Ana Carolina Santiago Ribeiro
Maria Carolina Correia Amorim Casal Fartes
Débora de Paula Silva
Ana Carolina Perota Tavares
Luana Cordeiro Amorim da Silva
Case 1. Female, 27 years old, with migraine with aura. Use of combined contraceptive therapy. She presented visual and cutaneous complaints for eight months, using prednisone 60mg/day due to the hypothesis of systemic vasculitis. On examination, right temporal hemianopsia, normal fundus of the eye, Raynaud ‘s phenomenon with necrosis stitches in fingers and livedo were noted. Brain MRI with diffusion restriction in the left occipital lobe, hypersignal foci in the parietal lobe, and head of the left caudate nucleus. Reticular Livedo (RL) compatible biopsy. Anticardiolipin IgM (13.3 U/mL), ESR (47mm/h in the 1st hour and 52mm/h in the 2nd hour), and VDRL 1:8 reagents. Normal CSF. Initially treated with warfarin, she has been using rivaroxaban for two years, remaining asymptomatic. Case 2. Female, 39 years old, with a report of sudden dysarthria and right hemiparesis, with a previous episode of vertigo. A lumbosacral spine MRI was performed, presenting no alterations. Normal CSF. Antiphospholipid antibodies: Beta-2-glycoprotein I IgM 21 UR/mL and IgG 9 UR/mL, lupus anticoagulant 0.98, anticardiolipin IgG 9.4 GPL and IgM 31 MPL. Cranial MRI showed old ischemic gaps and hyperintense areas on T2/FLAIR with diffusion restriction affecting the left paramedian portion of the pons, related to acute stroke. Presence of livedo in the distal region of the limbs. In current use of warfarin 7.5mg/day, presenting remission of symptoms. Discussion: Sneddon Syndrome (SS) is a non-inflammatory thrombotic vasculopathy characterized by the concomitant presence of livedo reticularis and stroke. Neurological manifestations are present in up to 77% of cases. It is more prevalent in women between 20 and 42 years old. Treatment is aimed at preventing potentially serious, disabling, and even fatal new vascular events. Final Comments: SS is a rare syndrome that probably results from a series of acquired or congenital hemostatic abnormalities that preferentially involve the cutaneous and cerebral vascular beds. Although it has no specific biomarker, there are reports associating SS with antiphospholipid antibodies and VDRL reactor. Clinical presentation, laboratory findings and skin biopsy associated with an excellent response to anticoagulant treatment were fundamental in the diagnostic elucidation.