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personal experience
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2022 ◽  
pp. 44-48

Цель исследования - определить уровень информированности среди населения как по вопросам генериков, так и о фармацевтической промышленности Казахстана. Анкета была разработана с применением системного подхода к её структуре и с соответствующими вопросами, проведён метод онлайн опроса и осуществлена обработка анкет представителей разных сфер деятельности, результаты анкетирования приведены в сравнительном аспекте с использованием диаграмм. При составлении вопросов особое внимание было уделено к вопросам касающихся предпочтений потребителей при выборе страны- производителя, а также их отношение к воспроизведенным препаратам. В публикации затрагивается тема пользы производства генериков по мнению потребителей, а также их личный опыт использования воспроизведенных препаратов. Вопросы были сгруппированы по трем блокам для более структурированного описания ответов: вводные вопросы; опыт применения; Отечественные производители. При формировании вопросов анкеты был соблюден принцип однозначности и краткости The purpose of the study was to determine the level of awareness among the population on both generics and the pharmaceutical industry in Kazakhstan. The questionnaire was developed using a systematic approach to its structure and with appropriate questions, an online survey method was conducted and questionnaires were processed by representatives of different areas of activity, the results of the survey are given in a comparative aspect with the use of charts. During the preparation of the questions, special attention was paid to the questions concerning the consumers' preferences when choosing the country of manufacture, as well as their attitude towards reproductions. The publication addresses the topic of the benefits of generic production in the opinion of consumers, as well as their personal experience of using reproduced drugs. The questions were grouped into three blocks for a more structured description of the answers: introductory questions; experience of use; and Domestic manufacturers. The principle of unambiguity and brevity was respected in the formation of the questions of the questionnaire.

F1000Research ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
pp. 37
Aisha Rafi ◽  
Muhammad Idrees Anwar ◽  
Ayesha Younas ◽  
Shamaila Manzoor

Background: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has transformed the world’s economy, health and education in a blink of an eye. Almost 1 billion learners have been affected across the globe. This has resulted in a paradigm shift to blended learning. Therefore, it was felt necessary to provide practical guidelines for the development of blended curriculum in medical education. It would help to overcome the challenges faced due to unprecedented transformation of medical education on account of pandemic. Methods: Guidelines based on personal experience of the authors and literature search were developed using the complex adapted blended learning system (CALBS) framework. Seven experts developed these guidelines using the nominal group technique. The consent form and literature for CABLS framework was shared with experts. The experts developed the guidelines independently during phase one of the technique. After a given time, phase 2 started with moderator mediated discussion about the individual guidelines developed by the experts. After discussion and mutual consensus four types of guideline ideas were developed. During the third phase the experts ranked the guideline ideas on a scale of 1 to 5. The guideline idea that ranked highest was selected as a final guideline for developing a blended learning curriculum. Results: The group consensus resulted in developing seven guidelines for a blended course or curriculum in medical education. These guidelines are based on a conceptual framework supplemented by expert’s own personal experience and current evidence from literature. Conclusions: These guidelines would provide a comprehensive and systematic approach to develop a blended learning curriculum in medical education.

Martin Burtscher ◽  
Grégoire P. Millet ◽  
Johannes Burtscher

Abstract Purpose Main purposes of pre-acclimatization by hypoxia conditioning (HC) are the prevention of high-altitude illnesses and maintenance of aerobic exercise performance. However, robust evidence for those effects or evidence-based guidelines for exposure strategies, including recommendations to ensure safety, are largely lacking. Therefore, we summarize the current knowledge on the physiology of acclimatization to hypoxia and HC with the aim to derive implications for pre-acclimatization strategies before going on high-altitude treks and expeditions. Methods Based on the literature search and personal experience, core studies and important observations have been selected in order to present a balanced view on the current knowledge of high-altitude illnesses and the acclimatization process, specifically focusing on pre-acclimatization strategies by HC. Results and Conclusions It may be concluded that in certain cases even short periods (e.g., 7 h) of pre-acclimatization by HC are effective, but longer periods (e.g., > 60 h) are needed to elicit more robust effects. About 300 h of HC (intermittently applied) may be the optimal preparation for extreme altitude sojourns, although every additional hour spent in hypoxia may confer further benefits. The inclusion of hypobaric exposures (i.e., real altitude) in pre-acclimatization protocols could further increase their efficacy. The level of simulated altitude is progressively increased or individually adjusted ideally. HC should not be terminated earlier than 1–2 weeks before altitude sojourn. Medical monitoring of the pre-acclimatization program is strongly recommended.

2022 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Katerina Tomsič ◽  
Kristina Rakinić ◽  
Alenka Seliškar

The aim of this study was to assess the personal experience and attitudes of Slovenian pet owners regarding cannabinoid (CBD) use and to identify the predictors of the first use and reuse of CBDs in dogs and cats. We hypothesized that positive attitudes toward CBDs, postmodern health values, and personal experience would be significant predictors of CBD use in animals. An open online survey targeted randomly selected Slovenian dog and cat owners, regardless of their experience with cannabis products. The questionnaire consisted of six sections related to demographic data and personal experience with CBD use, information about the participant's animal, experience with CBD use in the participant's animal, reasons for not using CBDs in their animal, attitudes toward CBD use in dogs and cats, and postmodern health values. Descriptive statistics were performed to analyze demographics, personal experience with CBD use, and experience with CBD use in dogs and cats. Hierarchical multiple regression using the enter method was performed to analyze the important predictors of CBD use. A total of 408 completed questionnaires were included in the statistical analysis. A substantial proportion (38.5%) of owners had already used CBDs to treat their animal. Positive attitudes and previous personal experience were significant (p < 0.05) predictors of first use and reuse of CBDs in pets, while postmodern health values were not. In conclusion, the decision to use CBDs for medicinal purposes is based on acquired information and personal experience. Veterinarians should be informed and familiar with CBDs as a treatment option. However, further research is essential to establish the use of CBDs in veterinary medicine. Improved laws and regulations are also needed to ensure that only high-quality medications are prescribed to dogs and cats.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Eka Yuliana Rahman

This study aims to analyze how traditional Minahasa dances can be used as a source of character education, through an analytical approach to cultural values. This study uses a qualitative method, because it is a procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written or oral data in the Minahasa community. It is also supported by an ethnographic method that focuses on personal experience, and participation born from the field observation process. The results of the research that become cultural values as a source of character education are building Minahasa identity such as courage, agility, valor and especially togetherness. This can be seen in the character of the dancer who is hard, disciplined and firm, mirrors the attitude of uniting and unifying each other, the attitude of chivalry and soldiering. The dancers wear red Minahasa woven clothes and make-up that looks firm and full of authority and has an attitude of courage

2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (5) ◽  
pp. 36-45
A. Hosseini ◽  
T. K. Kahnamouei

The aims of the article are to examine the meanings of indirect evidentiality: inference, goal, desire and to search the manifestation of direct evidentiality in Russian exclamatory sentences. We attempt to prove that this category of evidentiality can be found in exclamatory sentences to express the speaker’s emotional attitude to the described situation, and, also, by using the cognitive discourse analysis, we are going to search the ways of realization of the speaker’s and his interlocutor’s intentions in any statement. In our study we analyzed the exclamatory sentences containing certain lexical or grammatical language tools used to express the meanings of direct and indirect evidentiality. The relevance of this work is determined by the necessity of studying the reliable and unreliable sources of information expressed in Russian exclamatory sentences. By means of cognitive discourse analysis, we revealed that the availability of some of introductory words, particles, exclamatory pronouns and etc. according to the context, can contextually point to the personal experience of the speaker or to the unreliable and incomplete information he gets. In these situations the subject of the speech act in relation to what he sees or hears, renders feelings of wonder, happiness and sadness.

2022 ◽  
pp. 152483802110617
Sandi Dheensa ◽  
Elizabeth McLindon ◽  
Chelsea Spencer ◽  
Stephanie Pereira ◽  
Satya Shresta ◽  

Background: Globally, healthcare professionals (HCPs) are increasingly asked to identify and respond to domestic violence and abuse (DVA) among patients. However, their own experiences of DVA have been largely ignored. Aim: To determine the prevalence of current and lifetime DVA victimisation among HCPs globally, and identify risk markers, consequences and support-seeking for DVA. Method: PubMed, EMBASE, PsycINFO, CINAHL ASSIA and ProQuest were searched. Studies about HCPs’ personal experience of any type of DVA from any health service/country were included. Meta-analysis and narrative synthesis were adopted. Results: Fifty-one reports were included. Pooled lifetime prevalence was 31.3% (95% CI [24.7%, 38.7%] p < .001)) and past-year prevalence was 10.4% (95% CI [5.8%, 17.9%] p <.001). Pooled lifetime prevalence significantly differed (Qb=6.96, p < .01) between men (14.8%) and women (41.8%), and between HCPs in low-middle income (64.0%) and high-income countries (20.7%) (Qb = 31.41, p <.001). Risk markers were similar to those in the general population, but aspects of the HCP role posed additional and unique risks/vulnerabilities. Direct and indirect consequences of DVA meant HCP-survivors were less able to work to their best ability. While HCP-survivors were more likely than other HCPs to identify and respond to DVA among patients, doing so could be distressing. HCP-survivors faced unique barriers to seeking support. Being unable to access support – which is crucial for leaving or ending relationships with abusive people – leaves HCP-survivors entrapped. Conclusion: Specialised DVA interventions for HCPs are urgently needed, with adaptations for different groups and country settings. Future research should focus on developing interventions with HCP-survivors.

2022 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-20
E. M. Sayenko ◽  
V. M. Kazarin

Mature glochidia of freshwater bivalves can give additional features for taxonomic revisions. To study morphology of glochidia with the scanning electron microscope (SEM), special collecting techniques, storage and preparation are required. Based on extensive personal experience, an overview of various techniques is presented, both positive and negative. The interactions of chemicals used for the storage of glochidia and dissolution of glochidial tissue are described. Techniques for cleaning and mounting the glochidial shells of Unionidae for investigations by SEM are described and compared.

2022 ◽  
Vol 25 ◽  
pp. 11-23
Richard A. Falk

In such a complex and uncertain world, it may help to think like a Hindu, and accept contradiction as more in keeping with social and political reality than is finding a right answer to complex policy puzzles. What is almost impossible for those trained within Western frames of reference is to grasp that there are diverse perspectives of understanding that may result in seemingly contradictory recommendations despite shared values and goals. Civilizational perspectives and personal experience inevitably color what we feel, think, and do, and so being likeminded when it comes abolishing nuclear weapons is often coupled with somewhat divergent views on what to advocate when it comes to tactics and priorities. In this spirit, this paper tries to depict a set of reasons why the goal of nuclear disarmament will never be reached so long as arms control and nonproliferation of nuclear weaponry are seen as the pillars of global stability in the nuclear age.

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