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Veronica Alves de Menezes ◽  
Wesley Torres ◽  
Eduardo Duarte de Lima Mesquita ◽  
Lucas Gabriel de Moraes Chagas ◽  
Ana Elisa von Ah Morano ◽  

Abstract Objectives This study aimed to analyze the impact of sports participation (12 months of practice) on the components of metabolic syndrome (MetS) in both sexes. Methods This is an observational longitudinal study, a part of which is entitled “Analysis of Behaviors of Children During Growth” (ABCD Growth Study), Presidente Prudente, São Paulo, Brazil. The sample was composed of 171 adolescents (112 boys and 59 girls), divided into non-sports and sports groups. High-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-c), triglycerides, and glucose were analyzed by the colorimetric method of dry chemistry and processed biochemically. Systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure were measured using an automatic device. Body fat was estimated using a densitometry scanner. Results Adolescents who practiced sports were younger (p-value=0.001) and had a lower peak height velocity (p-value=0.001) than the non-sports group. The differences (Δ) after 12 months were of greater magnitude for the sports group when compared to the non-sports group (p-value=0.013), glucose (moderate magnitude in favor of the sports group; p-value=0.001), HDL-c (small magnitude in favor of the sports group; p-value=0.0015), and MetS (moderate magnitude in favor of the sports group; p-value=0.001). Conclusions The practice of sports in adolescents had a protective effect on the metabolic components of MetS.

2022 ◽  
Vol 1048 ◽  
pp. 298-308
Dilip Kumar Sahu ◽  
K. Praveen Kumar ◽  
Ragam Indraja Yadav

Carbide tools with mono/multilayer coating such as TiN, TiC, TiAIN, TiB2 and Al2O3 on inserts of WC-Co generated key success for machining of ferrous materials without coolant/lubrication. So far dry machining of aluminium, manufacturing industries such as automobile and aerospace engineering are facing considerable challenges. Exploration of correct cutting tool for machining of aluminium still persists in the present day context. This paper experimentally investigated the affinity and performance of different cutting tool materials available in local tool shopping center along with the diamond coated tool insert prepared and developed in our own HFCVD reactor for machining of aluminium in dry condition. Finally it is revealed that, due to the low chemical affinity, small magnitude of cutting force, chemical inertness and remarkable anti-welding characteristics, diamond coated tool displayed improved performance as compared to other tools.

2021 ◽  
Ayan Paul ◽  
Nabakumar Ghosh ◽  
Sabyasachi Bhattacharya

Abstract Sibly et al. (2005) described that most species have a fundamental characteristic to follow the theta-logistic growth trait with the convex downward trend. The fundamental yardstick of this research work builds under the deterministic setup, whereas the involvement of the external noise in any growth system is inevitable. But, the involvement of external affairs in any species growth can't be well judged only through its density dependence; it requires a further assessment. So, we frame the theta-logistic model with the stochastic analog in two directions, i.e., the discrete and continuous setup. The analysis of the discrete stochastic model is manifested by the bifurcation analysis, which shows that the attainment of the chaotic regime enhances with the increase in noise intensity level. Although the role of chaos in species extinction is debatable, a literature survey suggests that chaos with stochasticity accelerates the extinction of species. Similarly, in the case of the continuous version, we performed a theoretical study on the stochastic theta-logistic model to provide a critical value of the noise intensity parameter. This threshold magnitude act as the sustainability criteria of any species environmental tolerability. In this connection, we use the data of four major taxonomic groups, i.e., Bird, Insect, Mammal, and Fish, from the GPDD database and classify the species based on environmental sensitivity. The high sensitive species have a low tolerance level, associated with the small magnitude of environmental noise intensity parameter. Moreover, the simulation prediction model on these four taxonomic classes also shows that the overall extinction probability of the Bird is almost negligible for the current time window.

2021 ◽  
Chet Hopp

<p>In this thesis, we construct a four-year (2012–2015) catalog of microearthquakes for the Ngatamariki and Rotokawa geothermal fields in the Taupō Volcanic Zone of New Zealand, and use these data to improve the knowledge of reservoir behavior. These microearthquakes occur frequently, often every few seconds, and therefore provide a tool that we use to assess reservoir properties with dense spatial and temporal resolution as well as to illuminate the underlying processes of seismogenesis. Using a matched-filter detection technique we detect and precisely relocate nearly 9000 events, from which we calculate 982 focal mechanisms.  At Ngatamariki, these results constitute the first detailed analysis of seismicity at a newly-developed resource. It has been commonly assumed that induced shear on fractures increases reservoir permeability by offsetting asperities on either fracture wall, thereby propping the fracture open. During stimulation treatments of two boreholes (NM08 and NM09), borehole permeability experiences logarithmic growth. At NM08, this growth occurs for eight days in the absence of seismicity, while at NM09 only nine microearthquakes are observed during the one-month treatment. This suggests that hydro-shear, the process of inducing seismicity through increased pore pressure at critically-stressed fractures, is not the dominant mechanism of permeability increase at many geothermal wells. Instead, aseismic processes, likely thermal and overpressure induced fracture opening, dominate well stimulation in high-temperature geothermal settings.  At Rotokawa, the earthquake frequency-magnitude distribution (b-value) is positively correlated with both proximity to major injection wells and depth. In an inferred pressure compartment near injection well RK23, b is ~1.18, but is <1.0 elsewhere, suggesting a connection between increased pore-fluid pressure and small-magnitude events. In addition, throughout the reservoir b increases from a value of ~1.0 at injection depth to almost 1.5 two kilometers below the reservoir, consistent with observations at volcanic areas elsewhere, but opposing the conventional wisdom that b-value is inversely proportional to differential stress.  Finally, the 982 focal mechanism observations that we invert for stress show a normal faulting regime throughout both reservoirs. At Rotokawa, a lowering stress ratio, v, after reintroduction of injection well RK23 (v drops from 0.9 to 0.2 over six months) indicates that anisotropic reservoir cooling affects the reservoir stress state through a process of preferential stress reduction.</p>

2021 ◽  
Chet Hopp

<p>In this thesis, we construct a four-year (2012–2015) catalog of microearthquakes for the Ngatamariki and Rotokawa geothermal fields in the Taupō Volcanic Zone of New Zealand, and use these data to improve the knowledge of reservoir behavior. These microearthquakes occur frequently, often every few seconds, and therefore provide a tool that we use to assess reservoir properties with dense spatial and temporal resolution as well as to illuminate the underlying processes of seismogenesis. Using a matched-filter detection technique we detect and precisely relocate nearly 9000 events, from which we calculate 982 focal mechanisms.  At Ngatamariki, these results constitute the first detailed analysis of seismicity at a newly-developed resource. It has been commonly assumed that induced shear on fractures increases reservoir permeability by offsetting asperities on either fracture wall, thereby propping the fracture open. During stimulation treatments of two boreholes (NM08 and NM09), borehole permeability experiences logarithmic growth. At NM08, this growth occurs for eight days in the absence of seismicity, while at NM09 only nine microearthquakes are observed during the one-month treatment. This suggests that hydro-shear, the process of inducing seismicity through increased pore pressure at critically-stressed fractures, is not the dominant mechanism of permeability increase at many geothermal wells. Instead, aseismic processes, likely thermal and overpressure induced fracture opening, dominate well stimulation in high-temperature geothermal settings.  At Rotokawa, the earthquake frequency-magnitude distribution (b-value) is positively correlated with both proximity to major injection wells and depth. In an inferred pressure compartment near injection well RK23, b is ~1.18, but is <1.0 elsewhere, suggesting a connection between increased pore-fluid pressure and small-magnitude events. In addition, throughout the reservoir b increases from a value of ~1.0 at injection depth to almost 1.5 two kilometers below the reservoir, consistent with observations at volcanic areas elsewhere, but opposing the conventional wisdom that b-value is inversely proportional to differential stress.  Finally, the 982 focal mechanism observations that we invert for stress show a normal faulting regime throughout both reservoirs. At Rotokawa, a lowering stress ratio, v, after reintroduction of injection well RK23 (v drops from 0.9 to 0.2 over six months) indicates that anisotropic reservoir cooling affects the reservoir stress state through a process of preferential stress reduction.</p>

Jinfeng Li ◽  
Helen J. Huang

Introducing unexpected perturbations to challenge gait stability is an effective approach to investigate balance control strategies. Little is known about the extent to which people can respond to small perturbations during walking. This study aimed to determine how subjects adapted gait stability to multidirectional perturbations with small magnitudes applied on a stride-by-stride basis. Ten healthy young subjects walked on a treadmill that either briefly decelerated belt speed ("stick"), accelerated belt speed ("slip"), or shifted the platform medial-laterally at right leg mid-stance. We quantified gait stability adaptation in both anterior-posterior and medial-lateral directions using margin of stability and its components, base of support and extrapolated center of mass. Gait stability was disrupted upon initially experiencing the small perturbations as margin of stability decreased in the stick, slip, and medial shift perturbations and increased in the lateral shift perturbation. Gait stability metrics were generally disrupted more for perturbations in the coincident direction. Subjects employed both feedback and feedforward strategies in response to the small perturbations, but mostly used feedback strategies during adaptation. Subjects primarily used base of support (foot placement) control in the lateral shift perturbation and extrapolated center of mass control in the slip and medial shift perturbations. These findings provide new knowledge about the extent of gait stability adaptation to small magnitude perturbations applied on a stride-by-stride basis and reveal potential new approaches for balance training interventions to target foot placement and center of mass control.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Eve-Line Bussières ◽  
Catherine Malboeuf-Hurtubise ◽  
A. Meilleur ◽  
Trinity Mastine ◽  
Elodie Hérault ◽  

Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated mental health problems in many individuals, including children. Children with pre-existing socio-demographic or developmental risk factors may be particularly vulnerable to the negative effects of the pandemic and associated public health preventive measures.Objective: This systematic review and meta-analysis explored the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of children aged 5–13 years-old, while highlighting the specific difficulties experienced by children with neurodevelopmental issues or chronic health conditions.Methods: A systematic search of the published literature was conducted in Medline, ERIC, PsycINFO, and Google Scholar, followed by a quantitative meta-analysis of the eligible studies.Results: Out of the 985 articles identified, 28 empirical studies with prospective or retrospective longitudinal data were included in the quantitative synthesis. COVID-19 lockdown measures were associated with negative general mental health outcomes among children (g = 0.28, p &lt; 0.001, and k = 21), but of small magnitude. Sleep habits were also changed during the pandemic, as sleep duration significantly increased in children (g = 0.32; p = 0.004, and k = 9). Moreover, results did not differ between children from the general population and those from clinical populations such as children with epilepsy, oncology, neurodevelopmental disorders, or obesity. Effect sizes were larger in European vs. Asian countries.Conclusions: Studies included in this review suggest that children's mental health was generally negatively impacted during the COVID-19 pandemic. More research is needed to understand the long-term effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on children's mental health and the influence of specific risks factors as they evolve over time.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
Sarah Weinsztok ◽  
Sarah Brassard ◽  
Iris Balodis ◽  
Laura E. Martin ◽  
Michael Amlung

Steep delay discounting, or a greater preference for smaller-immediate rewards over larger-delayed rewards, is a common phenomenon across a range of substance use and psychiatric disorders. Non-substance behavioral addictions (e.g., gambling disorder, internet gaming disorder, food addiction) are of increasing interest in delay discounting research. Individual studies have reported steeper discounting in people exhibiting various behavioral addictions compared to controls or significant correlations between discounting and behavioral addiction scales; however, not all studies have found significant effects. To synthesize the published research in this area and identify priorities for future research, we conducted a pre-registered systematic review and meta-analysis (following PRISMA guidelines) of delay discounting studies across a range of behavioral addiction categories. The final sample included 78 studies, yielding 87 effect sizes for the meta-analysis. For studies with categorical designs, we found statistically significant, medium-to-large effect sizes for gambling disorder (Cohen’s d = 0.82) and IGD (d = 0.89), although the IGD effect size was disproportionately influenced by a single study (adjusted d = 0.53 after removal). Categorical internet/smartphone studies were non-significant (d = 0.16, p = 0.06). Aggregate correlations in dimensional studies were statistically significant, but generally small magnitude for gambling (r = 0.22), internet/smartphone (r = 0.13) and food addiction (r = 0.12). Heterogeneity statistics suggested substantial variability across studies, and publication bias indices indicated moderate impact of unpublished or small sample studies. These findings generally suggest that some behavioral addictions are associated with steeper discounting, with the most robust evidence for gambling disorder. Importantly, this review also highlighted several categories with notably smaller effect sizes or categories with too few studies to be included (e.g., compulsive buying, exercise addiction). Further research on delay discounting in behavioral addictions is warranted, particularly for categories with relatively few studies.

2021 ◽  
Alexander Knyshov ◽  
Yana Hrytsenko ◽  
Robert Literman ◽  
Rachel S Schwartz

The position of some taxa on the Tree of Life remains controversial despite the increase in genomic data used to infer phylogenies. While analyzing large datasets alleviates stochastic errors, it does not prevent systematic errors in inference, caused by both biological (e.g., incomplete lineage sorting, hybridization) and methodological (e.g., incorrect modeling, erroneous orthology assessments) factors. In our study, we systematically investigated factors that could result in these controversies, using the treeshrew (Scandentia, Mammalia) as a study case. Recent studies have narrowed the phylogenetic position of treeshrews to three competing hypotheses: sister to primates and flying lemurs (Primatomorpha), sister to rodents and lagomorphs (Glires), or sister to a clade comprising all of these. We sampled 50 mammal species including three treeshrews, a selection of taxa from the potential sister groups, and outgroups. Using a large diverse set of loci, we assessed support for the alternative phylogenetic position of treeshrews. A plurality of loci support treeshrews as sister to rodents and lagomorphs; however, only a few loci exhibit strong support for any hypothesis. Surprisingly, we found that a subset of loci that strongly support the monophyly of Primates, support treeshrews as sister to primates and flying lemurs. The overall small magnitude of differences in phylogenetic signal among the alternative hypotheses suggests that these three groups diversified nearly simultaneously. However, with our large dataset and approach to examining support, we provide evidence for the hypothesis of treeshrews as sister to rodents and lagomorphs, while demonstrating why support for alternate hypotheses has been seen in prior work. We also suggest that locus selection can unwittingly bias results.

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