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glucose response
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Nutrients ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 268
Joy V. Nolte Fong ◽  
Derek Miketinas ◽  
Linda W. Moore ◽  
Duc T. Nguyen ◽  
Edward A. Graviss ◽  

Individual glycemic responses following dietary intake result from complex physiological processes, and can be influenced by physical properties of foods, such as increased resistant starch (RS) from starch retrogradation. Predictive equations are needed to provide personalized dietary recommendations to reduce chronic disease development. Therefore, a precision nutrition model predicting the postprandial glucose response (PPGR) in overweight women following the consumption of potatoes was formulated. Thirty overweight women participated in this randomized crossover trial. Participants consumed 250 g of hot (9.2 g RS) or cold (13.7 g RS) potatoes on two separate occasions. Baseline characteristics included demographics, 10-day dietary records, body composition, and the relative abundance (RA) and α-diversity of gut microbiota. Elastic net regression using 5-fold cross-validation predicted PPGR after potato intake. Most participants (70%) had a favorable PPGR to the cold potato. The model explained 32.2% of the variance in PPGR with the equation: 547.65 × (0 [if cold, high-RS potato], ×1, if hot, low-RS potato]) + (BMI [kg/m2] × 40.66)—(insoluble fiber [g] × 49.35) + (Bacteroides [RA] × 8.69)—(Faecalibacterium [RA] × 73.49)—(Parabacteroides [RA] × 42.08) + (α-diversity × 110.87) + 292.52. This model improves the understanding of baseline characteristics that explain interpersonal variation in PPGR following potato intake and offers a tool to optimize dietary recommendations for a commonly consumed food.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (6) ◽  
Febriana Muchtar ◽  
Paridah Paridah ◽  
Irma Yunawati

ABSTRACTThis study aimed to obtain the proportion of white rice and kepok banana based on sensory test results and the glycemic index of white rice with a substitution of kepok bananas. The research design used was an experimental method with a non-factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The variation was in the proportion of white rice and kepok banana namely 60% : 40% (NP1), 50% : 50% (NP2) dan 40% : 60% (NP3). Each treatment was repeated three times. The sensory test was carried out using the hedonic test (level of preferences). The glycemic index was analyzed through the area under the curve (AUC) ratio of glucose response of food by measuring blood glucose levels during fasting for 30, 60, 90, and 120 minutes after consuming test foods (white rice with a substitution of kepok banana) and control (bread). The collected data were then analyzed using ANOVA and was followed by DMRT if there was a significant difference between treatments. The result of the research shows that in the sensory test, the proportion of white rice and kepok banana had no significant effect on color and aroma, but had a significant effect on texture and very significant effect on the taste of white rice with a substitution of kepok banana. The best treatment was obtained in the proportion of white rice and kepok banana 60%: 40% (NP1), with preference scores of color, aroma, texture, and taste reached 3.08 (like), 2.68 (like), 3.16 (like) and 3.12 (like), respectively. The selected treatment had a 20.13% glycemic index (low).Keywords: Sensory test, glycemic index,white rice, kepok banana,diabetes mellitusABSTRAKTujuan penelitian untuk mendapatkan perbandingan nasi beras putih dan pisang kepok yang terbaik berdasarkan hasil uji sensori dan indeks glikemik nasi beras putih yang disubtitusi pisang kepok. Penelitian menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Perlakuan terdiri atas 3 variasi perlakuan yaitu perbandingan nasi beras putih : pisang kepok 60% : 40% (NP1), 50% : 50% (NP2) dan 40% : 60% (NP3). Masing-masing perlakuan dibuat 3 kali ulangan. Uji sensori menggunakan uji hedonik (tingkat kesukaan) dan penentuan indeks glikemik dengan perhitungan perbandingan luas di bawah kurva (area under curve). Respon glukosa makanan melalui hasil pengukuran glukosa darah saat puasa; 30; 60; 90 dan 120 menit setelah konsumsi makanan uji yaitu nasi putih subtitusi pisang kepok dan makanan kontrol yaitu roti. Data hasil uji sensori dianalisis dengan metode Analisis of Varians (ANOVA) dan perlakuan yang berpengaruh nyata dilakukan uji lanjut dengan analisis DMRT. Berdasarkan hasil analisis uji sensori perbandingan nasi beras putih dan pisang kepok tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap warna dan aroma, tetapi berpengaruh nyata terhadap tekstur dan berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap rasa nasi beras putih subtitusi pisang kepok. Perlakuan terbaik diperoleh pada perlakuan nasi beras putih : pisang kepok 60% : 40% (NP1), dengan tingkat kesukaan terhadap warna 3,08 (suka), aroma 2,68 (suka), tekstur 3,16 (suka) dan rasa 3,12 (suka) serta nilai indeks glikemik 20,13% dengan kategori indeks glikemik rendah.Kata kunci: Uji sensori, indeks glikemik, nasi beras putih, pisang kepok, diabetes melitus

Nutrients ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (12) ◽  
pp. 4510
Ulrik N. Mjaaseth ◽  
Jackson C. Norris ◽  
Niklas D. J. Aardema ◽  
Madison L. Bunnell ◽  
Robert E. Ward ◽  

Excess vitamin intake during pregnancy leads to obesogenic phenotypes, and folic acid accounts for many of these effects in male, but not in female, offspring. These outcomes may be modulated by another methyl nutrient choline and attributed to the gut microbiota. Pregnant Wistar rats were fed an AIN-93G diet with recommended vitamin (RV), high 10-fold multivitamin (HV), high 10-fold folic acid with recommended choline (HFol) or high 10-fold folic acid without choline (HFol-C) content. Male and female offspring were weaned to a high-fat RV diet for 12 weeks post-weaning. Removing choline from the HFol gestational diet resulted in obesogenic phenotypes that resembled more closely to HV in male and female offspring with higher body weight, food intake, glucose response to a glucose load and body fat percentage with altered activity, concentrations of short-chain fatty acids and gut microbiota composition. Gestational diet and sex of the offspring predicted the gut microbiota differences. Differentially abundant microbes may be important contributors to obesogenic outcomes across diet and sex. In conclusion, a gestational diet high in vitamins or imbalanced folic acid and choline content contributes to the gut microbiota alterations consistent with the obesogenic phenotypes of in male and female offspring.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
A. A. Danilova ◽  
A. A. Petrov

The aim of the study. The Azotobacter genus is a well-known bioassay for testing the soil environment quality. A large number of these bacteria is considered as evidence of the ecological well-being of a soil. However, a high number of these microorganisms was found in disturbed ecosystems, which means there is a problem of how to interpret the results of the biotest. Therefore the aim of the study was to clarify the causes of this problem and suggest a possible way to solve it. Location and objects of the study. The study was conducted in West Siberia (Russia) in the Priobskoe plateau (54°53'13.5"N, 82°59'36.7E"). Leached сhernozem with different content of organic matter (mortmass) was studied under the following treatments: 1) permanent fallow, 2) wheat cultivation, annual removal of straw from the field + summer fallow, 3) wheat + left straw + summer fallow, 4) wheat +left straw + green manure fallow, 5) grassland. The content of N-NO3, respectively, was equal to 50, 10, 15, 5, 0 mg/kg. Another object was a site at the mining and processing plant "Denisovsky" in South Yakutia (Russia) (56°46'20.23"N, 124°51'06.95"E). Abandoned for a long time (30 years) after coal mining spoils were studied in two variants: without plants and with well-developed vegetation cover. Total SOC content was 1.8 and 5.7%, N – 0.3 and 0.4 %, respectively. Methodology. The direct sowing of single soil aggregates onto the N-free medium containing glucose as C-source was used to cultivate Azotobacter. Glucose (10 mg/g soil) was added to the soil to activate Azotobacter growth. A live culture of bacteria was introduced into the soil at a dose of 1 ml/g to check the viability of Azotobacter in experimental soils. Main results. The status of the microbial community in situ was observed on microbial landscapes obtained by exposing slides in the undisturbed soil for 30 days. The overgrowth of soil lumps in the specified range of options was 0–80–40–0–0% and after glucose addition – 100–80–80–0%. The activation of Azotobacter growth after glucose addition was inversely proportional to the C: N ratio (between the mortmass and the mineral nitrogen). Live Azotobacter culture under grassland developed 2.5 times slower in comparison with the fallow. Similar patterns were found in the study of the soils developed on the coal mining spoils. Activation of Azotobacter growth by glucose (response to stress) was more pronounced in soils with apparently less favorable environment for bacteria. Conclusion. The reason behind misleading interpretation of Azotobacter biotest results was that the original purpose of the test was to assess fertility of arable soils. This role of the indicator bacterium was previously underestimated. It is known that the arable soil belongs to the category of disturbed ones, and the abundance of Azotobacter may indicate instability in the microbial community of the soil. To expand the capabilities of the biotest, the authors propose to supplement the test with a procedure for evaluating the Azotobacter growth response to experimental stress, e.g. C-substrate addition.

Metabolites ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 878
Luciana G. Reis ◽  
Tressa Morris ◽  
Chloe Quilliam ◽  
Lucas A. Rodrigues ◽  
Matthew E. Loewen ◽  

We have shown that feeding dogs fava bean (FB)-based diets for 7 days is safe and FB flour fermentation with Candida utilis has the potential to decrease FB anti-nutritional factors. In the present study, the effects of 28-day feeding of 4 different FB-based test dog foods containing moderate protein (~27% dry matter (DM)) were compared with two commercial diets with normal protein (NP, grain-containing, ~31% DM protein) or high protein (HP, grain-free, ~41% DM protein). Health parameters were investigated in beagles fed the NP or HP diets or using a randomized, crossover, 2 × 2 Latin square design of the FB diets: unfermented high-tannin (UF-HT), fermented high-tannin (FM-HT), unfermented low-tannin (UF-LT), and fermented low-tannin (FM-LT). The results showed that fermentation increased glucose tolerance, increased red blood cell numbers and increased systolic blood pressure, but decreased flow-mediated vasodilation. Taken together, the overall effect of fermentation appears to be beneficial and improved FB nutritional value. Most interesting, even though the HP diet was grain-free, the diet did contain added taurine, and no adverse effects on cardiac function were observed, while glucose tolerance was impaired compared to NP-fed dogs. In summary, this study did not find evidence of adverse cardiac effects of pulses in ‘grain-free’ diets, at least not in the relatively resistant beagle breed over a 28-day period. More importantly, fermentation with C. utilis shows promise to enhance health benefits of pulses such as FB in dog food.

2021 ◽  
Vol 105 (12S1) ◽  
pp. S43-S43
Anja Steffen ◽  
Natascha de Graaf ◽  
Marten Engelse ◽  
Eelco de Koning

2021 ◽  
Joy Nolte Fong ◽  
Derek Miketinas ◽  
Linda W. Moore ◽  
Duc T. Nguyen ◽  
Edward A. Graviss ◽  

Abstract Background: Individual glycemic responses following dietary intake result from complex physiological processes and can be influenced by physical properties of foods, such as increased resistant starch (RS) from retrogradation of starch upon cooling after cooking. Predictive equations are needed to provide personalized recommendations for those individuals most at risk for poor metabolic outcomes. Methods: Thirty overweight women with no comorbid conditions participated in this randomized crossover trial, in which the women consumed 250g of hot (9.2 g RS) or cold (13.7 g RS) potatoes. Baseline characteristics included demographics, 10-day dietary records, body composition, and the relative abundance (RA) and α-diversity of gut microbiota. Elastic net regression using 5-fold cross-validation predicted postprandial glucose response (PPGR; incremental AUC0-120min) following the potatoes. Results: Thirty participants (29.6 ± 6.0 yrs; BMI 32.8 ± 3.7 kg/m2) participated in this trial. Most women (70%) showed a favorable PPGR to the cold potato. The model explained 32.2% of the variance in iAUC0-120min glucose with the equation: 547.65 x (0 [if cold potato], x 1 [if hot potato]) + (BMI[kg/m2] x 40.66) - (insoluble fiber[g] x 49.35) + (Bacteroides[RA] x 8.69) - (Faecalibacterium[RA] x 73.49) - (Parabacteroides[RA] x 42.08) + (α-diversity x 110.87) + 292.52.Conclusion: This model improves understanding of baseline characteristics that explain interpersonal variation in PPGR following potato intake and offers a tool to optimize dietary recommendations for a commonly consumed food. Larger studies are warranted to expand generalizability and application of the equation. Trial Registration: The National Clinical Trials number is NCT03310476, and this study was registered with clinicaltrials.gov on Oct 16, 2017.

Nutrients ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (11) ◽  
pp. 4095
Max L. Eckstein ◽  
Antonia Brockfeld ◽  
Sandra Haupt ◽  
Janis R. Schierbauer ◽  
Rebecca T. Zimmer ◽  

The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of glucose (Glu), fructose (Fru), glucose and fructose (GluFru) and sucralose on blood glucose response in healthy individuals. Fifteen healthy individuals (five females, age of 25.4 ± 2.5 years, BMI of 23.7 ± 1.7 kg/m2 with a body mass (BM) of 76.3 ± 12.3 kg) participated in this double-blind randomized crossover placebo-controlled trial. Participants received a mixture of 300 mL of water with 1 g/kg BM of Glu, 1 g/kg BM of Fru, 0.5 g/kg BM of GluFru (each), and 0.2 g sucralose as a placebo. Peak BG values Glu were reached after 40 ± 13 min (peak BG: 141 ± 20 mg/dL), for Fru after 36 ± 22 min (peak BG: 98 ± 7 mg/dL), for GluFru after 29 ± 8 min (BG 128 ± 18 mg/dL), and sucralose after 34 ± 27 min (peak BG: 83 ± 5 mg/dL). Significant differences regarding the time until peak BG were found only between Glu and GluFru supplementation (p = 0.02). Peak blood glucose levels were significantly lower following the ingestion of Fru compared to the supplementation of Glu and GluFru (p < 0.0001) while Glu and GluFru supplementation showed no difference in peak values (p = 0.23). All conditions led to a significantly higher peak BG value compared to sucralose (p < 0.0001). Blood lactate increased in Glu (p = 0.002), Fru and GluFru (both p < 0.0001), whereas sucralose did not increase compared to the baseline (p = 0.051). Insulin levels were significantly higher in all conditions at peak compared to sucralose (p < 0.0001). The findings of this study prove the feasibility of combined carbohydrate supplementations for many applications in diabetic or healthy exercise cohorts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Mengwen Zhang ◽  
Xingyi Pan ◽  
Kenji Fujiwara ◽  
Noelle Jurcak ◽  
Stephen Muth ◽  

AbstractHow tumor-associated macrophages transit from a predominant antitumor M1-like phenotype to a protumoral M2-like phenotype during the development of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA) remains to be elucidated. We thus conducted a study by employing a PDA-macrophage co-culture system, an “orthotopic” PDA syngeneic mouse model, and human PDA specimens, together with macrophages derived from GARP knockout mice and multiple analytic tools including whole-genome RNA sequencing, DNA methylation arrays, multiplex immunohistochemistry, metabolism measurement, and invasion/metastasis assessment. Our study showed that PDA tumor cells, through direct cell–cell contact, induce DNA methylation and downregulation of a panel of glucose metabolism and OXPHOS genes selectively in M1-like macrophages, leading to a suppressed glucose metabolic status in M1-like but not in M2-like macrophages. Following the interaction with PDA tumor cells, M1-like macrophages are reprogrammed phenotypically to M2-like macrophages. The interaction between M1-like macrophages and PDA cells is mediated by GARP and integrin αV/β8, respectively. Blocking either GARP or integrin would suppress tumor-induced DNA methylation in Nqo-1 gene and the reprogramming of M1-like macrophages. Glucose-response genes such as Il-10 are subsequently activated in tumor-educated M1-like macrophages. Partly through Il-10 and its receptor Il-10R on tumor cells, M1-like macrophages functionally acquire a pro-cancerous capability. Both exogenous M1-like and M2-like macrophages promote metastasis in a mouse model of PDA while such a role of M1-like macrophages is dependent on DNA methylation. Our results suggest that PDA cells are able to reprogram M1-like macrophages metabolically and functionally through a GARP-dependent and DNA methylation-mediated mechanism to adopt a pro-cancerous fate.

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