk region. The survey of the breed was showed that it is dominated by animals of the milk (36%) and low-milk (31%) types, while high-milk ones make up 26%. The observed average values of the trueness to type coefficient (TTC) and the index trueness to type of (ITT) are in the range of 3.00—3.99 points, that is, the studied animals may be classified as milk. There was a decrease the results to type from 1 to 3 lactation by 0.04—0.03 points (P≤0.001). The exterior of cows, depending on the production type, has mainly an unreliable difference between the values of body measurements, but what it allows to determine their compliance with the trueness to type. It should be noted a significant difference in the chest depth in all lactation 8.4—10.0 cm (P≤0.001), the oblique body length 5.6—8.2 cm (P≤0.001). The rate of production in the first and second phases of lactation, depending of the trueness to type, increases from 1 to 3 lactation. In all cow’s trueness to types, the coefficient of lactation stability decreases from the first to the third lactation and is 0.9 - 13.3%. The results of the milk yield coefficient gradually increase from 1 lactation to 3, except for the group of high-milk cows. The obtained results will ensure the reliability of the selection of the best animals for further breeding, increase the accuracy of determining the trueness to type, step up the assessment, since it is advisable to conduct it after the end of the first lactation by calculating the TTC and ITT to determine the direction of animal productivity. The result is the receipt of herds of the appropriate direction of productivity, depending on the wishes of the owner.

Ye. I. Fedorovych ◽  
V. V. Fedorovych ◽  
P. V. Bodnar ◽  
S. I. Fyl ◽  
A. V. Dymchuk ◽  

The research was conducted on cattle of Black-and-White breed (Holstein and Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy breed) at LLC “Veleten” Glukhiv district of Sumy region (n = 1956) and PJSC “Breeding Plant “Stepnoy” of Kamyansko-Dniprovsk district of Zaporizhzhia region (n = 1981). Based on retrospective data analysis (“Uniform-Agri” – program of dairy herd management) for the period from 2004 to 2017 it was studied the live weight of cows in growing period (newborns, 6, 12; 18 months, at first insemination and after the first calving), body measurements of heifers (height at shoulders, chest depth, chest width, chest girth behind the shoulder blades, oblique body length, width of hips, wrist girth) and traits of reproducibility (age at first insemination, age at first calving, duration of service period, insemination index, fertility index) and milk productivity of cows (milk yields for 305 days, fat and protein content in milk for the first, second and third lactation). Based on our previously obtained data by correlation analysis method it was studied the relative variability of phenotypic traits and indicators of dairy productivity of cows. It is established that the connections of live weight of cows during their rearing with traits of milk productivity were multidirectional and ranged from slightly improbable to moderately significant values. At the same time, in both farms, the most significant highly probable connection was noted between the live weight of animals at the age of 12 months and the milk yield of first-borns that indicates the possibility of selecting heifers at the specified age to provide them future high milk productivity. There was significant variability of the relationship between body measurements and the amount of milk yield of cows for the first, second and third lactation. However, cows of both farms, had direct connection, but a bit weaker in animals at PJSC “Breeding Plant “Stepnoy”. Positive correlation coefficients between indicators of exterior and milk yields of cows give reasons to claim the efficiency of indirect selection of heifers by body measurements. Rational management of dairy farming and high profits depend a lot on knowledge of regularities of correlative variability of productive traits of cows and indicators of reproductive capacity. It is established that the connections between the traits of milk productivity and reproductive capacity of animals were different and ranged from weak to medium and from reliable to improbable. The most significant highly reliable, however, with negative correlation coefficients were observed between milk yield of cows for all studied lactations and their age at the first insemination and the first calving

2021 ◽  

Abstract The objective of this study was to estimate body weight of Morkaraman sheeps from body measurements with nonlinear models. Selected 110 sheeps 3-5 years were scored for body weight, body length, height at wither, chest width and pump width. For determine relationships with body weight between body measurements, correlation analysis was performed. The results of the correlation analysis indicated that the highest relationship according to the all sample sizes were body weight between body length (0.95, 0.90, 0.83, 0.81). Considering all parameters included in the model, the parameter showing the highest correlation with body weight was determined as body length according to all sample sizes. the highest correlation was found in 50 sample sizes (r:0.95). According to the small sample sizes (10-20), Logistic and Saturation growth models can be used to determine the body weight by using body length, on the other hand, Incomplete gamma model is more succesful to estimate body weight when sample size is nearly 30 and 50.

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