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2022 ◽  
Tom Johnson ◽  
Defne Saatci ◽  
Lahiru Handunnetthi

Susceptibility to schizophrenia is mediated by genetic and environmental risk factors. Infection driven maternal immune activation (MIA) during pregnancy is a key environmental risk factor. However, little is known about how MIA during pregnancy could contribute to adult-onset schizophrenia. In this study, we investigated if maternal immune activation induces changes in methylation of genes linked to schizophrenia. We found that differentially expressed genes in schizophrenia brain were significantly enriched among MIA induced differentially methylated genes in the foetal brain in a cell-type-specific manner. Upregulated genes in layer V pyramidal neurons were enriched among hypomethylated genes at gestational day 9 (fold change = 1.57 , FDR = 0.049) and gestational day 17 (fold change = 1.97 , FDR = 0.0006). We also found that downregulated genes in GABAergic Rosehip interneurons were enriched among hypermethylated genes at gestational day 17 (fold change = 1.62, FDR= 0.03). Collectively, our results highlight a connection between MIA driven methylation changes during gestation and schizophrenia gene expression signatures in the adult brain. These findings carry important implications for early preventative strategies in schizophrenia.

2022 ◽  
Vol 13 ◽  
Francisco Javier Fuentealba-Villarroel ◽  
Josué Renner ◽  
Arlete Hilbig ◽  
Oliver J. Bruton ◽  
Alberto A. Rasia-Filho

The human posteromedial cortex (PMC), which includes the precuneus (PC), represents a multimodal brain area implicated in emotion, conscious awareness, spatial cognition, and social behavior. Here, we describe the presence of Nissl-stained elongated spindle-shaped neurons (suggestive of von Economo neurons, VENs) in the cortical layer V of the anterior and central PC of adult humans. The adapted “single-section” Golgi method for postmortem tissue was used to study these neurons close to pyramidal ones in layer V until merging with layer VI polymorphic cells. From three-dimensional (3D) reconstructed images, we describe the cell body, two main longitudinally oriented ascending and descending dendrites as well as the occurrence of spines from proximal to distal segments. The primary dendritic shafts give rise to thin collateral branches with a radial orientation, and pleomorphic spines were observed with a sparse to moderate density along the dendritic length. Other spindle-shaped cells were observed with straight dendritic shafts and rare branches or with an axon emerging from the soma. We discuss the morphology of these cells and those considered VENs in cortical areas forming integrated brain networks for higher-order activities. The presence of spindle-shaped neurons and the current discussion on the morphology of putative VENs address the need for an in-depth neurochemical and transcriptomic characterization of the PC cytoarchitecture. These findings would include these spindle-shaped cells in the synaptic and information processing by the default mode network and for general intelligence in healthy individuals and in neuropsychiatric disorders involving the PC in the context of the PMC functioning.

Biomedicines ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 92
Kyung-Min Kwon ◽  
Myung-Jun Lee ◽  
Han-Saem Chung ◽  
Jae-Hong Pak ◽  
Chang-Jin Jeon

Somatostatin (SST) is widely expressed in the brain and plays various, vital roles involved in neuromodulation. The purpose of this study is to characterize the organization of SST neurons in the Mongolian gerbil visual cortex (VC) using immunocytochemistry, quantitative analysis, and confocal microscopy. As a diurnal animal, the Mongolian gerbil provides us with a different perspective to other commonly used nocturnal rodent models. In this study, SST neurons were located in all layers of the VC except in layer I; they were most common in layer V. Most SST neurons were multipolar round/oval or stellate cells. No pyramidal neurons were found. Moreover, 2-color immunofluorescence revealed that only 33.50%, 24.05%, 16.73%, 0%, and 64.57% of SST neurons contained gamma-aminobutyric acid, calbindin-D28K, calretinin, parvalbumin, and calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II, respectively. In contrast, neuropeptide Y and nitric oxide synthase were abundantly expressed, with 80.07% and 75.41% in SST neurons, respectively. Our immunocytochemical analyses of SST with D1 and D2 dopamine receptors and choline acetyltransferase, α7 and β2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors suggest that dopaminergic and cholinergic fibers contact some SST neurons. The results showed some distinguishable features of SST neurons and provided some insight into their afferent circuitry in the gerbil VC. These findings may support future studies investigating the role of SST neurons in visual processing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 34
Hiroki Toyoda ◽  
Kohei Koga

To find satisfactory treatment for nicotine addiction, synaptic and cellular mechanisms should be investigated comprehensively. Synaptic transmission, plasticity and intrinsic excitability in various brain regions are known to be altered by acute nicotine exposure. However, it has not been addressed whether and how nicotine exposure during adolescence alters these synaptic events and intrinsic excitability in the insular cortex in adulthood. To address this question, we performed whole-cell patch-clamp recordings to examine the effects of adolescent nicotine exposure on synaptic transmission, plasticity and intrinsic excitability in layer V pyramidal neurons (PNs) of the mice insular cortex five weeks after the treatment. We found that excitatory synaptic transmission and potentiation were enhanced in these neurons. Following adolescent nicotine exposure, insular layer V PNs displayed enhanced intrinsic excitability, which was reflected in changes in relationship between current strength and spike number, inter-spike interval, spike current threshold and refractory period. In addition, spike-timing precision evaluated by standard deviation of spike timing was decreased following nicotine exposure. Our data indicate that adolescent nicotine exposure enhances synaptic transmission, plasticity and intrinsic excitability in layer V PNs of the mice insular cortex at later life, which might contribute to severe nicotine dependence in adulthood.

Uttam Kumar Mohany ◽  
Yohei Abe ◽  
Takahiro Fujimoto ◽  
Mitsuyoshi Nakatani ◽  
Akikazu Kitagawa ◽  

The demand for efficient processes through a comprehensive understanding and optimization of welding conditions continues to grow in the manufacturing industry. This study involves heat-resistant 2.25 Cr-1 Mo V-groove steel welding using the square-waveform alternating cur-rent. Experiments were conducted to build the relationship between input variables—such as current, frequency, electrode negativity ratio, and welding speed—and process performance, such as penetration, bay area, deposition rate, melting efficiency, percentage dilution, flux–wire ratio, and heat input. The process was analyzed in light of the defect-free high-deposition weld groove weld, the sensitivity to process parameters, and the optimization and development of the process map. The study proposes an innovative approach to reducing the cost and time of optimizing the one-pass-each-layer V-groove welding process using bead-on-plate welds. Square waveform welding creates a metallurgical notch in the form of a bay at the fusion boundary that can be minimized by selecting appropriate welding conditions. The square waveform submerged arc welding is more sensitive towards changes in current and welding speed than the frequency and electrode negativity ratio; however, the electrode negativity ratio and frequency are minor but helpful parameters to achieve optimal results. The proximity of the planned and experimental results to within 3% confirms the validity of the proposed approach. The investigation shows that 90% of the maximum deposition rate is possible for one-pass-each-layer V-groove welds within heat input and weld width constraints.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
Shinya Ohara ◽  
Rintaro Yoshino ◽  
Kei Kimura ◽  
Taichi Kawamura ◽  
Soshi Tanabe ◽  

The entorhinal cortex (EC) is a major gateway between the hippocampus and telencephalic structures, and plays a critical role in memory and navigation. Through the use of various molecular markers and genetic tools, neuron types constituting EC are well studied in rodents, and their layer-dependent distributions, connections, and functions have also been characterized. In primates, however, such cell-type-specific understandings are lagging. To bridge the gap between rodents and primates, here we provide the first cell-type-based global map of EC in macaque monkeys. The laminar organization of the monkey EC was systematically examined and compared with that of the rodent EC by using immunohistochemistry for molecular markers which have been well characterized in the rodent EC: reelin, calbindin, and Purkinje cell protein 4 (PCP4). We further employed retrograde neuron labeling from the nucleus accumbens and amygdala to identify the EC output layer. This cell-type-based approach enabled us to apply the latest laminar definition of rodent EC to monkeys. Based on the similarity of the laminar organization, the monkey EC can be divided into two subdivisions: rostral and caudal EC. These subdivisions likely correspond to the lateral and medial EC in rodents, respectively. In addition, we found an overall absence of a clear laminar arrangement of layer V neurons in the rostral EC, unlike rodents. The cell-type-based architectural map provided in this study will accelerate the application of genetic tools in monkeys for better understanding of the role of EC in memory and navigation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
Patricia Perez-García ◽  
Ricardo Pardillo-Díaz ◽  
Noelia Geribaldi-Doldán ◽  
Ricardo Gómez-Oliva ◽  
Samuel Domínguez-García ◽  

Achieving the distinctive complex behaviors of adult mammals requires the development of a great variety of specialized neural circuits. Although the development of these circuits begins during the embryonic stage, they remain immature at birth, requiring a postnatal maturation process to achieve these complex tasks. Understanding how the neuronal membrane properties and circuits change during development is the first step to understand their transition into efficient ones. Thus, using whole cell patch clamp recordings, we have studied the changes in the electrophysiological properties of layer V pyramidal neurons of the rat primary motor cortex during postnatal development. Among all the parameters studied, only the voltage threshold was established at birth and, although some of the changes occurred mainly during the second postnatal week, other properties such as membrane potential, capacitance, duration of the post-hyperpolarization phase or the maximum firing rate were not defined until the beginning of adulthood. Those modifications lead to a decrease in neuronal excitability and to an increase in the working range in young adult neurons, allowing more sensitive and accurate responses. This maturation process, that involves an increase in neuronal size and changes in ionic conductances, seems to be influenced by the neuronal type and by the task that neurons perform as inferred from the comparison with other pyramidal and motor neuron populations.

2021 ◽  
Amber L Nolan ◽  
Vikaas S Sohal ◽  
Susanna Rosi

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a leading cause of neurologic disability; the most common deficits affect prefrontal cortex-dependent functions such as attention, working memory, social behavior, and mental flexibility. Despite this prevalence, little is known about the pathophysiology that develops in frontal cortical microcircuits after TBI. We investigated if alterations in subtype-specific inhibitory circuits are associated with cognitive inflexibility in a mouse model of frontal lobe contusion that recapitulates aberrant mental flexibility as measured by deficits in rule reversal learning. Using patch clamp recordings and optogenetic stimulation, we identified selective vulnerability in the non-fast spiking, somatostatin-expressing (SOM+) subtype of inhibitory neurons in layer V of the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) two months after injury. These neurons exhibited reduced intrinsic excitability and a decrease in their synaptic output onto pyramidal neurons. By contrast, fast spiking, parvalbumin-expressing (PV+) interneurons did not show changes in intrinsic excitability or synaptic output. Impairments in SOM+ inhibitory circuit function were also associated with network hyperexcitability. These findings provide evidence for selective disruptions within specific inhibitory microcircuits that may guide the development of novel therapeutics for TBI.

Irina N. Beloozerova

Thalamic stroke leads to ataxia if the cerebellum-receiving ventrolateral thalamus (VL) is affected. The compensation mechanisms for this deficit are not well understood, particularly the roles that single neurons and specific neuronal subpopulations outside the thalamus play in recovery. The goal of this study was to clarify neuronal mechanisms of the motor cortex involved in mitigation of ataxia during locomotion when part of the VL is inactivated or lesioned. In freely ambulating cats, we recorded the activity of neurons in layer V of the motor cortex as the cats walked on a flat surface and horizontally placed ladder. We first reversibly inactivated approximately 10% of the VL unilaterally using glutamatergic transmission antagonist CNQX and analyzed how the activity of motor cortex reorganized to support successful locomotion. We next lesioned 50-75% of the VL bilaterally using kainic acid and analyzed how the activity of motor cortex reorganized when locomotion recovered. When a small part of the VL was inactivated, the discharge rates of motor cortex neurons decreased, but otherwise the activity was near normal, and the cats walked fairly well. Individual neurons retained their ability to respond to the demand for accuracy during ladder locomotion; however, most changed their response. When the VL was lesioned, the cat walked normally on the flat surface but was ataxic on the ladder for several days post-lesion. When ladder locomotion normalized, neuronal discharge rates on the ladder were normal, and the shoulder-related group was preferentially active during the stride's swing phase.

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