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food management
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2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Wen-Hwa Ko ◽  
Min-Yen Lu

Purpose This study aims to examine Taiwanese hospitality students’ self-reported professional competence in surplus food management and assess the usefulness of their university training in this area. Using the importance-performance analysis (IPA) method, it is possible to obtain a clearer understanding of the priority order of the items that require improvement and to identify which surplus food management competence items should be strengthened in the school curriculum and which items should be enhanced by the students. Design/methodology/approach This study used the questionnaire survey method. It evaluated seven dimensions covering 29 items related to surplus food management competencies of the kitchen staff. The evaluation was done using IPA to determine the relationship between professional competence (performance level) and courses provided (importance level). The factor coordinates were completed according to the means of personal qualifications and courses provided. Findings According to students’ self-assessment, the dimensions of “Personal moral attitude,” “Food handling attitude,” “Education and training attitude” and “Culinary knowledge” were located in the “Keep up the good work” quadrant, meaning that the students think that their surplus food management competence is relatively high and the courses provided are sufficient. Thus, these items have better performance at the present and they hope to maintain the status. However, “Menu analysis” and “Sanitation knowledge” were found to have low importance and low level of performance. Therefore, these two dimensions require attention in the course design and educational training. Research limitations/implications The questionnaire responses were self-reported; this study assumed that all participants answered honestly. Future studies may include additional factors in the analysis, such as hospitality management, culinary skills, internship experience and work time that may affect the perceptions of students. Moreover, professional chefs could be surveyed to determine their professional competence and training needs. Originality/value The professional training that students receive determines, to a large extent, their performance in their jobs and the resulting stability of their employment. Therefore, improved competence gained through good-quality training can help students meet the demands of the hospitality industry.

2022 ◽  
Vol 52 (2) ◽  
Mathias Reginatto Wrzesinski ◽  
Marcelo Luís Schwab ◽  
Dênis Antonio Ferrarin ◽  
Angel Ripplinger ◽  
Júlia da Silva Rauber ◽  

ABSTRACT: Hypertrophic feline muscular dystrophy (HFMD), rarely reported in the literature, is a disease caused by a hereditary recessive dystrophin deficiency linked to the X chromosome, mainly affecting young male cats. Here, we presented the clinical aspects, food management, and clinical evolution of a seven-year-old mixed-breed cat diagnosed with HFMD, having a primary history of progressive tongue protrusion.

Sarlina Manton ◽  
Maria Kanan ◽  
Herawati Herawati ◽  
Fitryanti S. Lanyumba ◽  
Sandy N. Sakati

Tantangan yang dihadapi Indonesia terkait pembangunan kesehatan khususnya bidang higiene dan sanitasi masih sangat besar, untuk itu perlu dilakukan intervensi terpadu melalui pendekatan sanitasi total. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memperoleh gambaran pencapaian lima pilar Sanitasi Total Berbasis Masyarakat (STBM) di Desa Lokotoy Kecamatan Banggai Utara Kabupaten Banggai Laut.Jenis penelitian ini adalah observasional deskriptif, dengan jenis data kuantitatif, teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan yaitu sampling jenuh atau teknik penentuan sampel bila semua populasi dijadikan sampel yaitu sebanyak 443 KK.Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa sanitasi total berbasis masyarakat di Desa Lokotoy Kecamatan Banggai Utara Kabupten Banggai Laut, berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Nomor 3 Tahun 2014 tentang Pencapaian Sanitasi Total Berbasis Masyarakat yaitu stop buang air besar sembarangan yang baik sebesar 94,6%, cuci tangan pakai sabun yang baik sebesar 26,0%, pengelolaan air minum dan makanan rumah tangga yaitu baik sebesar 26,0%, pengamanan sampah rumah tangga yang baik sebesar 0%, pengamanan air limbah rumah tangga yang baik sebesar 0%, Sehingga kesimpulannya adalah STBM di Desa Lokotoy Kecamatan Banggai Utara Kabupaten Banggai Laut sebesar 0%. Saran bagi penentu kebijakan, Puskesmas, maupun pemerintah desa setempat dapat melakukan pemicuan stop buang air besar sembarangan, cuci tangan pakai sabun, pengelolaan air minum dan makanan rumah tangga, pengamanan sampah rumah tangga, dan pengamanan air limbah rumah tangga untuk meningkatkan pencapaian lima pilar sanitasi total berbasis masyarakat. The challenges faced by Indonesia related to health development, especially in the field of hygiene and sanitation are still very large, for that it is necessary to carry out integrated interventions through a total sanitation approach. The purpose of this study was to obtain an overview of the achievement of the five pillars of Community-Based Total Sanitation (STBM) in Lokotoy Village, North Banggai District, Banggai Laut Regency.This type of research is descriptive observational, with quantitative data type, the sampling technique used is saturated sampling or sampling technique when all populations are sampled, namely as many as 443 families.The results showed that community-based total sanitation in Lokotoy Village, North Banggai District, Banggai Laut Regency, based on the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3 of 2014 concerning the Achievement of Community-Based Total Sanitation, namely stopping open defecation is good at 94.6%, washing hands good use of soap is 26.0%, household drinking water and food management is good at 26.0%, good household waste security is 0%, good household waste water security is 0%, so the conclusion is STBM in Lokotoy Village, North Banggai District, Banggai Laut Regency by 0%. Suggestions for policy makers, Puskesmas, and local village governments can trigger open defecation, wash hands with soap, manage drinking water and household food, safeguard household waste, and secure household wastewater to improve the achievement of the five pillars of sanitation. totally community based.

Nurul Novitasari

The management of healthy and nutritious food at PAUD Plus Darussalam has been going well. The stages of healthy food management at PAUD Plus Darussalam consist of planning, organizing, implementing, and supervising. Planning, consisting of budget planning and preparation of various menus for lunch and cakes, changing the food menu once a month with the menus that students like the most. Organizing, consisting of healthy food management personnel at PAUD Plus Darussalam. The workforce is divided into three groups, namely: the management staff group, the implementing staff group, and the implementing assistant staff group. Implementation consists of purchasing food ingredients, processing food ingredients, and distributing food. The purchase of food ingredients is the responsibility of the implementing assistant. Food processing is carried out by the implementing staff. The distribution of food is carried out by the implementing staff and the students themselves according to the picket pick-up schedule. Supervision, carried out by school principals and cooks. This type of research is field research, with a qualitative research approach. Data collection techniques using observation techniques, interviews and documentation. data analysis using Miles and Huberman models. The analytical steps carried out by the researchers include: reducing data, presenting data and drawing conclusions

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 914
Dyah Suryani ◽  
Ahmad Ahid Mudayana ◽  
Mufti Khakim

ABSTRAKPandemi Covid-19 memberikan dampak yang sangat kompleks, baik di bidang ekonomi, pendidikan dan pastinya pariwisata. Penerapan adaptasi kebiasaan baru akan merubah perilaku wisatawan saat berwisata. Peranan pariwisata tidak hanya menyediakan sarana wisata tetapi dilengkapi dengan sarana kuliner. Pengolahan makanan pada masa pandemi covid-19 harus sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku, karena makanan yang  dikonsumsi harus memperhatikan keamanan makanan atau food safety termasuk didalamnya di Kawasan wisata. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan praktek penjamah makanan tentang pengelolaan makanan yang aman, bebas kontaminasi sehingga aman dikonsumsi oleh wisatawan. Pelatihan ini dilaksanakan secara langsung di lokasi wisata di wilayah Kelurahan Srimartani Piyungan dengan pemberian materi penyuluhan keamanan makanan dibantu dengan media buku, Presentation Power Point serta diskusi. Hasil kegiatan ini didapatkan bahwa 70% penjamah makanan meningkat tingkat pengetahuan terkait keamanan makanan dan 90% penjamah makanan sikap keamanan makanannya mengalami peningkatan. Pelatihan ini harus dilakukan secara konsisten, karena untuk merubah perilaku penjamah makanan membutuhkan waktu dan pendampingan baik dari pemerintah desa maupun instansi terkait. Kata kunci:pandemi; keamanan makanan; pelatihan; wisata. ABSTRACTThe Covid-19 pandemic has had a very complex impact, both in the fields of economy, education, and of course tourism. The application of adaptation of new habits will change the behavior of tourists when traveling. The role of tourism is not only providing tourist facilities but also being equipped with culinary facilities. Food processing during the COVID-19 pandemic must comply with applicable regulations, because the food consumed must pay attention to food safety or food safety, including in tourism areas. This activity aims to increase the knowledge and practice of food handlers regarding safe, contamination-free food-management so that it is safe for consumption by tourists. This training was carried out directly at tourist sites in the Srimartani Piyungan Village area by providing food safety counseling materials assisted by book media, Power Point presentations, and discussions. The results of this activity showed that 70% of food handlers increased their level of knowledge related to food safety and 90% of food handlers' attitudes towards food safety increased. This training must be carried out consistently because changing the behavior of food handlers requires time and assistance from both the village government and related agencies. Keywords: pandemic; food safety; training; tourism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 175 ◽  
pp. 105890
Gamithri Gayana Karunasena ◽  
Jayanath Ananda ◽  
David Pearson

2021 ◽  
Vol 940 (1) ◽  
pp. 012095
T M E Sianipar ◽  
R Nurhasana ◽  
M Hanita ◽  
D Ayuningtyas

Abstract Asmat is a district with poor nutrition that causes stunting. In 2020 the percentage of stunting in Asmat is 19.54%, in 2021 it will increase to 28.5%. Unir Sirau Subdistrict has the highest percentage reaching 73.37%. The purpose of the study was to analyze human resource factors and local food management to accelerate stunting prevention in Asmat. This research is qualitative with descriptive method. The sampling method is purposive sampling. Data collection was done by interview according to online interview. Results of the interviews state that the high incidence of stunting in Asmat are the influence of people’s habits who still sell their catches and gardening, such as fish, vegetables, corn, etc., to buy less nutritious foodstuffs. Mothers don’t know prepare healthy food for children, often diarrhea due their habit of not washing hands and not having clean water. People are unmotivated to take part in posyandu activities and health education. People come to health services only when the child’s bad condition. Conclusion that stunting can be reduced give education is interesting and direct counseling to monitor people’s lives, provide financial assistance and healthy food is done on a regular basis until the bad habits of the community disappear.

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (4) ◽  
pp. 940-953
A. R. Ishaq ◽  
M. Manzoor ◽  
A. Hussain ◽  
J. Altaf ◽  
S. ur Rehman ◽  

Abstract Nowadays food borne illness is most common in people due to their epidemic nature. These diseases affect the human digestive system through bacteria, viruses and parasites. The agents of illness are transmitted in our body through various types of food items, water and uncooked. Pathogens show drastic changes in immunosuppressant people. This review gives general insights to harmful microbial life. Pakistan is a developed country and because of its improper food management, a lot of gastrointestinal problems are noted in many patients. Bacteria are most common agents to spread diarrhoea, villi infection, constipation and dysenteric disease in human and induce the rejection of organ transplant. Enhancement of their lifestyle, properly cooked food should be used and to overcome the outbreak of the diseases.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (11) ◽  
pp. 833-838
Gi-Sung Lee ◽  
Jong-Chan Lee

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
María Eugenia Ruiz Molina ◽  
Sergio Belda-Miquel ◽  
Anni Hytti ◽  
Irene Gil-Saura

Purpose Sustainable food practices have been recognised as a key issue in efforts to improve and report sustainable tourism practices, given the importance of the social, environmental and economic impacts of the food industry throughout its entire chain of production – from farm to fork. From this standpoint, the aim of the present paper is to propose a comprehensive framework for reporting or making decisions concerning sustainable food management in hotels, taking into account the various facets of the food supply chain.Design/methodology/approach Several dimensions are proposed for dealing with sustainable food management, involving all aspects of food supply chains that may be relevant for hotel decision-making. Furthermore, some key criteria for creating and using indicators of different types (qualitative and quantitative) to address these various dimensions of sustainable food management are suggested. Subsequently, the proposed framework is validated with the sustainability criteria and indicators provided by the top eight hotel groups, according to the 2019 SAM Annual Corporate Sustainability Assessment.Findings Hotels neglect a number of aspects of sustainable food management identified in the framework. The quality and the quantity of the information provided by hotels are limited.Practical implications There is a need to improve sustainability in food management in the hotels under analysis in several areas. A comprehensive framework such as that proposed in this paper may be of great value in seeking to remedy this situation. It may also assist users of hotel services and communities in making more informed decisions.Originality/value The proposed framework may be beneficial in advancing academic debate towards a more embracing and relevant understanding of sustainable food management in hotels and on the indicators required in this regard.

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