Purpose: studying the features of the formation of signs of meat productivity in chickens of the egg-meat direction in the juvenile period in ontogenesis and fixing the most informative age for early assessment of meat qualities.Materials and methods. Young grew in group cells of a 3-tier cellular battery. The dynamics of growth and the development of exterior and interior indicators, characterizing meat productivity in ontogenesis in the young of the Pushkin breed of chickens, which refers to an egg-meat type on productivity through periodic (every 2 weeks) weighing and taking protections of the physique in 100 heads of young people. On 21 heads, an anatomical cutting was carried out at which the mass of the heart, liver, two parts of the stomach (muscular, iron), the sum of the muscles (femur, crus, metatisium) took into account. The development of meat forms of the physique to determine the age and individual characteristics was determined using exterior articles of industrial (the length of the body, the length of the keel, the gripping of the chest, the length of the leg, hips, plus). Prombs were taken from the entire experienced livestock, together with weighing, every 2 weeks. In order to find the most informative age for an early estimate of meat quality, which would characterize meat productivity at an older age, the correlation was calculated between the industrial over the age periods and the mass of muscles at 16 weeks.Results. The dynamics of the average daily growth of the living mass and the mass of the carved carcass in the roosters was uneven. Until 8-week age, the average daily increase increased, then began to decline until 14 weeks of age, during 16-week aged an average increase increased dramatically. The dynamics of average daily growths in the roosters of individual muscles was similar, namely, from 4 to 8-week age, high rates of average daily growth were noted, and from 8 to 14 months of age there is a decrease, and then again activation of growth. Studies have shown that the growth of the skeleton is slowed down by 14 weeks. The dynamics of the average daily growth of internal organs in the roosters in the juvenile period occurs asynchronously. The greatest intensity of the growth of the heart, liver and stomach was observed on a 8-week age. Studies have shown that the stomach is most intensively developing up to 8 weeks, then development is braked sharply.Conclusion. Based on the data obtained, it can be concluded that for the preliminary selection of chickens of the egg-meat direction of cultivation with the best genetic potential for meat productivity, it is possible at 8 weeks old, but the final rating should be carried out no earlier than 14-week age. The estimation of meat qualities in a 14-week age should be carried out on the basis of live masses and industrial, namely, the oblique length of the body, the girth plus, the length of the leg, the preliminary estimate can be done in such a precursor, as the slanting the length of the body, the length of the leg and girth plus.