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geomorphological unit
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M. V. Mikharevich ◽  
I. S. Novikov ◽  
O. V. Kuzmina ◽  

The so-called “watershed coarse gravels” of the Neogene were preserved within the development of heterochronous denudation peneplanation planes. Based on the comparison of paleontological data with the global eustatic Hague-Weil curve, a ladder of denudation levels is constructed. According to the latter, the age of alluvial are determined. Correlation of the deposits of erosion-accumulative terraces in the conditions of the Munsky neotectonic uplift with alluvium in the valley of the Lena is realised. For the latter, the Late Neo-Pleistocene-Holocene age is substantiated and separate geomorphological unit is proposed. The conclusion is made about the weak notion substantiation on the dammed origin of the Mavrinskaya Formation and its age range, the significant role of subaeral processes in its formation in the interval of the Samarovo-Muruktinskoye time is assumed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 128-148
Nali Jawad Hamad

The study aims to evaluating the landform in the khalakan basin and its to preparing appropriate model for the capacity of the lands by using remote sensing (RS) technology and geographic information system (GIS) by depending on function of (Wighted-Overlay) which can be considered as one of the significant function of GIS.  And in order to achieve the aim of the study, eight layers have been extracted for preparing appropriate ground model. according to the importance of each layer which is used to determine the ability and they are: (geological formations, slope, splash erosion, soil, plant cover (NDVI), elevation and lineaments, geomorphological unit) layers which can be considered as the result of Intrusive and extrusive processes. After the processes of Overlaying, the study successfully produced a general map for the appropriateness ground which categorized the area into three levels of appropriateness: the level of high appropriateness with area of(9.34Km), the level of mid appropriateness with area of (70.34Km) and the level with no appropriateness with area of (4.957Km.

ZooKeys ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1031 ◽  
pp. 143-159
Antonio D. Brescovit ◽  
Robson de A. Zampaulo ◽  
Igor Cizauskas

The first two anophthalmic species of spiders of the genus Ochyrocera Simon, 1892, are described for caves located in the iron formation of Floresta Nacional (FLONA) de Carajás in southeastern Pará State, Brazil. The caves are located in the municipalities of Parauapebas and Canaã dos Carajás, in the eastern portion of the Amazon Forest domain. Ochyrocera ritxocosp. nov. and O. ritxoosp. nov. are described based on males and females. The species have similar body characteristics with the total absence of eyes and complete depigmentation, characteristics that indicate possible evolution in subterranean environments , and thus are classified as troglobites. Each species is associated with a single geomorphological unit (mountain range), with Ochyrocera ritxocosp. nov. being restricted to caves of Serra Norte (North Mountain) and O. ritxoosp. nov. to caves of Serra Sul (South Mountain). Both species were collected in aphotic zones of the caves. Small and tangled webs of O. ritxocosp. nov. were observed under blocks of stone in the soil or in cracks of the walls.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 136-155
Francisco Leandro De Almeida Santos ◽  
Flávio Rodrigues Do Nascimento

O Planalto da Ibiapaba representa um importante compartimento de relevo modelado na borda oriental da Bacia Sedimentar do Parnaíba, se configurando numa morfologia de cuesta. Nesse caso elege-se o recorte municípios de Tianguá e Ubajara para proceder o mapeamento geomorfológico na escala de trabalho de 1/50.000 com base nos pressupostos de Ross (1991). Os procedimentos operacionais foram divididos em quatro etapas: 1) Revisão da literatura; 2) Interpretação de imagens orbitais; 3) Elaboração do mapeamento temático; 4) Trabalho de campo. Após as discussões, os resultados apresentaram as seguintes unidades geomorfológicas: 1) depressão periférica; 2) vertente e patamares dissecados; 3) cristas residuais e inselbergs; 4) reverso imediato 5) reverso de caimento topográfico suave e 6) depressão monoclinal. Por fim, foram estabelecidas correlações entre solos e vegetação com a disposição das unidades geomorfológicas, validando o tratamento do relevo como componente guia na interpretação sistêmica dos atributos naturais envolvidos na dinâmica do meio ambiente.Palavras-chave: Mapeamento geomorfológico, cobertura vegetal, modelado dinâmico do relevo ABSTRACTThe plateau of the Ibiapaba is important relief compartment on the eastern face of the sedimentary basin of the, forming a cuesta. Basead on Ross (1991) The municipalities of Tianguá and Ubajara are elected to elaborate a better level of detail to the geomorphological mapping of the Ibiapaba plateau (1/50,000), basead on Ross The operational procedures were divided into four steps: 1) revision of the literature; 2) interpretation of orbital images; 3) Elaboration of thematic mapping; 4) field work. After the discussions, the results presented the following geomorphological units: 1) peripheral depression; 2) dissected strands and plateaus; 3) residual and inselbergs; 4) Immediate Reverse 5) reverse topographic trim and 6) peripheral depression. Finally, were elaborated correlations between soils and vegetation with the geomorphological unit, validating treatment of the relief.Key-words: Geomorphological mapping, vegetation cover, dynamic relief modeling RESUMENEl Planalto de Ibiapaba representa un importante compartimento en relieve modelado en el borde oriental de la Cuenca Sedimentaria de Parnaíba, formando una morfología de cuesta. En este caso, las ciudades de Tianguá y Ubajara son seleccionadas para llevar a cabo el mapeo geomorfológico en la escala de trabajo de 1/50,000 basado en los supuestos de Ross (1991). Los procedimientos operativos se dividieron en cuatro etapas: 1) Revisión de la literatura; 2) Interpretación de imágenes orbitales; 3) Preparación de mapeo temático; 4) Trabajo de campo. Después de las discusiones, los resultados presentaron las siguientes unidades geomorfológicas: 1) depresión periférica; 2) cobertizo disecado y niveles; 3) crestas residuales e inselberg; 4) reversa inmediata 5) reversa del recorte topográfico liso y 6) depresión monoclinal. Finalmente, se establecieron correlaciones entre los suelos y la vegetación con la disposición de unidades geomorfológicas, validando el tratamiento de alivio como un componente guía en la interpretación sistémica de los atributos naturales involucrados en la dinámica del ambiente.Palabras clave: Mapeo geomorfológico, cobertura vegetal, modelado dinámico en relieve

2015 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-37 ◽  
Riccardo Rigon ◽  
Marialaura Bancheri ◽  
Giuseppe Formetta ◽  
Alban de Lavenne

Hacquetia ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-131 ◽  
Silva Zitti ◽  
Michele Rismondo ◽  
Fabio Taffetani

Abstract This study presents a floristic and vegetational analysis of the territory of the Onferno Nature Reserve. The site extends over about 120 hectares, and is located in central Italy, in a hilly area near the Adriatic coast. It is characterised by the presence of large gypsum blocks that have karst caves, where important colonies of bats lives. This study of the vegetation allowed the description of six main vegetation series, divided into three different geosigmeta: a geomorphological unit of gypsum substrata (Gessi di Onferno); a geomorphological unit of clay substrata (Formazione del Santerno); and a geomorphological unit of compact sandstone substrata (Formazione Montecalvo in Foglia). This floristic and vegetation studies carried out on the secondary grasslands (EC Habitat 6210) have allowed the evaluation of the grazing effects on the conservation of their biodiversity, and highlight the critical nature of this management method. Furthermore, on the basis of the vegetation studies, the list of habitats according to EC Directive 92/43/CEE has been better defined and updated.

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