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specific density
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2021 ◽  
Alexander Keller ◽  
Irenäus Wlokas ◽  
Maximilian Kohns ◽  
Hans Hasse

The simulation of spray flame processes for the production of high-quality nanoparticles relies on thermophysical properties of the precursor solutions, for which literature data are scarce. Here, we report experimental thermophysical data of solutions of iron(III) nitrate nonahydrate (INN) in (1-propanol + water) mixed solvents. The specific density, viscosity, thermal conductivity, and isobaric heat capacity of the solutions were measured at 101.3 kPa between 288.15 and 333.15 K, solvent compositions ranging from 0.73 mol mol–1 1-propanol to pure water, and INN molalities up to 1.3 mol kg–1. Empirical correlations of the experimental data are provided.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (10) ◽  
pp. e468101019130
Débora Regina Romualdo da Silva ◽  
Sandra Valéria Inácio ◽  
Walter Bertequini Nagata ◽  
Carolina Beatriz Baptista ◽  
Ana Paula Fernezi Bassi ◽  

Enteroparasites can be pathogenic for the rabbit population and for this reason, we have investigated its occurrence in bioterium of rabbits. The sample group was composed of 103 adult males of the species Oryctolagus cuniculus and New Zealand breed. Fecal samples (n = 103) were processed using the Willis Techniques (Fluctuation in saturated sodium chloride solution with specific density of 1.20 g/mL) and Faust (Centrifugal-flotation in zinc sulphate with density of 1.18 g/ml). The diameters of larger and smaller sizes of the sporocysts and sporozoites of the coccidia were measured by means of optical microscopy using the program CellSens 1.17_00_en_Rhine_13Feb2017. The Faust Technique showed positivity of 39.74% (31/78) for Eimeria spp, while in Willis Technique, 35.90% (28/78) was observed for Eimeria spp, being the species Eimeria perforans and in 51.28% (47/78) of them there was no parasitism. We identified, for the first time, the occurrence of the specie E. perforans in rabbits of the species O. cuniculus, New Zealand breed kept in a bioterium. Therefore, it is extremely important for the implantation of parasitic control of rabbits kept in bioterium for scientific purposes, the monitoring of possible infections by means of periodic coproparasitological exams.

Minerals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. 837
Franca Caucia ◽  
Maurizio Scacchetti ◽  
Luigi Marinoni ◽  
Mattia Gilio ◽  
Antonio Langone ◽  

In this work a rare and attractive blue diopside present in Sissone valley in the Western Alps was investigated through different methodologies: geological survey; standard gemological methods; X-Ray Powder Diffraction; SEM observations; Raman spectrometry; EMP analyses of major elements; and LA-ICP-MS analyses for minor and trace elements. The host rock of investigated gems is represented by a Mg-calcite bearing marble, belonging to the Suretta nappe and composed of blue diopside, lizardite, phlogopite, forsterite, Ca-Mg-amphibole, and thomsonite; the rock was metamorphosed by the intrusion of Masino-Bregaglia pluton. The diopside is generally found in the core of veins in contact with green–blue tremolite and, more externally, with green–yellowish lizardite. The diopside samples show opaque diaphaneity, are inert to long and short-waves UV radiation, and their specific density varies between 3.24 and 3.30 g/cm3 while medium refraction between 1.680–1.683. The diopside shows a polycrystalline texture with interstitial Mg-calcite which acts as binder. The characteristic blue–turquoise color is mainly determined by traces of V and subordinately of Fe, Mn, Cr and Ti. The contents of V and Ti show a good positive correlation. The minerals associated with diopside in the lenticular veins also show enrichments in V. The blue diopside of the Sissone valley could certainly present a good commercial value, but unfortunately it is difficult to reach the outcrop sites.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (8) ◽  
pp. 818
Hae-Kyun Yoo ◽  
Woo-Jin Kim ◽  
Hyung-Jun Lim ◽  
Soon-Gyu Byun ◽  
Jun Yamamoto ◽  

The walleye pollock Gadus chalcogrammus is an important commercial species in Japan whose larvae and eggs may be negatively affected by the cold water mass from the coastal Oyashio current that is present in the spawning ground of the Japanese Pacific stock of this species. Therefore, we investigated egg and larval specific density, larval mortality, and behavioral response to temperature change during the ontogenetic development of the walleye pollock to understand the effect of this cold surface water mass (<1.5 °C). Egg and larval specific density varied during development but were lower than the corresponding values from the coastal Oyashio waters. Within our study temperature range (0.3 °C–10.0 °C), the number of days to 50% mortality (D50) was high at 3.1 °C. Below and above this temperature, the D50 showed a decreasing trend. Regarding larval response, at 1.5°C and 5.0°C, newly hatched larvae occurred abundantly in the surface layer, irrespective of the surface and rearing temperatures. When these larvae were released into a thermally stratified water column (surface: 1.5 °C, bottom: 5.0 °C), larvae reared at 5.0 °C with the mouth open and yolk sac completely absorbed moved to the lower layers. However, larvae reared at 1.5 °C remained in the surface layer. These results suggest that the cold water mass could negatively affect larval survival and may limit the escape ability of larvae from unfavorable cold conditions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1038 ◽  
pp. 282-289
Ludmyla Chernyshova ◽  
Sergei Movchan ◽  
Stepan Epoyan

A method for obtaining refractories based on inorganic glue as a reaction product of sludge from electroplating shops with sulfuric and phosphoric acids, which was tested by the authors in laboratory and industrial conditions in the article, is presents. After drying at a certain temperature, the manufactured samples are tested for strength. Properties of refractories based on inorganic glue are characterized by increased water resistance due to treatment with a cement solution. Based on experimental studies, the authors are presents the results of testing samples for strength with dry and wet aluminum-oxide abrasive. According to the test results, it was found that the specific density of the obtained samples increased from 0,57 to 0,9 g/cm3 with increasing glue content, while the strength decreased. Compositions with a low glue content had for the most strength.

2021 ◽  
Alexander Keller ◽  
Irenäus Wlokas ◽  
Maximilian Kohns ◽  
Hans Hasse

The quality of nanoparticles that are obtained by spray flame synthesis dependsstrongly on the thermophysical properties of the precursor solutions. Solutions ofiron(III)nitrate-nonahydrate (INN) in ethanol are interesting precursor solutions forthe production of iron oxide nanoparticles in these processes. However, no data onthermophysical properties of solutions of INN in ethanol are available in theliterature. Therefore, in the present work, the specific density, viscosity, thermalconductivity and molar isobaric heat capacity of solutions of INN in solvent mixturesof ethanol and water were measured at 101.3 kPa between 288.15 and 333.15 K,solvent compositions ranging from pure ethanol to pure water, and INN molalities upto 1.3 mol kg-1. Empirical correlations of the experimental data are provided.

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (12) ◽  
pp. 3363
Jolanta Latosińska ◽  
Maria Żygadło ◽  
Przemysław Czapik

Wastewater treatment processes produce sewage sludge (SS), which, in line with environmental sustainability principles, can be a valuable source of matter in the production of lightweight expanded clay aggregate (LECA). The literature on the influence of SS content and sintering temperature on the properties of LECA is scarce. This paper aims to statistically evaluate the effects of SS content and sintering temperature on LECA physical properties. Total porosity, pore volume, and apparent density were determined with the use of a density analyzer. A helium pycnometer was utilized to determine the specific density. Closed porosity was calculated. The test results demonstrated a statistically significant influence of the SS content on the specific density and water absorption of LECA. The sintering temperature had a significant effect on the specific density, apparent density, total porosity, closed porosity, total volume of pores, and water absorption. It was proved that a broad range of the SS content is admissible in the raw material mass for the production of LECA.

2021 ◽  
Vol 44 (2) ◽  
pp. 141-150
G. N. Kopylova ◽  
S. V. Boldina

The purpose of the study is generalization of data on the manifestations of hydrogeological earthquake precursors and volcanic activations based on long-term observations in the wells of the eastern part of the Kamchatka Peninsula. The main problem under consideration is the connection between the manifestations of hydrogeological precursors in several wells with the values of the magnitude Mw and epicentral distance of earthquakes to the wells de as well as with the parameters of seismic action in the observation area including specific density of seismic wave energy e and macroseismic intensity of shaking IMSK-64. The study results revealed that hydrogeological precursors in two-four wells had been manifesting for the period from 1 to 9 months before the strongest earthquakes with Mw = 6.6–7.8 at the epicentral distances de = 90–300 km. Such earthquakes were accompanied by the shakings of the intensity of IMSK-64 = 4–6 points. The specific density of seismic energy under such earthquakes was minimum 0.1 J/m3. The hydrogeological precursors were confined to the area for which the ratios of the earthquake epicentral distance de to the maximum linear size of the earthquake source L, km ranged from 1 to 3.7. Using the established relationships between the manifestations of hydrogeological precursors and earthquake parameters, weekly prognostic conclusions were made for expert earthquake prediction councils based on the data of current observations in wells. The well located at the distance of 15 and 20 km from the Koryaksky and Avacha active volcanoes featured the anomalous rise of groundwater pressure before the eruptions in 1991 and 2008– 2009. Therefore, a conclusion can be drawn that observation equipment operating in wells, the study results of hydrogeological precursors of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions as well as their application experience in the work of expert councils can form the scientific and technical basis for the development of geoinformation prediction technology for natural disasters in the Kamchatka Krai.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (5) ◽  
pp. 421-427
Mihir Raj Rathore ◽  
Tarun Sharma ◽  
Prince Kumar Singh ◽  
Angara Sai Sriram

This paper illustrates detailed study of various methods and solutions that effects of liquid sloshing. The study includes the prismatic and cylindrical containers while in motion and in stationary. This gives us a picture about how sloshing can affect depending upon various parameters like velocity and acceleration of container, velocity of fluid inside moving container, viscosity of fluid, length of container and specific density of the fluid. The sloshing can be measured by using different approaches depending on the shape and motion of the container.

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