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soil series
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2021 ◽  
Nida Gul ◽  
Bushra Khan ◽  
Ishaq Ahmad Mian Kakakhel ◽  
Syed Muhammad Mukarram Shah ◽  
Muhammad Saeed ◽  

Abstract The current study was to investigate the leaching and groundwater contamination potential of selected Dioxins, in local soil series. Solute transport was modelled through Breakthrough curve (BTC) plots, based on distribution coefficient (Kd), Retardation factor and Dispersivity, under normal velocity (20 cm day -1) and preferential or steady flow (50 cm day -1). In case of Dibenzo -p- Dioxin (DD), distribution coefficient values were found in order of Charsadda > Peshawar > Sultanpur series, while for 2 Chloro- p- Dioxin (2Cl-DD), the order was Charsadda > Sultanpur > Peshawar. However, the overall sorption was low. Under the normal velocity both of selected Dioxins (DD & 2Cl-DD), BTC plots relatively took longer time to reach the point of saturation as compared to high seepage velocity. However, the overall solute transport was found to be rapid. This behaviour showed that sorption of the Dioxins selected soil series is low and there is potential for leaching and groundwater contamination.

2021 ◽  
Vol 500 (2) ◽  
pp. 870-874
V. S. Zykina ◽  
V. S. Zykin ◽  
N. Ye. Volvakh ◽  
A. O. Volvakh ◽  
A. S. Murray ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 880 (1) ◽  
pp. 012041
K Mardiana-Jansar ◽  
Nurul Wadhihah Mazlan ◽  
Zainol Maznah ◽  
MS Ishak

Abstract Glyphosate is a broad-spectrum herbicide that often used in controlling weed growth in oil palm plantation. Glyphosate has a high polarity and solubility in water and is quickly absorbed by soil particles. Oil palm waste such as oil palm trunks (OPTs) and empty fruit bunches (EFBs) and the use of glyphosate in agricultural land can contribute to environmental pollution. Apart from the commercial mulch that often used in nurseries, mulch from OPT and EFB can be used to absorb glyphosate to prevent weed growth. The glyphosate concentration of soil and water samples was determined using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). Two doses of glyphosate were used which are 5.5 mL/L (2255 mg a.i/L) and 11 mL/L (4510 mg a.i/L). Two water volumes are used which are 250 ml and 500 ml. Glyphosate residual concentration values was high in Serdang soil series at layer three while in Selangor soil series at layer one. The highest concentrations of glyphosate residues were 32.57 mg/L and 34.42 mg/L at Serdang and Selangor soil series respectively. Samples of soil in the mulch of EFB and OPT show low concentrations of glyphosate residue compared to commercial and non-mulching column. Results show that EFB and OPT indicate low residual concentration values at each layer in the soil column for both doses.

2021 ◽  
Vol 83 (6) ◽  
pp. 117-124
Sunny Goh Eng Giap ◽  
Rudiyanto - ◽  
Zakiyyah Jasni ◽  
Mohammad Fadhli Ahmad

The updated Terengganu soil series has been made known to the public in 2018 by the Department of Agriculture, Malaysia. One of the most important physical aspects not quantify is the parameter relating to soil’s ability to contain water and allow water infiltration. This information is necessary to help farmers to know the soil suitability characteristics. In the current study, we retrieve the soil particle size of the soil series for further investigation. A pedotransfer function was used to estimate the soil water retention. The properties were then used to estimate the field capacity (FC), permanent wilting point (PWP), and the plant available water (PAW). In this study, we found twelve soil series in Terengganu state. The soil series were categorized into clay, sand, loamy sand, silty clay loam, and clay loam. Batu Hitam, Tasik, Lubok Kiat, Kampong Pusu, Tok Yong, Jerangau, and Tersat Series were found as clay soil. Jambu and Rhu Tapai Series as sand soil. Rudua, Gondang, and Kuala Brang Series corresponded to clay loam, silty clay loam, and  loamy sand. Among the soil series, Gondang Series appeared to be the most preferred soil for plantation due to its ability to give the highest plant available water, a lower water infiltration duration than clay, and it required lesser water for irrigation than the clay soil.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 1094-1101
M. Parvathi Sugumari ◽  
S. Maragatham ◽  
R. Santhi ◽  
R. Swarna Priya

An insight into the balanced crop nutrition and efficient irrigation will be rewarding to attain profitable bulb yield of shallow-rooted and high nutrient requiring aggregatum onion. To develop fertilizer prescription equations(FPEs) for aggregatum onion under drip fertigation by encompassing the Soil Test Crop Response approach (STCR), a field experiment was conducted in Palaviduthi soil series with 15 treatments viz., Absolute control (T1), Blanket recommendation (60:60:30) + Farm Yard Manure (FYM) @ 12.5 t ha-1(T2), STCR based NPK fertilizer recommendation (STCR-NPK) for the targeted yield of 14 (T3),15 (T4),16 t ha-1 (T5), FYM @ 6.25 (T6), 12.5 t ha-1 (T7), STCR–NPK+FYM @ 12.5 t ha-1 for the targeted yield of 14 (T8),15 (T9),16 t ha-1 (T10), Biocompost @ 2.5 (T11), 5 t ha-1 (T12) and STCR–NPK+Biocompost @ 5 t ha-1 for the targeted yield of 14 (T13),15 (T14),16 t ha-1 (T15). The results revealed that T10 was more supercilious than others. The basic parameters were deliberated from the experimental data on total nutrient uptake, initial soil fertility status, applied fertilizer doses. The aggregatum onion (variety CO 4) required 0.43, 0.32, 0.45 Kg of N, P2O5, K2O to produce one quintal of bulb yield. The percent contribution of nutrients from soil and fertilizer was 14.01, 54.57 for N, 35.11,50.50 for P2O5 and 12.69, 70.12 for K2O, respectively. The contribution of N, P2O5, K2O from FYM and biocompost were 41.02, 16.23, 41.53 and 47.98, 15.87, 49.56 percent sequentially. Based on the above parameters, the fertilizer prescription equations were formulated for aggregatum onion under drip fertigation in Palaviduthi soil series.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
Luiz H. Moro Rosso ◽  
Andre F. de Borja Reis ◽  
Adrian A. Correndo ◽  
Ignacio A. Ciampitti

Abstract Objectives This data article aims to introduce the “XPolaris” R-package, designed to facilitate access to detailed soil data at any geographical location within the contiguous United States (CONUS). Without the need of advanced R-programming skills, XPolaris enables users to convert raster data from the POLARIS database into traditional spreadsheet format [i.e., Comma-Separated Values (CSV)] for further data analyses. Data description The core of this publication is a code-tutorial envisioned to assist users in retrieving soil raster data within the CONUS. All data is sourced from the POLARIS database, a 30-m probabilistic map of soil series and different soil properties [Chaney et al. Geoderma 274:54, 2016, Chaney et al. Water Resour Res 55:2916, 2019]. POLARIS represents an optimization of the Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) database, circumventing issues of spatial disaggregation, harmonizing, and filling spatial gaps. POLARIS was constructed using a machine learning algorithm, the Disaggregation and Harmonisation of Soil Map Units Through Resampled Classification Trees (DSMART-HPC) [Odgers et al. Geoderma 214:91, 2014]. Although the data is easily accessible in a raster format, retrieving large amounts of data can be time-consuming or require advanced programming skills.

Ayesha Aimen ◽  
Abdul Basit ◽  
Safdar Bashir ◽  
Zubair Aslam ◽  
Faheem Shahid ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (AAEBSSD) ◽  
pp. 215-221
S. Suganya

In Tamil Nadu, one of the most important agro-climatic zone dictating the total rice production is by Cauvery Delta zone. In Cauvery Delta zone the area under rice cultivation has been reduced drastically and this situation forms the base for a paradigm shift from rice cultivation to alternate crops that requires less amount of irrigation water. Suitable alternate cropping pattern plays an important role in improving the purchasing power of farmer with the help of inclusion of commercial crops in rice based cropping system. Chilli is an important spice cum vegetable crop cultivated extensively in India. This project is indented to study the fertigation system in one of promising alternate crops in chillies in rice ecosystem. By keeping all these points in view, the present investigation was undertaken to study the response of chilli to drip irrigation on sandy clay loam soil under Madukkur soil series (Typic Ustropept) in cauvery new delta zone. Field experiment was conducted at Soil and Water Management Research Institute, Kattuthottam, Thanjavur financially supported by Department of Science and Technology under SERB programme with a budget outlay of Rs. 13.0 lakhs for three years during 2012-2015 in strip plot design with four replications. The results revealed that Sub surface drip fertigation at 10 cm depth recorded the maximum plant height, number of branches, number of flowers and number of fruits at B2 irrigation regime (IW/CPE = 0.75). Total green chillies yield was higher under sub surface drip fertigation @ 10 cm depth at IW/CPE=1 (15.59 t ha-1) followed by surface drip fertigation at IW/CPE = 0.75 (13.50 t ha-1) and sub surface drip fertigation @ 10 cm depth at IW/CPE = 0.75 (11.17 t ha-1).Thus, introduction of chillies as an alternate crop under sub surface drip fertigation @ 10 cm depth technology during January under Broad bed furrow method of cultivation paves the way for improving the social security to the rice farmers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 293-306
ABMS Islam ◽  
ZH Khan ◽  
AR Mazumder ◽  
AZM Moslehuddin ◽  
MM Uddin ◽  

The lower Atrai basin, the study area, lies in the Agroecological Zone-5 (AEZ-5) of Bangladesh. This study reveals the clay mineral composition of top soils of seven different soil series viz. Binsara, Taras, Jaonia, Hasnabad, Laskara, Manda and Mainam developed in the basin. X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique was employed to identify and quantify the minerals. Results show that mica (41 to 59%) was the most dominant mineral among all soils except Laskara. In Laskara soils, the interstratified mica-vermiculite-smectite (41%) was the predominant mineral. Next to mica, kaolinite (10 to 12%) was found to be present in the Binsara, Taras 1, Jaonia, and Taras 2 soils. Chlorite (7 to 17%) was identified in all the soils and was found to be the second dominant mineral in the Manda and Mainam soils. In contrast, the interstratified mica-vermiculitesmectite (33%) was found to be the second dominant mineral in the Hasnabad soils. Small amounts of vermiculite mineral (1 to 13%) were identified in almost all the soils except Binsara. All the soils have interstratified mica-chlorite minerals (2 to 7%). A tiny amount of smectite (1%) was identified in Taras 1 soil. As far as the clay mineralogical composition is concerned, most studied soils were found at the initial stage of weathering, indicating the high potential to sustain low input subsistence agriculture. Dhaka Univ. J. Biol. Sci. 30(2): 293-306, 2021 (July)

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 74-83
Nabeel Rizwan

Potassium (K) availability to plants varies with the adsorption characteristics of soil, to evaluate the adsorption capacity, five soil series of different characteristics were used. K adsorption isotherms were performed by equilibrating 2.5 g soil samples with 10 levels of K (30-300 mg kg-1) as KCl in 0.01 CaCl2 solutions and shaken for 24 h at 25oC. The amount of K adsorbed ranged from 33.2 to 94.9% of added K. Freundlich model explained K adsorption behavior better than the other two equations. Higher coefficient of regression values 0.99, 0.97 and 0.96 were recorded in Sultanpur (Silt loam), Naivela (Fine sandy loam) and Bhutesar (Clay loam), respectively. The highest 1/n value 1.54 kg mg-1 and kf value 31.47 mg kg-1 of Freundlich isotherm were observed in Sultanpur (silt loam) due to high pH, high OM and high clay contents, lowest values of constants were observed in Wajan (loamy sand) with 1/n value 0.44 kg mg-1 and kf value 0.28 mg kg-1 might be due to high EC, high CaCO3 and sand contents. The K adsorption of soil varied with physico – chemical characteristics of soil, especially clay content, alkaline pH and organic matter content.

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