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water problems
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Andrey Pavlovich Georgiev ◽  
Anna Grigorievna Legun ◽  
Valeria Rubenovna Pogosyan

Fish feeding process is studied as one of the links in the transformation of the energy of a water reservoir, as one of the factors that determine the ecology of fish and make an imprint on the morphology, physiology and behavior of fish, or as one of the criteria, which help the most rationally use natural resources of the water bodies. The results of work carried out by the Northern Water Problems Institute (NWPI KarRC RAS) and Petrozavodsk State University (PetrSU) within the framework of state assignments, forecast problems and economic contractual topics on assessing the nutrition of perch species (perch, ruff) in some lakes of the Konchezero group (South Karelia), in particular Lake Munozero, which is part of the lower reaches of the river Shuya belonging to the catchment area of Lake Onega. The work was carried out by the experts from the IWPS KarRC RAS and PetrSU in 2018-2020. Its main hydrological and ichthyological indicators have been studied. The reconnaissance fish productivity of Lake Munozero based on the development of the forage base at the present stage is estimated as 9 kg/ha. The feeding spectra of ruff and perch in the lake overlap only with respect to eggs, the ruff using eggs more actively. Predation is peculiar only to perch, while even fish whose size is less than 14 cm (the average size of the transition to predation for Karelia) hunt at a time when there is a lot of other food in the reservoir. As the perch passes to summer feeding, its diet becomes more diverse. Some benthic organisms are replaced by others, an air fraction appears, the perch's diet includes fish in summer and spring; nutrition becomes more active: the average stomach fullness index increases from 7.3 to 145.6‰.

Svitlana Fedulova ◽  
Volodymyr Dubnytskyi ◽  
Valentin Myachin ◽  
Olena Yudina ◽  
Olena Kholod

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to determine the impact of domestic renewable water resources in the country on the formation of GDP, i.e to identify the relationship between the country's water potential and its economic growth in the future, due to the growth of water-intensive technologies in the world and agricultural development. Methodology / approach. The traditional and special research methods were used in the study, including: historical and logical – to analyze the dynamics of water use in the world and ways of forming the flow of virtual water; theoretical generalization, analysis and synthesis – to form an understanding of the “principle of globality of water problems” and derive consistent pattern of “principle of globality of water problems”; statistical analysis to assess the level of needs of countries (regions) in water resources and to assess the level of GDP of countries in comparison with their water potential; method of econometric analysis (correlation analysis and linear regression) – to prove the relationship between the water potential of the country and its economic growth in the future. Results. The main idea of the study is to identify the relationship between the country's water potential and its economic growth in the future. It was found that almost all areas with the highest economic growth have the largest total number of inland renewable water resources. the knowledge and dynamics of virtual water trade in the world was described and summarized. According to the principles of the concept of “virtual water”, regions with water scarcity and spatial mismatch between water resources and the availability of arable land can increase their food security by meeting part of their food needs through trade in agricultural products and reducing local food production. A new principle of development of the territory “the principle of globality of water problems” has been substantiated in the study. It is determined that the very availability of domestic renewable water resources in the country does not have a significant impact on GDP growth, but the total catchment per capita in the country already has a significant impact on GDP, i.e, indeed, after reaching a certain water scarcity threshold, the country begins to demand for grain imports, which increases as water resources decrease. The consistent pattern of the “principle of globality of water problems” was proved mathematically, using econometric analysis. Originality / scientific novelty. The formation of the principles of territorial development was further developed, namely the “principle of globality of water problems” was formulated – the change of humanity's attitude to the water resource has formed an understanding of its limitations and possible global scenarios of world development. The development of the laws of economic theory was improved, namely the consistent pattern of the “principle of globality of water problems” – “axes (corridors) of development of the territory, which together with the poles of growth determine the spatial framework of economic growth, in the light of the globalization of water problems, are determined by the presence of the total number of domestic renewable water resources”. Practical value / implications. The results of the study allow a comprehensive assessment of the risks of the agricultural sector associated with the large-scale use of water resources and make effective management decisions on the development and implementation of water-efficient technologies in Ukraine and in the world. The study actualizes the thesis of infrastructure regulation as water-intensive technologies will require significant infrastructure projects and the appropriate quality of water and water supply and sewerage infrastructure as the basis of water efficiency of the region and the country.

Bakti Budaya ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 126-133
Shifa Helena

Kabung Island, which is located in the Bengkayang Regency Government area, is one of 226 small islands in West Kalimantan. Busy visits to the island during the school holidays and weekends have resulted in a large distribution of garbage in the waters and coasts of the island, and if it is not addressed promptly, it can cause global water problems. The Lecturer Team of the Department of Marine Affairs at the University of Tanjungpura as the implementation team of PKM activities to clean the beaches of Kabung Island, together with all the islanders and students of the Department of Marine Affairs, dive in cleaning the beaches and waters close to residential areas, sorting and collecting garbage, then burning and stockpiling it so that it does not get worse. accumulate and more and more enter the water bodies and can reduce the quality of the waters on the island. As many as 25 students were directly involved in the activity, and 20 residents from the island were directly involved in beach cleaning activities. From this activity, which is centered on the island of South Kabung, 100 kg of garbage has been collected consisting of plastic materials in the form of used drink bottles, stereoforms, pampers, and some trash carried from the middle of the sea, which may be carried away from the mainland coast. This activity is very necessary and is expected to continue as an annual routine activity of the Department of Marine Affairs, as a participation in preserving the sea and maintaining good water quality so that the diversity of species and population of a marine biota is not affected by the presence of these wastes. ===== Pulau Kabung yang berada dalam wilayah Pemerintahan Kabupaten Bengkayang merupakan salah satu dari 226 pulau kecil yang berada di Kalimantan Barat. Kunjungan yang ramai ke pulau tersebut pada musim liburan sekolah dan weekend, menyebabkan banyaknya sebaran sampah yang terdapat di perairan dan pesisir pulau tersebut, dan jika tidak diatasi dengan segera dapat menimbulkan masalah perairan secara global. Tim Dosen Jurusan Kelautan Universitas Tanjungpura sebagai tim pelaksana kegiatan PKM pembersihan pantai pulau Kabung, bersama dengan segenap masyarakat pulau tersebut dan mahasiswa Jurusan Kelautan, terjun membersihkan pantai dan perairan yang dekat dengan permukiman penduduk, memilah dan mengumpulkan sampah, kemudian membakar dan menimbunnya agar tidak semakin menumpuk dan semakin banyak yang masuk dalam badan perairan dan dapat menurunkan kualitas perairan di pulau tesebut. Sebanyak 25 orang mahasiswa terjun langsung dalam kegiatan dan 20 warga masyarakat dari pulau tersebut terlibat langsung dalam kegiatan pembersihan pantai. Dari kegiatan tersebut, yang dipusatkan pulau Kabung Selatan, terkumpul sampah sebesar 100 kg yang terdiri atas bahan plastik berupa botol bekas minuman, styrofoam, popok, dan beberapa sampah bawaan dari tengah laut, yang mungkin terbawa arus dari pesisir daratan. Kegiatan ini sangat perlu dan diharapkan berlanjut sebagai kegiatan rutin tahunan dari Jurusan Kelautan, sebagai peran serta dalam melestarikan laut dan menjaga kualitas perairan tetap baik sehingga keanekaragaman jenis dan populasi suatu biota laut tidak terpengaruh oleh keberadaan sampah-sampah tersebut.

2021 ◽  
pp. 179-194
Muhammad Mubeen ◽  
Fahd Rasul ◽  
Ashfaq Ahmad ◽  
Syed Aftab Wajid ◽  
Tasneem Khaliq ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 878 (1) ◽  
pp. 012056
M Situmorang ◽  
S Setiyadi ◽  
L E Hutabarat

Abstract Rainfall is a determining factor in analyzing planned floods. This research was conducted by collecting secondary data and the field data concerning the soil’s ability to infiltrate the volume of rainfall. Data processing is carried out by statistical analysis to estimate the average rainfall, intensity value, estimated discharge plan, volume of runoff and estimated infiltration rate. These parameters are important related to the infiltration well dimensions planning and the conserving water area. From the research results, it is shown that infiltration rate and optimal dimensions of infiltration wells very dependent on rainfall discharge and runoff volume in each region. Artificial infiltration is an alternative solution for maintaining groundwater balance and overcoming water problems. With groundwater infiltration, groundwater infiltration can maintain a relatively stable groundwater depth. Infiltration rate in RT 06 Cawang are 54,03 cm/hour lower than in Kelurahan 11 Cawang East Jakarta are 54,12 cm/hour, with perimeter area of wells DSP = 1,5 m2, Depth of well (HSP) = -1,89 m2 and coverage area of well (ASP) = 1,77 m2.

A. Litvinov

Social and water problems are one of the greatest challenges facing humanity today. The total amount of water on Earth is measured by a huge number – 1386 million km3 but, unfortunately, only 2.5% of it is fresh water which is necessary for human life on Earth. River waters used for various needs account for only 0.0002% of the total. On most rivers in the world, more than 60%, and on a number of rivers in arid zones, over 90% of the annual runoff occurs during the flood period, i.e. only 2-3 months. Economic activities cause pollution of rivers and lakes - their water quality deteriorates causing adverse effects to aquatic life.

Cities ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 103455
Krystyna Solarek ◽  
Artur Pudełko ◽  
Krzysztof Mierzwicki ◽  
Katarzyna Solarek ◽  
Zbigniew Bartosik ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Avesahemad S. N. Husainy ◽  
Avesahemad S. N. Husainy ◽  
Avesahemad S. N. Husainy

Water problems are same in worldwide. Mainly it is faces by rural area peoples. Mostly drinking water is available from wells and rivers. Because of high population and industrialisation this water might be contaminated with harmful substances such as bacteria and therefore unsafe drinking water. Purification of water by solar is most useful and economic and safe solution. Solar still are mostly useful in rural and tribal area to provide clean water. Solar water still easy to construct, output depend on type of model. And it is operated by unskilled person easily no hard maintenance required and no operational cost and are also clean and safe process and no any type of pollution spread by this process. In this experimentation work comparison is to be made between with and without use of phase change material. It is observed that use of latent storage in solar still will increase water output.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 219-228
E. G. Garbuzarova

After the collapse of the USSR the Central Asian countries found themselves facing serious regional challenges that hinder constructive interstate cooperation. Among such challenges the problem of transboundary water resources should be highlighted. The lack of a coordinated policy for regulating water flows continues to put the Central Asian countries in a vulnerable position, negatively affecting their national security, socio-economic development and the environmental situation in the region. Throughout their sovereign development the countries of the region tried to solve transboundary water problems by combining external and internal mechanisms. However, a solution to the problem that would meet the national interests of all interested countries was not found.Recently the ruling elites of the Central Asian countries have intensified the process of solving the water problem showing political will. They put forward a number of initiatives. A big role in reviving this issue belongs to Uzbekistan which has opened a new milestone in the settlement of water and energy conflicts in the region. Uzbekistan demonstrates a desire to solve the water problem constructively at the regional level. In this regard the proposals of the President of Uzbekistan Sh.Mirziyoyev acquired great importance in solving the transboundary water problems of Central Asia. In 2018 Sh. Mirziyoyev put forward the initiative to adopt a Regional program for the rational use of water resources in Central Asia. Shortly before that he expressed a desire to participate in the implementation of joint hydropower projects with Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. Analyzing the current shifts in the water and energy issue we can talk about increasing trust between the countries of Central Asia and the beginning of the formation of a new regional interstate model of relations on the distribution of transboundary water resources.

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