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home production
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2022 ◽  
pp. 1-25
Sasiwooth Wongmonta

Abstract This paper uses Socio-Economic Surveys covering the period from 2013 to 2019 and the 2015 Time Use Survey to investigate the extent to which household consumption changes at retirement in Thailand. A fuzzy regression discontinuity design is applied to evaluate the retirement effect on total household expenditure and expenditures on four major categories: food-at-home, work-related items, non-durable entertainment, and others. The results reveal that retirement decreases household expenditure by 11%. Further investigations show that the dramatic declines in expenditures on work-related and non-durable entertainment contribute significantly to the spending drop at retirement. The magnitudes of the declines are more pronounced for low-income and low-wealth households. The results also indicate that the retirees spend more leisure time on home production activities after retirement. Once accounting for this effect, it finds that the drop in total household expenditure decreases to 6%. These results suggest that the sizable consumption expenditure drop at retirement is due to substituting away from market purchased goods toward home-produced goods.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (10) ◽  
pp. 567-591
Loretta Kainary Hutapea ◽  
Amilia Wulansari

The purpose of this study is to present the appropriate marketing communication strategy for a film based on the marketing mix and communication mix strategy. Promotion is considered to be the most important sector in film where it is also determined as the first stage to introduce the new release film to the audiences. Therefore, promotions are used by the home production as a tool to provide the film information that aimed to create the public awareness towards the film and decide to watch it in cinema without taking the risk of being unsatisfied. The study will be in the form of a study case taking the well-known Indonesian film “Laskar Pelangi” as the object research. The methods that used are a descriptive qualitative approach through research, observation, and interview with the publicist team of Laskar Pelangi film. The finding shows that PT Miles Films as the home production of Laskar Pelangi using the Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) such as advertising, direct marketing, sponsorship marketing, exhibitions, point of sale and merchandising, and Word of Mouth (WOM) by considering its target consumer which is the family and Laskar Pelangi novel’s reader. Furthermore, the company use the Unique Selling Point (USP) in terms of casting, producer, director, and also the moral value of the film affecting to improve the interest and consumer’s desire to watch the film. The overall research documents that for the film industry to perform well, the company needs to define the marketing tools based on the target market.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 23-32
Xiangdan Piao ◽  
Akiko Nasuda

This study investigates single individuals’ different choices over time in terms of use (labor supply, home production time input, leisure) and consumption (market consumption goods, home production goods) and provides evidence to explain the differences. To this effect, we use the structural model of the Almost Ideal Demand System with a Cobb-Douglas home production function. The results are summarized as follows. Regarding labor supply, both women and men have the same working willingness in the labor market when women are paid as much as men. Overall, although the regional gender income gap appears different between major metropolitan areas and non-major metropolitan areas, our results indicate that the income gap would disappear by diminishing the wage gap. However, for home production, the gender gap persists when women apply the same conditions as men, although the gap is small. Policy implied that reducing the gender wage gap is an important tool to encourage single women to work as men in the workplace regardless of the area.

EDIS ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (5) ◽  
Vance M. Whitaker ◽  
Natalia Peres ◽  
Sriyanka Lahiri ◽  
Sydney Park Brown ◽  
Craig K. Chandler

Florida is the winter strawberry capital of the world. In commercial and home production, strawberries are grown as an annual crop rather than as perennials. This 4-page publication of the UF/IFAS Horticultural Sciences Department presents guidelines for the successful production of strawberries in the Florida home garden. Minor revision with an updated byline of Chandler, C. K., N. A. Peres, V. M. Whitaker, H. A. Smith, and S. P. Brown. 2014. "Growing Strawberries in the Florida Home Garden." EDIS 2008 (6). https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/hs403    

Jim Been ◽  
Kees Goudswaard

Abstract Using detailed spending and time use data from the Netherlands, this paper analyzes the causal effect of retirement on spending and time use decisions. Both total consumption and disaggregated consumption categories are considered. We do not find empirical evidence for drops in households' total non-durable spending at retirement. Our estimates suggest increases in spending at retirement on goods that are complementary to leisure, but no decreases in spending on goods that are replaceable by home production. The quantitative implication of our empirical results for the Life-Cycle Model is an intertemporal elasticity of substitution for leisure below unity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (14) ◽  
pp. 7601
Silvia Cosimato ◽  
Roberto Vona

Recently, some critical events (e.g., the economic decline, the growing socio-ecologic burden, even more demanding customers, etc.) have led several companies to re-think their “shoring” decisions. Therefore, many of them decided to reshore manufacturing or to bring back home production activities previously offshored. This phenomenon represents one of the current imperatives for research. In fact, the location where manufacturing takes place has a massive influence on the sustainability of firms on a local and global level. Therefore, to better understand what makes reshoring strategies sustainable as well as to identify the drivers that can boost it, further research is still needed. The explorative nature of this paper recognizes some motivations or drivers for making reshoring strategies sustainable. To this end, a structured and narrative literature review has been conducted to grasp and describe the main motivations and implementation characteristics that can make reshoring decisions sustainable. The achieved results better define reshoring and the influence that some drivers, especially digital innovation, can play on the related strategies and on their sustainability. In doing so, this work is one of the first contributions that jointly approaches reshoring, sustainability, and digital innovation.

N. A. Moiseev ◽  
B. A. Akhmadeev

The article studies problems and prospects of managerial decisions dealing with the process of import-substitution of certain products and puts forward the method of raising its efficiency. This research is based on costs – output tables, as a result of which a special algorithm is designed to estimate the efficiency and accompanying effects for different lines of import-substitution. The authors analyze in what way the process of import-substitution can affect the output of certain industries (both inside the country and for other countries) and how it can change import and export by each industry of each country. By using this algorithm two tests were carried out based on computer modeling, where a proportion of import in a chosen industry of the country was replaced by home production, at first for one type of products and then for another. Results of these tests show a number of predicted values of macro-economic indices as a result of import-substitution of one or another product, whose analysis helps identify the best variant of importing such product, which should be substituted by home produce in order to reach the set criterion of efficiency. The designed algorithm can be used as a support system for decision-making in importsubstitution policy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Oksana Leukhina ◽  
Zhixiu Yu

Abstract Between the months of February and April of 2020, average weekly market hours in the U.S. dropped by 6.25, meanwhile 36% of workers reported switching to remote work arrangements. In this paper, we examine implications of these changes for the time allocation of different households, and on aggregate. We estimate that home production activity increased by 2.65 h a week, or 42.4% of lost market hours, due to the drop in market work and rise in remote work. The monthly value of home production increased by $39.65 billion – that is 13.55% of the concurrent $292.61 billion drop in monthly GDP. Although market hours declined the most for single, less educated individuals, the lost market hours were absorbed into home production the most by married individuals with children. Adding on the impact of school closures, our estimate of weekly home production hours increases by as much as 4.92 h. The increase in the value of monthly home production between February and April updates to $73.57 billion. We also report the estimated impact of labor markets and telecommuting on home production for each month in 2020.

Timo Boppart ◽  
L. Rachel Ngai

AbstractThis paper develops a model that generates rising average leisure time and increasing leisure inequality along a path of balanced growth. Households derive utility from three sources: market goods, home goods and leisure. Home production and leisure are both activities that require time and capital. Households allocate time and capital to these non-market activities and supply labor. The dynamics are driven by activity-specific TFP growth and a spread in the distribution of household-specific labor market efficiencies. When the spread is set to replicate the increase in wage inequality across education groups, the model can account for the observed average time series and cross-sectional dynamics of leisure time in the U.S. over the last five decades.

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