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socialization process
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2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Peter Anzollitto ◽  
Danielle Cooper

PurposeAlthough research regarding socialization processes recognizes the importance of organizational identification for newcomer adjustment outcomes, it has less frequently considered the impact of newcomer identification with targets external to the organization. This study aims to investigate whether relational identification with identities external to the organization can be beneficial for socialization outcomes, a relationship the authors describe through the conservation of resources theory. At a time when newcomers are expending resources and may not have a support system inside the organization, important identities may foster success through building a resource base of support available to the newcomer.Design/methodology/approachTwo studies were conducted with newcomers, both groups responded to multi-wave surveys. The authors conducted an initial study with undergraduate students (n = 45) in their first semester of college and a second study with working individuals employed full time in their first year in a new organization (n = 148).FindingsRelational identification with identities external to the organization is positively related to job engagement through the dual mediation of social support and psychological well-being. The results indicate that these external resources encourage well-being and free newcomers to invest in becoming physically, emotionally and cognitively engaged with their new jobs.Practical implicationsThe results suggest that organizations may wish to take care in helping newcomers maintain strong relational identities outside the organization while becoming connected with their new organization.Originality/valueThe findings suggest that external relational identities are a neglected and important element influencing the socialization process.

Behnam Soltani ◽  
Lawrence Jun Zhang

Abstract This article investigates second language socialization of three international students in a tertiary institute in New Zealand. To understand the experiences of international students, the article draws on the theoretical framework of the production of space to examine how the students experienced their new social space. The article uses multiple sources of data including video/audio recordings of the classroom interaction, field notes, interviews with the focal students/teachers/tutors/lecturers, diaries, and institutional documents to provide a thick description of students’ participation, language socialization, and identities. It does a within and across case analysis of the students’ experience to situate the learning experiences but at the same time to highlight the role of space as a participating social being in the socialization process. The concepts of language socialization and identities are reconceptualized as ever-evolving and ever-changing phenomena, whose production depends on the social conditions and relationships in the social space.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Veronika Bocsi

The goals of this paper are to reveal the process of institutional effects in higher education and to identify those components that can be classified as being beyond vocational skills. The topicality of this analysis is embedded in the transformation of universities, which can create a new framework for students’ socialization process. Two different methods were used during our research: a questionnaire with students (N = 1502) on a nationwide sample in Hungary and 31 interviews with lecturers. According to our empirical findings, the effects of higher education are very complex, and vocational elements are not the only content that is transmitted. Students can perceive the components of moral effects ata high level, and general knowledge has acquired great importance, too. With the help of the lecturers’ interviews, we can identify the most important aims of the teaching process, which extend beyond the vocational elements, and at the same time, the barriers to and possibilities offered by this transmission.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 394
Jawatir Pardosi ◽  
Rudi Agung Nugroho ◽  
Rita Mariati ◽  
Julinda R. Manullang

ABSTRAKBerbagai  metode terus dilakukan dan digalakkan untuk menumbuhkan dan mengembangkan semangat berwirausaha di Universitas Mulawarman sehingga mahasiswa semakin tertarik untuk berwirausaha.  Tujuan dari kegiatan Program Pengembangan Kewirausahaan (PPK) ini  adalah untuk mengembangkan kewirausahaan di Universitas Mulawarman yang berorientasi dari keilmuan dan potensi lokal sehingga menghasilkan wirausaha yang handal , mandiri dan professional. Dalam pencapaian target tersebut program PPK pada tahun ke tiga  ini diawali dengan melakukan kegiatan webinar yang menghadirkan narasumber dari Bank Indonesia, dosen Universitas Mulawarman dan startup serta peserta PPK yang sudah mandiri.  Kegiatan webinar dilaksanakan juga merupakan dari proses sosialisasi PPK dan sekaligus menjaring peserta mahasiswa/alumni Universitas Mulawarman yang berminat untuk mendaftar. Sosialisasi ke fakultas juga Jurusan/program Studi dan sampai akhir pendaftaran sebanyak 55 orang mahasiswa/alumni mendaftar dari berbagai fakultas di Universitas Mulawarman Seleksi  tenant dilakukan  secara transparan dengan  wawancara melalui video call. Penetapan calon tenant sejumlah dua puluh orang yang lolos seleksi dari berbagai fakultas. Pelaksanaan  pelatihan kewirausahaan melalui offline/online teori dan praktek. Kunjungan lapang dilakukan ke wirausaha UMKM yang sudah maju, pendampingan secara kontiniu dan magang wirausaha  Dilakukan juga presentasi proposal bisnis untuk mengetahui sampai sejauh mana peserta PPK mampu menyusun proposal bisnis. Kata kunci: magang; pelatihan; pendampingan; PPK; universitas mulawarman ABSTRACTVarious methods continue to be carried out and are encouraged to grow and develop the spirit of entrepreneurship at Mulawarman University so that students are increasingly interested in entrepreneurship. The purpose of this Entrepreneurship Development Program (PPK) activity is to develop entrepreneurship at Mulawarman University which is oriented from local knowledge and potential so as to produce reliable, independent and professional entrepreneurs. In achieving this target, the PPK program in its third year was initiated by conducting a webinar that presented resource persons from Bank Indonesia, Mulawarman University lecturers and startups as well as independent PPK participants. The webinar activity carried out is also part of the PPK socialization process and at the same time attracts Mulawarman University student/alumni participants who are interested in registering. Socialization to faculties as well as Departments/Study programs and until the end of registration as many as 55 students/alumni enrolled from various faculties at Mulawarman University. Tenant selection is carried out transparently by interview via video call. Determination of prospective tenants as many as twenty people who passed the selection from various faculties. Implementation of entrepreneurship training through offline/online theory and practice. Field visits were conducted to advanced MSME entrepreneurs, continuous mentoring and entrepreneurial internships. Business proposal presentations were also conducted to find out to what extent KDP participants were able to develop business proposals. Keywords : internship; trainin; mentoring; PPK; mulawarman university

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (6) ◽  
pp. 929-942
P. Wayan Arta Suyasa ◽  
Dewa Gede Hendra Divayana

The absence of an evaluation model that can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of educational activities at vocational universities in the view of six domains causes the need to find innovations in an evaluation model. The six domains, included: context, input, socialization process, implementation process, results, and imbalances that occur in the learning implementation. An evaluation model innovation was initiated through this research in the form of a modification of two educational evaluation models. Those models are CSE-UCLA and Discrepancy. Based on those conditions, the main objective of this research was to demonstrate the existence of a new evaluation model design in education which was a modification of the CSE-UCLA evaluation model and the Discrepancy evaluation model. Specifically, this evaluation model design can be used to determine the effectiveness of the one education activity namely the synchronous learning implementation at vocational universities. The research method used to achieve the objectives of this research was the development method by the Borg and Gall model development design. Five stages of development become the focus of this research, included: research and field data collection, research planning, design development, initial trials, and main product revision. The location of this research was conducted in several vocational universities in the North Bali area (Indonesia). Subjects involved in the initial trials toward this evaluation model design were 20 people. The tools used to conduct the initial trials were questionnaires. The technique used to analyze the data of initial trial results was descriptive quantitative by comparing the percentage of the initial trial results with the standard percentage of the effectiveness level of modified model design. This research results indicate that the evaluation model design was categorized as effective by an effectiveness level was 81.93%. The implication of this research results was the existence of a new design of the educational evaluation model. This design combines two evaluation models to produce good functionality integration in determining the effectiveness level of the synchronouslearning implementation in all universities generally and in vocational universities in Bali particularly. Doi: 10.28991/esj-2021-01321 Full Text: PDF

Sina Grosskopf ◽  
Andreas Landes ◽  
Christoph Barmeyer

AbstractMigrants entering a new country also search for belonging. Through employment, migrants work in organizations and experience socialization in these new contexts. Thereby, organizations offer migrants a wide range of possibilities for identification and are thus places to regain a sense of belonging. We rely on prior research showing what migrants experience during the process of organizational socialization to organizational identification, more specifically through (a) sense-making which (b) provides self-esteem and self-enhancement, and (c) reduces uncertainty. Furthermore, we also investigate the interplay of various in-groups (multiple cultures) and levels (micro, meso, macro) that migrants identify with. Consequently, we follow a cross-level approach to identity in and beyond organizations and combine migration, organizational, and intercultural research. Based on a qualitative interview study in Germany, we highlight how positive organizational identification results not only in companies’ workforce retention but also in migrants’ increased societal identification. Moreover, we emphasize the important role German colleagues play in the socialization process across various levels. They serve as socialization agents being individual interaction partners and team members, but also representatives of professional cultures and of the German society. In sum, our research yields important theoretical and practical implications. We provide interesting avenues for future research to uncover the complex interrelationships in more detail, open up the black-box of organizational socialization, and rely on interdisciplinarity in a complementary way. Human Resources Management could consider identification as a multi-layered opportunity, recognize the potentials of migrants’ identification, and thus strive for the sustainable development of their competencies.

2021 ◽  
Cristian Doña-Reveco ◽  
Yanko Pavicevic

This article characterizes and analyzes the development and construction of virtual communities of Anglo and Spanish migrants living in Chile. We selected some of the most popular and active sites among them and analyzed hem using virtual ethnography methods and discourse analysis in its textual and contextual dimension, as well engaging with the discourses of its creators. The socialization process that occurs in these communities is oriented towards sharing experiences and accomplishing objectives in common among the members, like meeting other migrants and locals, learning a language and obtaining useful information about the country of current or future residence, among others. The bloggers and web admins interviewed build transnational social spaces through their use of new digital media. We found a clear connection between the communities analyzed and the political, economic and social reality of the nation-states—of origin and destination—in which they are rooted.

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