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historical events
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2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 609-619
Ofianto-, Aman ◽  
Aman Aman ◽  
Tri Zahra ◽  
Nur Fatah

<p style="text-align: justify;">This research aimed to develop a historical thinking assessment for students' skills in analyzing the causality of historical events. The development process of Gall and colleagues and Rasch analysis models were used to develop an assessment instrument consisting of two processes, including the analysis of the framework of cause and consequence, the validity, reliability, and difficultness test. This research involved 150 senior high school students, with data collected using the validation sheet, tests, and scoring rubric. The results were in the form of an essay test consisting of six indicators of analyzing cause and consequence. The instruments were valid, reliable, and suitable for assessing students’ skills in analyzing the causality of historical events. The developed instruments were paired with a historical thinking skills assessment to improve the accuracy of the information about students' level of historical thinking skills in the learning history.</p>

2022 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 85-110
Chungjae Lee ◽  
Jerry Won Lee

Abstract This article develops a theory of nation form as translational, referring to the praxis of re-presenting and thus rendering sensible the nation through an examination of the Tongnip Kinyŏmkwan (Independence Hall of Korea), a national museum designed to commemorate Korea’s anticolonial resistance efforts and its independence from the Japanese Empire in 1945. Translation in the context of this article alludes to the praxis of re-presenting and thus reconstituting the nation through what Rancière calls “the distribution of the sensible.” The Hall, in other words, suggests that the nation does not matter unto itself but rather that it is in such moments of articulation and sensibility that the nation is hailed into existence. This article makes the argument that the interactional outcomes between visitors and the Independence Hall direct us toward an interpretation of the Hall as a space of enactment of the translational nation, which refers to a re-formation of nation through translation across interrelated matrices including text, trauma, and time. This translational praxis, understood in the context of the interplay between state-sponsored zeal and popular anemia, centers on the translation of communicative text into theatrical text, somber tragedy into diluted play, and discrete historical events into a posthistorical genealogy.

Алена Владимировна Искрина

В статье рассматриваются особенности формирования социальной стратификации Древней Руси на раннем этапе развития, этапы появления различных страт в зависимости от социально-политических событий с X по XII вв. Предметом исследования является процесс образования социальных страт в древнерусском государстве. Цель статьи - рассмотреть социальное устройство Древней Руси, определить и описать стратификацию и взаимодействие страт между собой, историю изучения данного вопроса, политические события, влияющие на данные процессы. Основным вопросом исследования явились исторические события, оказавшие влияние на формирование социальных страт с X по XII вв., появление социальных страт в данный исторический период и формы их взаимодействия. Отвечая на данный вопрос, автор приходит к выводу, что разложение патриархально-общинного строя, формирование феодального вассалитета, принципа майората, княжеской дружины и другие внутриполитические события повлияли на формирование социальных страт государства. В связи с данными историческими событиями удается проследить этапы происхождения социальных слоев населения, их состав, социальные функции в обществе и государстве. The paper examines the features of the social stratification of the Ancient system at an early stage of development, the stages of the emergence of various strata depending on political events from the 10th to the 12th centuries. The subject of this research is the process of the formation of social strata in the ancient European state. The purpose of the publication is to consider the social structure of Ancient Rus, to determine and describe the stratification and interaction of strata with each other, to study this issue, political events that affect these processes. The main research issue was the historical events that influenced the formation of social strata from the 10th to the 12th centuries, the emergence of social strata in a given historical period and the forms of their interaction. Answering this question, the author arrives at the conclusion that the disintegration of the patriarchal-communal system, the formation of a feudal vassalage, the principle of primacy, the princely squad and other internal political events influenced the formation of social strata of the state. In connection with these historical events, it is possible to trace the stages of the origin of social strata of the population, their composition, social functions in society and the state.

Upravlenie ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 112-120
L. V. Tcerkasevich ◽  
E. A. Makarenko

The article analyses the global social risks related to the expansion of information technologies, mass digitalisation, and the accessibility of sources of all information. The possibility of risky situations arising in different areas of society under postmodern conditions has been demonstrated. This is due to the massive spread of information and Internet technology, global changes in the structure of values of modern society, and the reassessment of a number of historical events and characters by some social groups. The focus is on the destruction of traditional mechanisms for transmitting social experience and memory and the transformation of perceptions of history through the use of virtual forms of communication. A different, own interpretation of historical events, the liberation of historical knowledge from politicisation and mythologisation can lead to risks of distortion of historical memory and even to conflicting situations of interpretation of the past. Case studies show that this, in turn, can lead to a set of risks in the economic sphere, for example: the risk of a situation of global redistribution of economic resources, the risk of losing the source of legitimacy of an economic resource, the risk of loss the reputation of a memory entity. These processes negatively affect social stability in society and distort the integrity of historical memory.Particular attention is paid to the topic of cognitive transformation risk related to the mass use of virtual media in the educational process. On the one hand, they are an effective teaching tool based on rapid search, transformation and storage of learning information. But, on the other hand, practice shows that knowledge loses its consistency and becomes “mosaic”, “clichéd”. The consequences of these processes are of a lasting nature and require further in-depth study by the scientific community, including psychologists, educators, and sociologists.

2022 ◽  
Miguel Alejandro A. Silan

Charisma is a popular and enthralling concept both in its academic and lay usage; with some alluding to the role of charisma as important to various historical events including the 2016 Philippine presidential elections (Curato, 2016; Francisco, 2017; Pedrosa, 2015). However, the dynamics of charismatic attribution – how and why people think of, label, perceive or categorize other individuals as charismatic – has had a disproportionately fewer share of discussion in the literature. This is despite the fact that charismatic attribution has played a central, if implicit, role in the development of the construct of charisma. This study sought to explore the dynamics of charismatic attribution, and pagtatanong-tanong (indigenous participatory interview; Pe-Pua, 2006) was done with N=17 participants (523 minutes of audio recorded data) of diverse occupations, ages, and SES. The participants' conceptualization of charisma varies, but the role of effects is primary. These effects include 1.) capturing attention, 2.) behavioral influence, 3.) making people believe the figure's message, 4.) effects on emotion and 5.) having devoted followers. Results indicate that charismatic attribution is mainly an effects-based appraisal - an evaluation of whether figures are able to achieve the participants’ notion of what a charismatic effect is. Various attributes and various behaviors are used to describe charismatic figures in so far as these help produce the previously stated effects but are not in themselves primary considerations for charismatic attribution. Only for a proportion of the participants do moral judgements factor in whether they would think of another individual as charismatic. It is argued that the process of charismatic attribution facilitates attending to internal characteristics of figures to describe and explain why effects occur. Charismatic attribution allows to make sense and simplify complex social phenomenon. Other theoretical considerations are then discussed, including a comparison with the signaling framework of charisma (Antonakis et al., 2016; Antonakis, 2017) and an alternative model of charisma is developed: The Constructed Charisma Framework.

2022 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-95
Margherita Bufalini ◽  
Domenico Aringoli ◽  
Petros Didaskalou ◽  
Marco Materazzi ◽  
Fabio Pallotta ◽  

Neste estudo no sítio arqueológico grego de Selinônte foram realizados levantamentos geomorfológicos e geoarqueológicos detalhados com o intuito de reconstruir a evolução da paisagem que ocorreu antes e durante a antropização do sítio e para verificar as possíveis correlações entre mudanças geoambientais e eventos humanos que caracterizou quase quatro séculos da história da cidade. Utilizando uma abordagem multidisciplinar e diferentes técnicas de levantamento, este estudo testemunhou o papel desempenhado pelo clima, configuração geomorfológica e georrecursos no condicionamento do desenvolvimento da cidade e a estreita relação por vezes observada entre os acontecimentos históricos e os processos naturais. Isso incluiu a polêmica e nunca descoberta obra hidráulica de Empédocles, que em 444 a.C., conforme as fontes textuais, resolveu um problema de saúde pública ligado à presença de áreas pantanosas.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1-12
Lyndsey A. Benharris

This chapter will describe the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ+) movement, and the impacts on terms, laws, health, and social justice. First, this chapter will explore historical movements from the 1960s to the present day, outlining specific historical events that changed the discourse for many in LGBTQ+ communities. Next, the author will describe important terms and the changes in terminology over the years. Third, this chapter will discuss the lack of federal protection laws and identify states that have protection laws. Lastly, the author will connect state protection laws and the issues that face young students who are transgender.

2022 ◽  
pp. 53-69
Michael Thomas Fagence

It is the purpose of this chapter to investigate the opportunities that lie with drawing on the personal letters of an iconic historical figure so as to implant into the process of telling his story through the medium of tourism a sensitive interpretation and meaning of historical events in which he was involved. The claim will be that input from the letters could be used to conjure a particular ‘spirit' of and ‘personality' for any place at which significant events occurred, and in so doing give to that place a special identity, its genius loci. It is a process of enrichment and value-adding. Using a story embedded in the history of 19th-century Australia, the study uses a custom-built form of narrative analysis to disaggregate six selected personal letters authored by the selected historical figure and to interpret their potential for enriching the telling of his story through tourism.

2022 ◽  
pp. 166-190
Brittany Ann Garling ◽  
Lucas DeWitt

This chapter will explore the challenges of students entering college who have gaps in their literacy development. Historical events within education that have led to some of these skills set gaps will be reviewed. Additionally, causes and current remedies to help students as they try to navigate higher education while needing additional support with their literacy skills will be discussed. Finally, the issue of how colleges are forced to react to students who do not have the skills to compete with the expected academic rigor and steps needed to help both high school educators and professors remedy these instructional challenges will be reviewed.

2022 ◽  
Vol 04 (01) ◽  
pp. 01-17

The modern scientific revolution has imposed on the researcher to broaden his view by referring to more than one science in addressing his research issues, and in the light of the contemporary ideological debate that the unspoken and the accepted are recognized to without the slightest prestige, it is necessary to discuss what these debates erupt with objectivity and impartiality. The issue of the historical existence of the Qur’anic events, which was taken - according to Arab modernists - from the school of archaeological criticism of the Bible as an example, and since the prevailing belief among Muslims is the infallibility of the Holy Qur’an from distortion and falsification through recurrent and because it contained - equivalent to a third - on Historical events, including stories, and previous facts, it is not possible “beliefly” and “realistically” that the divine news contradict the achieved historical reality, and since the main purpose of the Holy Qur’an - including the verses of the stories - is guidance , the Qur’an has transmitted history To achieve this purpose without being a book of history that delves into the details and identifies the dates and respects the chronologies with precision and detail, it is not possible “methodologically” and “realistically” to require the archaeological evidence for each Qur’anic event, especially since the nature of the archaeological research itself He suffers from technical and epistemological gaps that make his discoveries and reading of him between the hypothesis of the results of the auxiliary sciences and the self-interpretation of the archaeologist, and the process of archaeological documentation of historical events in Holy Qur’an remains - if it is achieved - as a matter of concerted evidence - despite its suspicion - that raises the believer's faith - and faith in degrees. - It also obliges the non-believer in the Qur’an as a divine source to conform to the material evidence of the divine revelation or what is termed in Islamic thought with the « scientific miracles of the Holy Qur’an ».

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