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gas kinematics
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2022 ◽  
Vol 924 (1) ◽  
pp. 4
Olivia H. Wilkins ◽  
P. Brandon Carroll ◽  
Geoffrey A. Blake

Abstract The Orion Kleinmann-Low nebula (Orion KL) is notoriously complex and exhibits a range of physical and chemical components. We conducted high-angular-resolution (subarcsecond) observations of 13CH3OH ν = 0 (∼0.″3 and ∼0.″7) and CH3CN ν 8 = 1 (∼0.″2 and ∼0.″9) line emission with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) to investigate Orion KL’s structure on small spatial scales (≤350 au). Gas kinematics, excitation temperatures, and column densities were derived from the molecular emission via a pixel-by-pixel spectral line fitting of the image cubes, enabling us to examine the small-scale variation of these parameters. Subregions of the Hot Core have a higher excitation temperature in a 0.″2 beam than in a 0.″9 beam, indicative of possible internal sources of heating. Furthermore, the velocity field includes a bipolar ∼7–8 km s−1 feature with a southeast–northwest orientation against the surrounding ∼4–5 km s−1 velocity field, which may be due to an outflow. We also find evidence of a possible source of internal heating toward the Northwest Clump, since the excitation temperature there is higher in a smaller beam versus a larger beam. Finally, the region southwest of the Hot Core (Hot Core-SW) presents itself as a particularly heterogeneous region bridging the Hot Core and Compact Ridge. Additional studies to identify the (hidden) sources of luminosity and heating within Orion KL are necessary to better understand the nebula and its chemistry.

Ilaria Ruffa ◽  
Isabella Prandoni ◽  
Timothy A Davis ◽  
Robert A Laing ◽  
Rosita Paladino ◽  

Abstract This is the fourth paper of a series investigating the AGN fuelling/feedback processes in a sample of eleven nearby low-excitation radio galaxies (LERGs). In this paper we present follow-up Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) observations of one source, NGC 3100, targeting the 12CO(1-0), 12CO(3-2), HCO+(4-3), SiO(3-2) and HNCO(6-5) molecular transitions. 12CO(1-0) and 12CO(3-2) lines are nicely detected and complement our previous 12CO(2-1) data. By comparing the relative strength of these three CO transitions, we find extreme gas excitation conditions (i.e. Tex ≳ 50 K) in regions that are spatially correlated with the radio lobes, supporting the case for a jet-ISM interaction. An accurate study of the CO kinematics demonstrates that, although the bulk of the gas is regularly rotating, two distinct non-rotational kinematic components can be identified in the inner gas regions: one can be associated to inflow/outflow streaming motions induced by a two-armed spiral perturbation; the second one is consistent with a jet-induced outflow with vmax ≈ 200 km s−1 and $\dot{M}\lesssim 0.12$ M⊙ yr−1. These values indicate that the jet-CO coupling ongoing in NGC 3100 is only mildly affecting the gas kinematics, as opposed to what expected from existing simulations and other observational studies of (sub-)kpc scale jet-cold gas interactions. HCO+(4-3) emission is tentatively detected in a small area adjacent to the base of the northern radio lobe, possibly tracing a region of jet-induced gas compression. The SiO(3-2) and HNCO(6-5) shock tracers are undetected: this - along with the tentative HCO+(4-3) detection - may be consistent with a deficiency of very dense (i.e. ncrit > 106 cm−3) cold gas in the central regions of NGC 3100.

2021 ◽  
Vol 922 (2) ◽  
pp. 207
N. K. Bhadari ◽  
L. K. Dewangan ◽  
P. M. Zemlyanukha ◽  
D. K. Ojha ◽  
I. I. Zinchenko ◽  

Abstract We report an observational study of the Galactic H ii region Sh 2-305/S305 using the [C ii] 158 μm line data, which are used to examine the gas dynamics and structure of photodissociation regions. The integrated [C ii] emission map at [39.4, 49.5] km s−1 spatially traces two shell-like structures (i.e., inner and outer neutral shells) having a total mass of ∼565 M ⊙. The inner neutral shell encompasses an O9.5V star at its center and has a compact ring-like appearance. However, the outer shell is seen with more extended and diffuse [C ii] emission, hosting an O8.5V star at its center, and surrounds the inner neutral shell. The velocity channel maps and position–velocity diagrams confirm the presence of a compact [C ii] shell embedded in the diffuse outer shell, and both the shells seem to expand with v exp ∼ 1.3 km s−1. The outer shell appears to be older than the inner shell, hinting that these shells are formed sequentially. The [C ii] profiles are examined toward S305, which are either double peaked or blue skewed and have the brighter redshifted component. The redshifted and blueshifted components spatially trace the inner and outer neutral shell geometry, respectively. The ionized, neutral, and molecular zones in S305 are seen adjacent to one another around the O-type stars. The regularly spaced dense molecular and dust clumps (mass ∼10–103 M ⊙) are investigated around the neutral shells, which might have originated as a result of gravitational instability in the shell of collected materials.

2021 ◽  
Vol 922 (2) ◽  
pp. 183
Xuepeng Chen ◽  
Weihua Guo ◽  
Li Sun ◽  
Jiangchen Feng ◽  
Yang Su ◽  

Abstract We present wide-field multiwavelength observations of γ Cassiopeiae (or γ Cas for short) in order to study its feedback toward the interstellar environment. A large expanding cavity is discovered toward γ Cas in the neutral hydrogen (H i) images at a systemic velocity of about −10 km s−1. The measured dimension of the cavity is roughly 2.°0 × 1.°4 (or 6.0 pc × 4.2 pc at a distance of 168 pc), while the expansion velocity is ∼5.0 ± 0.5 km s−1. The CO observations reveal systematic velocity gradients in IC 63 (∼20 km s−1 pc−1) and IC 59 (∼30 km s−1 pc−1), two cometary globules illuminated by γ Cas, proving fast acceleration of the globules under stellar radiation pressure. The gas kinematics indicate that the cavity is opened by strong stellar wind, which has high potential to lead to the peculiar X-ray emission observed in γ Cas. Our result favors a new scenario that emphasizes the roles of stellar wind and binarity in the X-ray emission of the γ Cas stars.

2021 ◽  
Vol 922 (2) ◽  
pp. 143
S. H. Price ◽  
T. T. Shimizu ◽  
R. Genzel ◽  
H. Übler ◽  
N. M. Förster Schreiber ◽  

Abstract We present a follow-up analysis examining the dynamics and structures of 41 massive, large star-forming galaxies at z ∼ 0.67 − 2.45 using both ionized and molecular gas kinematics. We fit the galaxy dynamics with models consisting of a bulge, a thick, turbulent disk, and an NFW dark matter halo, using code that fully forward-models the kinematics, including all observational and instrumental effects. We explore the parameter space using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling, including priors based on stellar and gas masses and disk sizes. We fit the full sample using extracted 1D kinematic profiles. For a subset of 14 well-resolved galaxies, we also fit the 2D kinematics. The MCMC approach robustly confirms the results from least-squares fitting presented in Paper I: the sample galaxies tend to be baryon-rich on galactic scales (within one effective radius). The 1D and 2D MCMC results are also in good agreement for the subset, demonstrating that much of the galaxy dynamical information is captured along the major axis. The 2D kinematics are more affected by the presence of noncircular motions, which we illustrate by constructing a toy model with constant inflow for one galaxy that exhibits residual signatures consistent with radial motions. This analysis, together with results from Paper I and other studies, strengthens the finding that massive, star-forming galaxies at z ∼ 1 − 2 are baryon-dominated on galactic scales, with lower dark matter fractions toward higher baryonic surface densities. Finally, we present details of the kinematic fitting code used in this analysis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 921 (2) ◽  
pp. 173
Ryo Tazaki ◽  
Koji Murakawa ◽  
Takayuki Muto ◽  
Mitsuhiko Honda ◽  
Akio K. Inoue

Abstract We study the 3 μm scattering feature of water ice detected in the outer disk of HD 142527 by performing radiative transfer simulations. We show that an ice mass abundance at the outer disk surface of HD 142527 is much lower than estimated in a previous study. It is even lower than inferred from far-infrared ice observations, implying ice disruption at the disk surface. Next, we demonstrate that a polarization fraction of disk-scattered light varies across the ice-band wavelengths depending on ice grain properties; hence, polarimetric spectra would be another tool for characterizing water-ice properties. Finally, we argue that the observed reddish disk-scattered light is due to grains a few microns in size. To explain the presence of such grains at the disk surface, we need a mechanism that can efficiently oppose dust settling. If we assume turbulent mixing, our estimate requires α ≳ 2 × 10−3, where α is a nondimensional parameter describing the vertical diffusion coefficient of grains. Future observations probing gas kinematics would be helpful to elucidate vertical grain dynamics in the outer disk of HD 142527.

A. Bewketu Belete ◽  
P. Andreani ◽  
J. A. Fernández-Ontiveros ◽  
E. Hatziminaoglou ◽  
F. Combes ◽  

Science ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. eabe9680
Takafumi Tsukui ◽  
Satoru Iguchi

Spiral galaxies have distinct internal structures including a stellar bulge, disk and spiral arms. It is unknown when in cosmic history these structures formed. We analyze observations of BRI 1335–0417, an intensely star-forming galaxy in the distant Universe, at redshift 4.41. The [C ii] gas kinematics show a steep velocity rise near the galaxy center and have a two-armed spiral morphology, which extends from about 2 to 5 kiloparsecs in radius. We interpret these features as due to a central compact structure, such as a bulge; a rotating gas disk; and either spiral arms or tidal tails. These features had formed within 1.4 billion years after the Big Bang, long before the peak of cosmic star formation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 504 (2) ◽  
pp. 2629-2657
Mandy C Chen ◽  
Hsiao-Wen Chen ◽  
Max Gronke ◽  
Michael Rauch ◽  
Tom Broadhurst

ABSTRACT This paper presents a detailed analysis of two giant Lyman-alpha (Ly α) arcs detected near galaxies at z = 3.038 and z = 3.754 lensed by the massive cluster MACS 1206−0847 (z = 0.44). The Ly α nebulae revealed in deep MUSE observations exhibit a double-peaked profile with a dominant red peak, indicating expansion/outflowing motions. One of the arcs stretches over 1 arcmin around the cluster Einstein radius, resolving the velocity field of the line-emitting gas on kpc scales around three star-forming galaxies of 0.3–$1.6\, L_*$ at z = 3.038. The second arc spans 15 arcsec in size, roughly centred around two low-mass Ly α emitters of $\approx 0.03\, L_*$ at z = 3.754. All three galaxies in the z = 3.038 group exhibit prominent damped Ly α absorption (DLA) and several metal absorption lines, in addition to nebular emission lines such as $\hbox{He ii}$$\lambda \, 1640$ and C iii]λλ1906, 1908. Extended Ly α emission appears to emerge from star-forming regions with suppressed surface brightness at the centre of each galaxy. Significant spatial variations in the Ly α line profile are observed which, when unaccounted for in the integrated line, leads to biased constraints for the underlying gas kinematics. The observed spatial variations indicate the presence of a steep velocity gradient in a continuous flow of high column density gas from star-forming regions into a low-density halo environment. A detailed inspection of available galaxy spectra shows no evidence of AGN activity in the galaxies, and the observed Ly α signals are primarily explained by resonant scattering. The study presented in this paper shows that spatially resolved imaging spectroscopy provides the most detailed insights yet into the kinematics of galactic superwinds associated with star-forming galaxies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 503 (4) ◽  
pp. 5984-5996
Mark D Smith ◽  
Martin Bureau ◽  
Timothy A Davis ◽  
Michele Cappellari ◽  
Lijie Liu ◽  

ABSTRACT Supermassive black hole (SMBH) masses can be measured by resolving the dynamical influences of the SMBHs on tracers of the central potentials. Modern long-baseline interferometers have enabled the use of molecular gas as such a tracer. We present here Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array observations of the elliptical galaxy NGC 7052 at 0${^{\prime\prime}_{.}}$11 ($37\,$pc) resolution in the 12CO(2-1) line and $1.3\,$ mm continuum emission. This resolution is sufficient to resolve the region in which the potential is dominated by the SMBH. We forward model these observations, using a multi-Gaussian expansion of a Hubble Space Telescope F814W image and a spatially constant mass-to-light ratio to model the stellar mass distribution. We infer an SMBH mass of $2.5\pm 0.3\times 10^{9}\, \mathrm{M_\odot }$ and a stellar I-band mass-to-light ratio of $4.6\pm 0.2\, \mathrm{M_\odot /L_{\odot ,I}}$ (3σ confidence intervals). This SMBH mass is significantly larger than that derived using ionized gas kinematics, which however appears significantly more kinematically disturbed than the molecular gas. We also show that a central molecular gas deficit is likely to be the result of tidal disruption of molecular gas clouds due to the strong gradient in the central gravitational potential.

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