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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 0-0

This paper describes a growth mind-set intervention with Junior Cycle Coding students in a disadvantaged school in Ireland. This intervention builds on the work of O’Rourke et al. (2016) and applies findings to a computer programming setting where gamification is used to incentivise growth mind-set behaviour in students learning to code. Data revealed a large drop in the perseverance of effort with the control group while learning computer programming. Significantly, the intervention shielded the focus group from experiencing the same drop while learning to code. This research found an increase in the growth mind-set behaviour as the intervention progressed. Additionally, the study revealed that some game elements were effective at incentivising growth mind-set behaviour like perseverance, while others were less successful. These findings are important for educators to consider when they find their Coding students showing a helpless response to challenge as this research sets out a clear path to successfully incentivise persistence and changing strategy in the face of challenge.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-29
Justin Barnette

Abstract Income drops permanently after an involuntary job displacement, but it has never been clear what happens to long run wealth in the USA. Upon displacement, wealth falls 14% relative to workers of the same age and similar education from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID). Their wealth is still 18% lower 12 years after the event. A standard life cycle model calibrated to US data with permanent decreases in income after displacement behaves differently than these findings. The agents in the model also experience a large drop in wealth but they recover. The biggest culprit for these differences is small and statistically insignificant changes to consumption in the PSID whereas agents in the model decrease their consumption considerably. Extending the model to include habit formation reconciles some of these differences by generating similar long run effects on wealth. This allows for the examination of wealth at death through the lens of the model.

2021 ◽  
Vol 57 (2) ◽  
pp. 249-254

Lkkj & bl 'kks/k&i= dk mÌs’; dksydkrk ¼22°32¢] 88°20¢½ esa ekulwu iwoZ _rq ¼vizSy&ebZ½ ds nkSjku xtZ ds lkFk vkus okys Hkh"k.k rwQkuksa dh mRifÙk vkSj fodkl esa lgk;d es?k dh lw{e HkkSfrdh; izfØ;kvksa dh tk¡p djuk gSA bl v/;;u ls ;g irk pyk gS fd dksydkrk esa ekulwu&iwoZ _rq ds nkSjku xtZ ds lkFk vkus okys Hkh"k.k rwQkuksa ds nkSjku rkixfrdh;] xfrdh;] es?k dh lw{e HkkSfrdh vkSj fctyh pdeus dks J`a[kykc) djus esa laoguh; miyC/k foHko ÅtkZ ¼lh- ,- ih- bZ-½ lgk;d gSA bl v/;;u ls izkIr gq, ifj.kkeksa ls ;g irk pyk gS fd dksydkrk esa laoguh; miyC/k foHko ÅtkZ 1000 twYl izfr fd- xzk- ds Hkhrj izcy ikbZ xbZ tks eqDr laogu Lrj ¼,y- ,Q- lh-½ ls Åij fu/kkZfjr nkc Lrjksa ds Hkhrj ikbZ xbZ vkSj ok;q dh viMªk¶V xfr ds ln`’k eku fu"izHkkoh mRIykodrk Lrj ¼,y- ,u- ch-½ esa yxHkx 30 - 50 eh-@ lsdsaM ik, x,A bl v/;;u ls ;g Hkh irk pyk gS fd 5 fe- eh- rd ds O;kl ds vkdkj dh c¡wns fLFkj jg ldrh gS ftlds ckn vkdkj c<+us ds dkj.k cw¡nsa VwV tkrh gSaA tc cw¡n dh f=T;k 2-5 fe- eh- ls 3 fe- eh- dh ifjf/k esa gksrh gS rc cw¡nksa dk VwVuk  'kq: gks tkrk gS vkSj 3 fe- eh- ls 5 fe- eh- dh ifjf/k esa cw¡nksa ds VwVus dh laHkkouk vf/kd gksrh gS D;ksfd bl fLFkfr esa cw¡nksa ds yxkrkj VwVus dh dkj.k mudk thoudky cgqr NksVk gks tkrk gSA  The aim of the present paper is to view the cloud microphysical processes entailed in the genesis and the development of the severe thunderstorms of pre-monsoon season (April - May) over Kolkata (22°32', 88°20'). The study shows that Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE) is instrumental in establishing a linkage among thermodynamics, dynamics, cloud microphysics, and lightning during severe thunderstorm of pre monsoon season over Kolkata. The results of the present study reveal that for the thunderstorms reported over Kolkata, CAPE are found to be predominantly within 1000 joules per kgs within the prescribed pressure levels above the Level of Free Convection (LFC) and the corresponding values of the updraft speeds of the air are found to be nearly 30 - 50 m/s at the Level of Neutral Buoyancy (LNB). The study also depicts that the drops may grow up to the size of 5mm in diameter stably, beyond which, they tend to breakup due to the large drop instability. The breakup or splitting is observed to initiate when the drop radius is within the range of 2.5mm to 3mm and the breakup is most likely within the range of 3mm to 5mm because at this stage the lifetime of the drops are short due to the spontaneous breakup.  

2021 ◽  
pp. 000992282110448
Melanie M. Randall ◽  
Fairuz Despujos Harfouche ◽  
Jennifer Raae-Nielsen ◽  
Brian G. Chen ◽  
Miryah Chen ◽  

To combat the spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), significant measures were enacted including school and business closures, social distancing, and facial coverings. We hypothesized that this would have an impact on all respiratory infections in children. Using nasopharyngeal panel test results of children in the emergency department, we evaluated cross-sectional data from February to May in both 2019 and 2020. Respiratory panel testing included 11 common respiratory viruses and bacteria. After the restrictions were enacted, we observed a large drop in the number and percentage positive of all common respiratory viral infections in 2020 compared with the same time in 2019. When analyzing data from children <2 years old, a similar decrease was seen. Restrictions enacted to prevent the spread of COVID-19 were associated with a significant decrease in respiratory viral infections in children of all ages. This association could guide future public health recommendations and guidelines.

David J. Serke ◽  
Scott M. Ellis ◽  
Sarah A. Tessendorf ◽  
David E. Albo ◽  
John C. Hubbert ◽  

AbstractDetection of in-flight icing hazard is a priority of the aviation safety community. The ‘Radar Icing Algorithm’ (RadIA) has been developed to indicate the presence, phase, and relative size of supercooled drops. This paper provides an evaluation of RadIA via comparison to in-situ microphysical measurements collected with a research aircraft during the 2017 'Seeded and Natural Orographic Wintertime clouds: the Idaho Experiment' (SNOWIE) field campaign.RadIA uses Level 2 dual-polarization radar moments from operational National Weather Service WSR-88D radar and a numerical weather prediction model temperature profile as inputs. Moment membership functions are defined based on the results of previous studies, and fuzzy logic is used to combine the output of these functions to create a 0 to 1 interest for detecting small-drop, large-drop and mixed phase icing.Data from the 2D-S particle probe on board the University of Wyoming King Air aircraft were categorized as either liquid or solid phase water with a shape classification algorithm and binned by size. RadIA interest values from 17 cases were matched to statistical measures of the solid/liquid particle size distributions (such as maximum particle diameter) and values of LWC from research aircraft flights. Receiver Operating Characteristic Area Under the Curve (AUC) values for RadIA algorithms were 0.75 for large-drop, 0.73 for small-drop, and 0.83 for mixed-phase cases. RadIA is proven to be a valuable new capability for detecting the presence of in-flight icing hazards from ground-based precipitation radar.

2021 ◽  
Andy P. Broeren ◽  
Sam Lee ◽  
Jen-Ching Tsao

Microscopy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Masami Terauchi ◽  
Naoya Umemoto ◽  
Yohei Sato ◽  
Masaki Ageishi ◽  
An-Pang Tsai

Abstract Phase diagram of Au-Si binary alloy system shows a large drop of melting temperature of about 1000 K compared with that of Si at a composition of Au:Si=81:19, where the melting temperature is about 636 K. Mixing of Au and Si below the melting temperature was observed by transmission electron microscopy experiment and found the mixed region show a diffraction pattern of a diffuse ring intensity indicating an amorphous structure of the mixed area. Si L-emission spectra, which reflects the energy state of bonding electrons of Si atom, of molten Au81Si19 alloy was measured for the first time to investigate the energy state of valence electrons of Si. The Si L-emission spectrum showed a characteristic loss of L1 peak, which is related to sp3 directional bonding in crystalline Si. The intensity profile is also different from that of molten Si reported. This suggests a characteristic atomic arrangement exist in the molten state. The intensity profile also indicated a small density of state in the molten state at Fermi energy. The obtained spectrum was compared with the calculated density of state of possible crystal structures reported. The comparison suggested that Si atoms are surrounded by 8 Au atoms in the molten state of Au81Si19 alloy. The formation of this local atomic arrangement can be an origin of a large drop of melting temperature at about Au:Si=81:19.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1037 ◽  
pp. 20-25
Artur I. Kurakin ◽  
Ilya G. Strukov ◽  
Iakov P. Skoblikov ◽  
Vyacheslav M. Karpov ◽  
Evgeny I. Efimov

This paper presents studies about the influence of the surfacing mode on the formation of defects in the deposited metal produced by WAAM using Al-Mg alloy. As the main parameters that affected on the surfacing mode were the travel speed and the frequency of current pulses. Graphs about an influence of the travel speed on a size of pores and an influence the frequency of current pulses on a specific area of pores were constructed. It was concluded that with increasing of the surfacing speed, the size of defects decreased. Increasing the frequency of current pulses affected on increasing the specific area of pores. Changing the frequency of the current pulses leads to a change in the metal transfer. When using large-drop transfer metal, the defect concentration is minimal, but when using small-drop transfer, the arc stability decreases, which contributes to a higher pore concentration in the deposited metal.

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