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arbitrary degree
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2022 ◽  
Vol 69 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-70
Mikkel Abrahamsen ◽  
Anna Adamaszek ◽  
Tillmann Miltzow

The Art Gallery Problem (AGP) is a classic problem in computational geometry, introduced in 1973 by Victor Klee. Given a simple polygon 풫 and an integer k , the goal is to decide if there exists a set G of k guards within 풫 such that every point p ∈ 풫 is seen by at least one guard g ∈ G . Each guard corresponds to a point in the polygon 풫, and we say that a guard g sees a point p if the line segment pg is contained in 풫. We prove that the AGP is ∃ ℝ-complete, implying that (1) any system of polynomial equations over the real numbers can be encoded as an instance of the AGP, and (2) the AGP is not in the complexity class NP unless NP = ∃ ℝ. As a corollary of our construction, we prove that for any real algebraic number α, there is an instance of the AGP where one of the coordinates of the guards equals α in any guard set of minimum cardinality. That rules out many natural geometric approaches to the problem, as it shows that any approach based on constructing a finite set of candidate points for placing guards has to include points with coordinates being roots of polynomials with arbitrary degree. As an illustration of our techniques, we show that for every compact semi-algebraic set S ⊆ [0, 1] 2 , there exists a polygon with corners at rational coordinates such that for every p ∈ [0, 1] 2 , there is a set of guards of minimum cardinality containing p if and only if p ∈ S . In the ∃ ℝ-hardness proof for the AGP, we introduce a new ∃ ℝ-complete problem ETR-INV. We believe that this problem is of independent interest, as it has already been used to obtain ∃ ℝ-hardness proofs for other problems.

Optics ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-34
Milo W. Hyde ◽  
Olga Korotkova

Generalizing our prior work on scalar multi-Gaussian (MG) distributed optical fields, we introduce the two-dimensional instantaneous electric-field vector whose components are jointly MG distributed. We then derive the single-point Stokes parameter probability density functions (PDFs) of MG-distributed light having an arbitrary degree and state of polarization. We show, in particular, that the intensity contrast of such a field can be tuned to values smaller or larger than unity. We validate our analysis by generating an example partially polarized MG field with a specified single-point polarization matrix using two different Monte Carlo simulation methods. We then compute the joint PDFs of the instantaneous field components and the Stokes parameter PDFs from the simulated MG fields, while comparing the results of both Monte Carlo methods to the corresponding theory. Lastly, we discuss the strengths, weaknesses, and applicability of both simulation methods in generating MG fields.

PAMM ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Philipp Morgenstern ◽  
Robin Görmer

2021 ◽  
Vol Volume 5 ◽  
Claudia Stadlmayr

We determine all configurations of rational double points that occur on RDP del Pezzo surfaces of arbitrary degree and Picard rank over an algebraically closed field $k$ of arbitrary characteristic ${\rm char}(k)=p \geq 0$, generalizing classical work of Du Val to positive characteristic. Moreover, we give simplified equations for all RDP del Pezzo surfaces of degree $1$ containing non-taut rational double points.

A.N. Morozov

The paper uses the example of the Brownian motion to kinetically describe the process of entropy increment in a nonequilibrium medium. The study shows that depending on the degree of nonequilibrium, the convergence to an equilibrium state occurs according to different laws. In the case of a strongly nonequilibrium medium, the entropy increment is described mathematically by the weakest logarithmic law, and in the case of a close-to-equilibrium medium, the entropy seeks a maximum value according to the strongest mathematical law --- the exponential law. The obtained expressions describing the Brownian motion can be extended to all other nonequilibrium processes. Mathematical modeling made it possible to calculate the process of entropy increment for an arbitrary degree of nonequilibrium and establish the parameters at which the transition from logarithmic to exponential law of entropy increment occurs when the thermodynamic system seeks an equilibrium state

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 312-327
Grover E. C. Guzman ◽  
Peter F. Stadler ◽  
André Fujita

AbstractThe network Laplacian spectral density calculation is critical in many fields, including physics, chemistry, statistics, and mathematics. It is highly computationally intensive, limiting the analysis to small networks. Therefore, we present two efficient alternatives: one based on the network’s edges and another on the degrees. The former gives the exact spectral density of locally tree-like networks but requires iterative edge-based message-passing equations. In contrast, the latter obtains an approximation of the spectral density using only the degree distribution. The computational complexities are 𝒪(|E|log(n)) and 𝒪(n), respectively, in contrast to 𝒪(n3) of the diagonalization method, where n is the number of vertices and |E| is the number of edges.


Abstract We expand upon work from many hands on the decomposition of nuclear maps. Such maps can be characterised by their ability to be approximately written as the composition of maps to and from matrices. Under certain conditions (such as quasidiagonality), we can find a decomposition whose maps behave nicely, by preserving multiplication up to an arbitrary degree of accuracy and being constructed from order-zero maps (as in the definition of nuclear dimension). We investigate these conditions and relate them to a W*-analogue.

2021 ◽  
J Kosinka ◽  
M Sabin ◽  
Neil Dodgson

Our goal is to find subdivision rules at creases in arbitrary degree subdivision for piece-wise polynomial curves, but without introducing new control points e.g. by knot insertion. Crease rules are well understood for low degree (cubic and lower) curves. We compare three main approaches: knot insertion, ghost points, and modifying subdivision rules. While knot insertion and ghost points work for arbitrary degrees for B-splines, these methods introduce unnecessary (ghost) control points. The situation is not so simple in modifying subdivision rules. Based on subdivision and subspace selection matrices, a novel approach to finding boundary and sharp subdivision rules that generalises to any degree is presented. Our approach leads to new higher-degree polynomial subdivision schemes with crease control without introducing new control points. © 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc.

2021 ◽  
J Kosinka ◽  
M Sabin ◽  
Neil Dodgson

Our goal is to find subdivision rules at creases in arbitrary degree subdivision for piece-wise polynomial curves, but without introducing new control points e.g. by knot insertion. Crease rules are well understood for low degree (cubic and lower) curves. We compare three main approaches: knot insertion, ghost points, and modifying subdivision rules. While knot insertion and ghost points work for arbitrary degrees for B-splines, these methods introduce unnecessary (ghost) control points. The situation is not so simple in modifying subdivision rules. Based on subdivision and subspace selection matrices, a novel approach to finding boundary and sharp subdivision rules that generalises to any degree is presented. Our approach leads to new higher-degree polynomial subdivision schemes with crease control without introducing new control points. © 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc.

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