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semiconductor detectors
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2022 ◽  
Vol 92 (1) ◽  
pp. 152
Ю.М. Дикаев ◽  
А.А. Кудряшов

The work considers "transverse" and "longitudinal" photoconductivity modes, regarding the direction of radiation, photoconductivity in semiconductor detectors of CdZnTe. Mathematical calculations were made from the representation of the internal area of the detector in the form of radiation absorption sites. The results of the calculations are compared with experimentally measured photocurrent of the detector with a cross section of 2x2 mm CdZnTe from the direction of its radiation by X-ray. From the ratio of photocurrents in the range of X-ray radiation energies 35-72 keV for these two cases, a linear coefficient of X-ray absorption by the CdZnTe detector is determined.

Nanomaterials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 71
Ivo Konvalina ◽  
Aleš Paták ◽  
Martin Zouhar ◽  
Ilona Müllerová ◽  
Tomáš Fořt ◽  

The segmented semiconductor detectors for transmitted electrons in ultrahigh resolution scanning electron microscopes allow observing samples in various imaging modes. Typically, two standard modes of objective lens, with and without a magnetic field, differ by their resolution. If the beam deceleration mode is selected, then an electrostatic field around the sample is added. The trajectories of transmitted electrons are influenced by the fields below the sample. The goal of this paper is a quantification of measured images and theoretical study of the capability of the detector to collect signal electrons by its individual segments. Comparison of measured and ray-traced simulated data were difficult in the past. This motivated us to present a new method that enables better comparison of the two datasets at the cost of additional measurements, so-called calibration curves. Furthermore, we also analyze the measurements acquired using 2D pixel array detector (PAD) that provide a more detailed angular profile. We demonstrate that the radial profiles of STEM and/or 2D-PAD data are sensitive to material composition. Moreover, scattering processes are affected by thickness of the sample as well. Hence, comparing the two experimental and simulation data can help to estimate composition or the thickness of the sample.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (12) ◽  
pp. P12007
D. Dudas ◽  
V. Kafka ◽  
M. Marcisovsky ◽  
G. Neue ◽  
M. Marcisovska ◽  

Abstract Hybrid pixel detectors (HPD) are nowadays well known and widely used in fundamental research, e.g. in high energy physics experiments. Over the last decade, segmented semiconductor detectors have also found use in medicine. The total doses received by medical radiation detectors often reach a significant level (up to several hundreds of kGy per decade), especially in applications such as transmission portal in-vivo dosimetry. Such doses might affect detector properties. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate their performance after absorbing a significant radiation dose. PantherPix is a novel 2D hybrid pixel detector which is designed specifically for use in radiation therapy. As was concluded in earlier studies, it is suitable for radiotherapy quality assurance (QA) and portal dosimetry. In this paper, the PantherPix radiation hardness is investigated using a 60Co source. The dependence on dose of the full depletion voltage, leakage current, detector power consumption and detector response are provided. The PantherPix radiation tolerance has been shown to be adequate for common cumulative doses delivered to radiation detectors in radiotherapy over several decades and its performance has been verified for doses up to 3000 kGy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (11) ◽  
Tarak Nath Maity ◽  
Tirtha Sankar Ray ◽  
Sambo Sarkar

AbstractThe dark matter direct detection rates are highly correlated with the phase space distribution of dark matter particles in our galactic neighbourhood. In this paper we make a systematic study of the impact of astrophysical uncertainties on electron recoil events at the direct detection experiments with Xenon and semiconductor detectors. We find that within the standard halo model there can be up to $$ \sim 50\%$$ ∼ 50 % deviation from the fiducial choice in the exclusion bounds from these observational uncertainties. For non-standard halo models we report a similar deviation from the fiducial standard halo model when fitted with recent cosmological N-body simulations while even larger deviations are obtained in case of the observational uncertainties.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2103 (1) ◽  
pp. 012141
I E Alekseev ◽  
S V Bakhlanov ◽  
A V Derbin ◽  
I S Drachnev ◽  
I M Kotina ◽  

Abstract Precision β-spectra measurement always had a great importance in some fundamental physics problems including neutrino physics. Magnetic and electrostatic spectrometers have high resolution, but at the same time usage of such kinds of equipment involves the size and cost issues. Since electron mean free path at the energy of 3 MeV (which is basically the maximum energy of a β-transition for the long-lived nuclei) does not exceed 2 g/crn2 , electron registration could be effectively performed with the solid state scintillators and semiconductors. A strong probability of backscattering from detector surface is present in case of semiconductor detectors and is dependent upon the detector material. Such problem can be solved with 4π geometry detector development, which fully covers the radioactive source and is able to register the backscattered electrons. In this work we present the newly developed technology of 4π geometry β-spectrometer based on two semiconductor detectors. This spectrometer was used for measurement of the 144Ce - 144Pr spectrum, that is the perspective anti-neutrino source due to endpoint energy at 3 MeV and can be used for the sterile neutrino search experiments. The form-factor parameters that were obtained are: C(W) = 1 + (-0.02877 ± 0.00028)W + (-0.11722 ± 0.00297)W-1. The measurement accuracy was sufficiently enhanced with respect to the previous results.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2103 (1) ◽  
pp. 012139
S V Bakhlanov ◽  
N V Bazlov ◽  
I D Chernobrovkin ◽  
A V Derbin ◽  
I S Drachnev ◽  

Abstract Deterioration of the operation parameters of p-type Si surface-barrier detector and Si(Li) p-i-n detector upon irradiation by alpha-particles was investigated. The detectors were irradiated at room temperature up to a total number of the registered α-particles Nα equal to 6 × 109. Prolonged irradiation has resulted in a deterioration of the detectors energy resolution ability and it was found that the increase of α-peaks broadening can be described by a linear function of Nα with a slope Δσ/ΔNα ∼ (1.4–1.8) × 10–9 keV/α for both detectors. Resolution deterioration was associated with the increase of the detectors leakage current, which proceeds linearly with the number of absorbed α-particles with the slope ΔI/ΔNα ∼ (7-17) × 10-17 A/α. The increase of the detectors reverse current was related with appearance of radiation-induced defect level at 0.56 eV above the valence band.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2103 (1) ◽  
pp. 012138
S V Bakhlanov ◽  
A V Derbin ◽  
I S Drachnev ◽  
O I Konkov ◽  
I M Kotina ◽  

Abstract The response function of the recoil nuclei in detectors designed for detection of neutrinos or dark matter particles can be determined only through usage of a neutron source with a known energy spectrum. A possible solution for a compact neutron calibration source is a combination of a 252Cf neutron source and a semiconductor detector that detects fission fragments, and thus records the neutron emission moment. This work is devoted to the degradation study of the operating parameters for silicon semiconductor detectors irradiated by fission fragments of the nuclide of 252 Cf. Two types of Si detectors were under investigations - silicon-lithium Si(Li) p-i-n detectors and silicon surface barrier detectors. As a result of the measurements, the maximum permissible radiation doses for the correct operation of both types of detectors and the relation of the received radiation dose to the spectroscopic characteristics of the detectors were determined.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Xiangpeng Meng ◽  
Yuanyuan Liu ◽  
Bin Wu ◽  
Jianping Cheng ◽  
Li Wang ◽  

To address the urgent need for the retrospective assessment of the health conditions of people with a history of appreciable radon exposure, a novel technique that directly measures the characteristic γ-rays emitted from Pb-210 in the living skull was developed. Since the first pioneering study in 1968, this technique has experienced continued advancement over more than half a century, where the limit of detection of Pb-210 is a common criterion to assess the performance of the measuring devices. However, researchers have defined the limit of detection in assorted ways, and the measurement conditions often greatly differ from study to study, both of which significantly challenge interstudy comparisons and obscure how various factors make their impacts. In this work, we reanalyze the reported results in the literature according to the minimum detectable activity (MDA) defined by Currie and investigate the effects of key elements therein. Firstly, we focus on the reported background count rates and analyze their dependence on detector’s energy resolution and active area. Secondly, we turn to the reported calibration factors and conduct analysis in the same manner. Thirdly, we calculate MDA for each study and monitor its dependence on the active area of detector and measurement duration. In the limit of the largest achievable active area (∼75000 mm2), it is found that the asymptotic MDA is approximately 6 (4) Bq and 15 (11) Bq under 30 (60) min measurement using NaI-CsI scintillator and HPGe semiconductor detectors, respectively. Finally, we discuss these asymptotic MDA in the context of estimated Pb-210 activity in the skull resulted from a hypothetical history of radon exposure.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Manwen Liu ◽  
Zheng Li ◽  
Zhi Deng ◽  
Li He ◽  
Bo Xiong ◽  

An X-ray pulsar is a remnant of massive star evolution, collapse, and supernova explosions. It has an extremely stable spin cycle and is known as the most accurate astronomical clock in the natural world. It presents high-precision navigational information, such as the location, speed, time, and attitude, which are used in deep space exploration and interstellar flight, such as the X-ray pulsar navigation (XPNAV). However, the energy of the X-ray from the pulsar is very low and its signal is very weak; this X-ray is known as the soft X-ray. In the low and medium energy radiation spectroscopy, the semiconductor detectors, especially the silicon drift detectors (SDD), achieve the best energy resolution. In this study, a 314 mm2 and a 600 mm2 double-sided spiral hexagonal silicon drift detector (DSSH-SDD) single cell for the pulsar soft X-ray detection is analyzed based on ultra-pure high-resistance silicon. The DSSH-SDD device is fabricated using ultra-pure high-resistivity silicon substrates patterned with ion-implanted electrodes. This study proposes a model capable of reaching a large area of 314 mm2 or 600 mm2 single cell and maintaining an optimal drift electric field. The design, modeling, 3D simulation, and the fabrication of the model are performed to analyze the physical performance of the DSSH-SDD. The electrical characteristics of the as-processed SDD chips, including leakage current, anode capacitance, and the spiral resistor current under the positive and negative biases are measured, and the energy resolution test is performed at the Tsinghua University. The energy resolution is an important indicator of the detector and is often expressed by full width at half maximum (FWHM). The results obtained in this study can be applied in the future for novel, flexible, large-area, high-resolution ionizing radiation detection systems capable of providing quantitative and real-time information of the relative position of spacecraft and pulsars through the pulsar X-ray radiation.

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