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neutrino masses
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Sudhanwa Patra ◽  
Utkarsh Patel ◽  
Purushottam Sahu

The presence of small neutrino masses and flavour mixings can be accounted for naturally in various models about extensions of the standard model, particularly in the seesaw mechanism models. In this work, we present a minimally extended seesaw framework with two right-handed neutrinos, where the active neutrino masses are derived in the radiative regime. Using the framework it can be shown that within certain mass limits, the light neutrino mass term can approach a form that is similar to its form under type-I seesaw mechanism. Apart from this, we show that the decay width of right-handed neutrinos (produced through the decay of [Formula: see text] boson in a particle collider) is short enough to cause a sufficiently long lifetime for the particles, thus ensuring an observable displacement in the LHC between the production and decay vertices. We comment on the fact that these displaced vertex signatures thus can serve as a means to verify the existence of these right-handed neutrinos in future experiments. Lastly, we line up the possibility of our future work where the vertex signatures of particles greater than the mass of [Formula: see text] boson can be worked upon.

2022 ◽  
Vol 82 (1) ◽  
Hrishikesh Chakrabarty ◽  
Debasish Borah ◽  
Ahmadjon Abdujabbarov ◽  
Daniele Malafarina ◽  
Bobomurat Ahmedov

AbstractWe study the effects of gravitational lensing on neutrino oscillations in the $$\gamma $$ γ -spacetime which describes a static, axially-symmetric and asymptotically flat solution of the Einstein’s field equations in vacuum. Using the quantum-mechanical treatment for relativistic neutrinos, we calculate the phase of neutrino oscillations in this spacetime by considering both radial and non-radial propagation. We show the dependence of the oscillation probability on the absolute neutrino masses, which in the two-flavour case also depends upon the sign of mass squared difference, in sharp contrast with the well-known results of vacuum oscillation in flat spacetime. We also show the effects of the deformation parameter $$\gamma $$ γ on neutrino oscillations and reproduce previously known results for the Schwarzschild metric. We then extend these to a more realistic three flavours neutrino scenario and study the effects of the parameter $$\gamma $$ γ and the lightest neutrino mass while using best fit values of neutrino oscillation parameters.

Shun Zhou

Abstract Three-flavor neutrino oscillations in matter can be described by three effective neutrino masses mi (for i = 1, 2, 3) and the effective mixing matrix Vαi (for α = e, µ, τ and i = 1, 2, 3). When the matter parameter a ≡ 2√2GFNeE is taken as an independent variable, a complete set of first-order ordinary differential equations for m2 i and |Vαi|2have been derived in the previous works. In the present paper, we point out that such a system of differential equations possesses both the continuous symmetries characterized by one-parameter Lie groups and the discrete symmetry associated with the permutations of three neutrino mass eigenstates. The implications of these symmetries for solving the differential equations and looking for differential invariants are discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (12) ◽  
Arghyajit Datta ◽  
Biswajit Karmakar ◽  
Arunansu Sil

Abstract We propose a minimal A4 flavor symmetric model, assisted by Z2× Z3 symmetry, which can naturally takes care of the appropriate lepton mixing and neutrino masses via Type-I seesaw. It turns out that the framework, originated due to a specific flavor structure, favors the normal hierarchy of light neutrinos and simultaneously narrows down the range of Dirac CP violating phase. It predicts an interesting correlation between the atmospheric mixing angle and the Dirac CP phase too. While the flavor structure indicates an exact degeneracy of the right-handed neutrino masses, renormalization group running of the same from a high scale is shown to make it quasi-degenerate and a successful flavor leptogenesis takes place within the allowed parameter space obtained from neutrino phenomenology.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (12) ◽  
Ping-Tao Chen ◽  
Gui-Jun Ding ◽  
Chang-Yuan Yao

Abstract We perform a systematical study of the dimension-9 short-range 0νββ decay operators at one-loop level. There are only six genuine topologies which generate eight diagrams, and the recipe to identify the possible one-loop realizations of the 0νββ decay operators is sketched. Certain hypercharge assignments are excluded by the absence of tree-level diagrams in a genuine one-loop model. The mediators of each decomposition can generate Majorana neutrino masses which are discussed up to two-loop level. We present an example of 0νββ decay model in which the neutrino masses are generated at two-loop level, and the short-range contribution can be comparable with the mass mechanism in some region of parameter space.

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (12) ◽  
Nicolás Bernal ◽  
Diego Restrepo

AbstractWe perform a systematic analysis of Standard Model extensions with an additional anomaly-free gauge U(1) symmetry, to generate tree-level Dirac neutrino masses. An anomaly-free symmetry demands nontrivial conditions on the charges of the unavoidable new states. An intensive scan was performed, looking for solutions generating neutrino masses by the type-I and type-II tree-level Dirac seesaw mechanism, via operators with dimension 5 and 6, that correspond to active or dark symmetries. Special attention was paid to the cases featuring no extra massless chiral fermions or multicomponent dark matter with unconditional stability.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (12) ◽  
Maud Sarazin ◽  
Jordan Bernigaud ◽  
Björn Herrmann

Abstract We study the dark matter phenomenology of scotogenic frameworks through a rather illustrative model extending the Standard Model by scalar and fermionic singlets and doublets. Such a setup is phenomenologically attractive since it provides the radiative generation of neutrino masses, while also including viable candidates for cold dark matter. We employ a Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm to explore the associated parameter space in view of numerous constraints stemming from the Higgs mass, the neutrino sector, dark matter, and lepton-flavour violating processes. After a general discussion of the results, we focus on the case of fermionic dark matter, which remains rather uncovered in the literature so far. We discuss the associated phenomenology and show that in this particular case a rather specific mass spectrum is expected with fermion masses just above 1 TeV. Our study may serve as a guideline for future collider studies.

Symmetry ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (12) ◽  
pp. 2255
Anastasiia Zolotarova

This review aims to cover the history and recent developments on cryogenic bolometers for neutrinoless double beta decay (0ν2β) searches. A 0ν2β decay observation would confirm the total lepton charge non-conservation, which is related to a global U(1)LC symmetry. This discovery would also provide essential information on neutrino masses and nature, opening the door to new physics beyond the Standard Model. The bolometric technology shows good prospects for future ton-scale experiments that aim to fully investigate the inverted ordering region of neutrino masses. The big advantage of bolometers is the high energy resolution and the possibility of particle identification, as well as various methods of additional background rejection. The CUORE experiment has proved the feasibility of ton-scale cryogenic experiments, setting the most stringent limit on 130Te 0ν2β decay. Two CUPID demonstrators (CUPID-0 and CUPID-Mo) have set the most stringent limits on 82Se and 100Mo isotopes, respectively, with compatibly low exposures. Several experiments are developing new methods to improve the background in the region of interest with bolometric detectors. CUPID and AMoRE experiments aim to cover the inverted hierarchy region, using scintillating bolometers with hundreds of kg of 100Mo. We review all of these efforts here, with a focus on the different types of radioactive background and the measures put in place to mitigate them.

Universe ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (12) ◽  
pp. 459
Maria Concepcion Gonzalez-Garcia ◽  
Michele Maltoni ◽  
Thomas Schwetz

In this contribution, we summarise the determination of neutrino masses and mixing arising from global analysis of data from atmospheric, solar, reactor, and accelerator neutrino experiments performed in the framework of three-neutrino mixing and obtained in the context of the NuFIT collaboration. Apart from presenting the latest status as of autumn 2021, we discuss the evolution of global-fit results over the last 10 years, and mention various pending issues (and their resolution) that occurred during that period in the global analyses.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (11) ◽  
Rome Samanta ◽  
Satyabrata Datta

Abstract On the frequency-amplitude plane, Gravitational Waves (GWs) from cosmic strings show a flat plateau at higher frequencies due to the string loop dynamics in standard radiation dominated post-inflationary epoch. The spectrum may show an abrupt upward or a downward trend beyond a turning point frequency f*, if the primordial dark age prior to the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN), exhibits non-standard cosmic histories. We argue that such a spectral break followed by a rising GW amplitude which is a consequence of a post-inflationary equation of state (ω > 1/3) stiffer than the radiation (ω = 1/3), could also be a strong hint of a leptogenesis in the seesaw model of neutrino masses. Dynamical generation of the right handed (RH) neutrino masses by a gauged U(1) symmetry breaking leads to the formation of a network of cosmic strings which emits stochastic GWs. A gravitational interaction of the lepton current by an operator of the form ∂μRjμ — which can be generated in the seesaw model at the two-loop level through RH neutrino mediation, naturally seeks a stiffer equation of state to efficiently produce baryon asymmetry proportional to 1 − 3ω. We discuss how GWs with reasonably strong amplitudes complemented by a neutrino-less double beta decay signal could probe the onset of the most recent radiation domination and lightest RH neutrino mass at the intermediate scales.

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