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jet stream
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2022 ◽  
Edward Hindman ◽  
Scott Lindstrom

Abstract. Mt. Everest’s summit pyramid is the highest obstacle on earth to the wintertime jet-stream winds. Downwind, in its wake, a visible plume often forms. The meteorology and composition of the plume are unknown. Accordingly, we observed real-time images from a geosynchronous meteorological satellite from November 2020 through March 2021 to identify plumes and collect the corresponding meteorological data. We used the data with a basic meteorological model to show the plumes formed when sufficiently moist air was drawn into the wake. We conclude the plumes were composed initially of either cloud droplets or ice particles depending on the temperature. One plume was observed to glaciate downwind. Thus, Everest plumes may be a source of snowfall formed insitu. The plumes, however, were not composed of resuspended snow.

Atmosphere ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 68
Dan Chen ◽  
Tianjiao Zhou ◽  
Dong Guo ◽  
Shuhao Ge

This study used the FLEXPART-WRF trajectory model to perform forward and backward simulations of a cut-off low (COL) event over northeast Asia. The analysis reveals the detailed trajectories and sources of air masses within the COL. Their trajectories illustrate the multi-timescale deep intrusion processes in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS) caused by the COL. The processes of air intrusion from the lower stratosphere to the middle troposphere can be divided into three stages: a slow descent stage, a rapid intrusion stage and a relatively slow intrusion stage. A source analysis of targeted air masses at 300 hPa and 500 hPa shows that the ozone-rich air in the COL primarily originated from an extratropical cyclone over central Siberia and from the extratropical jet stream. The sources of air masses in different parts of the COL show some differences. These results can help explain the ozone distribution characteristics in the main body of a COL at 300 hPa and at 500 hPa that were revealed in a previous study.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-53
Yu Nie ◽  
Yang Zhang

Abstract Large meridional excursions of a jet stream are conducive to blocking and related midlatitude weather extremes, yet the physical mechanism of jet meandering is not well understood. This paper examines the mechanisms of jet meandering in boreal winter through the lens of a potential vorticity (PV)-like tracer advected by reanalysis winds in an advection-diffusion model. As the geometric structure of the tracer displays a compact relationship with PV in observations and permits a linear mapping from tracer to PV at each latitude, jet meandering can be understood by the geometric structure of tracer field that is only a function of prescribed advecting velocities. This one-way dependence of tracer field on advecting velocities provides a new modeling framework to quantify the effects of time mean flow versus transient eddies on the spatiotemporal variability of jet meandering. It is shown that the mapped tracer wave activity resembles the observed spatial pattern and magnitude of PV wave activity for the winter climatology, interannual variability, and blocking-like wave events. The anomalous increase in tracer wave activity for the composite over interannual variability or blocking-like wave events is attributed to weakened composite mean winds, indicating that the low-frequency winds are the leading factor for the overall distributions of wave activity. It is also found that the tracer model underestimates extreme wave activity, likely due to the lack of feedback mechanisms. The implications for the mechanisms of jet meandering in a changing climate are also discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (24) ◽  
pp. 18499-18518
Chenrui Diao ◽  
Yangyang Xu ◽  
Shang-Ping Xie

Abstract. Anthropogenic aerosols (AAs) induce global and regional tropospheric circulation adjustments due to the radiative energy perturbations. The overall cooling effects of AA, which mask a portion of global warming, have been the subject of many studies but still have large uncertainty. The interhemispheric contrast in AA forcing has also been demonstrated to induce a major shift in atmospheric circulation. However, the zonal redistribution of AA emissions since start of the 20th century, with a notable decline in the Western Hemisphere (North America and Europe) and a continuous increase in the Eastern Hemisphere (South Asia and East Asia), has received less attention. Here we utilize four sets of single-model initial-condition large-ensemble simulations with various combinations of external forcings to quantify the radiative and circulation responses due to the spatial redistribution of AA forcing during 1980–2020. In particular, we focus on the distinct climate responses due to fossil-fuel-related (FF) aerosols emitted from the Western Hemisphere (WH) versus the Eastern Hemisphere (EH). The zonal (west to east) redistribution of FF aerosol emission since the 1980s leads to a weakening negative radiative forcing over the WH mid-to-high latitudes and an enhancing negative radiative forcing over the EH at lower latitudes. Overall, the FF aerosol leads to a northward shift of the Hadley cell and an equatorward shift of the Northern Hemisphere (NH) jet stream. Here, two sets of regional FF simulations (Fix_EastFF1920 and Fix_WestFF1920) are performed to separate the roles of zonally asymmetric aerosol forcings. We find that the WH aerosol forcing, located in the extratropics, dominates the northward shift of the Hadley cell by inducing an interhemispheric imbalance in radiative forcing. On the other hand, the EH aerosol forcing, located closer to the tropics, dominates the equatorward shift of the NH jet stream. The consistent relationship between the jet stream shift and the top-of-atmosphere net solar flux (FSNTOA) gradient suggests that the latter serves as a rule-of-thumb guidance for the expected shift of the NH jet stream. The surface effect of EH aerosol forcing (mainly from low- to midlatitudes) is confined more locally and only induces weak warming over the northeastern Pacific and North Atlantic. In contrast, the WH aerosol reduction leads to a large-scale warming over NH mid-to-high latitudes that largely offsets the cooling over the northeastern Pacific due to EH aerosols. The simulated competing roles of regional aerosol forcings in driving atmospheric circulation and surface temperature responses during the recent decades highlight the importance of considering zonally asymmetric forcings (west to east) and also their meridional locations within the NH (tropical vs. extratropical).

2021 ◽  
Vol 50 (2) ◽  
pp. 197-202

This article investigates the relationship between total ozone and subtropical jet stream (STJ). Total ozone data have been obtained from the total ozone mapping spectrometer (TOMS) instrument on the Nimbus - 7 satellite and have been examined in conjunction with meteorological data in the region 90°- 160°E, 20° -50°N, i.e., the entrance region of the East Asian STJ from October 1982 to September 1983.   The STJ marks the boundary between the high tropical tropopause (ca. 1000 hPa) and lower subtropical tropopause (ca. 200 hPa). In winter it has been found that the total ozone contours are almost parallel to the wind direction, and the horizontal gradient in total ozone increases as the wind speed strengthens.   The STJ normally marks a steep gradient in total ozone but in spring anomalous patterns are seen sometimes with very small gradients across the jet. A particular study has been conducted of these events, which are associated with a layer of relatively low but still stratospheric potential vorticity (PV) at around 150 hPa (380K) on the poleward side of the jet. This appears to be consistent with a transfer of air from troposphere to stratosphere above the jet core in March and April.

2021 ◽  
Vol 163 (1) ◽  
pp. 18
P. S. Ferguson ◽  
N. Shipp ◽  
A. Drlica-Wagner ◽  
T. S. Li ◽  
W. Cerny ◽  

Abstract We perform a detailed photometric and astrometric analysis of stars in the Jet stream using data from the first data release of the DECam Local Volume Exploration Survey DR1 and Gaia EDR3. We discover that the stream extends over ∼ 29° on the sky (increasing the known length by 18°), which is comparable to the kinematically cold Phoenix, ATLAS, and GD-1 streams. Using blue horizontal branch stars, we resolve a distance gradient along the Jet stream of 0.2 kpc deg−1, with distances ranging from D ⊙ ∼ 27–34 kpc. We use natural splines to simultaneously fit the stream track, width, and intensity to quantitatively characterize density variations in the Jet stream, including a large gap, and identify substructure off the main track of the stream. Furthermore, we report the first measurement of the proper motion of the Jet stream and find that it is well aligned with the stream track, suggesting the stream has likely not been significantly perturbed perpendicular to the line of sight. Finally, we fit the stream with a dynamical model and find that it is on a retrograde orbit, and is well fit by a gravitational potential including the Milky Way and Large Magellanic Cloud. These results indicate the Jet stream is an excellent candidate for future studies with deeper photometry, astrometry, and spectroscopy to study the potential of the Milky Way and probe perturbations from baryonic and dark matter substructure.

Slobodianyk K. L. ◽  
Semerhei-Chumachenko A. B. ◽  
Veretnova V. O.

The paper presents the results of a study of heavy precipitation in the form of rain (> 30 mm/12 h) using data from the meteorological observations and atmospheric reanalysis ERA5 at the Kherson weather station in 2005-2021.Detected that at the Kherson there were only 19 cases of heavy rainfall, which occurred only in the warm half of the year with a maximum recurrence in July. Compared to 1961-1990, the number of heavy rains of 2005-2021 increased in July and June, and decreased in August.Determined that most of the real cases of increased precipitation in Kherson are in good agreement with the results of the ERA5 reanalysis, but in almost a third of the simulation episodes did not show heavy precipitation at the Kherson coordinates or their center was shifted.Heavy rains in Kherson were formed in a field of low atmospheric pressure, with a weak northwest wind and accompanied by thunderstorms.Clarified that most episodes of heavy rainfall in Kherson in 2005-2021 are associated with the movement of southern cyclones, others formed on the southern periphery of the anticyclone in the southwestern direction of the jet stream in the troposphere.

2021 ◽  
Marilena Oltmanns ◽  
N. Penny Holliday ◽  
James Screen ◽  
D. Gwyn Evans ◽  
Simon A. Josey ◽  

Abstract. Amplified Arctic ice loss in recent decades has been linked to increased occurrence of extreme mid-latitude weather. The underlying dynamical mechanisms remain elusive, however. Here, we demonstrate a novel mechanism linking freshwater releases into the North Atlantic with summer weather in Europe. Combining remote sensing, atmospheric reanalyses and model simulations, we show that freshwater events in summer trigger progressively sharper sea surface temperature gradients in subsequent winters, destabilising the overlying atmosphere and inducing a northward shift in the North Atlantic Current. In turn, the jet stream over the North Atlantic is deflected northward in the following summers, leading to warmer and drier weather over Europe. Our results suggest that growing Arctic freshwater fluxes will increase the risk of heat waves and droughts over the coming decades, and could yield enhanced predictability of European summer weather, months to years in advance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Anupam Kumar

AbstractEvidence showing a strengthening of intense cold surge event (CSE) in East Asia, e.g. CSE of Jan 2016 and Jan–Feb 2008, is focusing attention towards the science of CSE onset prediction. Predicting the onset of such strong CSEs remains elusive as the extent of these surges varies over spatial and temporal scales. Changes in radiative cooling over Siberia in winter as potentially affected by changes in the Arctic are further expected to influence CSE occurrences in East Asia. Moreover, unprecedented and long lasting CSEs in East Asia have a very distinct Jet Stream pattern via their shifts from the climatological mean, influencing the lower troposphere. Here, using modelling framework we propose a new relationship between Jet Stream and Aleutian Low for identifying and characterizing atmospheric process that leads to CSEs in East Asia. Our results reveal new insight into the mechanisms of CSEs occurrences, the absence of which may lead to major constraints on reducing CSE onset prediction error.

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