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institutional sustainability
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2022 ◽  
pp. 75-85
Jefferson E. Arias Gómez ◽  
Silvia L. Espinosa Acevedo

The Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios UNIMINUTO has determined a series of objectives as levers for growth and development, which have prepared it to face great changes. In this sense, UNIMINUTO Bogotá - Presential Academic Programs Campus designed the Strategic Plan 20-25 “Bogotá and UNIMINUTO, a learning community,” with which it marked its evolutionary path for the next few years. Within this planning and management framework, and based on the attention of the effects caused by COVID-19, this campus made adjustments to its processes and plans, with a series of effects that determined new learning in relation to accessibility and use of technologies in the teaching-learning process; redefinition of the mechanism for the appropriation and awareness of the strategic plan; development of activities requiring attendance, ensuring compliance with all biosafety measures; safe return of students through an alternation model and mechanisms to provide financial support to students and families to guarantee the continuity of the operation and institutional sustainability.

2021 ◽  
Vol 886 (1) ◽  
pp. 012070
Andi Chairil Ichsan ◽  
Hairil Anwar ◽  
Irwan Mahakam Lesmono Aji ◽  
Kornelia Webliana ◽  
Indra Gumay Febryano ◽  

Abstract Conservation Village Model (MDK) is one form of institution since it contains various mechanisms and rules to ensure the operationalization of activities in the field. In this regard, the evaluation process plays a substantial role in ensuring the sustainability of MDK institutions. Thus, studies related to institutional performance are crucial to describe the conditions of MDK implementation in TNGR based on the principles of institutional sustainability. This research was done between April and July 2016, focusing on two villages (i.e. Santong Village and Pesangrahan Village) that have been designated by the Mount Rinjani National Park Office as recipients of the conservation village model program. The analytical tool used to evaluate institutional performance refers to the eight principles of sustainable institutional. The results showed that the implementation of MDK in Mount Rinjani National Park had a low institutional performance. Several facts revealed in this study indicate that so far, the implementation of MDK in TNGR has not accommodated several sustainable institutional principles. These include the absence of mechanisms that regulate the clarity of community access to the use of national parks, differences in program interventions with community preferences, and the absence of mechanisms on benefit cost-sharing and dispute resolution at the operational level.

2021 ◽  
pp. 227853372110439
Sahil Singh Jasrotia ◽  
Manoj Kumar Kamila ◽  
Vinod Kumar Patel

The tourism business is the most effective means to strengthen the economic and financial stability of a country. In a developing country like India this business acts as the backbone to improve the level of happiness of its residents. Sustainable tourism provides equal opportunity to every stakeholder to contribute their part in the development of the society as well as the site. The main purpose of the study was to explore the four dimensions of sustainable tourism, which involve “economic sustainability, environmental sustainability, sociocultural sustainability, and institutional sustainability,” and to study their impact on tourist’s satisfaction. This study involves a survey conducted on tourists visiting selected travel destinations from various states in India. The travel destinations selected for the study involved 26 destinations from 8 states of India. The results suggested a positive relationship of three (environmental, sociocultural, and institutional) sustainability dimensions on tourist’s satisfaction. Findings indicate that the dimensions of environment, sociocultural, and institutional sustainability are important for tourist’s satisfaction and should be included for a holistic approach to planning and monitoring sustainable tourism development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
pp. 292-310
Andrea Carolina García Cabana ◽  
Diego Alejandro Robayo Triviño

Los sistemas socioecológicos (SSE) de páramo y bosque altoandino en Colombia son sistemas ecológicos que se caracterizan por sus particularidades de estructura, composición y funcionamiento. Son espacios que se han desarrollado como parte de procesos históricos de relación entre los humanos y la naturaleza, lo cual ha determinado lo que son al día de hoy. Este artículo realiza un análisis de las perspectivas y discursos producidos desde los gobiernos y las políticas públicas en torno a la sostenibilidad ambiental, la institucionalidad y la planeación territorial que se emplean para gestionar los territorios con presencia de estos socioecosistemas.

2021 ◽  
Vol 49 (3) ◽  
pp. 403-430
Yoonkyung Lee

This study examines the mobilization of the Far Right in Korea and Japan in the 2000s and probes how and why the actors and political claims of East Asian extremists differ from their counterparts in Europe and North America. The Far Right forces in Korea and Japan are politically regressive in glorifying the authoritarian or colonial past and cling to unchanging ideological claims from the postwar decades in their current targeting of old-time, internal “others.” This divergence is explained by the United States–led Cold War geopolitics in Asia, under which Far Right elites were fortified in postwar Japan and Korea. The Cold War that has not ended in Asia as opposed to Europe or North America further allows the institutional sustainability of the radical Right and the political resonance of its old ideology of anticommunism and colonial racism. As such, democratic politics in East Asia is predicated on Cold War undercurrents.

The fundamental aims of this study to construct a new framework between Microfinance Institution’s (MFIs) financial sustainability and social, economic and household women empowerment in Malaysia. The study used both quantitative and qualitative approach. The study used available online empirical recourses by the name of Microfinance Institution’s (MFIs) sustainability and sustainable and social, economic and household women empowerment in different online database sources such as Google Scholars, Springer Link, Wiley, Science Direct, JSTOR, Emerald full text, Scopus, and EBSCO HOST etc. The summary of literature review revealed that it is the unique goal of MFIs for poverty reduction mission through ensuring of financial sustainability while contribution impact in the society. It has also revealed that it is the way the social mission of poverty alleviation through serving the poorest has been overshadowed by profit motive. However, profit orientation of the microfinance industry also emphasis on profit earning. The present study will be recommended for policy considerations for the successful and effective operation of microfinance programs by providing the necessary guidelines for the proper utilization of loan for women borrowers in Malaysia.

Kimberly S. Hodge ◽  
Jane Stewart ◽  
Lilly Grella

Can sustainability initiatives support positive economics, or are they necessarily cost-additive? With thousands of colleges and universities across the globe actively pursuing sustainability and carbon-neutrality goals, the question of how to balance institutional sustainability priorities and fiscal responsibility hovers in discussions ranging from utility planning to student programming. Educational institutions often heavily weigh the economics and academics of a potential sustainability project. However, pressing issues with long-term implications, such as climate change and rising operations costs, can make campus sustainability projects an appealing option. Institutions will incorporate the environmental, financial, and social aspects of a decision differently and through different avenues of funding. Examples of measures that institutions of higher education are taking to incorporate sustainability include adaptations of campus infrastructure, operations, and administrative leadership, and those measures necessarily intersect with financial planning and outcomes. An overview of general models and specific institutional examples of sustainability initiatives in the areas of infrastructure, operations and management, education and community engagement, and administration indicate that sustainability measures, especially for environmental sustainability, can contribute to positive campus economics. This outcome, however, is most likely when decision-making considers both long-term and cross-sectoral impacts to evaluate the true cost–benefit profile as it applies to the institution as a whole.

Marina G. Volnistaya

The article analyses the problem of institutional changes at the university as an academic system in a pandemic. The academic values of the modern university professional community include the social responsibility of the university. In the new conditions, this value dimension of the role of the university in the life of society determines the main directions of research on transformations of the university as the most important social institution. The factors of institutional sustainability of university education are determined. The author examines the role of the university in overcoming global and local risks.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (11) ◽  
pp. 5774
Sarah Eichelberger ◽  
Manuela Heigl ◽  
Mike Peters ◽  
Birgit Pikkemaat

Responsible tourism implies that all actors involved in tourism take responsibility for their actions. The concept of responsible tourism has been extensively addressed in tourism research and practice. However, studies analyzing the tourists’ contribution to responsible tourism have been neglected. Considering that tourists have the potential to contribute to economic, environmental socio-cultural, and institutional sustainability, this study focuses on the role tourists can play in responsible tourism. It also examines how responsible behavior among tourists has been triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, drawing on a planned behavior perspective by concentrating on the tourist contribution to sustainable tourism, responsible tourism behavior is investigated by means of 19 semi-structured interviews. The study found that tourists are not only sensitive to sustainability but that they also behave responsibly both on site and in their travel choices. At the same time, tourists pass the buck to suppliers and providers by requesting rules, information and opportunities for responsible tourism to be created. In this regard, implications for theory and practice can be derived by informing suppliers and providers about their requested responsibilities, as well as by adding a crisis perspective to the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB).

2021 ◽  
Vol 748 (1) ◽  
pp. 012006
J Sulaksana ◽  
D Dwirayani

Abstract This research was conducted to find out how good institutional management and the benefits felt by members by joining farmer groups. The method used in this research is mix method and multiple regression analysis. The results showed that (1) the group had good institutional strength based on the process of group formation; (2) The group has a high institutional sustainability status which shows that the institutional management in the group has run well; (3) There are some factors that have influence to the group sustainability, namely member motivation, group leadership, knowledge of member, access to information, role of village apparatus, and role of member. The most influencer is access to information; (4)The group has a role in helping to solve farming problems, easy access to information, markets, technology and capital as well as resource efficiency and (5) Revenues received by the group in 2019 amounting to Rp. 785,497.5 / 100 kg of input with an R / C ratio of 1, 85 which means the coffee processing business is profitable and can continue to run.

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