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armed forces
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2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 83-90
Graham Ungrady ◽  
Matthew Dabkowski

Every year, United States Army Recruiting Command (USAREC) dedicates considerable resources to recruiting and accessing soldiers. As the largest branch of the United States Armed Forces, the Army must meet a high recruiting quota while competing in the free-labor market for quality recruits. Over the past two decades, the Army’s success in recruiting ebbed and flowed within the broader context of society and global events. While numerous studies have examined the statistical relationship between factors associated with recruitment, these studies are observational and definitively ascribing causality in retrospect is difficult. With this in mind, we apply fuzzy cognitive mapping (FCM), a graphical method of representing uncertainty in a dynamic system, to model and explore the complex causal relationships between factors. We conclude our paper with implications for USAREC’s efforts, as well as our model’s limitations and opportunities for future work.

2022 ◽  
Vol 55 (2) ◽  
pp. 61-78
Piotr Płuciennik

Efektywne zabezpieczenie logistyczne wojsk, wymaga posiadania odpowiedniego potencjału. Planowane do użycia siły i środki muszą zostać tak skalkulowane, aby w każdych warunkach usługi logistyczne, a w tym dostawy środków bojowych i materiałowych docierały w odpowiednie miejsce, w odpowiednim czasie oraz w odpowiedniej ilości i jakości. W 1999 roku, w odpowiedzi na wyzywania współczesnej logistyki wojskowej powstała 10 Opolska Brygada Logistyczna. Była to pierwsza w Wojsku Polskim jednostka wojskowa, przeznaczona do wsparcia logistycznego Polskich Jednostek Wojskowych wykonujących zadania w kraju i poza jego granicami. Autor postawił na wstępie hipotezę, że najprawdopodobniej 10 Opolska Brygada Logistyczna odegrała znaczącą rolę w aspekcie realizowanych zadań zabezpieczenia logistycznego Sił Zbrojnych Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. W toku prowadzonych badań hipoteza ta została zweryfikowana pomyślnie. Celem artykułu było również znalezienie odpowiedzi na pytanie czy podjęte w 1999 roku rozwiązanie organizacyjne utworzenia 10 Opolskiej Brygady Logistycznej sprawdziło się w aspekcie realizowanych zadań zabezpieczenia logistycznego Sił Zbrojnych. Cel główny został zrealizowany poprzez przedstawienie 10 Opolskiej Brygady Logistycznej, jej roli i przeznaczenia, aktualnie posiadanego potencjału oraz głównych zadań realizowanych w kraju jak i w misjach poza jego granicami na rzecz Polskich Kontyngentów Wojskowych. Ukazano również wysiłek brygady włożony we wsparcie administracji publicznej w walkę z pandemią koronawirusa SARS-CoV-2 oraz współpracę w tym obszarze i wsparcie logistyczne jednostek wojsk operacyjnych oraz innych służb mundurowych. Podjęcie tej problematyki wynikało z potrzeby uzupełnienia wąskiego katalogu dostępnych opracowań na temat funkcjonowania opolskiej jednostki. Do przeprowadzenia badań wykorzystano literaturę oraz dokonano analizy aktualnych danych uzyskanych z poszczególnych sekcji Pionu Logistyki, Szefa Sztabu oraz Pionu Szkolenia 10 Opolskiej Brygady Logistycznej.

2022 ◽  
pp. 097491012110672
Kiryl Rudy

Recently, the worrisome rise of military economy in Eurasian transition economies has raised concerns on what is behind this trend and what are its economic consequences. Based on the evidence from 26 Eurasian countries selected into two subgroups “Russia+10” and “15 Central and Eastern European” (CEE) countries over the period from 1991 to 2019, this article focuses on the military economy overview in this region and demonstrates the result of panel data estimations of bidirectional relation between military economy indicators and economic growth. The study shows that in “Russia+10,” military expenditures to GDP and to government spending have a positive effect on growth, and economic growth has a negative influence on these two indicators. Moreover, armed forces to labor forces have a positive bidirectional relation with economic growth in “Russia+10.” For the samples of “15 CEE” and all Eurasian countries, there are not always statistically significant results to offer clear conclusion on bidirectional effects between military expenditures to GDP and to budget expenses and economic growth. Armed forces to labor forces show a positive effect on growth in Eurasia and “15 CEE” countries.

Lidiia L. Nanivska ◽  
Susanna M. Pasichnyk ◽  
Tetiana M. Serhiienko ◽  
Oksana V. Shcherba ◽  
Yurii M. Yakimets

The article deals with providing future officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with foreign language training for participating in international peacekeeping operations. The purpose was to analyze specifics of foreign language training for international peacekeeping operations. The content and essence of future officers’ foreign language training for participating in international peacekeeping operations were studied. Further, the state of future officers’ foreign language training for participating in international peacekeeping operations in higher military educational institutions of Ukraine was determined and consequent proposals for improving the content of future officers’ foreign language training for participating in international peacekeeping operations were elaborated. The main research methods were as follows: comparative, problem-based and retrospective information analysis; testing of cadets, surveying the officers of the Armed Forces, enhancing the pronunciation and articulation of cadets. The results of cadet testing showed the need to improve the content of future officers’ foreign language training for participating in international peacekeeping operations. The survey of the officers serving with the Armed Forces of Ukraine confirmed the urgent need to provide foreign language training in higher military educational institutions of Ukraine. According to the results of various survey forms applied, the main ways to improve the content of the future officers’ foreign language training aimed at participating in international peacekeeping operations were identified: the use of open training platforms, the use of information and communication technologies, use of mind mapping, situational tasks, interactive technologies.

2022 ◽  
Christopher J Scheiber ◽  
Lemar M Simmons ◽  
Richard D Neading ◽  
Casey F Becker ◽  
Tyler R Scarborough ◽  

ABSTRACT The coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic continues to be a threat to global health, including the health of deployed armed forces. Servicemembers had to adjust to the “new normal” while maintaining the interests of the nation’s security as well as that of our host nation partners. This commentary examines how Special Operations Forces operating within four different regions worldwide leveraged the challenges presented by the onset of this pandemic in maintaining stability, sustaining a ready force, and operating forward deployed. Deployed forces face constant difficulties with logistical support, varied medical resources access and a medical system predominantly focused on trauma care. At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic there was little guidance specific to these circumstances which required an improvised adaptation of the recommendations set by national and Department of Defense medical authorities. Plans were constantly revised to match the ever changing medical and operational environment. Strategies such as the “Bubble Philosophy” and tiered force protection measures helped our units to maintain a rigorous training cycle. New methods of communication and training with our host nation partners such as the use of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) platforms to survey host nation training became standard. Through these measures all of our forces were able to maintain operational capacity, protect the force, and maintain rapport with the host nations. We hope these experiences will provide a rough framework for future forces faced with a similar struggle. We also want to stress that challenges vary depending on the area of operations and the pathogen responsible for the pandemic. Any feedback and collaboration that may come from this work is appreciated and encouraged.

F1000Research ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 1290
Richard Mottershead ◽  
Nafi Alonaizi

Background: The study sought to explore the lived experiences of individuals having served in the Armed Forces of Saudi Arabia, as they made the transition to civilian life and sought new employment opportunities.     Methods: Researchers carried out qualitative research in the form of narrative inquiry. Narratives were collected from eleven in-depth interviews conducted in Saudi Arabia in 2021, allowed for insight into participant experiences. Existing literature on military retirement was also investigated. Results: Interviews were transcribed verbatim and analyzed concurrently using thematic analysis to identify patterns or themes. The researchers adopted thematic synthesis as an analytical framework though which descriptive themes from the literature on military retirement were generated. Overall, this approach allowed for the comparison of themes in literature with those of narrative interviews. Conclusion: The study identified challenges encountered by veterans during the resettlement and transitional phase from military to civilian life. There was a general consensus, however, that military life equips individuals with valuable skills that are transferrable to successful post-military employment, known as Positive Transferable Adaptability for Employability (PTAE), (Mottershead, 2019), which can greatly empower those making the transition. These findings led the researchers to develop a new model for veteran career paths that meet the contemporary employment needs of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: the REVERE Transition Model, which identifies six career paths.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-11
Ayhan Işık

This paper focuses on how the paramilitary organisations of the Turkish state have transformed and been used over time as a ‘useful’ tool against dissidents, especially the Kurds. Paramilitary groups have been one of the main actors in the war between the Turkish state and the PKK, which has been ongoing for nearly forty years. These groups have sometimes been used as auxiliary forces and at other times made into death squads operating alongside the official armed forces, and they have mainly been used against Kurdish civilians who allegedly support the PKK, especially at the height of the war in unsolved murders, enforced disappearances and extrajudicial killings since the 1980. In this article, I argue that the Turkish state elites use this apparatus not only in domestic politics but also in conflicts in the Middle East and the Caucasus and that this paramilitary tradition of the state even extends to western Europe.

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 07-12
Lilik Mugiharto ◽  
Aries Sudiarso ◽  
Luhut Simbolon

Indonesia has the potential for a nuclear emergency, so it is necessary to prepare resources to deal with nuclear emergencies to minimize losses. A nuclear emergency caused by a nuclear reactor accident is a non-military defense sector as the main component supported by other elements of the nation's power. Nuclear Biology and Chemical Company of the Indonesian Armed Forces Army (Kizinubika) is another element of the nation's power that provides reinforcement in non-military defense in the face of nuclear emergencies. The purpose of this study is to strengthen the Kizinubika resources for the Nuclear Energy Supervisory Agency (Bapeten) and the Directorate for the Management of Nuclear Facilities at the National Research and Innovation Agency (DPFKN-BRIN) in dealing with nuclear emergencies in order to support national defense. This type of research is qualitative by using literature study, observation, and interview methods. Internal resource criteria are determined based on the Resources Based View (RBV) theory. The results of the study in the form of recommended resources in strengthening the Kizinubika against Bapeten and DPFKN-BRIN in the form of; (1) The use of the Kizinubika facility as a joint training facility and infrastructure; (2) The use of special equipment Kizinubika in support of nuclear emergency response; (3) Kizinubika's strategic location close to DPFKN-BRIN supports speed in emergency response; (4) Use of Kizinubika's Human Resources through joint training in increasing the quantity and quality of training; and (5) Kizinubika's internal organizational relations support the task of dealing with nuclear emergencies.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
Ufot B. Inamete

This article highlights the pivotal nature of the Goldwater-Nichols Department of Defense Reorganization Act of 1986 regarding reforms made in the armed forces of the United States. The unified combatant command system is often seen as the centerpiece of these reforms. The goal of this study is to examine whether the unified combatant command system, which consists of 11 Joint combatant commands within the U.S. Department of Defense, indeed constitutes the centerpiece of these reforms. To fully answer this research question, the study presented here first examines the modern reforms of the U.S. armed forces to provide a solid foundation for subsequent research. It will be concluded that Goldwater-Nichols was the reform most directly relevant to this study. The majority of the article is then devoted to an examination of the 11 combatant commands, identifying how each contributes to the achievement of the goals laid out by Goldwater-Nichols. The author concludes that these 11 unified combatant commands constitute the centerpiece of, and provide the most essential toolset for, the achievement of Goldwater-Nichols.

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