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age studies
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Z. Fedorova

Purpose: studying the features of the formation of signs of meat productivity in chickens of the egg-meat direction in the juvenile period in ontogenesis and fixing the most informative age for early assessment of meat qualities.Materials and methods. Young grew in group cells of a 3-tier cellular battery. The dynamics of growth and the development of exterior and interior indicators, characterizing meat productivity in ontogenesis in the young of the Pushkin breed of chickens, which refers to an egg-meat type on productivity through periodic (every 2 weeks) weighing and taking protections of the physique in 100 heads of young people. On 21 heads, an anatomical cutting was carried out at which the mass of the heart, liver, two parts of the stomach (muscular, iron), the sum of the muscles (femur, crus, metatisium) took into account. The development of meat forms of the physique to determine the age and individual characteristics was determined using exterior articles of industrial (the length of the body, the length of the keel, the gripping of the chest, the length of the leg, hips, plus). Prombs were taken from the entire experienced livestock, together with weighing, every 2 weeks. In order to find the most informative age for an early estimate of meat quality, which would characterize meat productivity at an older age, the correlation was calculated between the industrial over the age periods and the mass of muscles at 16 weeks.Results. The dynamics of the average daily growth of the living mass and the mass of the carved carcass in the roosters was uneven. Until 8-week age, the average daily increase increased, then began to decline until 14 weeks of age, during 16-week aged an average increase increased dramatically. The dynamics of average daily growths in the roosters of individual muscles was similar, namely, from 4 to 8-week age, high rates of average daily growth were noted, and from 8 to 14 months of age there is a decrease, and then again activation of growth. Studies have shown that the growth of the skeleton is slowed down by 14 weeks. The dynamics of the average daily growth of internal organs in the roosters in the juvenile period occurs asynchronously. The greatest intensity of the growth of the heart, liver and stomach was observed on a 8-week age. Studies have shown that the stomach is most intensively developing up to 8 weeks, then development is braked sharply.Conclusion. Based on the data obtained, it can be concluded that for the preliminary selection of chickens of the egg-meat direction of cultivation with the best genetic potential for meat productivity, it is possible at 8 weeks old, but the final rating should be carried out no earlier than 14-week age. The estimation of meat qualities in a 14-week age should be carried out on the basis of live masses and industrial, namely, the oblique length of the body, the girth plus, the length of the leg, the preliminary estimate can be done in such a precursor, as the slanting the length of the body, the length of the leg and girth plus.

Agnieszka Czajkowska

This article is a review of the book Tadeusz Miciński i ludzie epoki. Studia [Tadeusz Miciński and the People of the Age. Studies] under the scientific editorship of Marcin Bajko, Jarosław Ławski and Urszula M. Pilch, published by Temida 2 publishing house in Białystok in 2019. The researcher notes that the analysed book centres around the motif of “salvation”, that it is possible thanks to the poets dialoguing with the protagonist of the book, Tadeusz Miciński, through the multiplication of presence – translation into other languages and cultures, through discovering in the interpretation the traces of the author’s intellectual wanderings across other cultures and religions, thanks to contemporary means of communication resonating the work, and finally thanks to human memory and its testimonies. In conclu-sion, the researcher recommends the book as an indispensable tool not only to those interested in the author of Nietota [The Firmoss], but also in the literature of Polish modernism in general. 

Andreas Gärtner ◽  
Mandy Hofmann ◽  
Johannes Zieger ◽  
Anja Sagawe ◽  
Rita Krause ◽  

AbstractExtensive morphological and age studies on more than 4600 detrital zircon grains recovered from modern sands of Namibia reveal complex mechanisms of sediment transport. These data are further supplemented by a zircon age database containing more than 100,000 single grain analyses from the entire southern Africa and allow for hypothesising of a large Southern Namibian Sediment Vortex located between the Damara Orogen and the Orange River in southern Namibia. The results of this study also allow assuming a modified model of the Orange River sand highway, whose origin is likely located further south than previously expected. Moreover, studied samples from other parts of Namibia give first insights into sediment movements towards the interior of the continent and highlight the potential impact of very little spatial variations of erosion rates. Finally, this study points out the huge potential of detrital zircon morphology and large geo-databases as an easy-to-use additional tool for provenance analysis.

Children ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (12) ◽  
pp. 1085
Giovanni Boscarino ◽  
Maria Giulia Conti ◽  
Federica Pagano ◽  
Maria Di Di Chiara ◽  
Chiara Pannucci ◽  

Evidences demonstrated that timing of weaning influences long-term growth in full term infants. However, studies on preterm infants are still lacking, and the international guidelines are focused only on healthy full-term newborn, without consensus for preterms. We aimed at evaluating, in a cohort study, the consequences of different timing of weaning on auxological outcomes up to 12 months of corrected age in a population of neonates born with gestational age < 32 weeks or birth weight <1500 g. We divided the enrolled neonates in two cohorts according to the timing of weaning: (i) Early Weaning: introduction of complementary food before 6 months of corrected age; (ii) Late Weaning: complementary food introduced after 6 months of corrected age. Growth parameters (weight, length, body mass index, and ponderal index) were measured at 12 months of life. The two groups were statistically comparable for baseline clinical characteristics, and differences on growth parameters were not reported between the two study groups. These results were confirmed in linear and binary logistic regression multivariate models. Timing of weaning is not related to growth of preterm newborns in the first 12 months of corrected age. Studies are needed to reach consensus for the appropriate nutritional approach for preterm babies after discharge.

2021 ◽  
Chanukya GV ◽  
Aparna Srikantam

In COVID 19 pandemic, first line of defense is effective vaccination program. Because of multiple platforms available for vaccine production we tested relative immunogenicity of two vaccines available in India, Covaxin and Covishield We performed quantitative analysis of neutralizing antibodies to SARS Cov2 spike (receptor binding domain ) protein, from sera of 53 subjects who completed vaccines schedules. There was significantly higher immunogenic response with Covishield as compared to Covaxin and are independent of age. Studies on a large scale with long term follow up are needed to further advance the knowledge in this domain.

Vaccines ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (9) ◽  
pp. 970
Nicola Principi ◽  
Susanna Esposito

Maternal immunization against some infectious diseases can offer significant advantages for women, preventing maternal morbidity and mortality, or for offspring, preventing fetal disease and conferring passive immunity to neonates. Recently, clinical trials specifically to evaluate the immunogenicity, safety, and tolerability of some of the available coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccines in pregnant and lactating women have been planned, initiated and, in some cases, completed. This paper discusses whether the immunization of pregnant women against COVID-19 is justified and presents knowledge about the immunogenicity and safety of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines for these subjects. The results of recent studies indicate that pregnant women are at increased risk of developing severe disease compared with nonpregnant women of the same age. Studies carried out with mRNA vaccines indicate that the immunogenicity, safety and tolerability of these preventive measures in pregnant women are not different from those in nonpregnant women of the same age. Moreover, antibodies are efficiently transferred through the placenta and can be detected in breastmilk, suggesting a potential prevention of infection in the child. All these findings authorize the use of mRNA vaccines in pregnant women to protect both the mother and the child. However, further studies with larger sample size and with follow-up of the pregnant women vaccinated during different periods of pregnancy and their children are needed to better characterize the immune response of pregnant women, to define when these vaccines should be administered to obtain the best protection, and to measure vaccine efficacy against virus variants in both mothers and infants. COVID-19 vaccines based on different technological platforms cannot presently be used, and their role in pregnant women should be clarified.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (8) ◽  
pp. e0255383
Shefali Mathur Christopher ◽  
Chad E. Cook ◽  
Suzanne J. Snodgrass

Background In 2019, a majority of runners participating in running events were female and 49% were of childbearing age. Studies have reported that women are initiating or returning to running after childbirth with up to 35% reporting pain. There are no studies exploring running-related pain or risk factors for this pain after childbirth in runners. Postpartum runners have a variety of biomechanical, musculoskeletal, and physiologic impairments from which to recover from when returning to high impact sports like running, which could influence initiating or returning to running. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to identify risk factors associated with running-related pain in postpartum runners with and without pain. This study also aimed to understand the compounding effects of multiple associative risk factors by developing a clinical decision tool to identify postpartum runners at higher risk for pain. Methods Postpartum runners with at least one child ≤36 months who ran once a week and postpartum runners unable to run because of pain, but identified as runners, were surveyed. Running variables (mileage, time to first postpartum run), postpartum variables (delivery type, breastfeeding, incontinence, sleep, fatigue, depression), and demographic information were collected. Risk factors for running-related pain were analyzed in bivariate regression models. Variables meeting criteria (P<0.15) were entered into a multivariate logistic regression model to create a clinical decision tool. The tool identified compounding factors that increased the probability of having running-related pain after childbirth. Results Analyses included 538 postpartum runners; 176 (32.7%) reporting running-related pain. Eleven variables were included in the multivariate model with six retained in the clinical decision tool: runner type-novice (OR 3.51; 95% CI 1.65, 7.48), postpartum accumulated fatigue score of >19 (OR 2.48; 95% CI 1.44, 4.28), previous running injury (OR 1.95; 95% CI 1.31, 2.91), vaginal delivery (OR 1.63; 95% CI 1.06, 2.50), incontinence (OR 1.95; 95% CI 1.31, 2.84) and <6.8 hours of sleep on average per night (OR 1.89; 95% CI 1.28, 2.78). Having ≥ 4 risk factors increased the probability of having running-related pain to 61.2%. Conclusion The results of this study provide a deeper understanding of the risk factors for running-related pain in postpartum runners. With this information, clinicians can monitor and educate postpartum runners initiating or returning to running. Education could include details of risk factors, combinations of factors for pain and strategies to mitigate risks. Coaches can adapt running workload accounting for fatigue and sleep fluctuations to optimize recovery and performance. Future longitudinal studies that follow asymptomatic postpartum women returning to running after childbirth over time should be performed to validate these findings.

Núria Casado-Gual ◽  
Inesa Shevchenko-Hotsuliak

In our increasingly aged societies, old age continues to be equated with decline (Gullette 2004) and becomes the source of the most invisible yet persistent forms of discrimination, namely, ageism (Butler 1969). Even though theatre, like other artistic forms, has traditionally promoted a negative image of ageing (Mangan 2013), some contemporary plays have begun to favour more complex portrayals of old age. Nevertheless, when considered from a gender-based angle, these portrayals often acquire quite a problematic undertone: while roles for older female actors remain exceptional, many peripheral or, if centred, mainly problematic dramatizations of ageing femininity in the theatre arena fuel age prejudice against older women on and off stage. This article offers an age-focused analysis of two plays that counteract stereotypical images of female ageing through various dramaturgical strategies: Michel Tremblay’s Albertine in Five Times (1984) and Matt Hartley’s Here I Belong (2016). Through a comparative analysis of the Naturalistic and Non-Naturalistic devices employed in the two plays, and the examination of the meanings of age generated by the characterization of the two female protagonists, we hope to demonstrate that Tremblay’s and Hartley’s texts contribute to creating a truly anti-ageist theatre while at the same time enhancing the visibility of the older woman on the stage.

Children ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (7) ◽  
pp. 578
Irene Rujas ◽  
Sonia Mariscal ◽  
Eva Murillo ◽  
Miguel Lázaro

Sentence repetition tasks (SRTs) have been widely used in language development research for decades. In recent years, there has been increasing interest in studying performance in SRTs as a clinical marker for language impairment. What are the characteristics of SRTs? For what purposes have SRTs been used? To what extent have they been used with young children, in different languages, and with different clinical populations? In order to answer these and other questions, we conducted a scoping review. Peer reviewed studies published in indexed scientific journals (2010–2021) were analyzed. A search in different databases yielded 258 studies. Research published in languages other than English or Spanish, adult samples, dissertations, case studies, artificial models, and theoretical publications were excluded. After this exclusion, 203 studies were analyzed. Our results show that most research using SRT were conducted with English monolingual speakers older than 5 years of age; studies with bilingual participants have mostly been published since 2016; and SRTs have been used with several non-typical populations. Research suggests that they are a reliable tool for identifying language difficulties and are specifically suitable for detecting developmental language disorder.

Societies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 69
Sally Chivers

Age studies scholars have long noted problems with using a tsunami metaphor to describe population ageing. Age-friendly offers a new way to respond to an increase in older adults. Though critical gerontologists identify the related movement’s limits, “age-friendly” itself is rarely recognized as a metaphor. This paper proposes that, while the metaphor of age-friendly is more benign than that of the tsunami, it still portrays an ageing population as a homogenous problem to be solved through morally obligatory individual actions, thereby participating in a form of age panic. The analysis draws on a humanities-based close reading of the World Health Organization’s 2007 “Global Age-Friendly Cities: A Guide.” The method uncovers attitudes that anchor the metaphor and hamper the movement’s effectiveness, particularly when trying to reach people who have not already been well served all their lives. The emphasis on a narrow version of active ageing feeds a neoliberal imagination that affects how value is assigned to an ageing population. That underlying emphasis needs to shift before new metaphors, policies and practices for population ageing—that allow for the variability and uniqueness of late-life experience—can take hold. How might we reconceptualize the ageing population if we focus on contributions and meaning instead?

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