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daniellia oliveri
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2021 ◽  
pp. 100397
Dangai Y ◽  
Hamawa Y ◽  
Tsobou R ◽  
H. Z Oumarou ◽  
Mapongmetsem P. M

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 177-186
John Alagbe

The objective of the study was to examine the effect of feeding different levels of Daniellia oliveri leaf extract (DOFE) on the meat quality and fatty acid composition of broiler chicks. A total of 375 one –day old broiler chicks were randomly assigned into five dietary treatments of seventy-five birds per group; each group was further divided into 5 replicates consisting of 15 chicks each. The dietary treatments include a control diet-fed 1.25 g/litre Oxytetracycline (T1), T2, T3, T4 and T5 were fed DOFE at 20 ml, 40ml, 60ml and 80 ml/liter respectively. Basal diet was formulated to meet the nutritional requirements of birds according to NRC (1994), feed and water were given ad libitum and the experiment lasted for 56 days. Result obtained showed that Daniellia oliveri leaf contained Dry matter (89.11%), crude protein (18.95%), crude fibre (13.11%), ether extract (4.78%), ash (6.10%), neutral detergent fibre (28.10%), and acid detergent fibre (47.50%).  Significant differences (P<0.05) were observed in the proximate composition of the breast meat. Total saturated fatty acid (TSFA), total unsaturated fatty acid (TUFA), and omega-6/omega -3 ratio (n-6: n-3) values were significantly influenced (P<0.05) by DOFE. Birds in T5 had the highest TUFA value of 77.87 % followed by T4 (72.45%), T3 (66.43%), T2 (61.94 %), and T1 (41.47%) respectively. While T1 (44.71%) had the highest value of TSFA (P<0.05) relative to other treatments. The atherogenic index was significantly (P<0.05) different among the treatments, the value increases as the level of DOFE increased. It was concluded that feeding DOFE to birds at 80 ml/liter highly influenced the composition of fatty acid and meat quality of animals without any negative effect on their general performance.

Mariam Traore ◽  
Adjaratou C. Coulibaly ◽  
Aboubacar Yaro ◽  
Esther W. L. M. Kabre ◽  
Noufou Ouedraogo ◽  

Aims: The aim of this study is to evaluate the content of phenolic compounds, antioxidant and 15-lipoxygenase inhibition effects of methanolic extract and its fractions of Daniellia. oliveri stem bark. Place and Duration of Study: The work was carried out in the Department of Traditional Pharmacopoeia and Pharmacy (MEPHATRA / PH) of the Institute for Research in Health Sciences (IRSS) and LABIOCA from Université Joseph KI-ZERBO in Ouagadougou between February 2018 and June 2019 Methodology: The phytochemical screening and phenolic content were determined by the methods described in the literature. Antioxidant activity was determined by DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl), ABTS (2,20-azinobis 3-ethylbenzoline-6-sulphonate), FRAP (ferric reducing antioxidant power), and lipid peroxidation (LPO). The anti-inflammatory activities were measured on the ability of the extract to inhibit the activity of enzymes such as 15-lipoxygenase Results: Phytochemical screening revealed the presence of flavonoids, tannins, saponins, anthocyanosides, triterpenes and sterols. The extract and its fractions showed a good content of phenolic compounds with values ranging from 773.97 ± 22.91 to 505.51 mg EAG / g for total polyphenols; from 24.38 ± 0.34 to 12.04 ± 0.08 mg EQ / g in total flavonoids, 311.65 ± 6.70 to 221 ± 0.52 mg EC / g in condensed tannins; 681.81 ± 3.97 to 421.29 ± 8.73 mg EUA / g in total triterpenes and from 280.29 ± 21.72 to 222.04 ± 20.99 mg EC / g for total sterols. The methanol fraction showed the best antioxidant activity as well as the best inhibitory effect on 15-lipoxygenase activity. Conclusion: These results showed that Daniellia. oliveri possessed an antioxidant power, an inhibitory effect of 15 lipoxygenase. Daniellia oliveri could be used in the management of inflammatory pathologies and oxidative stress.

Mariam Traore ◽  
Adjaratou C. Coulibaly ◽  
Kadiatou T. Traore ◽  
Abdoul G. L. Boly ◽  
Esther W. L. M. B. Kabre ◽  

Aims: The aim of this study was to evaluate the anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities of Daniellia oliveri methanolic extract and its fractions in NMRI mice. Study Design: In vivo acute toxicity, anti-inflammatory and analgesic assays. Place and Duration of Study: The work was carried out in the Department of Traditional Pharmacopoeia and Pharmacy (MEPHATRA / PH) of the Research Institute for Health Sciences (IRSS) Ouagadougou (Burkina- Faso) between December 2020 and February 2021. Methodology: The toxicity of the extracts was assessed according to OECD guideline 423 of 2001 at a single dose of 2000 mg / kg body weight. Analgesic effect was evaluated on the number of abdominal contortions induced by the intraperitoneal injection of acetic acid and the anti-inflammatory activity using the Carrageenan anti-edematous test was determined according to Winter. Results: The results of the acute oral toxicity study in mice showed no clinical signs of toxicity at dose of 2000 mg/kg b.w. The lethal dose (LD50) value estimated to 5000 mg/kg. The extracts reduced edema from the first hour, then by the third hour and maximum inhibition was achieved by the fifth hour after the injection of carrageenan. Extract and methanolic fraction at different doses showed significant inhibition of abdominal contortions in mice in a dose dependent manner. At 200mg the analgesic effect of methanolic fraction and crude extract was 53.70±1.29% and 41.38±1.25% respectively. At 400 mg/kg, the methanolic fraction inhibited carragenaan-induced edema by 85.97±5.67%. Conclusion: Daniellia oliveri is an important source of anti-inflammatory and analgesic compounds, justifying the use of this plant in traditional medicine for the treatment of inflammatory diseases.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
Melanie Abongwa ◽  
Moses Samje ◽  
Godfred A. Ayimele ◽  
Smith B. Babiaka ◽  
Christina Bulman ◽  

Abstract Background Drugs currently used for controlling onchocerciasis and lymphatic filariasis (LF) are mainly microfilaricidal, with minimal or no effect on the adult worms. For efficient management of these diseases, it is necessary to search for new drugs with macrofilaricidal activities that can be used singly or in combination with existing ones. Daniellia oliveri and Psorospermum febrifugum are two plants commonly used in the local management of these infections in Bambui, a township in the North West Region of Cameroon, but there is currently no documented scientific evidence to support their claimed anthelmintic efficacy and safety. The aim of this study was to provide evidence in support of the search for means to eliminate these diseases by screening extracts and chromatographic fractions isolated from these plants for efficacy against the parasitic roundworms Onchocerca ochengi and Brugia pahangi. Methods The viability of O. ochengi adult worms was assessed using the MTT/formazan assay. Fully confluent monkey kidney epithelial cells (LLC-MK2) served as the feeder layer for the O. ochengi microfilariae (mfs) assays. Viability of the mfs was assessed by microscopic examination for mean motility scoring (relative to the negative control) every 24 h post addition of an extract. The Worminator system was used to test the effects of the extracts on adult B. pahangi motility, and mean motility units were determined for each worm. Cytotoxicity of the active extracts on N27 cells was assessed using the MTS assay. Results Extracts from D. oliveri and P. febrifugum were effective against the adult roundworms O. ochengi and B. pahangi. Interestingly, extracts showing macrofilaricidal activities against O. ochengi also showed activity against O. ochengi mfs. The hexane stem bark extract of D. oliveri (DOBHEX) was more selective for adult O. ochengi than for mfs, with a half maximal and 100% inhibitory concentration (IC50 and IC100, respectively) against adult O. ochengi of 13.9 and 31.3 μg/ml, respectively. The in vitro cytotoxicity of all active extracts on N27 cells showed selective toxicity for parasites (selectivity index > 1). Bioassay-guided fractionation of the extracts yielded fractions with activity against adult B. pahangi, thus confirming the presence of bioactive principles in the plant extracts. Conclusions Our study supports the use of D. oliveri and P. febrifugum in the traditional treatment of onchocerciasis and LF. The further purification of active extracts from these plants could yield lead compounds for filarial drug discovery and development. Graphic abstract

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-96
Sylvanus Hanania Sèton Honvou ◽  
Boya André Aboh ◽  
Clément Sewade ◽  
Oscar Teka ◽  
Bernard Christophe Gandonou ◽  

La perte de la biodiversité végétale, liée à la dégradation des parcours est l’un des défis pour les pays d’accueil des transhumants. La présente étude visait à analyser les caractéristiques structurales et la diversité floristique des groupements végétaux dans la Basse et Moyenne Vallée de l’Ouémé (BMVO). Les données phytosociologiques, collectées dans 113 relevés selon la méthode de Braun-Blanquet (1932), ont été soumises à une DCA avec le logiciel R 3.3.2. Ainsi, 173 espèces regroupées dans 127 genres et 45 familles ont été  recensées. Au total, 4 groupements végétaux ont été identifiés : les groupements GI à Andropogon gayanus var squamulatus et Mitragyna inermis ; GII à Paspalum notatum et Aeollanthus pubescens ; GIII à Panicum maximum et Calopogonium mucunoides et le groupement végétal GIV à Tridax procumbens et Daniellia oliveri. La diversité floristique est liée à la topographie, la nature du sol et son humidité, et l’intensité d’exploitation des terres. Les thérophytes et les phanérophytes ont été les plus abondants dans tous les groupements. Par contre, les hémicryptophytes ont été plus dominants dans le groupement GI. Les espèces à large distribution et à distribution continentale ont été plus abondantes et dominantes dans tous les groupements. Cette recherche servira de base pour l’analyse de la dynamique de la végétation des terres de parcours de la BMVO. Mots clés : Parcours, facteurs écologiques, types biologiques, types phytogéographiques, Bénin.

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