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stellar initial mass function
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C. Tortora ◽  
N. R. Napolitano

Dark matter (DM) is predicted to be the dominant mass component in galaxies. In the central region of early-type galaxies it is expected to account for a large amount of the total mass, although the stellar mass should still represent the majority of the mass budget, depending on the stellar initial mass function (IMF). We discuss latest results on the DM fraction and mean DM density for local galaxies and explore their evolution with redshifts in the last 8 Gyr of the cosmic history. We compare these results with expectations from the ΛCDM model and discuss the role of the IMF and galaxy model through the central total mass density slope. We finally present future perspectives offered by next-generation instruments/surveys (Rubin/LSST, Euclid, CSST, WEAVE, 4MOST, and DESI), which will provide the unique chance to measure the DM evolution with time for an unprecedented number of galaxies and constrain their evolutionary scenario.

2021 ◽  
Vol 923 (1) ◽  
pp. 43
Pieter van Dokkum ◽  
Charlie Conroy

Abstract Mass measurements and absorption-line studies indicate that the stellar initial mass function (IMF) is bottom-heavy in the central regions of many early-type galaxies, with an excess of low-mass stars compared to the IMF of the Milky Way. Here we test this hypothesis using a method that is independent of previous techniques. Low-mass stars have strong chromospheric activity characterized by nonthermal emission at short wavelengths. Approximately half of the UV flux of M dwarfs is contained in the λ1215.7 Lyα line, and we show that the total Lyα emission of an early-type galaxy is a sensitive probe of the IMF with a factor of ∼2 flux variation in response to plausible variations in the number of low-mass stars. We use the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph on the Hubble Space Telescope to measure the Lyα line in the centers of the massive early-type galaxies NGC 1407 and NGC 2695. We detect Lyα emission in both galaxies and demonstrate that it originates in stars. We find that the Lyα to i-band flux ratio is a factor of 2.0 ± 0.4 higher in NGC 1407 than in NGC 2695, in agreement with the difference in their IMFs as previously determined from gravity-sensitive optical absorption lines. Although a larger sample of galaxies is required for definitive answers, these initial results support the hypothesis that the IMF is not universal but varies with environment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 923 (1) ◽  
pp. 120
Fu-Heng Liang ◽  
Cheng Li ◽  
Niu Li ◽  
Shuang Zhou ◽  
Renbin Yan ◽  

Abstract As hosts of living high-mass stars, Wolf-Rayet (WR) regions or WR galaxies are ideal objects for constraining the high-mass end of the stellar initial mass function (IMF). We construct a large sample of 910 WR galaxies/regions that cover a wide range of stellar metallicity (from Z ∼ 0.001 to 0.03) by combining three catalogs of WR galaxies/regions previously selected from the SDSS and SDSS-IV/MaNGA surveys. We measure the equivalent widths of the WR blue bump at ∼4650 Å for each spectrum. They are compared with predictions from stellar evolutionary models Starburst99 and BPASS, with different IMF assumptions (high-mass slope α of the IMF ranging from 1.0 to 3.3). Both singular evolution and binary evolution are considered. We also use a Bayesian inference code to perform full spectral fitting to WR spectra with stellar population spectra from BPASS as fitting templates. We then make a model selection among different α assumptions based on Bayesian evidence. These analyses have consistently led to a positive correlation of the IMF high-mass slope α with stellar metallicity Z, i.e., with a steeper IMF (more bottom-heavy) at higher metallicities. Specifically, an IMF with α = 1.00 is preferred at the lowest metallicity (Z ∼ 0.001), and an Salpeter or even steeper IMF is preferred at the highest metallicity (Z ∼ 0.03). These conclusions hold even when binary population models are adopted.

2021 ◽  
Vol 921 (1) ◽  
pp. 48
Genaro Suárez ◽  
Roberto Galván-Madrid ◽  
Luis Aguilar ◽  
Adam Ginsburg ◽  
Sundar Srinivasan ◽  

Rafeel Riaz ◽  
Dominik R. G. Schleicher ◽  
Siegfried Vanaverbeke ◽  
Ralf S. Klessen

2021 ◽  
Vol 645 ◽  
pp. L1
C. E. Barbosa ◽  
C. Spiniello ◽  
M. Arnaboldi ◽  
L. Coccato ◽  
M. Hilker ◽  

Context. The stellar initial mass function (IMF) seems to be variable and not universal, contrary to what has been argued in the literature over the last three decades. Several relations of the low-mass end of the IMF slope with other stellar population, photometrical, and kinematical parameters of massive early-type galaxies (ETGs) have been proposed, but consensus on the factual cause of the observed variations has not yet been reached. Aims. We investigate the relationship between the IMF and other stellar population parameters in NGC 3311, the central galaxy of the Hydra I cluster. NGC 3311 is a unique laboratory, characterized by old and metal-rich stars, that is similar to other massive ETGs for which the IMF slope has been measured to be bottom-heavy (i.e., dwarf-rich); however, it has unusual stellar velocity dispersion and [α/Fe] profiles, both of which increase with radius. Methods. We use the spatially resolved stellar population parameters (age, total metallicity, and [α/Fe]) that were derived in a forthcoming paper (Barbosa et al. 2020) – via the full-spectrum fitting of high signal-to-noise MUSE observations – to compare the IMF slope in the central part of NGC 3311 (R ≲ 16 kpc) against other stellar parameters, with the goal of assessing their relations and dependencies. Results. For NGC 3311, we unambiguously invalidate the previously observed direct correlation between the IMF slope and the local stellar velocity dispersion, confirming some doubts that had been raised in the literature. This relation may simply arise as a spatial coincidence between the region with the largest stellar velocity dispersion and the region where the oldest in situ population is found and dominates the light. We also show robust evidence that the proposed IMF−metallicity relation is contaminated by the degeneracy between these two parameters. We do confirm that the stellar content in the innermost region of NGC 3311 follows a bottom-heavy IMF, in line with other literature results. The tightest correlations we found are those between stellar age and the IMF and between the galactocentric radius and the IMF. Conclusions. The variation of the IMF at its low-mass end is not due to kinematical, dynamical, or global properties in NGC 3311. We speculate instead that the IMF might be dwarf-dominated in the “red nuggets” that formed through a very short and intense star formation episode at high redshifts (z >  2) when the Universe was denser and richer in gas, and which then ended up being the central cores of today’s giant ellipticals.

2020 ◽  
Vol 642 ◽  
pp. A90
F. Mernier ◽  
E. Cucchetti ◽  
L. Tornatore ◽  
V. Biffi ◽  
E. Pointecouteau ◽  

Chemical enrichment of the Universe at all scales is related to stellar winds and explosive supernovae phenomena. Metals produced by stars and later spread throughout the intracluster medium (ICM) at the megaparsec scale become a fossil record of the chemical enrichment of the Universe and of the dynamical and feedback mechanisms determining their circulation. As demonstrated by the results of the soft X-ray spectrometer onboard Hitomi, high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy is the path to differentiating among the models that consider different metal-production mechanisms, predict the outcoming yields, and are a function of the nature, mass, and/or initial metallicity of their stellar progenitor. Transformational results shall be achieved through improvements in the energy resolution and effective area of X-ray observatories, allowing them to detect rarer metals (e.g. Na, Al) and constrain yet-uncertain abundances (e.g. C, Ne, Ca, Ni). The X-ray Integral Field Unit (X-IFU) instrument onboard the next-generation European X-ray observatory Athena is expected to deliver such breakthroughs. Starting from 100 ks of synthetic observations of 12 abundance ratios in the ICM of four simulated clusters, we demonstrate that the X-IFU will be capable of recovering the input chemical enrichment models at both low (z = 0.1) and high (z = 1) redshifts, while statistically excluding more than 99.5% of all the other tested combinations of models. By fixing the enrichment models which provide the best fit to the simulated data, we also show that the X-IFU will constrain the slope of the stellar initial mass function within ∼12%. These constraints will be key ingredients in our understanding of the chemical enrichment of the Universe and its evolution.

2020 ◽  
Vol 499 (1) ◽  
pp. 559-572
Carlo Nipoti ◽  
Carlo Cannarozzo ◽  
Francesco Calura ◽  
Alessandro Sonnenfeld ◽  
Tommaso Treu

ABSTRACT The stellar initial mass function (IMF) is believed to be non-universal among early-type galaxies (ETGs). Parametrizing the IMF with the so-called IMF mismatch parameter αIMF, which is a measure of the stellar mass-to-light ratio of an ensemble of stars and thus of the ‘heaviness’ of its IMF, one finds that for ETGs αe (i.e. αIMF integrated within the effective radius Re) increases with σe (the line-of-sight velocity dispersion σlos integrated within Re) and that, within the same ETG, αIMF tends to decrease outwards. We study the effect of dissipationless (dry) mergers on the distribution of the IMF mismatch parameter αIMF in ETGs using the results of binary major and minor merging simulations. We find that dry mergers tend to make the αIMF profiles of ETGs shallower, but do not alter significantly the shape of the distributions in the spatially resolved σlos–αIMF space. Individual galaxies undergoing dry mergers tend to decrease their αe, due to erosion of αIMF gradients and mixing with stellar populations with lighter IMF. Their σe can either decrease or increase, depending on the merging orbital parameters and mass ratio, but tends to decrease for cosmologically motivated merging histories. The αe–σe relation can vary with redshift as a consequence of the evolution of individual ETGs: based on a simple dry-merging model, ETGs of given σe are expected to have higher αe at higher redshift, unless the accreted satellites are so diffuse that they contribute negligibly to the inner stellar distribution of the merger remnant.

2020 ◽  
Vol 498 (3) ◽  
pp. 4051-4059 ◽  
Timothy A Davis ◽  
Freeke van de Voort

ABSTRACT The observed stellar initial mass function (IMF) appears to vary, becoming bottom-heavy in the centres of the most massive, metal-rich early-type galaxies. It is still unclear what physical processes might cause this IMF variation. In this paper, we demonstrate that the abundance of deuterium in the birth clouds of forming stars may be important in setting the IMF. We use models of disc accretion on to low-mass protostars to show that those forming from deuterium-poor gas are expected to have zero-age main-sequence masses significantly lower than those forming from primordial (high deuterium fraction) material. This deuterium abundance effect depends on stellar mass in our simple models, such that the resulting IMF would become bottom-heavy – as seen in observations. Stellar mass loss is entirely deuterium free and is important in fuelling star formation across cosmic time. Using the Evolution and Assembly of GaLaxies and their Environments (EAGLE) simulation we show that stellar mass-loss-induced deuterium variations are strongest in the same regions where IMF variations are observed: at the centres of the most massive, metal-rich, passive galaxies. While our analysis cannot prove that the deuterium abundance is the root cause of the observed IMF variation, it sets the stage for future theoretical and observational attempts to study this possibility.

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