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sensory input
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2022 ◽  
Marilena Wilding ◽  
Christof Koerner ◽  
Anja Ischebeck ◽  
Natalia Zaretskaya

The constructive nature of human perception sometimes leads us to perceiving rather complex impressions from simple sensory input. Bistable stimuli give us a rare opportunity to study the neural mechanisms behind this process. Such stimuli can be visually interpreted as simple or as more complex on the basis of the same sensory input. Previous studies demonstrated increased activity in the superior parietal cortex when participants perceived an illusory Gestalt impression compared to a simpler interpretation of individual elements. Here we tested whether activity related to the illusory Gestalt can be detected not only during, but also prior to it, by examining the slow fluctuations of resting-state-fMRI activity before the stimulus onset. We presented 31 participants with a bistable motion stimulus, which can be perceived either as four moving dot pairs (local) or two moving illusory squares (global). This allowed us to isolate the specific neural mechanisms that accompany the experience of an illusion under matched sensory input. fMRI was used to measure brain activity in a sparse event-related design. We observed stronger IPS and putamen responses to the stimulus when participants perceived the global interpretation compared to local, confirming the previously reported role of these areas in perceptual grouping. Most importantly, we also observed that the global stimulus interpretation was preceded by an increased activity of the bilateral dorsal insula, which is known to process saliency and gate information for conscious access. Our data suggest an important role of the dorsal insula in shaping an internally generated illusory Gestalt percept.

2022 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
Joshua M. Mueller ◽  
Neil Zhang ◽  
Jean M. Carlson ◽  
Julie H. Simpson

Behavioral differences can be observed between species or populations (variation) or between individuals in a genetically similar population (variability). Here, we investigate genetic differences as a possible source of variation and variability in Drosophila grooming. Grooming confers survival and social benefits. Grooming features of five Drosophila species exposed to a dust irritant were analyzed. Aspects of grooming behavior, such as anterior to posterior progression, were conserved between and within species. However, significant differences in activity levels, proportion of time spent in different cleaning movements, and grooming syntax were identified between species. All species tested showed individual variability in the order and duration of action sequences. Genetic diversity was not found to correlate with grooming variability within a species: melanogaster flies bred to increase or decrease genetic heterogeneity exhibited similar variability in grooming syntax. Individual flies observed on consecutive days also showed grooming sequence variability. Standardization of sensory input using optogenetics reduced but did not eliminate this variability. In aggregate, these data suggest that sequence variability may be a conserved feature of grooming behavior itself. These results also demonstrate that large genetic differences result in distinguishable grooming phenotypes (variation), but that genetic heterogeneity within a population does not necessarily correspond to an increase in the range of grooming behavior (variability).

2022 ◽  
pp. 1-30
Bruno A. Santos ◽  
Rogerio M. Gomes ◽  
Xabier E. Barandiaran ◽  
Phil Husbands

Abstract A growing body of work has demonstrated the importance of ongoing oscillatory neural activity in sensory processing and the generation of sensorimotor behaviors. It has been shown, for several different brain areas, that sensory-evoked neural oscillations are generated from the modulation by sensory inputs of inherent self-sustained neural activity (SSA). This letter contributes to that strand of research by introducing a methodology to investigate how much of the sensory-evoked oscillatory activity is generated by SSA and how much is generated by sensory inputs within the context of sensorimotor behavior in a computational model. We develop an abstract model consisting of a network of three Kuramoto oscillators controlling the behavior of a simulated agent performing a categorical perception task. The effects of sensory inputs and SSAs on sensory-evoked oscillations are quantified by the cross product of velocity vectors in the phase space of the network under different conditions (disconnected without input, connected without input, and connected with input). We found that while the agent is carrying out the task, sensory-evoked activity is predominantly generated by SSA (93.10%) with much less influence from sensory inputs (6.90%). Furthermore, the influence of sensory inputs can be reduced by 10.4% (from 6.90% to 6.18%) with a decay in the agent's performance of only 2%. A dynamical analysis shows how sensory-evoked oscillations are generated from a dynamic coupling between the level of sensitivity of the network and the intensity of the input signals. This work may suggest interesting directions for neurophysiological experiments investigating how self-sustained neural activity influences sensory input processing, and ultimately affects behavior.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. e0261732
Prabhat Pathak ◽  
Jeongin Moon ◽  
Se-gon Roh ◽  
Changhyun Roh ◽  
Youngbo Shim ◽  

Minimum toe clearance (MTC) is an important indicator of the risk of tripping. Aging and neuromuscular diseases often decrease MTC height and increase its variability, leading to a higher risk of tripping. Previous studies have developed visual feedback-based gait training systems to modify MTC. However, these systems are bulky and expensive, and the effects of the training continue only for a short time. We paid attention to the efficacy of vibration in decreasing the variability of gait parameters, and hypothesized that proper vibration applied to soles can reduce the MTC variability. Using shoes embedded with active vibrating insoles, we assessed the efficacy of both sub- and supra-threshold vibration in affecting MTC distribution. Experiment results with 17 young and healthy adults showed that vibration applied throughout the walking task with constant intensity of 130% of sensory threshold significantly decreased MTC variability, whereas sub-threshold vibration yielded no significant effect. These results demonstrate that a properly designed tactile sensory input which is controlled and delivered by a simple wearable device, the active insole, can reduce the MTC variability during walking.

Silvia-Raluca Matei ◽  
Damian Mircea Totolan ◽  
Claudia Salceanu

Occupational therapy focuses on children's sensory processing and modulation. This chapter approaches specific interventions on children with ASD from several perspectives. OT is based on sensory integrative approach when working with children with ASD: helping parents understand their child's behavior, helping children organize responses to sensory input. The sensory integrative approach is a formulated activity plan that helps people who haven't been able to develop their own sensory recognition program. This plan allows a child to integrate all sorts of different sensory activities in their day so they can engage in and begin to work with a wide variety of sensory inputs. This provides a wide number of benefits. Their focus and attention span increases because they won't have meltdowns from trying to process too much information; sensory integrative approach helps to rebuild/reform the child's nervous system. This allows them to physically handle more sensory input. As a result, OT has been proven effective in working with children with ASD.

Leona Polyanskaya

AbstractTwo classes of cognitive mechanisms have been proposed to explain segmentation of continuous sensory input into discrete recurrent constituents: clustering and boundary-finding mechanisms. Clustering mechanisms are based on identifying frequently co-occurring elements and merging them together as parts that form a single constituent. Bracketing (or boundary-finding) mechanisms work by identifying rarely co-occurring elements that correspond to the boundaries between discrete constituents. In a series of behavioral experiments, I tested which mechanisms are at play in the visual modality both during segmentation of a continuous syllabic sequence into discrete word-like constituents and during recognition of segmented constituents. Additionally, I explored conscious awareness of the products of statistical learning—whole constituents versus merged clusters of smaller subunits. My results suggest that both online segmentation and offline recognition of extracted constituents rely on detecting frequently co-occurring elements, a process likely based on associative memory. However, people are more aware of having learnt whole tokens than of recurrent composite clusters.

2021 ◽  
Luke Miller ◽  
Cecile Fabio ◽  
Frederique de Vignemont ◽  
Alice Roy ◽  
W. Pieter Medendorp ◽  

It is often claimed that tools are embodied by the user, but whether the brain actually repurposes its body-based computations to perform similar tasks with tools is not known. A fundamental body-based computation used by the somatosensory system is trilateration. Here, the location of touch on a limb is computed by integrating estimates of the distance between sensory input and its boundaries (e.g., elbow and wrist of the forearm). As evidence of this computational mechanism, tactile localization on a limb is most precise near its boundaries and lowest in the middle. If the brain repurposes trilateration to localize touch on a tool, we should observe this computational signature in behavior. In a large sample of participants, we indeed found that localizing touch on a tool produced the signature of trilateration, with highest precision close to the base and tip of the tool. A computational model of trilateration provided a good fit to the observed localization behavior. Importantly, model selection demonstrated that trilateration better explained each participant's behavior than an alternative model of localization. These results have important implications for how trilateration may be implemented by somatosensory neural populations. In sum, the present study suggests that tools are indeed embodied at a computational level, repurposing a fundamental spatial computation.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (24) ◽  
pp. 8191
Angélina Bellicha ◽  
Andrés Trujillo-León ◽  
Fabien Vérité ◽  
Wael Bachta

Upright posture control and gait are essential for achieving autonomous daily living activities. Postural control of upright posture relies, among others, on the integration of various sensory information. In this context, light touch (LT) and light grip (LG) of a stationary object provide an additional haptic sensory input that helps to reduce postural sway. When LG was studied through the grasp of a cane, the sensory role of this assistive tool was often limited to a mediation interface. Its role was restricted to transmit the interaction forces between its tip and the ground to the hand. While most studies involve participants standing in an unstable way, such as the tandem stance, in this paper we study LG from a different perspective. We attached a handle of a cane firmly to a stationary support. Thus, we can focus on the role of the hand receptors in the LG mechanism. LG condition was ensured through the tactile information gathered by FSR sensors placed on the handle surface. Moreover, participants involved in our study stood in a usual way. The study involved twelve participants in an experiment composed of two conditions: standing relaxed while lightly gripping an equipped handle attached to the ground, and standing in the same way without gripping the handle. Spatial and frequency analyses confirmed the results reported in the literature with other approaches.

2021 ◽  
Ryan Rahy ◽  
Hiroki Asari ◽  
Cornelius T. Gross

AbstractThe mouse ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH) is both necessary and sufficient for defensive responses to predator and social threats. Defensive behaviors typically involve cautious approach toward potentially threatening stimuli aimed at obtaining information about the risk involved, followed by sudden avoidance and flight behavior to escape harm. In vivo neural recording studies in mice have identified two major populations of VMH neurons that either increase their firing activity as the animal approaches the threat (called Assessment+ cells) or increase their activity as the animal flees the threat (called Flight+ cells). Interestingly, Assessment+ and Flight+ cells abruptly decrease and increase their firing activity, respectively, at the decision point for flight, creating an escape-related “switch” in functional state. This suggests that the activity of the two cell types in VMH is coordinated and could result from local circuit interactions. Here, we used computational modelling to test if a local inhibitory feedback circuit could give rise to key features of the neural activity seen in VMH during the approach-to-flight transition. Starting from a simple dual-population inhibitory feedback circuit receiving repeated trains of monotonically increasing sensory input to mimic approach to threat, we tested the requirement for balanced sensory input, balanced feedback, short-term synaptic plasticity, rebound excitation, and inhibitory feedback exclusivity to reproduce an abrupt, sensory-thresholded reciprocal firing change that resembles Assessment+ and Flight+ cell activity seen in vivo. Our work demonstrates that a relatively simple local circuit architecture is sufficient for the emergence of firing patterns similar to those seen in vivo and suggests that a reiterative process of experimental and computational work may be a fruitful avenue for better understanding the functional organization of mammalian instinctive behaviors at the circuit level.

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