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data sparsity
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2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-25
Fan Zhou ◽  
Pengyu Wang ◽  
Xovee Xu ◽  
Wenxin Tai ◽  
Goce Trajcevski

The main objective of Personalized Tour Recommendation (PTR) is to generate a sequence of point-of-interest (POIs) for a particular tourist, according to the user-specific constraints such as duration time, start and end points, the number of attractions planned to visit, and so on. Previous PTR solutions are based on either heuristics for solving the orienteering problem to maximize a global reward with a specified budget or approaches attempting to learn user visiting preferences and transition patterns with the stochastic process or recurrent neural networks. However, existing learning methodologies rely on historical trips to train the model and use the next visited POI as the supervised signal, which may not fully capture the coherence of preferences and thus recommend similar trips to different users, primarily due to the data sparsity problem and long-tailed distribution of POI popularity. This work presents a novel tour recommendation model by distilling knowledge and supervision signals from the trips in a self-supervised manner. We propose Contrastive Trajectory Learning for Tour Recommendation (CTLTR), which utilizes the intrinsic POI dependencies and traveling intent to discover extra knowledge and augments the sparse data via pre-training auxiliary self-supervised objectives. CTLTR provides a principled way to characterize the inherent data correlations while tackling the implicit feedback and weak supervision problems by learning robust representations applicable for tour planning. We introduce a hierarchical recurrent encoder-decoder to identify tourists’ intentions and use the contrastive loss to discover subsequence semantics and their sequential patterns through maximizing the mutual information. Additionally, we observe that a data augmentation step as the preliminary of contrastive learning can solve the overfitting issue resulting from data sparsity. We conduct extensive experiments on a range of real-world datasets and demonstrate that our model can significantly improve the recommendation performance over the state-of-the-art baselines in terms of both recommendation accuracy and visiting orders.

Kashif Munir ◽  
Hongxiao Bai ◽  
Hai Zhao ◽  
Junhan Zhao

Implicit discourse relation recognition is a challenging task due to the absence of the necessary informative clues from explicit connectives. An implicit discourse relation recognizer has to carefully tackle the semantic similarity of sentence pairs and the severe data sparsity issue. In this article, we learn token embeddings to encode the structure of a sentence from a dependency point of view in their representations and use them to initialize a baseline model to make it really strong. Then, we propose a novel memory component to tackle the data sparsity issue by allowing the model to master the entire training set, which helps in achieving further performance improvement. The memory mechanism adequately memorizes information by pairing representations and discourse relations of all training instances, thus filling the slot of the data-hungry issue in the current implicit discourse relation recognizer. The proposed memory component, if attached with any suitable baseline, can help in performance enhancement. The experiments show that our full model with memorizing the entire training data provides excellent results on PDTB and CDTB datasets, outperforming the baselines by a fair margin.

2022 ◽  
Vol 40 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-26
Shanlei Mu ◽  
Yaliang Li ◽  
Wayne Xin Zhao ◽  
Siqing Li ◽  
Ji-Rong Wen

In recommender systems, it is essential to understand the underlying factors that affect user-item interaction. Recently, several studies have utilized disentangled representation learning to discover such hidden factors from user-item interaction data, which shows promising results. However, without any external guidance signal, the learned disentangled representations lack clear meanings, and are easy to suffer from the data sparsity issue. In light of these challenges, we study how to leverage knowledge graph (KG) to guide the disentangled representation learning in recommender systems. The purpose for incorporating KG is twofold, making the disentangled representations interpretable and resolving data sparsity issue. However, it is not straightforward to incorporate KG for improving disentangled representations, because KG has very different data characteristics compared with user-item interactions. We propose a novel K nowledge-guided D isentangled R epresentations approach ( KDR ) to utilizing KG to guide the disentangled representation learning in recommender systems. The basic idea, is to first learn more interpretable disentangled dimensions (explicit disentangled representations) based on structural KG, and then align implicit disentangled representations learned from user-item interaction with the explicit disentangled representations. We design a novel alignment strategy based on mutual information maximization. It enables the KG information to guide the implicit disentangled representation learning, and such learned disentangled representations will correspond to semantic information derived from KG. Finally, the fused disentangled representations are optimized to improve the recommendation performance. Extensive experiments on three real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model in terms of both performance and interpretability.

2022 ◽  
Vol 187 ◽  
pp. 115849
Sajad Ahmadian ◽  
Nima Joorabloo ◽  
Mahdi Jalili ◽  
Milad Ahmadian

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Jiangmei Chen ◽  
Wende Zhang ◽  
Qishan Zhang

PurposeThe purpose of the paper is to improve the rating prediction accuracy in recommender systems (RSs) by metric learning (ML) method. The similarity metric of user and item is calculated with gray relational analysis.Design/methodology/approachFirst, the potential features of users and items are captured by exploiting ML, such that the rating prediction can be performed. In metric space, the user and item positions can be learned by training their embedding vectors. Second, instead of the traditional distance measurements, the gray relational analysis is employed in the evaluation of the position similarity between user and item, because the latter can reduce the impact of data sparsity and further explore the rating data correlation. On the basis of the above improvements, a new rating prediction algorithm is proposed. Experiments are implemented to validate the effectiveness of the algorithm.FindingsThe novel algorithm is evaluated by the extensive experiments on two real-world datasets. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed model achieves remarkable performance on the rating prediction task.Practical implicationsThe rating prediction algorithm is adopted to predict the users' preference, and then, it provides personalized recommendations for users. In fact, this method can expand to the field of classification and provide potentials for this domain.Originality/valueThe algorithm can uncover the finer grained preference by ML. Furthermore, the similarity can be measured using gray relational analysis, which can mitigate the limitation of data sparsity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 45
Soo-Yeon Jeong ◽  
Young-Kuk Kim

A context-aware recommender system can make recommendations to users by considering contextual information such as time and place, not only the scores assigned to items by users. However, as a user preferences matrix is expanded in a multidimensional matrix, data sparsity is maximized. In this paper, we propose a deep learning-based context-aware recommender system that considers the contextual features. Based on existing deep learning models, we combine a neural network and autoencoder to extract characteristics and predict scores in the process of restoring input data. The newly proposed model is able to easily reflect various type of contextual information and predicts user preferences by considering the feature of user, item and context. The experimental results confirm that the proposed method is mostly superior to the existing method in all datasets. Also, for the dataset with data sparsity problem, it was confirmed that the performance of the proposed method is higher than that of existing methods. The proposed method has higher precision by 0.01–0.05 than other recommender systems in a dataset with many context dimensions. And it showed good performance with a high precision of 0.03 to 0.09 in a small dimensional dataset.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (8) ◽  
pp. 2403-2413
Richa Rawal ◽  
Devesh Kumar Bandil ◽  
Srawan Nath

2021 ◽  
S Gopal Krishna Patro ◽  
Brojo Kishore Mishra ◽  
Sanjaya Kumar Panda ◽  
Raghvendra Kumar ◽  
Hoang Viet Long ◽  

Abstract Collaborative Filtering (CF) schemes are very popular in Recommender System (RS) and offer specialized suggestions to users in e-commerce and social websites. But, they suffer from the Cold Start Problem (CSP) that occurs due to the lack of sufficient information about the new customers, purchase history, and browsing data. Moreover, data sparsity problems may arise when the interaction is made among a limited amount of items. This not only poses a negative impact on recommendation but also significantly condenses the diversity of choices available in the particular platform. To tackle these issues, a novel methodological approach called Sparsity and Cold Start Aware Hybrid Recommended System (SCSHRS) is designed to suppress data sparsity and CSP in RS. The proposed SCSHRS methodology comprises four stages. At the initial stage, the data sparsity is reduced and at stage 2, the similar users are grouped by Ant-Lion based k-means clustering. At stage 3, Higher-Order Singular Value Decomposition (HOSVD) method decomposes the data to a lesser dimension. At the final stage, the Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) uses IF-THEN rules and machine learning abilities to predict the output. The performance of the proposed SCSHRS method is tested on MovieLens-20M, Last. FM, and Book-Crossing datasets and compared with the prevailing techniques. Based on the evaluation report, the proposed SCSHRS system gives Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) of 40%, and, precision (0.16), recall (0.08), F-measure (0.1), and Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (NDCD) of 0.65. Hence, SCSHRS is proved to be a more efficient means of recommendation against cold start and sparsity problems.

F1000Research ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 937
Lit-Jie Chew ◽  
Su-Cheng Haw ◽  
Samini Subramaniam

Background: A recommender system captures the user preferences and behaviour to provide a relevant recommendation to the user. In a hybrid model-based recommender system, it requires a pre-trained data model to generate recommendations for a user. Ontology helps to represent the semantic information and relationships to model the expressivity and linkage among the data. Methods: We enhanced the matrix factorization model accuracy by utilizing ontology to enrich the information of the user-item matrix by integrating the item-based and user-based collaborative filtering techniques. In particular, the combination of enriched data, which consists of semantic similarity together with rating pattern, will help to reduce the cold start problem in the model-based recommender system. When the new user or item first coming into the system, we have the user demographic or item profile that linked to our ontology. Thus, semantic similarity can be calculated during the item-based and user-based collaborating filtering process. The item-based and user-based filtering process are used to predict the unknown rating of the original matrix. Results: Experimental evaluations have been carried out on the MovieLens 100k dataset to demonstrate the accuracy rate of our proposed approach as compared to the baseline method using (i) Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) and (ii) combination of item-based collaborative filtering technique with SVD. Experimental results demonstrated that our proposed method has reduced the data sparsity from 0.9542% to 0.8435%. In addition, it also indicated that our proposed method has achieved better accuracy with Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of 0.9298, as compared to the baseline method (RMSE: 0.9642) and the existing method (RMSE: 0.9492). Conclusions: Our proposed method enhanced the dataset information by integrating user-based and item-based collaborative filtering techniques. The experiment results shows that our system has reduced the data sparsity and has better accuracy as compared to baseline method and existing method.

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