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2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 359-378
Joko Sri Widodo ◽  
Kristiawanto Kristiawanto ◽  
Tofik Yanuar Chandra

There are various pros and cons to the criminal law policies by the Indonesian government in the context of dealing with covid 19. So it is necessary to have a study related to the effectiveness of implementing these various policies. The author's background is to discuss the formulation of the problem in this article: What is the criminal law policy during the covid 19 pandemic? And how is the effectiveness in the implementation of these policies? This article uses a normative juridical research method that examines various positive laws from the applicable laws and regulations, and then it is analyzed in analytical descriptive. The Indonesian government has established various policies to prevent the covid 19 transmission. The guidelines consist of: the formation of various legal regulations related to the covid pandemic; a policy of criminal sanctions for violators of social policies during the covid 19 pandemic; prisoner assimilation policy; electronic trial of criminal cases during the covid 19 pandemic; corruption prevention policies; policies on workplaces in public areas. Regarding the effectiveness of implementing these policies, it can be said that the execution tends to be less optimal because the policies are contrary to one another. So this article provides suggestions to the government and the community should have mutual support for the implementation of criminal law policies during the COVID-19 pandemic can be effective.

2021 ◽  
Vol 44 (113) ◽  
Chuluun-Erdene Terbish

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the CPC has entered a new stage of innovation in diplomatic theory and practice, forming Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy, which will continue to guide China's major-country diplomacy in the new era. The new diplomatic strategy of the new Chinese government led by Xi Jinping has three features. First, it hopes to actively build a new model of major-country relations. Second, it hopes to build a “destiny community of neighboring countries” diplomacy. Third, to look forward to building a new type of international relations in which win-win cooperation is the top priority of their foreign policy. In this article, I will introduce the new foreign policy adopted by China since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the neighborhood diplomacy featuring amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness. In addition, it also describes the diplomatic relations between Mongolia and China from 2012 to 2021 and important events within the scope of cooperation between the two countries, especially the friendly stories of mutual support and assistance between China and Mongolia after the outbreak of COVID-19. ХКН-ын XVIII их хурлаас хойших Хятад улсын гадаад бодлогын шинэ үзэл санаа ба Монгол, Хятадын харилцаа Хураангуй: 2012 онд ХКН-ын XVIII их хурал хуралдаж, Ши Жиньпин засгийн эрх барьснаар Хятад улсад гадаад харилцааны шинэ үзэл санаа бүрэлдэн тогтож, тус улс цаашид өөрийн онцлог бүхий их гүрний гадаад бодлого баримтлах болно гэдгээ зарласан билээ. Ши Жиньпин-ээр төвлөсөн Хятадын төрийн удирдлагын гадаад бодлогын шинэ стратеги нэгд, их гүрний шинэ маягийн харилцааг бий болгохыг эрмэлзэж буй. Хоёрт, Хятад улс хөрш улс орнууд хоорондын гадаад харилцаанд өндөр ач холбогдол өгч буй. Гуравт, хамтран ажиллах, хамтдаа хожих хамтын ажиллагааг гол болгосон олон улсын шинэ маягийн харилцааг байгуулахыг эрмэлзэж буй зэрэг онцлогтой байна. Энэхүү өгүүлэлд ХКН-ын XVIII их хурлаас хойших Хятад улсын гадаад бодлогын шинэ үзэл санаа, тэр дундаа хөрш зэргэлдээ улс орнуудад хандан хэрэгжүүлж буй “Ойр дотно, чин сэтгэлийн, харилцан ашигтай, уужуу хүртээмжтэй байх” ба “Хүн төрөлхтний хувь заяаны цогц нэгдэл” хэмээх гадаад бодлогын ойлголтын талаар танилцуулж, 2012-2021 онд Монгол, Хятад хоёр улсын гадаад харилцаа, хамтын ажиллагааны хүрээнд болсон үйл явдал, тэр дундаа аюулт цар тахлын эсрэг хамтдаа тэмцсэн хийгээд хоёр талын харилцан бие биедээ тусалж дэмжиж ирсэн түүхүүдийг өгүүлнэ. Түлхүүр үгс: Хятад улсын гадаад бодлого, Ши Жиньпин, XVIII их хурал, хувь заяаны цогц нэгдэл, Монгол, Хятадын харилцаа

Dmytro Antoniuk

In the article the author considers the problems faced by investigative journalists in the process of combating corruption in contemporary Ukraine. In particular, regarding the negative perception of their activities within society; lack of proper security of journalists in detecting corruption offenses by government officials; difficulties in finding and accessing information on corrupt transactions. The need to establish high-quality mutual support and cooperation between NGOs and investigative journalists to address the above issues, as well as to develop joint recommendations for overcoming corruption risks based on their own activities. The advantages of NGO cooperation with investigative journalists in the context of protecting the latter from persecution by the authorities are highlighted. The author sees the solution of the most of problems related to the professional activity of investigative journalists in a special network created for them, which would monitor the movement of corruption funds and ensure high-quality receipt and exchange of relevant information. It is proposed to create a similar network in Ukraine, which would cover all regions and could lay an information basis for establishing effective anti-corruption control at the national level.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1212-1229
Svetlana Angelova ◽  

The article presents a survey of pegagogy students’ training needs for realisation of the connectivity “formal – non-formal education”, in response to the current challenges to education in our country. It is accepted that education is a systemic object, functioning on the basis of the relationships between its constituent formal and non-formal subsystems. The connectivity of the subsystems through the applying of two key paradigms is presented argumentatively: (1) a connectivity as a whole and a continuum and (2) a connectivity such as sharing and interdependence. This connectivity is measurable in complementarity, compensatory support, mutual support and mutual corrective. To determine pegagogy students’ training needs for realisation of the connectivity “formal – non-formal education”, a survey was conducted in the period May – July of the academic year 2020/2021, with 96 respondents from the St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo – Vratsa Branch and Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, which constitute a general sample. The study focuses on the connectivity between formal and nonformal education at the following levels: normative level, content level, activity level and level “results of activity”. The data collection tool is a structured questionnaire with closed-ended items, developed by the author and provided to the respondents via an access link. Based on the survey data, it should be summarized that students have needs for realistion of the connectivity “formal – non-formal education” in each of the levels and to the connectivity as a whole. And just the connection “formal – non-formal education” is what will contribute to overcoming the deficits in modern education, as an essence and manifestation in the aspects of goals, content, activities, results.


Desde el año 2015, el Ayuntamiento de Leioa ha venido desplegando el proyecto Leioa Zugandik Hurbil, elemento tractor del cambio que tiene como objetivo primordial poner a la ciudadanía en el centro de la gestión pública. Han sido muchos los retos y oportunidades de este proceso, que han supuesto un cambio global en la forma de ser, estar y trabajar por lo público en esta administración. Los principios que han regido este proceso de transformación y superación y que han ido calando en la totalidad de la organización han sido, entre otros, el de vocación de servicio público, eficacia, eficiencia, simplificación, proactividad, trabajo en equipo, asistencia mutua, colaboración, cooperación, compromiso, confianza, innovación y búsqueda de la mejora continua. A través de este artículo tratamos de identificar los motivos que propiciaron dicho proceso, junto con los objetivos, obstáculos y oportunidades que han ido surgiendo durante el mismo, desarrollando a su vez los pasos dados hasta la fecha. 2015. urteaz geroztik, Leioako Udalak abiarazi eta garatu du Leioa Zugandik Hurbil proiektua, herritarrak kudeaketa publikoaren erdigunean jartzea helburu nagusitzat jotzen duen aldaketaren eragilea dena . Prozesuak erronka eta aukera ugari ekarri ditu, eta horiek erabateko aldaketa eragin dute administrazio honetan, bere izaeran, egoeran eta zerbitzu publikoen alde lan egiteko moduan. Eraldaketa eta hobekuntza prozesu horren oinarriak, erakunde honetan sakon sartu direnak, besteak beste, honako hauek izan dira: zerbitzu publikorako bokazioa, eraginkortasuna, efizientzia, sinplifikazioa, proaktibitatea, talde-lana, elkarrekiko laguntza, lankidetza, konpromisoa, konfiantza, berrikuntza eta etengabeko hobekuntza- bilaketa. Artikulu honen bidez, prozesua eragin zuten arrazoiak identifikatzen saiatu gara, baita prozesu horretan zehar sortu diren helburu, oztopo eta aukerak ere, eta, aldi berean, orain arte egindako urratsak garatu ditugu. Since 2015, the Local Council of Leioa has been pursuing a project named Leioa Zugandik Hurbil [Leioa Close to you], as a scheme to drive change, with the overriding purpose of placing citizens at the heart of public affairs. This project has faced numerous challenges and opportunities that have led to an overall change in this administration¿s approach to its way of being, responding and working for the public good. The principles governing this process of transformation and improvement that have filtered down throughout the organisation as a whole have involved, amongst others, a dedication to public service, efficacy, efficiency, simplification, proactivity, teamwork, mutual support, collaboration, cooperation, commitment, trust, innovation, and the pursuit of continuous improvement. Our aim in this article is to identify the reasons that lie behind this process, together with the goals, obstacles and opportunities that have arisen over its course, while at the same time describing the steps taken thus far.

TEM Journal ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1565-1571
Tarik Zaimovic ◽  
Muharem Kozic ◽  
Amina Efendić ◽  
Amel Džanić

In an agile business environment, teamwork quality is underlining key element of successful projects and overall team performance. In the Scrum framework, self-managing team is a central element of success. Self-managing teams introduced a new concept of teams and emphasized the importance of individual member effort and the way it affects team performance. The focus of this paper is on teamwork quality in self-managing teams and the way it affects the overall team performance. Teamwork quality is defined by six subconstructs: communication, coordination, balance of member contributions, mutual support, effort, and cohesion, while team performance is defined with effectiveness and efficiency. A survey of 260 respondents from the IT sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina was conducted and in both tested models, our results have confirmed that the highest effect on team effectiveness comes from mutual support, with slightly different – but still significant, impact of team cohesion and effort.

2021 ◽  
pp. 105708372110540
Kristina R. Weimer ◽  
Daniel J. Albert

Two university music education faculty aimed to expand mentoring beyond a one-to-one relationship to a more collaborative approach by creating a year-long online mentoring network of experienced and novice music educators. The purpose of this article is to describe the network’s structure and content, and discuss outcomes and recommendations based on participating teachers’ perspectives and experiences. Network materials promoted discussion and reflection on various music teaching and learning topics; the sharing of strategies, ideas, and resources; and mutual support and encouragement. Participants discussed topics with direct application for their classes and shared rewarding teaching moments, student successes, positive assessment outcomes, and struggles with fatigue and lack of student engagement. They stated the network provided a supportive space that facilitated connection and reflection, empathetic feedback, and teaching strategy and resource suggestions. Recommendations included more active opportunities to engage with and build relationships with each other, synchronous activities via videoconferencing platforms, and more facilitator participation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (20) ◽  
pp. 11555
Biancamaria Torquati ◽  
Sergio Pedini ◽  
Fabio Maria Santucci ◽  
Riccardo Da Re

In recent years there has been a growing international interest in alternative certification strategies for organic products. Specifically, participatory guarantee systems (PGS) have proved to be particularly suitable not only to simplify bureaucratic procedures for small organic producers and reduce the cost of certification, but also to generate empowerment, social inclusion and mutual support among farmers. The purpose of this paper is to study the elements of social capital (SC) found in a PGS through the use of social network indicators using the Organizaçao Participativa de Acreditaçao e Certificaçao “Orgânicos Sul de Minas” (OPAC-OSM) as a case study. The research was carried out in the southern part of Minas Gerais, one of the states of the Brazilian Federation, where organic production represents a viable alternative for small and medium-sized farmers. In particular, a survey was carried out to capture the opinions of managers (presidents or directors) about their participation in the OPAC-OSM, and about the level of interaction and degree of trust between members. Relational skills, which are the basis of structural SC, were analyzed both at the level of individual units and at the level of the general network of the OPAC-OSM. An in-degree centrality score assigned to OPAC-OSM members was obtained from each network. These scores have been correlated with variables of the database that were chosen due to their relevance in assessing the level of social capital. According to the results, the factors that most reinforced the proof of SC among the OPAC-OSM members were the level of information and the degree of trust and collaboration networks, with special emphasis on female participation. From the analysis carried out, it is possible to conclude that PGS are powerful tools in the strengthening of SC far beyond the aspect of quality assurance, which remains the main objective of the OPAC.

This article introduces some of the questions, activist and theoretical concepts featured in the special issue “Fucking solidarity: Queering Concepts on/from a post-Soviet Perspective”. It reflects on the usage and applicability of the term queer and queer concepts within post-Soviet and postsocialist spaces, by playfully using the “fucking” as critical term, to emphasize queer’s original potential to offend and disrupt within English language. It reflects on the possibilities of queer and feminist solidarities across the East/West divide that do not fall into the trap of (Western) hegemony or anti-Western sentiments. Framing queer solidarity as “working together,” it looks for the possibilities of egalitarian mutual support across national and cultural borders. Finally, it gives an overview of the texts collected in the special issue.

Hervé Tissot ◽  
Noémie Lapalus ◽  
France Frascarolo ◽  
Jean-Nicolas Despland ◽  
Nicolas Favez

AbstractInfants developing in a cooperative family alliance (FA), characterized by cohesion and mutual support between family members observable during mother–father–child interactions, will likely experience more affect sharing and empathy early in life. Previous studies showed that these experiences might have a positive impact on the development of social cognition, as the development of FA from 3 to 18 months was shown to predict theory of mind (ToM) competences at age 4.5. This study aimed to extend these results to adolescence, as we hypothesized that higher FA in the postpartum would be linked better social cognition skills at age 15 years. We assessed FA during mother–father–child interactions at 3, 9, and 18 months postpartum (N = 49) and adolescents’ social cognition skills in a computerized emotion recognition task at age 15 years. Results of growth curve models showed that the stable, but not the changing, components of FA from 3 to 18 months, predicted better emotion recognition—particularly for positive emotional expressions—at age 15 years, when controlling for ToM at age 4.5 years. Results are discussed in light of prior research on the links between early family relationships and children’s development from early childhood to adolescence.

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