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the prestige
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2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 78-88
E. S. Shugrina

The subject of the research are the materials of judicial practice (texts of court decisions and information sources, the content of information about the results of court hearings), data from sociological surveys.The purpose of the article is to identify the relationship between the knowledge of municipal law, local self-government or urbanism obtained during training at a university and subsequent professional activities related to local self-government carried out at different levels of public authority.The methodology. A comprehensive methodology was used, including legal and sociological research methods. Formal legal, legal technical and comparative legal were used among the legal methods. The sociological methods include the method of expert survey and the method of content analysis, which makes it possible to reveal the real position of the respondent, if he wants to disguise it not only the positions expressed, but also the words actually used were analyzed. The most repeatable ones were identified with the help of special software products.The main results, scope of application. Quite significant amendments were made to the Russian Constitution in 2020. One of the novels concerns a unified system of public power, the inclusion of a new term in the text of the constitution. The implementation of these novels in the legislation on local self-government is expected after the completion of the formation of the updated composition of the Federal Assembly. For this, it is necessary not only to reveal the term itself and list the levels of public authority, but also to establish new principles of their relationship, incl. in a sense, uniform standards, rules and requirements for state and local authorities. One of the possible consequences of this may be an increase in the prestige of work in local self-government bodies, a change in attitudes towards work in local self-government bodies.Conclusions. The analysis of the materials of law enforcement practice, the data of opinion polls on trust in local self-government bodies, attitude to the results of the work of local self-government bodies and their officials show that of all levels of government the municipal level is least trusted. Unfortunately, such an attitude begins to form in the process of training future employees of public authorities at different levels.

Г.Р. Стрекалова ◽  
О.В. Газизова

Рассмотрены проблемы инженерного образования в российской практике новых вызовов, связанных с цифровизацией общества. На примере сравнительного анализа данных по количеству приема на бюджетные и внебюджетные места, среднему баллу ЕГЭ, стоимости обучения на платной основе по мониторингу 2020 года показано, что интерес абитуриентов, желающих получить высшее образование определяется не только бюджетными местами, но и реалиями современного развития общества, поэтому желание получить непрофильное образование в техническом вузе не ослабевает. По направлениям обучения инженерной направленности интерес определяется исключительно наличием бюджетных мест. Новые вызовы диктуют условия эффективного решения производственных проблем современным инженером, которому сегодня необходимы знания широкого профиля, включая менеджмент, экономику, интеллектуального права, английского языка. Это вызывает необходимость разработки синтетических программ, включающих требования работодателя с ориентацией на современное производство, имеющее сложную системную организационную и управленческую структуру. Новые вызовы сегодня способствуют росту престижа среднего профессионального образования, не надо сдавать ЕГ, и это, пожалуй, самый главный аргумент. Если интерес к колледжам будет подогреваться сегодняшние 80% выпускников школ выбравшие для продолжения обучение СПО, могут завтра оказаться 100%. В этой ситуации высшее образование может остаться без набора. Следует поднять престиж инженерного образования посредством его модернизации и синтеза ключевых образовательных знаний, умений и навыков инженера на основе новых вызовов, с которыми встречается общество, в целях сохранения его будущего. Взаимообусловленность задач инженерного образования с цифровизацией общества заключается не в объеме полученных знаний, умений и навыков, а в подготовке инженера, обладающего общей системной ориентацией в жизненном пространстве, осознанном отношении к своей профессиональной принадлежности, стремлении к постоянному совершенствованию и развитию своего интеллектуального потенциала, инженерного мышления, умения генерировать новые идеи и знания. The problems of engineering education in the Russian practice of new challenges associated with the digitalization of society are considered. Using the example of a comparative analysis of data on the number of admission, to budgetary and non-budgetary places, the average USE score, the cost of tuition on a paid basis according to the monitoring of 2020, it is shown that the interest of applicants wishing to get higher education is determined not only by budgetary places, but also by the realities of modern society development. Therefore, the desire to get a non-core education at a technical university is not weakening. In the areas of engineering education, interest is determined solely by the availability of budgetary places. New challenges dictate the conditions for the effective solution of production problems by a modern engineer, who today needs knowledge of a wide profile, including management, economics, intellectual law, and the English language. This necessitates the development of synthetic programs that include employer requirements with a focus on modern production, which has a complex systemic organizational and management structure. New challenges today contribute to the growth of the prestige of secondary vocational education, there is no need to pass the EG, and this is perhaps the most important argument. If interest in colleges is fueled by today's 80% of high school graduates who choose to continue their education in vocational education, there may be 100% tomorrow. In this situation, higher education may be left without enrollment. It is necessary to raise the prestige of engineering education through its modernization and synthesis of key educational knowledge, skills and abilities of an engineer on the basis of new challenges faced by society in order to preserve its future. The interdependence of the tasks of engineering education with the digitalization of society lies not in the amount of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired, but in the training of an engineer who has a general systemic orientation in the living space, a conscious attitude to his professional affiliation, the desire to constantly improve and develop his intellectual potential, engineering thinking, the ability to generate new ideas and knowledge.

2021 ◽  
Vol specjalny (XXI) ◽  
pp. 349-361
Aneta Kowalczyk

By introducing detailed regulations concerning the requirements to be met by a candidate for security personnel, the legislator determined the specificity of employment for this group of professionals. The basic and fundamental question in terms of rules of employment is whether access to this profession should be regulated, or whether deregulation would be the right solution? The Polish legislator decided on partial deregulation in terms of the aforementioned group of employees. This deregulation manifests itself in the fact that a person performing tasks and duties of a security guard is not required to possess a licence for that kind of professional activities, while maintaining the qualification requirements neccesary of certain activities named by the legislator. It appears that the main reason for limited deregulation was a desire to maintain the prestige of the profession, which could have been enhanced by provisions introducing the requirement to hold a license. However, it should be emphasized that another reason for restricting access to the profession is a matter of security. The dualism of regulations in this respect, however

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 250-280
Joke Spaans

Contrary to prevalent assumptions, city magistracies did not simply pay for the upkeep of the churches used by the Dutch Reformed church. Based on the archives of churchwardens for the eleven public churches of Amsterdam, this article shows that for about a century between 1650 and 1750 the churches paid for themselves, how this was possible, and why they eventually came to rely municipal subsidies. After the devastations wrought by Revolt and Reformation, the buildings were refurnished in a luxurious style, befitting the prestige of the city. Burgomasters imposed a seating arrangement that, maintained by a variety of church attendants, reflected the hierarchical order of society. The biographical background and the work of these attendants provide a window into the ritual of churchgoing. During the heyday of Amsterdam’s prosperity people were happy to pay or the services the churches provided, including the display of rank and dignity. Economic decline, critique of the established social order, and changing religious sensibilities undercut this source of funding. The report of an auditing committee, analysing the administration of churchwardens in 1795 and 1796, testifies to the difficulties even the staunchest Batavian revolutionaries experienced when rethinking early modern public finances.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 80-95
J. Pajarín Domínguez

Russia   and  Spain re-established  relations  in  1856  after a  two-decade  diplomatic crisis  caused  by disagreements  over   Carlism. The  appointment of  Mariano  Téllez-Girón,  XII   Duke  of  Osuna,  as the  plenipotentiary minister  in the  Russian  court signaled a friendly reconciliation between the  two  countries.  However, it meant above all the  reaffirmation of the  Spanish nobleman, who  left his mark  on the  Russian  royal  and public  sphere.  The  Duke of Osuna knew  how to gain the   Tsar’s trust and displayed his  sense of  honor,   imbued with   the   aristocratic  spirit   and  the   European  dandy.   This  work provides a portrait of the  Duke of Osuna during  his embassy in Saint Petersburg, against the  backdrop of the  ideal of Spanish liberalism, and of the  dandy as a new  archetype of bourgeois honor.  The Letters from   Russia,   by Juan  Valera,  secretary of  that embassy,  help   to understand the  controversial image displayed by Osuna in the  Court of Alexander II. The Duke not only adapted to the  Russian  noble and autocratic  customs,  but   also   presented a very  particular way   of understanding the  figure of the  nobleman, which allowed him to refute the  existing stereotypes around Spain, as well as reinforce the  prestige of  Queen Elizabeth,  formally  recognized  not only  by Russia,  but  by the  rest of the  powers.

I. Papusha

The article deals with the correlation of speech communication with human needs, represented on the fourth level of "Maslow's pyramid". The role of speech communication in achieving such prestigious needs as respect, authority, fame, honor, power, etc. is revealed. Particular attention is paid to the expansion of the functionality of speech communication in connection with the specifics of the prestige needs of man and the change in his status as a conceptual person.

Li Zou ◽  
Hao Liu ◽  
Xin Rong ◽  
XIjiao Liu ◽  
Chen Ding ◽  

Background and Study Aims: Prestige LP arthroplasty has been proven to be a safe and effective treatment for patients with cervical disc degenerative disease (DDD). Dynamic Cervical Implant (DCI) has emerged as a novel implantation device for cervical DDD. This study aimed to compare the outcomes of these procedures after 5 years of follow-up in the DCI and Prestige LP groups. Key words: cervical disc degenerative disease; cervical disc replacement; Dynamic Cervical Implant; Prestige LP Materials and Methods: This study retrospectively enrolled 79 consecutive cervical DDD patients with 41 DCI and 47 Prestige LP prostheses implanted. Radiographs were analyzed for intervertebral height and range of motion (ROM). Neural function of the participants was assessed using the Neck Disability Index score, Visual Analog Scale, Japanese Orthopaedic Association score and 36-Item Short Form Survey. Results: The DCI group had statistically lesser flexion/extension and bilateral bending ROM than the Prestige LP group at the operated level(s) (p<0.05). The DCI group showed improved lordotic alignment of C2–C7 and operated functional spinal unit than the Prestige LP group (p<0.05). No statistical difference was observed in the neural function of the two groups. Heterotopic ossification was found in 7 and 14 patients in the DCI and Prestige LP groups, respectively. Conclusion: The 5 years follow-up results were comparable between the two groups. We believe that DCI implantation is a safe and effective procedure and could possibly become an alternative treatment for cervical DDD.


The main purpose of this study is an attempt to draw the attention of the scientific community to the problem of the prestige of the teaching profession against the background of the opinion that has developed in modern society about the low level of intelligence of applicants of pedagogical universities. This problem is relevant today for many European countries, including Poland, where the first stage of research was conducted. A wide range of studies conducted by scientists from Poland, Ukraine and Russia (a list of names is given in the text of the article) indicates the continuing interest of the scientific community in the problem of the prestige of the teaching profession. However, there are not enough publications linking the prestige of the profession and the intelligence of students studying in this direction in the scientific environment. Most publications on this topic do not have scientifically confirmed facts, but are based only on emotions and public perception of the problem. Therefore, we decided to conduct a number of studies in the universities of the three listed countries in order to confirm or decline the prevailing opinion about the low intellectual development of applicants of pedagogical universities. Our research (the first stage) was conducted on the basis of the Warsaw University of Natural Sciences among first-year students studying in the direction of "Pedagogy" using survey as a research method, in particular the Raven test. The article publishes only partial results of research conducted at this Polish higher educational institution, which, nevertheless, allow us to refute the thesis about the low level of intellectual development among students of pedagogical directions. These data are presented in comparison with the similar situation in Ukraine and Russia, which allows us to conclude that the prestige of the teaching profession as a pan-European trend is falling (in relation to the countries of the Eastern Europe). The research results also contradict the generally accepted opinion about the low level of intelligence among students of pedagogical educational institutions. Most of them have an average and high level (according to the Raven test), which, however, does not directly affect the prestige of the teaching profession. More than half of the respondents do not intend to work in their primary specialty, but consider pedagogical education prestigious for further career outside of school.

Mykola Maranchak

Purpose of the Article. Represent innovative tools and approaches in the interaction of libraries with readers during lockdowns, which, in turn, has a positive effect on their reputation. Methodology. The application of such general scientific methods as analysis and synthesis, generalization and abstraction, description and comparison made it possible to identify relevant tools for the interaction of libraries with readers during lockdowns. The main approaches to scientific knowledge to achieve this goal were descriptive, systematic and modeling. The scientific novelty of the work is that based on the empirical method of observation, five years of practical experience of the author in the implementation of online marketing of the profile organization, with the help of professional materials, official blogs and, in fact, directly library resources. users even during the lockdown. Conclusions. Building a reputation and increasing the prestige of the library in the online environment and modern conditions in which humanity is - is a process that can increase the competitiveness of the library, the prestige of the library profession, and attract additional audience attention. Libraries also need to improve and modernize their image, join the current trends and popular and fashionable online resources and services, thus guaranteeing their users a decent quality of services and ensuring constant support of relations with them. Current trends in attracting audiences to libraries are changing along with technology (Zoom, Google tools, social networks, messengers), media formats (podcasts) and more. Keywords: library reputation, online library reputation, digitalization of libraries into a pandemic.

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