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information and computer technology
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2022 ◽  
pp. 217-241
Giulia Binaghi

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a primary cause of dementia in the ageing population affecting more than 35 million people around the globe. Acquisition of information in everyday life requires memorization in complex three-dimensional environments. Emerging ICT (information and computer technology) applications based on virtual reality (VR) environments can lead to a behavior modification as they provide a photorealistic virtual environment (VE). This chapter provides a selective overview of the empirical evidence available along last five years on the use of virtual reality (VR) to promote everyday life skills and cognitive impairment mitigation of AD patients. Virtual reality allows us to identify and treat deficits in memory that are relevant to everyday life yet not detectable with list learning. Articles related to virtual reality have been divided in two categories according to their use: whether for assessment and diagnostic or rehabilitative purposes. Clinical implications were critically discussed. Suggestions for future research and practice will also be provided.

Svetlana Bukhkalo ◽  
Anna Ageicheva ◽  
Anastasiia Vypovska ◽  
Zhanna Derkunska ◽  
Nataliia Pshychkina

The importance of ICT usage implementation in the startup project is analyzed. It has been proved that translation is of great importance for any startup project for establishing relationships with potential clients around the world. The role of the translator in the startup project is investigated. Translation has been proven to be important for any startup project to build relationships with potential clients around the world. A comprehensive analysis of the translation of startup projects from Ukrainian into English using the latest information and communication technologies in this process. Peculiarities of using modern ICT in translating the description of startup projects from Ukrainian into English are revealed. Exploring the use of information and computer technology in the translation process. It is determined that it is important for a translator of a startup project to understand all the features of using the software, choose the appropriate programs or online tools and develop a strategy for the translation process in the project. The results of this work are very important and necessary for further study of the features of the use of ICT in the translation of startup projects

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 325-334
Isnania Lestari ◽  
Sandrawati Sandrawati ◽  

The evaluation stage is the final stage in the learning process. Currently, the evaluation process is still using the manual method. Based on this, an application was developed as an android-based cognitive evaluation tool at the Information and Computer Technology Education Study Program (PTIK) IKIP PGRI Pontianak. The purpose of this study was to analyze the feasibility of developing an android-based cognitive evaluation tool and also student responses after using an android-based cognitive evaluation tool in the ICT Education Study Program of IKIP PGRI Pontianak. The development method used is Research and Development (R&D) research with the ADDIE model. The research subjects in the study consisted of development subjects involving three media experts and product trial subjects involving 10 students as small-scale test subjects and 42 students as large-scale trial subjects. Data collection using closed questionnaires, and Data analysis apply descriptive quantitative analysis. The results of the media expert test obtained a score of 90.3%, including the Very Eligible category. Small-scale trials obtained a score of 76% in the Eligible category. Large-scale trials obtained a score of 81% in the Very Eligible category. The response results obtained are very good, because they have fulfilled the aspects needed in making the application.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 123
Caca E Supriana

Abstrak: Program Studi Teknik Informatika sebagai sebuah organisasi bergantung pada pengambil keputusan untuk mendukung visi dan misi organisasi berdasarkan masukan dari beberapa domain pengetahuan. Kompleksitas domain pengetahuan yang mendasari pengambilan keputusan semakin meningkat dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komputer serta persaingan dengan organisasi lain. Knowledge Sharing Systems (KSS) dirancang untuk membantu pengguna berbagi pengetahuan. Perancangan proses yang saling terkait untuk mengelola informasi menjadi pengetahuan dan menyebarkannya kepada pemangku kepentingan di Program Studi. Informasi yang dikelola bersumber dari data dalam sistem informasi yang harus disimpan dan dikelola dengan efektif dan efisien. Pemanfaatan basis data sebagai kelanjutan perancangan sistem informasi untuk mendukung penyebaran atau pembagian pengetahuan akan mendukung kebutuhan tersebut, perancangan ini disebut Knowledge Sharing Systems Database (KSSDB). Penelitian ini akan menganalisis bagaimana pengetahuan diambil, disimpan serta dibagi kepada setiap pemangku kepentingan sebagai aset berharga di lingkungan program studi, sebagai acuan pengambilan keputusan serta pendukung pencapaian misi dan misi program studi dengan dukungan perancangan basis data. Hasil penelitian ini adalah perancangan model KSSDB, dengan menggunakan metode siklus hidup basis data yang dimulai dari analisis sistem informasi, perancangan model basis data sampai dengan pembangunan basis data fisik untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dengan studi kasus Program Studi Teknik Informatika Universitas Pasundan. KSSDB akan membantu pengelolaan data untuk mendukung penyebaran pengetahuan, baik dalam Program Studi atau antar Program Studi di Fakultas Teknik dalam mendukung pelaksanaan Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi dan meningkatkan kualitas pengetahuan berbagai pihak yang terlibat.   Kata kunci: Knowledge Sharing Systems Database, manajemen pengetahuan, Prodi Teknik Informatika   Abstract: The Informatics Engineering Study Program as an organization relies on decision makers to support the organization's vision and mission based on input from several knowledge domains. The complexity of the knowledge domain that underlies decision making is increasing with the development of information and computer technology and competition with other organizations. Knowledge Sharing Systems (KSS) are designed to help users share knowledge. Design of interrelated processes to manage information into knowledge and disseminate it to stakeholders in the Study Program. The managed information from data in the information system which must be stored and managed effectively and efficiently. Utilization of databases as a continuation of the design of information systems to sharing of knowledge will support these needs, this design is Knowledge Sharing Systems Database (KSSDB). This study will analyze how knowledge is taken, stored and shared with each stakeholder as a valuable asset in the study program environment, as a reference for decision making and supporting the achievement of the study program's mission and mission with the support of database design. The result of this research is the design of the KSSDB model, using the database life cycle method starting from information system analysis, database model design to the construction of a physical database to increase knowledge with a case study of the Informatics Engineering Study Program, Pasundan University. KSSDB will assist data management to support the dissemination of knowledge, both within Study Programs or between Study Programs at the Faculty of Engineering in supporting the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education and improving the quality of knowledge of the various parties involved.   Keywords: knowledge management, Knowledge Sharing Systems Database, Informatics Engineering Study Program

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3Sup1) ◽  
pp. 155-167
Oleksandr Yashchyk ◽  
Valentyna Shevchenko ◽  
Viktoriia Kiptenko ◽  
Oleksandra Razumova ◽  

This article examines the transformation of the labor market under the influence of informatization of society. It is noted that in the conditions of globalization and informatization of the nowadays a post-industrial society has been formed, in which information is a determining factor of production. New opportunities and challenges of the labor market in the conditions of information society development are analyzed. The informatization of society changes the conditions, nature and forms of work. Extensive digitalization, the use of cloud technologies and artificial intelligence systems are displacing traditional forms of employment towards teleworking, which makes workers more mobile and able to optimize working hours. It is established that the spread of technology increases the efficiency of the recruitment and searching job processes. Informatization of society contributes to the creation of a digital labor market, which forms the demand and supply of information and computer technology workers. In the context of informatization of society, the labor market is characterized by an imbalance between supply and demand of labor due to structural changes in the economy. Among the challenges of the labor market are rising unemployment in the raw materials industries, robotics and automation of routine manual labor. The digitalization of the economy leads to the need to adjust government regulation of business and provide social guarantees for employees. It is noted that the informatization of society provides more benefits to the labor market than obstacles. Solving the problems it raises, promotes progress and economic development.

Petir ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 170-180
Raden Muhamad Firzatullah

The determination of the student's single tuition fee grade at XYZ University still faces problems, one of which is the inconsistency of supporting variables which change each year based on the number of students and the level of student welfare. Determination of the class of student's single tuition fee based on the web that applies the backpropagation algorithm is designed to produce an adaptive decision-making system for changing variable determinants so that every year it is not necessary to adjust the weight in determining the student's single tuition fee group. In building a decision support system to determine the student's single tuition fee group, there are several stages including data collection, data processing, backpropagation implementation, evaluation and presentation of the model, and implementation of a web-based decision support system. During the evaluation and presentation of the model, several experiments were carried out by considering various parameters to get the best accuracy results. The accuracy of the best model produced in this study reached 86% with output in the form of a web-based decision support system that is ready to be managed by the Center for Information and Computer Technology (PUSTIKOM) of XYZ University for use by new students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 454-457
Milena Yancheva ◽  

In today’s dynamic, rapidly evolving and changing world, there are a number of challenges facing various spheres of public life, in particular the educational process. Teachers find that nowadays a major problem in school education is the weak and declining motivation of students to learn. Teachers are looking for ways to increase students’ interest in the subject they teach. In the last 30 years, the only major development in foreign language teaching has been the introduction of information and computer technology in teaching. In this regard, the CLIL method can be said to be a means of overcoming the stagnation in the teaching of foreign languages and to increase students’ interest in both the topic studied and the language in which it is taught. This report reviews the history of the CLIL method, its theoretical foundations and applications. The legislative support of the method is indicated both by the educational policy of the European Union and by the foreign language curricula in Bulgaria. The main characteristics of the method, which make it an effective method for the development of skills in the 21st century, are also considered. The conclusions are based on twenty teaching practices, developed by the method in the Primary Stage of „Petko R. Slaveykov“ Secondary School, town of Varna. They illustrate its effectiveness, increased interest among students and lasting knowledge of the language and non-language subject. Opinions of parents and students and fellow teachers were analyzed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 5-10
Olena Havrylyshena ◽  

One of the factors in the modernization of the education system is the creation and use of computer-based learning tool that combines the achievements of modern pedagogical science with the capabilities of information and computer technology. Achieving this goal involves the creation and use of electronic textbooks in the educational process. The legal basis for their use is the Laws of Ukraine «On Education», the Decree of the President of Ukraine «On measures to develop the national component of the global information network Internet and ensure wide access to this network in Ukraine», Orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine «On conducting an experiment at the national level on the topic» «Electronic textbook for general secondary education (Е-book for secondary education (EBSE)), August 2018–August 2021», «On approval of the Regulations on the electronic textbook». The article actualized the issue of the introduction of electronic textbooks in the educational process of general secondary education institutions. The essence of interconnected concepts is revealed: «information and communication technologies»; «electronic educational environment»; «electronic educational resource»; «electronic textbook». Based on the analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature of domestic and foreign scientists, the main approaches to the classification of electronic textbooks are presented. Factors and criteria for evaluating the quality of electronic textbooks are described. The analysis of the current legislation on the introduction of electronic textbooks in the educational process of modern school is conducted. Based on the results of research and experimental work on the introduction of electronic textbooks in the educational process of general secondary education, the advantages, disadvantages of their implementation are clarified and the prospects for use are described

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