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teaching presence
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2022 ◽  
pp. 288-310
Fernando Melero-García

This chapter examines students' perceptions of their online learning experience in a healthcare interpreting course as well as their self-efficacy beliefs. The results suggest that teaching presence is essential in online learning, as students indicated that the feedback provided by the instructor were among the most helpful aspects of the course. Additionally, including activities that required learners to interact and collaborate throughout the semester was an effective way of creating social presence. Students specifically perceived that doing peer-evaluations with a classmate on a weekly basis helped them learn and increased their confidence. Regarding self-efficacy beliefs, by the end of the semester students considered that they can meet the requirements established in the National Standards of Practice for Interpreters in Health Care. Overall, a collaborative online environment was successfully created, and learners had a worthwhile learning experience. This study provides meaningful data that can inform future online teaching practices.

Irena Chawrilska

Autorka artykułu koncentruje się w tekście na wykorzystaniu popularnych w ostatnim czasie w dydaktyce narzędziach krytycznego myślenia (oddzielając jednocześnie owe narzędzia od critical thinking) na lekcji języka polskiego jako obcego w dobie edukacji zdalnej, biorąc zarówno pod uwagę kursy online (online teaching), jak i nauczanie zdalne (remote teaching). Za istotne aspekty nauczania zdalnego uznane zostają: budowanie społeczności uczących się (building community of learners), obecność nauczyciela (teaching presence), budowanie rusztowania (scaffolding learning) z wykorzystaniem rutyn krytycznego myślenia. W tekście autorka omawia przykład lekcji języka polskiego jako obcego, podczas której zostały wykorzystane strategie krytycznego myślenia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Nurzal Effiyana Ghazali

COVID-19 pandemic changes the landscape of education, where online learning becomes very important and can not be avoided. Therefore, this article discusses how a gamer's platform, Discord can be used as an interactive online class. A comparison of Discord with other online platforms is spelled out in a tabular form. The principle used to design the online class using Discord is based on Community of Inquiry (CoI). CoI consists of three elements which are teaching presence, social presence, and cognitive presence for a better educational experience. The design discussed in this article are Discord features design for the online class and class activity using Discord in developing the three elements in CoI. Data collection is done using open-ended surveys. They are 58 respondents with engineering and non-engineering students. Most of the students are familiar with Discord and agreed that Discord can be adapted for an online class. Thematic analysis is conducted to analyze the open-ended questions. The themes that can be identified are parallel channels, structure, all-in-one platform, facilitation, and learning environment. Another analysis is message counts in each student group to show how active the students in online class using Discord. In conclusion, Discord is the best platform to make students active and construct knowledge with peers.

2021 ◽  
pp. 105708372110612
Emily M. Mercado

The purpose of this instrumental case study was to examine preservice music educators’ (PMEs) perceptions of a semester-long fieldwork experience first delivered in person and then asynchronously online. Using the community of inquiry (CoI) framework, I analyzed the PMEs’ perceptions of their teaching presence in both fieldwork experiences. Participants cited benefits and challenges with lesson plan organization, in-person and asynchronous instruction, and building consensus about effective teaching. Notably, the asynchronous fieldwork provided a non-reactive environment where the script and delivery of content took precedent over a rehearsal mindset, which was more responsive and occurred during the in-person fieldwork. Based on these findings, music teacher educators might consider asynchronous fieldwork when in-person fieldwork is unavailable or as a stepping stone to prepare PMEs for in-person fieldwork experiences.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
Murat Turk ◽  
Ali Ceyhun Muftuoglu ◽  
Sinem Toraman

Online course instructors’ perceptions and perspectives regarding their teaching presence as a key presence in online learning environments significantly influence, if not determine, their online teaching practices, which in turn influence the quality of online students’ learning experiences. Although gaining deeper insights into online course instructors’ perceptions and experiences of teaching presence is quite important and valuable for online education, there is still limited qualitative inquiry into this critical presence across diverse online teaching contexts. The purpose in this qualitative, multiple case study was to explore and understand online course instructors’ perceptions and experiences regarding their own presence in their online courses. We explored the perceptions and experiences of eight course instructors teaching undergraduate and graduate-level online courses at a midwestern U.S. college. Our findings indicated that teaching presence was uniformly considered important and necessary by the instructors although their applications and priorities regarding their teaching presence varied. We discussed our themes that emerged from our interview data and offered several theoretical and practical implications regarding teaching presence in online learning environments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 185-214
Angélica Amezcua ◽  
Anel Brandl ◽  
Evelyn Durán Urrea ◽  
Estrella Rodriguez

EN The pandemic amplified the educational disparities that Latinx students face in virtual courses. This research project describes Spanish Heritage Language (SHL) learners’ experiences with remote instruction, and it proposes using the Community of Inquiry Model (Garrison et al., 2000) and modified versions of the Theory of Social Presence (Fayram, 2017; Hauck & Warnecke, 2012; Strong et al., 2012; Whiteside, 2015) as guiding frameworks to obtain information about social presence (SP) aspects in the online classroom. A total of 126 SHL learners took a validated online survey to evaluate the challenges of switching to a remote modality of instruction. This research emphasizes the need to design effective online courses that foster SP as a key element to diminish feelings of isolation and encourage active participation in the classroom. We propose that teaching presence is an important component of social presence in online SHL courses, and we offer pedagogical implications for practitioners. Parole chiave: LATINX STUDENTS, SPANISH HERITAGE LANGUAGE COURSES, ONLINE CLASSES, SOCIAL PRESENCE ES La pandemia amplificó la disparidad educativa que el alumnado latino sufre en los cursos virtuales. Este proyecto describe las experiencias del alumnado latino en las clases virtuales de español como lengua de herencia (SHL) y propone el uso del modelo de la Community of Inquiry (Garrison et al., 2000) y la teoría de la Presencia Social (junto con sus modificaciones: Hauck & Warnecke, 2012; Fayram, 2017; Strong et al., 2012; Whiteside, 2015) como guía para entender la presencia social (PS) y sus factores en las clases virtuales. Un total de 126 participantes respondieron a un cuestionario en línea validado para evaluar los retos que supuso el cambio a una enseñanza a distancia. Los resultados indican la importancia de diseñar cursos virtuales efectivos que promuevan la presencia social como el elemento clave para disminuir el aislamiento y promover la participación activa en las clases. En este estudio proponemos que la presencia docente es un componente importante de la presencia social en la enseñanza virtual del español como lengua de herencia y ofrecemos implicaciones pedagógicas para el profesorado. Palabras claves: ALUMNADO LATINO, CURSOS DE ESPAÑOL COMO LENGUA DE HERENCIA, CURSOS EN LÍNEA, PRESENCIA SOCIAL IT La pandemia ha aumentato le disparità educative che studenti/esse latini/e affrontano nei corsi a distanza. Questo studio descrive le esperienze di apprendenti di Spagnolo come Lingua Ereditaria nella didattica a distanza (DaD), e propone l’uso del modello della Community of Inquiry (Garrison et al., 2000) e della Teoria della Presenza Sociale (con le sue variazioni: Hauck & Warnecke, 2012; Fayram, 2016; Strong et al., 2012; Whiteside, 2015) come modelli per ottenere informazioni su aspetti della presenza sociale (SP) durante le lezioni online. 126 studenti hanno risposto a un questionario validato online per valutare le sfide poste dal passaggio alla DaD. I risultati evidenziano la necessità di corsi online efficaci che promuovano la SP come fattore chiave per diminuire il senso di isolamento e incoraggiare una partecipazione attiva alla lezione. Viene suggerita la presenza dell’insegnante come componente importante della SP nei corsi online di SHL e vengono trattate le implicazioni pedagogiche per i docenti stessi. Parole chiave: STUDENTI LATINI, CORSI DI SPAGNOLO COME LINGUA EREDITARIA, LEZIONI ON-LINE, PRESENZA SOCIALE.

Christine Loy

Corona-bedingt musste im Sommersemester 2020 ein Seminar im Bereich der Grundschuldidaktik Sachunterricht, das als Forschendes Lernen konzipiert war, in ein digitales Format umgewandelt werden. Es wird explorativ untersucht, welche Bedeutung die Lehramtsstudierenden in ihren Reflexionsportfolios (N=31) den sozialen Interaktionen im Forschungsprozess zuweisen und wie sie dabei die Virtualität der Lernumgebung thematisieren. Theoretischer Ausgangspunkt ist das Modell der Community of Inquiry (Garrison et al. 1999, 2010), dessen drei Elemente teaching presence, cognitive presence und social presence für die Analyse aufgegriffen werden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass ko-konstruktive Prozesse in hohem Masse auch in einer digitalen Lernumgebung möglich sind, d. h. Austausch auf der sozio-kognitiven Ebene erfolgreich stattfindet. Die Hochschuldidaktik sollte sich, neben den technischen und räumlichen Herausforderungen durch die digitale Lehre, jedoch auch mit den sozio-emotionalen Wirkungen von digitalen Lehrformaten befassen, da von den Studierenden vor allem die fehlende physische Präsenz als Mangel erlebt wird.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Yang Wang ◽  
Li Zhao ◽  
Shusheng Shen ◽  
Wenli Chen

Given that there is no consensus on a framework for measuring presence in online teaching, this paper focuses on the construction of a reliable measurement framework of teaching presence based on the Community of Inquiry theory. In this study, 408 questionnaires were collected from college students who had online learning experience. Item analysis, exploratory factor analysis, and confirmatory factor analysis were used to analyze the results, which showed that the five-factor framework is in good agreement with the data. The confirmatory factor analysis also demonstrated a good model fit of the correlated five-factor teaching presence framework. Therefore, the teaching presence measurement framework consisting of design and organization, discourse facilitation, direct instruction, assessment, and technological support, can serve as an effective tool to support teaching presence measurement and to provide guidance for instructors’ online teaching.

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