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disease emergence
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2022 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Clare Bambra

AbstractThe frequency and scale of Emerging Infectious Diseases (EIDs) with pandemic potential has been increasing over the last two decades and, as COVID-19 has shown, such zoonotic spill-over events are an increasing threat to public health globally. There has been considerable research into EIDs – especially in the case of COVID-19. However, most of this has focused on disease emergence, symptom identification, chains of transmission, case prevalence and mortality as well as prevention and treatment. Much less attention has been paid to health equity concerns and the relationship between socio-economic inequalities and the spread, scale and resolution of EID pandemics. This commentary article therefore explores socio-economic inequalities in the nature of EID pandemics. Drawing on three diverse case studies (Zika, Ebola, COVID-19), it hypothesises the four main pathways linking inequality and infectious disease (unequal exposure, unequal transmission, unequal susceptibility, unequal treatment) – setting out a new model for understanding EIDs and health inequalities. It concludes by considering the research directions and policy actions needed to reduce inequalities in future EID outbreaks.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Sarah Itoïz ◽  
Sebastian Metz ◽  
Evelyne Derelle ◽  
Albert Reñé ◽  
Esther Garcés ◽  

The last century has witnessed an increasing rate of new disease emergence across the world leading to permanent loss of biodiversity. Perkinsea is a microeukaryotic parasitic phylum composed of four main lineages of parasitic protists with broad host ranges. Some of them represent major ecological and economical threats because of their geographically invasive ability and pathogenicity (leading to mortality events). In marine environments, three lineages are currently described, the Parviluciferaceae, the Perkinsidae, and the Xcellidae, infecting, respectively, dinoflagellates, mollusks, and fish. In contrast, only one lineage is officially described in freshwater environments: the severe Perkinsea infectious agent infecting frog tadpoles. The advent of high-throughput sequencing methods, mainly based on 18S rRNA assays, showed that Perkinsea is far more diverse than the previously four described lineages especially in freshwater environments. Indeed, some lineages could be parasites of green microalgae, but a formal nature of the interaction needs to be explored. Hence, to date, most of the newly described aquatic clusters are only defined by their environmental sequences and are still not (yet) associated with any host. The unveiling of this microbial black box presents a multitude of research challenges to understand their ecological roles and ultimately to prevent their most negative impacts. This review summarizes the biological and ecological traits of Perkinsea—their diversity, life cycle, host preferences, pathogenicity, and highlights their diversity and ubiquity in association with a wide range of hosts.

2021 ◽  
Tovi Lehmann ◽  
Cedric Kouam ◽  
Joshua Woo ◽  
Mawlouth Diallo ◽  
Richard Wilkerson ◽  

Mosquito-borne diseases (MBDs) such as malaria, dengue, and Rift Valley fever threaten public health and food security globally. Despite their cohesive nature, they are typically treated as distinct entities. Applying biological system analysis to the African MBDs from a One Health perspective, we provide the first biogeographic description of the African mosquito fauna corresponding with the pathogens they transmit. After compiling records accumulated over a century, we find that there are 677 mosquito species in Africa, representing 16 genera, and 151 mosquito-borne pathogens (MBPs) circulating primarily among wild tetrapods, dominated by viruses (95) and protozoans (47). We estimate that reported MBPs represent ~1% of the actual number. Unlike mosquitoes, African arboviruses and mammalian plasmodia represent a higher share of the World's total based on the area- species richness relationship (P<0.0001), explaining the disproportional large share of global MBPs that originated from Africa. Species richness of African mosquitoes and MBPs are similarly concentrated along the equator, peaking in central Africa, with a secondary ridge along eastern Africa. Moderate diversity and low endemicity in mosquitoes across the Sahel reveals a fauna with high propensity for long-range migration. Regional differences in species richness, endemicity, and composition agreed with country-based results. The composition of mosquitoes and MBPs separates sub-Saharan Africa from north Africa, in accordance with the Palearctic and Afrotropical faunal realms, and west and central Africa are clustered together distinctly from the cluster of eastern and southern Africa. With ~25% of the species occupying a single country, ~50% in 1-3 countries and <5% found in >25 countries, the typical ranges of both mosquitoes and MBPs are surprisingly small. The striking similarity in diversity and especially in range distributions of mosquitoes and MBPs suggest that most MBPs are transmitted by one or few narrow-range mosquito vectors. Exceptionally widespread mosquito species (e.g., Ae. aegypti, Cx. quinquefasciatus, and 10 Anopheles species) feed preferentially on people and domestic animals, and nearly half are windborne migrants. Likewise, exceptionally widespread MBPs are transmitted between people or domestic animals and are vectored by one or more of the aforementioned widespread mosquitoes. Our results suggest that few MBPs have undergone a dramatic range expansion, after adapting to people or domestic animals as well as to exceptionally-widespread mosquitoes. During the intermediate phase of range expansion, MBPs extend their vector and vertebrate host ranges with a concomitant gradual increase in geographical range. Because range size may serve as a marker of the phase of range expansion, ranking the African MBPs according to range, we identified several MBPs that pose elevated risk for disease emergence (e.g., Wesselsbron virus). Taken together, our database, approach, and results can help improve MBD surveillance and lead to a better understanding of disease emergence. This knowledge has the potential to improve capacity to prevent and mitigate new and emerging MBD threats.

2021 ◽  
Soushieta Jagadesh ◽  
Marine Combe ◽  
Mathieu Nacher ◽  
Rodolphe Elie Gozlan

Abstract Background Zoonotic diseases account for more than 70% of emerging infectious diseases. Due to their increasing incidence, and impact on global health and economy, anticipating the emergence of zoonoses is a major public health challenge. Here, we use a biogeographic approach to predict future hotspots and determine the factors influencing disease emergence. We have focused on three viral disease groups of concern: Filoviridae, Coronaviridae, and Henipaviruses. Methods We modelled presence-absence data in spatially explicit binomial and zero-inflation binomial logistic regression with and without autoregression. Presence data were extracted from published studies for the three EID groups. Various environmental and demographical rasters were used to explain the distribution of EIDs. True Skill Statistic and deviance parameters were used to compare the accuracy of the different models. Results For each group of viruses, we were able to identify and map areas at high risk of disease emergence based on the spatial distribution of disease reservoirs and hosts, as well as data on the distribution of each disease. Common influencing drivers are climatic covariates (minimum temperature and rainfall) and human-induced land modifications. Conclusions Using topographical, climatic and previous disease outbreaks reports, we show that we can identify and predict future high-risk areas for disease emergence, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic, and their specific underlying human and environmental drivers. We suggest that such a predictive approach to EIDs should be carefully considered in the development of active surveillance systems for pathogen emergence and epidemics at local and global scales.

2021 ◽  
Wan-Ting He ◽  
Xin Hou ◽  
Jin Zhao ◽  
Jiumeng Sun ◽  
Haijian He ◽  

Game animals are wildlife species often traded and consumed as exotic food, and are potential reservoirs for SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2. We performed a meta-transcriptomic analysis of 1725 game animals, representing 16 species and five mammalian orders, sampled across China. From this we identified 71 mammalian viruses, with 45 described for the first time. Eighteen viruses were considered as potentially high risk to humans and domestic animals. Civets (Paguma larvata) carried the highest number of potentially high risk viruses. We identified the transmission of Bat coronavirus HKU8 from a bat to a civet, as well as cross-species jumps of coronaviruses from bats to hedgehogs and from birds to porcupines. We similarly identified avian Influenza A virus H9N2 in civets and Asian badgers, with the latter displaying respiratory symptoms, as well as cases of likely human-to-wildlife virus transmission. These data highlight the importance of game animals as potential drivers of disease emergence.

Nicole Nova ◽  
Tejas S Athni ◽  
Marissa L Childs ◽  
Lisa Mandle ◽  
Erin A Mordecai

Our world is undergoing rapid planetary changes driven by human activities, often mediated by economic incentives and resource management, affecting all life on Earth. Concurrently, many infectious diseases have recently emerged or spread into new populations. Mounting evidence suggests that global change-including climate change, land-use change, urbanization, and global movement of individuals, species, and goods-may be accelerating disease emergence by reshaping ecological systems in concert with socioeconomic factors. Here, we review insights, approaches, and mechanisms by which global change drives disease emergence from a disease ecology perspective. We aim to spur more interdisciplinary collaboration with economists and identification of more effective and sustainable interventions to prevent disease emergence. While almost all infectious diseases change in response to global change, the mechanisms and directions of these effects are system specific, requiring new, integrated approaches to disease control that recognize linkages between environmental and economic sustainability, and human and planetary health.

2021 ◽  
Elisa Visher ◽  
Lawrence Uricchio ◽  
Lewis Bartlett ◽  
Nicole DeNamur ◽  
Aren Yarcan ◽  

AbstractNiche breadth coevolution between biotic partners underpins theories of diversity and co-existence and influences patterns of disease emergence and transmission in host-parasite systems. Despite these broad implications, we still do not fully understand how the breadth of parasites’ infectivity evolves, the nature of any associated costs, or the genetic basis of specialization. Here, we serially passage a granulosis virus on multiple inbred populations of its Plodia interpunctella host to explore the dynamics and outcomes of specialization. In particular, we collect time series of phenotypic and genetic data to explore the dynamics of host genotype specialization throughout the course of experimental evolution and examine two fitness components. We find that the Plodia interpunctella granulosis virus consistently evolves increases in overall specialization, but that our two fitness components evolve independently such that lines specialize in either productivity or infectivity. Furthermore, we find that specialization in our experiment is a highly polygenic trait best explained by a combination of evolutionary mechanisms including conditionally positive fitness asymmetries and mutation accumulation. These results are important for understanding the evolution of specialization in host-parasite interactions and its broader implications for co-existence, diversification, and infectious disease management.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Nicole Nova

Coronaviruses cause respiratory and digestive diseases in vertebrates. The recent pandemic, caused by the novel severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus 2, is taking a heavy toll on society and planetary health, and illustrates the threat emerging coronaviruses can pose to the well-being of humans and other animals. Coronaviruses are constantly evolving, crossing host species barriers, and expanding their host range. In the last few decades, several novel coronaviruses have emerged in humans and domestic animals. Novel coronaviruses have also been discovered in captive wildlife or wild populations, raising conservation concerns. The evolution and emergence of novel viruses is enabled by frequent cross-species transmission. It is thus crucial to determine emerging coronaviruses' potential for infecting different host species, and to identify the circumstances under which cross-species transmission occurs in order to mitigate the rate of disease emergence. Here, I review (broadly across several mammalian host species) up-to-date knowledge of host range and circumstances concerning reported cross-species transmission events of emerging coronaviruses in humans and common domestic mammals. All of these coronaviruses had similar host ranges, were closely related (indicative of rapid diversification and spread), and their emergence was likely associated with high-host-density environments facilitating multi-species interactions (e.g., shelters, farms, and markets) and the health or well-being of animals as end- and/or intermediate spillover hosts. Further research is needed to identify mechanisms of the cross-species transmission events that have ultimately led to a surge of emerging coronaviruses in multiple species in a relatively short period of time in a world undergoing rapid environmental change.

Pathogens ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (10) ◽  
pp. 1236
Eric R. Morgan ◽  
David Modry ◽  
Claudia Paredes-Esquivel ◽  
Pilar Foronda ◽  
Donato Traversa

Lungworms in the genus Angiostrongylus cause disease in animals and humans. The spread of Angiostrongylus vasorum within Europe and the recent establishment of Angiostrongylus cantonensis increase the relevance of these species to veterinary and medical practitioners, and to researchers in parasitology, epidemiology, veterinary science and ecology. This review introduces the key members of the genus present in Europe and their impacts on health, and updates the current epidemiological situation. Expansion of A. vasorum from localized pockets to wide distribution across the continent has been confirmed by a rising prevalence in foxes and increasing reports of infection and disease in dogs, while the list of carnivore and mustelid definitive hosts continues to grow. The tropically distributed rat lungworm A. cantonensis, meanwhile, has been recorded on islands south of Europe, previously the Canary Islands, and now also the Balearic Islands, although so far with limited evidence of zoonotic disease. Other members of the genus, namely, A. chabaudi, A. daskalovi and A. dujardini, are native to Europe and mainly infect wildlife, with unknown consequences for populations, although spill-over can occur into domestic animals and those in zoological collections. The epidemiology of angiostrongylosis is complex, and further research is needed on parasite maintenance in sylvatic hosts, and on the roles of ecology, behaviour and genetics in disease emergence. Improved surveillance in animals and humans is also required to support risk assessments and management.

Nicole Nova

Coronaviruses cause respiratory and digestive diseases in vertebrates. The recent pandemic, caused by the novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, is taking a heavy toll on society and planetary health, and illustrates the threat emerging coronaviruses can pose to the wellbeing of humans and other animals. Coronaviruses are constantly evolving, crossing host species barriers, and expanding their host range. In the last few decades, several novel coronaviruses have emerged in humans and domestic animals. Novel coronaviruses have also been discovered in captive wildlife or wild populations, raising conservation concerns. The evolution and emergence of novel viruses is enabled by frequent cross-species transmission. It is thus crucial to determine emerging coronaviruses’ potential for infecting different host species, and to identify the circumstances under which cross-species transmission occurs in order to mitigate the rate of disease emergence. Here, I review (broadly across several mammalian host species) up-to-date knowledge of host range and circumstances concerning reported cross-species transmission events of emerging coronaviruses in humans and common domestic mammals. All of these coronaviruses had similar host ranges, were closely related (indicative of rapid diversification and spread), and their emergence was likely associated with high-host-density environments facilitating multi-species interactions (e.g., shelters, farms, and markets) and the health or wellbeing of animals as end- and/or intermediate spillover hosts. Further research is needed to identify mechanisms of the cross-species transmission events that have ultimately led to a surge of emerging coronaviruses in multiple species in a relatively short period of time in a world undergoing rapid environmental change.

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