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native population
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José Renkens ◽  
Els Rommes ◽  
Maria van den Muijsenbergh

This study set out to answer the question ‘Which kinds of agency do refugees perform when dealing with mental health problems of themselves and their children?’. Aiming to gain more insight in why it seems harder for refugee parents and minors than for the native population to talk to health professionals about their mental health and wellbeing, we combined two theoretical notions of agency to investigate a broad spectrum of informants’ behaviour. We conducted 25 interviews with 30 refugees from 8 countries (Syria, Yemen, Iran, Afghanistan, Armenia, Eritrea, Turkish Kurdistan, Vietnam), whose Dutch residence permit varied from 26 years to less than one year. Data were analysed through open and axial coding, followed by pattern analyses. Although sometimes refugees seek (mental) healthcare, at other times they show agency by doing ‘nothing’ or by deliberately using distracting activities to deal with severe stress. Making use of resources available to them, oftentimes refugees show agency in ways that are less visible to healthcare professionals, by surviving, showing resilience, and suffering. In these cases, we think healthcare for refugees should intervene in a non-medical way, e.g., by supporting them to obtain resources that help refugees to (re)gain agency.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-82
Victoria Teles Valois De Amorim ◽  
Michely Vargas del Puppo Romanelo

This study will present the issue of Syrian refugees in Brazil, whose immigration event occurs because of the terrible conditions offered in their native country, which makes these individuals seek refuge in other countries, seeking, in addition to a better condition, a life that is worthy. It is understood that the concept of dignified life goes against what is advocated by the Brazilian Federal Constitution, as well as fundamental rights, and even more related to the dignity of the human person. Thus, this article will bring an analysis of the context of this event, which has been happening quite frequently, making Brazil one of the countries that most welcome immigrants in the world. However, one factor draws attention in the middle of this process, as the Covid-19 pandemic has been following the population for more than a year, which makes border controls more rigid. In addition, Brazil, with its native population, is already experiencing various social problems, such as hunger, unemployment, poor distribution of income and gold, which makes us rethink whether the rights and dealings with these refugees are truly effective, in order to welcome and help in the development of a dignified life. The research will have its principle bibliographic reviews, in books, journals and articles referring to the area, in order to bring different standards that can be worked in society and contribute to the scientific community. It is evident that a dignified life is only possible if the guarantees, freedom, equity, and other principles, such as the dignity of the human person, provided by the Federal Constitution are observed. with its native population, is already experiencing various social problems, such as hunger, unemployment, poor distribution of income and gold, which makes us rethink whether the rights and dealings with these refugees are being truly effective, in order to welcome and help in the development of a dignified life. The research will have its principle bibliographic reviews, in books, journals and articles referring to the area, in order to bring different standards that can be worked in society and contribute to the scientific community. It is evident that a dignified life is only possible if the guarantees, freedom, equity, and other principles, such as the dignity of the human person, provided by the Federal Constitution are observed. with its native population, is already experiencing various social problems, such as hunger, unemployment, poor distribution of income and gold, which makes us rethink whether the rights and dealings with these refugees are being truly effective, in order to welcome and help in the development of a dignified life. The research will have its principle bibliographic reviews, in books, journals and articles referring to the area, in order to bring different standards that can be worked in society and contribute to the scientific community. It is evident that a dignified life is only possible if the guarantees, freedom, equity, and other principles, such as the dignity of the human person, provided by the Federal Constitution are observed. Poor distribution of income and gold, which makes us rethink whether the rights and dealings with these refugees are being truly effective, in order to welcome and help in the development of a dignified life. The research will have its principle bibliographic reviews, in books, journals and articles referring to the area, in order to bring different standards that can be worked in society and contribute to the scientific community. It is evident that a dignified life is only possible if the guarantees, freedom, equity, and other principles, such as the dignity of the human person, provided by the Federal Constitution are observed. poor distribution of income and gold, which makes us rethink whether the rights and dealings with these refugees are being truly effective, in order to welcome and help in the development of a dignified life. The research will have its principle bibliographic reviews, in books, journals and articles referring to the area, in order to bring different standards that can be worked in society and contribute to the scientific community. It is evident that a dignified life is only possible if the guarantees, freedom, equity, and other principles, such as the dignity of the human person, provided by the Federal Constitution are observed. The research will have its principle bibliographic reviews, in books, journals and articles referring to the area, in order to bring different standards that can be worked in society and contribute to the scientific community. It is evident that a dignified life is only possible if the guarantees, freedom, equity, and other principles, such as the dignity of the human person, provided by the Federal Constitution are observed. The research will have its principle bibliographic reviews, in books, journals and articles referring to the area, in order to bring different standards that can be worked in society and contribute to the scientific community. It is evident that a dignified life is only possible if the guarantees, freedom, equity, and other principles, such as the dignity of the human person, provided by the Federal Constitution are observed. Keywords: Refugees; Syria; Human rights; Dignity of human person; Warranties.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3–4) ◽  
Verónica Alberto-Barroso ◽  
Marco Moreno-Benítez ◽  
Teresa Delgado-Darias ◽  
Félix Mendoza-Medina ◽  
Ibán Suárez- Medina ◽  

This article addresses the study of an indigenous burial at Mina Mountain (Lanzarote), dating from cal A.D. 1300 to 1402. Pre-European funerary contexts in Lanzarote are scarce, resulting in a particular historical situation for a population that lived on the island for at least 1,400 years, whose dead people and burial sites are virtually unknown. We analyze the available data on mortuary practices of the native population, adding a new example to the limited existing evidence. This is the first archaeological study carried out on the island that focuses on a funerary context, providing clear evidence for canine scavenging on a corpse placed in a pit and the subsequent rearrangement of the disarticulated skeletal remains in a secondary hollow. The study advances bioanthropological description and specific taphonomic data of bone modifications as evidence of the events that took place at the site, providing data to interpret this singular burial. In addition, the chronological framework,  together with the references of the narrative sources describing the Franco-Norman conquest of the island in 1402, allows us to propose a potential scenario explaining this unique site.   Se aborda el estudio de un enterramiento indígena en Montaña Mina (Lanzarote), datado entre el 1300-1402 d. C. Los contextos funerarios en Lanzarote son escasos, reflejando una situación histórica peculiar en la que no se conocen donde están los muertos de una población que arraigó en la isla durante 1400 años. En este trabajo se analiza la información disponible sobre las prácticas funerarias indígenas, aportando un nuevo caso al limitado repertorio de sitios mortuorios. Se trata del primer estudio arqueológico sobre un contexto funerario con claras evidencias de carroñeo. El enterramiento corresponde a una fosa en la que el cadáver fue alterado por la intervención de perros, lo que provocó una reubicación posterior de los restos humanos dentro de la misma fosa. A partir del análisis bioantropológico y tafónomico de las evidencias óseas se establece la secuencia de los hechos que allí tuvieron lugar. Asimismo, atendiendo al marco cronológico del entierro y la información recogida en las crónicas de la conquista normanda de la isla en 1402, se propone un posible escenario para le explicación de este caso único.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 388-398
Ivan D. Puzyrev

Siberian Bukharans were one of the most agile group of the native population of Western Siberia and the Urals in the 17th and 18th centuries. This paper analyzes information about the border activities of Bukharans, characterizes their participation in the implementation of Russian foreign policy. The author considers the phenomenon of intelligence and the intermediary and diplomatic role of the Bukharans through the study of various aspects of Russian policy on the southeastern borderlands. The result shows that Bukharans were involved in intelligence activities in several forms. The Russian authorities could interview Bukharans who came to trade; they could include Bukharans in Russian embassies; or they could send them into the steppe as independent agents. The geography of their missions in the 17th and 18th centuries included the Kuchum lands, the Kazakh khanates, the Oirat and Dzungar lands, as well as the Qing Empire. Bukharans participated in the negotiations as interpreters and they were sometimes allowed to participate in diplomatic ceremonies such as gift exchange. The intelligence activities of some Bukharans could go hand in hand with their trade operations. Recruiting Bukharans for intelligence gathering tsks allowed the Siberian and Orenburg authorities to conduct a more effective policy in the steppe borderlands, based on the knowledge of local realities. The Russian authorities used information provided by the Bukharans for purposes such as drawing up maps, informing the voivodes of the borderlands about military dangers, the movement of troops, and diplomatic negotiations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 429-429
Freya Diederich

Abstract Even though Germany has a mandatory health and long-term care insurance with no or only very low co-payments, immigrants and the native population differ in their health and social services use. Differences in cultural traits and a lack of knowledge about the institutional setting are frequently mentioned as contributing factors. Relying on the epidemiological approach in the economic literature, this empirical study shows that both cultural traits that prevail in older immigrants’ country of origin and older immigrants’ knowledge about the host country’s institutional setting affect their health and social services use in Germany. We distinguish foreign-born immigrants and their descendants as both groups differ in their connection to the home and the host country. The results will be used to discuss immigrants’ access and potential barriers to the use of health and social services in comparison to the native population.

2021 ◽  
Elizabeth Arias ◽  
Jiaquan Xu ◽  
Sally Curtin ◽  
Brigham Bastian ◽  
Betzaida Tejada-Vera

NVSR 70, no 12

Erin Hill ◽  
Adrian Linacre ◽  
Simon Toop ◽  
Nicholas Murphy ◽  
Jan M. Strugnell

2021 ◽  
Vol 49 (3) ◽  
pp. 119-126
A. P. Chemchieva

This article explores the specifi city of the urbanization process in the native population of the Altai Republic and assesses its principal trends over the course of the years 1926–2020. The focus is on quantitative aspects such as the growth of urban settlements and their population. I look at the ways the urban network has developed in the Altai Mountains. The only urban administrative center shows a potential for agglomerative growth and continues to accumulate the rural population. Townships that had emerged during the Soviet period were unattractive for natives. Three stages in the urbanization process are described: 1926–1950s, 1960–1980s, and 1990 to the present. Over the entire period in question, urbanization was extensive, i.e. caused by migration from rural areas. At the fi rst stage, the key factor was political (collectivization). In the second stage, the factors were socio-cultural (attractiveness of urban lifestyle), economic (higher income and greater availability of jobs), and political (the abolition of “futureless” villages). The main factor at the third stage was socio-economic crisis. A conclusion is made that the potential for extensive urbanization in the native population of the Altai Republic has not yet been exhausted. The most attractive places to migrate are still the region’s capital and its suburbs. However, migration to other cities of Russia is likely to rise. A prediction is made that the role of intensive factors of urbanization in the indigenous population of the Altai Republic will increase. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 226-242
Sunae Kim ◽  
Olivier Le Guen ◽  
Beate Sodian ◽  
Joélle Proust

Abstract Metacognitive abilities are considered as a hallmark of advanced human cognition. Existing empirical studies have exclusively focused on populations from Western and industrialized societies. Little is known about young children’s metacognitive abilities in other societal and cultural contexts. Here we tested 4-year-old Yucatec Mayan (a rural native population from Mexico) by adopting a metacognitive task in which children’s explicit assessment of their own knowledge states about the hidden content of a container and their informing judgments (whether or not to inform an ignorant person about the hidden contents of a container) were assessed. Similar to previous studies, we found that Yucatec Mayan children overestimated their knowledge states in the explicit metacognitive task. However, in contrast with studies on Western children, we did not find the facilitating effect of the implicit informing task over the explicit task. These findings suggest that the early development of metacognition combines universal and culture-sensitive features.

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