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main sequence
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2022 ◽  
Vol 163 (2) ◽  
pp. 55
Lorenzo Iorio

Abstract Putative natural massive satellites (exomoons) have gained increasing attention when they orbit Jupiter-like planets within the habitable zone of their host main-sequence star S. An exomoon s is expected to move within the equatorial plane of its host planet p, with its spin S s aligned with its orbital angular momentum L , which, in turn, is parallel to the planetary spin S p. If, in particular, the common tilt ε of such angular momenta to the plane of the satellite–planet motion about the star, assumed fixed, has certain values, the stellar latitudinal irradiation experienced on the exomoon may allow it to sustain life as we know it, at least for certain orbital configurations. An Earth analog (similar in mass, radius, oblateness, and obliquity) is considered, which orbits within 5–10 planetary radii R p from its Jupiter-like host planet. The de Sitter and Lense–Thirring spin precessions due to the general relativistic post-Newtonian (pN) field of the host planet have an impact on an exomoon’s habitability for a variety of different initial spin–orbit configurations. Here I show it by identifying long-term variations in the satellite’s obliquity ε s, where variations can be ≲10°–100°, depending on the initial spin–orbit configuration, with a timescale of ≃0.1–1 million years. Also the satellite’s quadrupole mass moment J 2 s induces obliquity variations that are faster than the pN ones but do not cancel them. Tidal dissipations, which may potentially have a relevant impact on the outlined pattern, are not included in the present analysis.

2022 ◽  
Vol 163 (2) ◽  
pp. 53
Nicholas Saunders ◽  
Samuel K. Grunblatt ◽  
Daniel Huber ◽  
Karen A. Collins ◽  
Eric L. N. Jensen ◽  

Abstract While the population of confirmed exoplanets continues to grow, the sample of confirmed transiting planets around evolved stars is still limited. We present the discovery and confirmation of a hot Jupiter orbiting TOI-2184 (TIC 176956893), a massive evolved subgiant (M ⋆ = 1.53 ± 0.12 M ⊙, R ⋆ = 2.90 ± 0.14 R ⊙) in the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) Southern Continuous Viewing Zone. The planet was flagged as a false positive by the TESS Quick-Look Pipeline due to periodic systematics introducing a spurious depth difference between even and odd transits. Using a new pipeline to remove background scattered light in TESS Full Frame Image data, we combine space-based TESS photometry, ground-based photometry, and ground-based radial velocity measurements to report a planet radius of R p = 1.017 ± 0.051 R J and mass of M p = 0.65 ± 0.16 M J . For a planet so close to its star, the mass and radius of TOI-2184b are unusually well matched to those of Jupiter. We find that the radius of TOI-2184b is smaller than theoretically predicted based on its mass and incident flux, providing a valuable new constraint on the timescale of post-main-sequence planet inflation. The discovery of TOI-2184b demonstrates the feasibility of detecting planets around faint (TESS magnitude > 12) post-main-sequence stars and suggests that many more similar systems are waiting to be detected in the TESS FFIs, whose confirmation may elucidate the final stages of planetary system evolution.

2022 ◽  
Vol 163 (2) ◽  
pp. 44
Bradley M. S. Hansen

Abstract We present a catalog of unbound stellar pairs, within 100 pc of the Sun, that are undergoing close, hyperbolic, encounters. The data are drawn from the GAIA EDR3 catalog, and the limiting factors are errors in the radial distance and unknown velocities along the line of sight. Such stellar pairs have been suggested to be possible events associated with the migration of technological civilizations between stars. As such, this sample may represent a finite set of targets for a SETI search based on this hypothesis. Our catalog contains a total of 132 close passage events, featuring stars from across the entire main sequence, with 16 pairs featuring at least one main-sequence star of spectral type between K1 and F3. Many of these stars are also in binaries, so that we isolate eight single stars as the most likely candidates to search for an ongoing migration event—HD 87978, HD 92577, HD 50669, HD 44006, HD 80790, LSPM J2126+5338, LSPM J0646+1829 and HD 192486. Among host stars of known planets, the stars GJ 433 and HR 858 are the best candidates.

2022 ◽  
Vol 924 (1) ◽  
pp. 15
W. V. Jacobson-Galán ◽  
L. Dessart ◽  
D. O. Jones ◽  
R. Margutti ◽  
D. L. Coppejans ◽  

Abstract We present panchromatic observations and modeling of supernova (SN) 2020tlf, the first normal Type II-P/L SN with confirmed precursor emission, as detected by the Young Supernova Experiment transient survey. Pre-SN activity was detected in riz-bands at −130 days and persisted at relatively constant flux until first light. Soon after discovery, “flash” spectroscopy of SN 2020tlf revealed narrow, symmetric emission lines that resulted from the photoionization of circumstellar material (CSM) shed in progenitor mass-loss episodes before explosion. Surprisingly, this novel display of pre-SN emission and associated mass loss occurred in a red supergiant (RSG) progenitor with zero-age main-sequence mass of only 10–12 M ⊙, as inferred from nebular spectra. Modeling of the light curve and multi-epoch spectra with the non-LTE radiative-transfer code CMFGEN and radiation-hydrodynamical code HERACLES suggests a dense CSM limited to r ≈ 1015 cm, and mass-loss rate of 10−2 M ⊙ yr−1. The luminous light-curve plateau and persistent blue excess indicates an extended progenitor, compatible with an RSG model with R ⋆ = 1100 R ⊙. Limits on the shock-powered X-ray and radio luminosity are consistent with model conclusions and suggest a CSM density of ρ < 2 × 10−16 g cm−3 for distances from the progenitor star of r ≈ 5 × 1015 cm, as well as a mass-loss rate of M ̇ < 1.3 × 10 − 5 M ☉ yr − 1 at larger distances. A promising power source for the observed precursor emission is the ejection of stellar material following energy disposition into the stellar envelope as a result of gravity waves emitted during either neon/oxygen burning or a nuclear flash from silicon combustion.

2022 ◽  
Vol 924 (1) ◽  
pp. L11
William C. Schultz ◽  
Lars Bildsten ◽  
Yan-Fei Jiang

Abstract Increasing main-sequence stellar luminosity with stellar mass leads to the eventual dominance of radiation pressure in stellar-envelope hydrostatic balance. As the luminosity approaches the Eddington limit, additional instabilities (beyond conventional convection) can occur. These instabilities readily manifest in the outer envelopes of OB stars, where the opacity increase associated with iron yields density and gas-pressure inversions in 1D models. Additionally, recent photometric surveys (e.g., TESS) have detected excess broadband low-frequency variability in power spectra of OB star lightcurves, called stochastic low-frequency variability (SLFV). This motivates our novel 3D Athena++ radiation hydrodynamical (RHD) simulations of two 35 M ⊙ star envelopes (the outer ≈15% of the stellar radial extent), one on the zero-age main sequence and the other in the middle of the main sequence. Both models exhibit turbulent motion far above and below the conventional iron-opacity peak convection zone (FeCZ), obliterating any “quiet” part of the near-surface region and leading to velocities at the photosphere of 10–100 km s−1, directly agreeing with spectroscopic data. Surface turbulence also produces SLFV in model lightcurves with amplitudes and power-law slopes that are strikingly similar to those of observed stars. The characteristic frequencies associated with SLFV in our models are comparable to the thermal time in the FeCZ (≈3–7 day−1). These ab initio simulations are directly validated by observations and, though more models are needed, we remain optimistic that 3D RHD models of main-sequence O-star envelopes exhibit SLFV originating from the FeCZ.

2022 ◽  
Vol 924 (2) ◽  
pp. 84
Lyra Cao ◽  
Marc H. Pinsonneault ◽  
Lynne A. Hillenbrand ◽  
Michael A. Kuhn

Abstract In this paper we investigate the robustness of age measurements, age spreads, and stellar models in young pre-main-sequence stars. For this effort, we study a young cluster, λ Orionis, within the Orion star-forming complex. We use Gaia data to derive a sample of 357 targets with spectroscopic temperatures from spectral types or from the automated spectroscopic pipeline in APOGEE Net. After accounting for systematic offsets between the spectral type and APOGEE temperature systems, the derived properties of stars on both systems are consistent. The complex interstellar medium, with variable local extinction, motivates a star-by-star dereddening approach. We use a spectral energy distribution fitting method calibrated on open clusters for the Class III stars. For the Class II population, we use a Gaia G-RP dereddening method, minimizing systematics from disks, accretion, and other physics associated with youth. The cluster age is systematically different in models incorporating the structural impact of starspots or magnetic fields than in nonmagnetic models. Our mean ages range from 2–3 Myr (nonmagnetic models) to 3.9 ± 0.2 Myr in the SPOTS model (f = 0.34). We find that star-by-star dereddening methods distinguishing between pre-main-sequence classes provide a smaller age spread than techniques using a uniform extinction, and we infer a minimum age spread of 0.19 dex and a typical age spread of 0.35 dex after modeling age distributions convolved with observed errors. This suggests that the λ Ori cluster may have a long star formation timescale and that spotted stellar models significantly change age estimates for young clusters.

Galaxies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 3
Guillermo Torres ◽  
Gregory A. Feiden ◽  
Andrew Vanderburg ◽  
Jason L. Curtis

Main-sequence stars with convective envelopes often appear larger and cooler than predicted by standard models of stellar evolution for their measured masses. This is believed to be caused by stellar activity. In a recent study, accurate measurements were published for the K-type components of the 1.62-day detached eclipsing binary EPIC 219511354, showing the radii and temperatures for both stars to be affected by these discrepancies. This is a rare example of a system in which the age and chemical composition are known, by virtue of being a member of the well-studied open cluster Ruprecht 147 (age~3 Gyr, [Fe/H] = +0.10). Here, we report a detailed study of this system with nonstandard models incorporating magnetic inhibition of convection. We show that these calculations are able to reproduce the observations largely within their uncertainties, providing robust estimates of the strength of the magnetic fields on both stars: 1600 ± 130 G and 1830 ± 150 G for the primary and secondary, respectively. Empirical estimates of the magnetic field strengths based on the measured X-ray luminosity of the system are roughly consistent with these predictions, supporting this mechanism as a possible explanation for the radius and temperature discrepancies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 163 (1) ◽  
pp. 34
Philip S. Muirhead ◽  
Jason Nordhaus ◽  
Maria R. Drout

Abstract V471 Tau is a post-common-envelope binary consisting of an eclipsing DA white dwarf and a K-type main-sequence star in the Hyades star cluster. We analyzed publicly available photometry and spectroscopy of V471 Tau to revise the stellar and orbital parameters of the system. We used archival K2 photometry, archival Hubble Space Telescope spectroscopy, and published radial-velocity measurements of the K-type star. Employing Gaussian processes to fit for rotational modulation of the system flux by the main-sequence star, we recovered the transits of the white dwarf in front of the main-sequence star for the first time. The transits are shallower than would be expected from purely geometric occultations owing to gravitational microlensing during transit, which places an additional constraint on the white-dwarf mass. Our revised mass and radius for the main-sequence star is consistent with single-star evolutionary models given the age and metallicity of the Hyades. However, as noted previously in the literature, the white dwarf is too massive and too hot to be the result of single-star evolution given the age of the Hyades, and may be the product of a merger scenario. We independently estimate the conditions of the system at the time of common envelope that would result in the measured orbital parameters today.

C. Gómez-Guijarro ◽  
D. Elbaz ◽  
M. Xiao ◽  
V. I. Kokorev ◽  
G. E. Magdis ◽  

Universe ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (12) ◽  
pp. 484
Paola Marziani ◽  
Marco Berton ◽  
Swayamtrupta Panda ◽  
Edi Bon

The issue of the difference between optical and UV properties of radio-quiet and radio-loud (relativistically “jetted”) active galactic nuclei (AGN) is a long standing one, related to the fundamental question of why a minority of powerful AGN possess strong radio emission due to relativistic ejections. This paper examines a particular aspect: the singly-ionized iron emission in the spectral range 4400–5600 Å, where the prominent HI Hβ and [Oiii]λλ4959,5007 lines are also observed. We present a detailed comparison of the relative intensity of Feii multiplets in the spectral types of the quasar main sequence where most jetted sources are found, and afterwards discuss radio-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1 (NLSy1) nuclei with γ-ray detection and with prominent Feii emission. An Feii template based on I Zw 1 provides an accurate representation of the optical Feii emission for RQ and, with some caveats, also for RL sources. CLOUDY photoionization simulations indicate that the observed spectral energy distribution can account for the modest Feii emission observed in composite radio-loud spectra. However, spectral energy differences alone cannot account for the stronger Feii emission observed in radio-quiet sources, for similar physical parameters. As for RL NLSy1s, they do not seem to behave like other RL sources, likely because of their different physical properties, that could be ultimately associated with a higher Eddington ratio. active galactic nuclei; optical spectroscopy; ionized gas; broad line region

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