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morphological study
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Fuel ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 310 ◽  
pp. 122365
Qinglin Xu ◽  
Zhe Sun ◽  
Shangning Wang ◽  
Yadong Fan ◽  
Xuesong Li ◽  

И.А. Баландина ◽  
А.М. Некрасова ◽  
А.А. Баландин

Работа основана на морфологическом исследовании ампул маточных труб 130 рожавших женщин молодого и старческого возраста. Применены макрометрический, гистологический, иммуногистохимический и микрометрический методы исследования. Выявлены закономерности возрастной морфологической изменчивости ампулы маточной трубы, проявляющиеся в уменьшении параметров их длины, а также наружных диаметров в середине ампулы и в местах перехода перешейка в ампулу и ампулы в воронку от молодого возраста к старческому возрасту. Гистоархитектоника ампул маточных труб у женщин в старческом возрасте характеризуется уплощением эпителия слизистой оболочки, образующей обилие близлежащих утолщенных складок, формирующих неравномерное сужение просвета ампулы. Определяется истончение мышечной оболочки с разрастанием вместо нее соединительной ткани и скоплением адипоцитов в подсерозной основе. В старческом возрасте отмечается более выраженная экспрессия виментина, прослеживающаяся не только в эндотелии и субэндотелиальном слое кровеносных сосудов, включая капилляры, но и в отдельных фибробластах. Установлено, что особенности микрометрических характеристик ампул маточных труб заключаются в уменьшении внутреннего периметра эпителиальной выстилки и площади просвета, наряду с увеличением площади их стенки при срединном сечении, в старческом возрасте в сравнении с молодым. The work is based on a morphological study of ampoules of the fallopian tubes of 130 young and senile women who gave birth. Macrometric, histological, immunohistochemical and micrometric methods of investigation were applied. The regularities of age-related morphological variability of the fallopian tube ampoule are revealed, which are manifested in a decrease in the parameters of their length, as well as external diameters in the middle of the ampoule and at the places of transition of the isthmus into the ampoule and ampoule into the funnel from young age to old age. Histoarchitectonics of ampoules of the fallopian tubes in women in old age is characterized by flattening of the epithelium of the mucous membrane, which forms an abundance of nearby thickened folds that form an uneven narrowing of the lumen of the ampoule. The thinning of the muscle membrane is determined with the growth of connective tissue instead of it and the accumulation of adipocytes in the subserose base. In old age, there is a more pronounced expression of vimentin, which can be traced not only in the endothelium and subendothelial layer of blood vessels, including capillaries, but also in individual fibroblasts. It was found that the features of the micrometric characteristics of the fallopian tube ampoules consist in a decrease in the inner perimeter of the epithelial lining and the lumen area, along with an increase in the area of their wall at the median cross-section in old age compared with young age.

2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Al-Bajuri Salwa Ismail Abd al-Qadir

Morphological study of the testis of adult Sudanese Chicken : gallus domesticus The adult chicken testes were two bean - shaped , large and soft , the left testis is usually higher in position and larger in size than the right one . The testis is active during cold weather with the mean diameter of the seminiferous tubules being 126^m in the chicken . it is less active during the hot season with the mean diameter of the seminiferous tubules being 135^m in the chicken. The non - breeding season seemed to be characterized by a decline in the spermatogenic activity only and not by complete spermatogenesis

2022 ◽  
Hejraneh Azizi ◽  
Masoud Sheidai ◽  
Valiollah Mozaffarian ◽  
Zahra Noormohammadi

Abstract Tragopogon L. (Cichorioideae, Lactuceae, Scorzonerinae) is an Old World genus with 150 species, Rechinger in Flora Iranica divided this genus in 13 section and 37 species that 26 species of them are exist in Iran. Safavi et al. divided it into 26 species without sections in flora Iran. Despite the anatomical and molecular studies done around the world, the exact classification of this genus is not clear due to the high number of secret species, hybridization, polyploidy and rapid diversification. The morphology studies of 32 species and Molecular studies (ISSR, ITS, cp DNA) of 22 species of the genus Tragopogon was investigated . The purpose of these studies are classification and determination of interspecific relationship in this genus. Sections of Rubriflori, Sosnowskya, Chromopappus, Majores, Angustissimi, Krascheninnikovia in flora of Iranica are confirmed on the basis of morphometry and molecular data. Section of Profundisulcati in flora Iranica is confirmed on the base of morphometry data. The Species of T. jesdianus, T . porphyrocephalus, T. rezaiyensis and T. Stroterocarpus in the flora of Iranica are not classified in any section which we classified in the Rubriflori section, Cp DNA dendrogram are not useful for classification in this genus and Chloroplast sequences are very similar among Tragopogon species, Therefore, the use of cp DNA markers in the classification of this genus is not recommended.

Zootaxa ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 5087 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-111

Tenupalpa Lee et Li, 2021 (Gelechiidae: Thiotrichinae) was recently proposed based on a molecular and morphological study of the subfamily. It currently includes six species mainly known from Russia, Japan and India. In this paper, 15 new species from China are described: T. acutata sp. nov., T. acutimedia sp. nov., T. angulosa sp. nov., T. breviaedeaga sp. nov., T. zhengi sp. nov., T. crassimedia sp. nov., T. dissimilis sp. nov., T. falcata sp. nov., T. fuscalata sp. nov., T. immaculata sp. nov., T. isabellina sp. nov., T. magniguttata sp. nov., T. latifasciata sp. nov., T. perparviloba sp. nov. and T. uncativalva sp. nov. Also, T. xanthodora (Meyrick, 1923) comb. nov., and the original combination for Thiotricha glenias Meyrick, 1908 stat. rev. are proposed. Five species—Tenupalpa angustella (Omelko, 1984), T. biformis (Omelko, 1984), T. flavitermina (Kyaw, Yagi & Hirowatari, 2019), T. nephodesma (Meyrick, 1918) and T. venustalis (Omelko, 1984)—are reported from China for the first time, and two species—T. angustella and T. venustalis—are newly recorded from Korea. Photographs of adults, genitalia, and the eighth abdominal segment of males are illustrated, and a key to all known Tenupalpa species are provided based on external characters and male genitalia.  

2022 ◽  
pp. 66-70
José Luis Treviño-González ◽  
Guillermo González-Dávila ◽  
German A Soto-Galindo ◽  
Daniel Alejandro Aranda-García

2022 ◽  
Vol 194 ◽  
pp. 172-178
Melissa Marques Gonçalves ◽  
Kelsey Leonard Lobsinger ◽  
Jaqueline Carneiro ◽  
Guilherme Fadel Picheth ◽  
Cassiano Pires ◽  

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
José V Pérez Santa-Rita ◽  
John W Brown ◽  
Joaquín Baixeras

Abstract This is the first morphological study of the male hindwing costal roll (CR), a scent organ of tortricid moths of the subtribe Cochylina (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae). This composite organ varies from a simple membranous roll of the hindwing costa to a complex roll that incorporates a hairpencil and two types of microscales. All the components show taxon-dependent traits. Both optical and electron microscopy are used to elucidate the structure. The costal roll is associated primarily with the Aethes Billberg, Saphenista Walsingham, Phalonidia Le Marchand, and Cochylis Treitschke groups of genera. The general notions that wing male scent organs are phylogenetically labile and that they may have arisen among closely related species as a consequence of habitat sharing are explored using network analysis and phylogenetic signal. Taxa with a costal roll certainly support a more complex area of the food web, however, the character shows a strong phylogenetic signal and is not the result of a sporadic evolution.

Medicine ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 100 (52) ◽  
pp. e28299
Daniel Rodríguez ◽  
Thiago Carnaval ◽  
Marcos del Carmen ◽  
Azahara Palomar-Muñoz ◽  
Montserrat Cortés-Romera ◽  

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