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local interactions
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2022 ◽  
Vol 40 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-33
Xingshan Zeng ◽  
Jing Li ◽  
Lingzhi Wang ◽  
Kam-Fai Wong

The popularity of social media platforms results in a huge volume of online conversations produced every day. To help users better engage in online conversations, this article presents a novel framework to automatically recommend conversations to users based on what they said and how they behaved in their chatting histories. While prior work mostly focuses on post-level recommendation, we aim to explore conversation context and model the interaction patterns therein. Furthermore, to characterize personal interests from interleaving user interactions, we learn (1) global interactions , represented by topic and discourse word clusters to reflect users’ content and pragmatic preferences, and (2) local interactions , encoding replying relations and chronological order of conversation turns to characterize users’ prior behavior. Built on collaborative filtering, our model captures global interactions via discovering word distributions to represent users’ topical interests and discourse behaviors, while local interactions are explored with graph-structured networks exploiting both reply structure and temporal features. Extensive experiments on three datasets from Twitter and Reddit show that our model coupling global and local interactions significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art model. Further analyses show that our model is able to capture meaningful features from global and local interactions, which results in its superior performance in conversation recommendation.

Ana Rubio Denniss ◽  
Thomas E. Gorochowski ◽  
Sabine Hauert

Engineering microscopic collectives of cells or microrobots is challenging due to the often-limited capabilities of the individual agents, our inability to reliably program their motion and local interactions, and difficulties visualising their behaviours. Here, we present a low-cost, modular and open-source Dynamic Optical MicroEnvironment (DOME) and demonstrate its ability to augment microagent capabilities and control collective behaviours using light. The DOME offers an accessible means to study complex multicellular phenomena and implement de-novo microswarms with desired functionalities. Corresponding author(s) Email: [email protected] [email protected]

2022 ◽  
Kumari Liza ◽  
Supratim Ray

Steady-state visually evoked potentials (SSVEP) are widely used to index top-down cognitive processing in human electroencephalogram (EEG) studies. Typically, two stimuli flickering at different temporal frequencies (TFs) are presented, each producing a distinct response in the EEG at its flicker frequency. However, how SSVEP responses in EEG are modulated in the presence of a competing flickering stimulus just due to sensory interactions is not well understood. We have previously shown in local field potentials (LFP) recorded from awake monkeys that when two overlapping full screen gratings are counter-phased at different TFs, there is an asymmetric SSVEP response suppression, with greater suppression from lower TFs, which further depends on the relative orientations of the gratings (stronger suppression and asymmetry for parallel compared to orthogonal gratings). Here, we first confirmed these effects in both male and female human EEG recordings. Then, we mapped the response suppression of one stimulus (target) by a competing stimulus (mask) over a much wider range than the previous study. Surprisingly, we found that the suppression was not stronger at low frequencies in general, but systematically varied depending on the target TF, indicating local interactions between the two competing stimuli. These results were confirmed in both human EEG and monkey LFP and electrocorticogram (ECoG) data. Our results show that sensory interactions between multiple SSVEPs are more complex than shown previously and are influenced by both local and global factors, underscoring the need to cautiously interpret the results of studies involving SSVEP paradigms.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (185) ◽  
Rick P. Millane ◽  
David H. Wojtas ◽  
Chun Hong Yoon ◽  
Nicholas D. Blakeley ◽  
Philip J. Bones ◽  

Geometric frustration results from an incompatibility between minimum energy arrangements and the geometry of a system, and gives rise to interesting and novel phenomena. Here, we report geometric frustration in a native biological macromolecular system---vertebrate muscle. We analyse the disorder in the myosin filament rotations in the myofibrils of vertebrate striated (skeletal and cardiac) muscle, as seen in thin-section electron micrographs, and show that the distribution of rotations corresponds to an archetypical geometrically frustrated system---the triangular Ising antiferromagnet. Spatial correlations are evident out to at least six lattice spacings. The results demonstrate that geometric frustration can drive the development of structure in complex biological systems, and may have implications for the nature of the actin--myosin interactions involved in muscle contraction. Identification of the distribution of myosin filament rotations with an Ising model allows the extensive results on the latter to be applied to this system. It shows how local interactions (between adjacent myosin filaments) can determine long-range order and, conversely, how observations of long-range order (such as patterns seen in electron micrographs) can be used to estimate the energetics of these local interactions. Furthermore, since diffraction by a disordered system is a function of the second-order statistics, the derived correlations allow more accurate diffraction calculations, which can aid in interpretation of X-ray diffraction data from muscle specimens for structural analysis.

Bram van Dijk ◽  
Frederic Bertels ◽  
Lianne Stolk ◽  
Nobuto Takeuchi ◽  
Paul B. Rainey

Eukaryotes and prokaryotes have distinct genome architectures, with marked differences in genome size, the ratio of coding/non-coding DNA, and the abundance of transposable elements (TEs). As TEs replicate independently of their hosts, the proliferation of TEs is thought to have driven genome expansion in eukaryotes. However, prokaryotes also have TEs in intergenic spaces, so why do prokaryotes have small, streamlined genomes? Using an in silico model describing the genomes of single-celled asexual organisms that coevolve with TEs, we show that TEs acquired from the environment by horizontal gene transfer can promote the evolution of genome streamlining. The process depends on local interactions and is underpinned by rock–paper–scissors dynamics in which populations of cells with streamlined genomes beat TEs, which beat non-streamlined genomes, which beat streamlined genomes, in continuous and repeating cycles. Streamlining is maladaptive to individual cells, but improves lineage viability by hindering the proliferation of TEs. Streamlining does not evolve in sexually reproducing populations because recombination partially frees TEs from the deleterious effects they cause. This article is part of the theme issue ‘The secret lives of microbial mobile genetic elements’.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Mehmet Can Uçar ◽  
Dmitrii Kamenev ◽  
Kazunori Sunadome ◽  
Dominik Fachet ◽  
Francois Lallemend ◽  

AbstractBranching morphogenesis governs the formation of many organs such as lung, kidney, and the neurovascular system. Many studies have explored system-specific molecular and cellular regulatory mechanisms, as well as self-organizing rules underlying branching morphogenesis. However, in addition to local cues, branched tissue growth can also be influenced by global guidance. Here, we develop a theoretical framework for a stochastic self-organized branching process in the presence of external cues. Combining analytical theory with numerical simulations, we predict differential signatures of global vs. local regulatory mechanisms on the branching pattern, such as angle distributions, domain size, and space-filling efficiency. We find that branch alignment follows a generic scaling law determined by the strength of global guidance, while local interactions influence the tissue density but not its overall territory. Finally, using zebrafish innervation as a model system, we test these key features of the model experimentally. Our work thus provides quantitative predictions to disentangle the role of different types of cues in shaping branched structures across scales.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Qingchun Li ◽  
Ali Mostafavi

AbstractUnderstanding actor collaboration networks and their evolution is essential to promoting collective action in resilience planning and management of interdependent infrastructure systems. Local interactions and choice homophily are two important network evolution mechanisms. Network motifs encode the information of network formation, configuration, and the local structure. Homophily effects, on the other hand, capture whether the network configurations have significant correlations with node properties. The objective of this paper is to explore the extent to which local interactions and homophily effects influence actor collaboration in resilience planning and management of interdependent infrastructure systems. We mapped bipartite actor collaboration network based on a post-Hurricane Harvey stakeholder survey that revealed actor collaborations for hazard mitigation. We examined seven bipartite network motifs for the mapped collaboration network and compared the mapped network to simulated random models with same degree distributions. Then we examined whether the network configurations had significant statistics for node properties using exponential random graph models. The results provide insights about the two mechanisms—local interactions and homophily effect—influencing the formation of actor collaboration in resilience planning and management of interdependent urban systems. The findings have implications for improving network cohesion and actor collaborations from diverse urban sectors.

2021 ◽  
Vol 83 (12) ◽  
Lydia Wren ◽  
Alex Best

AbstractSusceptible–Infected–Recovered (SIR) models have long formed the basis for exploring epidemiological dynamics in a range of contexts, including infectious disease spread in human populations. Classic SIR models take a mean-field assumption, such that a susceptible individual has an equal chance of catching the disease from any infected individual in the population. In reality, spatial and social structure will drive most instances of disease transmission. Here we explore the impacts of including spatial structure in a simple SIR model. We combine an approximate mathematical model (using a pair approximation) and stochastic simulations to consider the impact of increasingly local interactions on the epidemic. Our key development is to allow not just extremes of ‘local’ (neighbour-to-neighbour) or ‘global’ (random) transmission, but all points in between. We find that even medium degrees of local interactions produce epidemics highly similar to those with entirely global interactions, and only once interactions are predominantly local do epidemics become substantially lower and later. We also show how intervention strategies to impose local interactions on a population must be introduced early if significant impacts are to be seen.

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