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deaf students
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2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Ali Abbas ◽  
Summaira Sarfraz ◽  
Umbreen Tariq

PurposeThe current study aims to determine the viability of the tool developed by Abbas and Sarfraz (2018) to translate English speech and text to Pakistan Sign Language (PSL) with bilingual subtitles.Design/methodology/approachFocus group interviews of 30 teachers of a Pakistani private university were conducted; who used the PSL translation tool in their classrooms for lecture delivery and communication with the deaf students.FindingsThe findings of the study determined the viability of the developed tool and showed that it is helpful in teaching deaf students efficiently. With the availability of this tool, teachers are not dependent on human sign language (SL) interpreters in their classrooms.Originality/valueOverall, this tool is an effective addition to educational technology for special education. Due to the lack of Sign Language (SL) understanding, learning resources and availability of human SL interpreters in Pakistan, institutions feel dependency and scarcity to educate deaf students in a classroom. Unimpaired people and especially teachers face problems communicating with deaf people to arrange one interpreter for a student(s) in multiple classes at the same time which creates a communication gap between a teacher and a deaf student.

2022 ◽  
Melania Safirista ◽  
Sofiarti Murtadlo ◽  
Endang Pudjisartinah

2022 ◽  
pp. 184-203
Douglas C. Williams Jr.

Deaf students commonly leave high school with no higher than a fourth-grade reading level. This commonality may prompt certain assumptions regarding deaf children's strengths and weaknesses, particularly relating to reading development as well as broader academic and professional endeavors. The following review examines reading development among deaf, native sign language users as a bilingual process. Specifically, four common assumptions surrounding deaf learners' potential for ASL-English bilingual development are addressed including those relating to phonological accessibility, English-based signed system efficacy, ASL-English transference of language proficiency, and strategies for emergent literacy development in young, deaf learners. Finally, suggestions for future research endeavors are posed by the author.

2022 ◽  
pp. 281-301
Nena Raschelle Neild ◽  
Katie Taylor ◽  
Amanda Crecelius

Deaf students face challenges and barriers in US general education classrooms due to barriers of non-matched monolingual instruction. The demographics of deaf education classrooms have changed over the years and no longer are families encouraged to choose one modality. Multilingual DHH students face unique challenges and barriers that cannot be left unaddressed or overlooked. The following chapter outlines a literature review of the guiding principles of UDL specifically to address the challenges and needs of multilingual DHH. This chapter addresses the need for the three guiding principles, engagement, representation, and expression, along with the integration of technology. Practical application will guide current deaf educators in creating lessons and physical classrooms while implementing technology to meet deaf students' needs in general education classrooms.

2022 ◽  
pp. 75-88
Abdulaziz Alqahtani

This chapter discusses some of the language issues and challenges that deaf and hard of hearing students (DHH) face in the school environment and argues that successful bilingual and multilingual education programs are necessary for DHH students, including professional training in deaf education around of the world. The chapter includes subtitle topics such as the historical development of bilingual education, deaf learners and deaf bilingual education, multilingual and multicultural education. The author concludes the chapter by making recommendations regarding the effectiveness of bilingual and multilingual education for DHH students. The goal is to support educators and professionals in the deaf education field to pay attention to bilingual deaf education through teacher professional development based on the field needs.

2022 ◽  
pp. 61-74
Martin Musengi

The chapter intends to provide a conceptual basis for bilingual educators who filter their understanding of deafness through the socio-cultural lens of deafness. To do this, various types of simultaneous and sequential bilingualism en route to bilingual education for young deaf children are explored in relation to the language choices of their parents and educators. In light of these varied routes, the chapter discusses a typology of bilingual education ranging from weak forms aimed at assimilating signing deaf children into majority language and culture to strong forms focussing on development and maintenance of sign language and cultural pluralism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (58) ◽  
pp. 122-138
Melissa Rayanne Bezerra de Oliveira ◽  
Maria Patrícia Lourenço Barros

Resumo: A inclusão é uma conquista do movimento das pessoas com deficiência para terem direito de acesso à escola assim como as demais pessoas. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo principal analisar o processo de inclusão do estudante surdo no ensino fundamental na rede municipal de Salgueiro- PE. Assim, buscando entender qual o verdadeiro processo de inclusão do aluno surdo no ensino fundamental no município de Salgueiro- PE? Como isso visou-se identificar a inclusão do estudante Surdo do Ensino Regular, compreender o processo de inclusão a partir da legislação, identificar o processo de inclusão tendo como referência a educação como principal meio de favorecimento a uma convivência humana saudável, pautada no respeito pela diversidade que constitui a sociedade e ainda refletir a luz da importância da Libras/interprete para facilitação da aprendizagem do surdo na sala de aula numa experiência de escola regular na cidade de Salgueiro- PE. A presente pesquisa foi de base qualitativa, sendo parte reflexiva aos diálogos de autores citados no mesmo e de uma pesquisa semiestruturada com a secretaria de educação da rede municipal de Salgueiro- PE. Onde verificou-se que através desses questionamentos existe uma barreira desafiante que precisa ser urgente resolvida no processo de inclusão do aluno surdo nas escolas da rede. Faz-se necessário o reconhecimento da língua de sinais como importante para os alunos surdos, formação continuada e especifica para os profissionais da educação na perspectiva de qualifica-los, entendendo que a formação constitui elemento fundamental para se atingir os objetivos visados pela educação.       Palavras chave: Aluno surdo. Educação. Inclusão. Libras. Professor.  Abstract: Inclusion is an achievement of the movement of people with disabilities to have the right to access school just like other people. The main objective of this study was to analyze the process of inclusion of deaf students in elementary education in the municipal network of Salgueiro-PE. So, trying to understand what is the real process of inclusion of deaf students in elementary school in the city of Salgueiro-PE? As such, the aim was to identify the inclusion of Deaf students in Regular Education, understand the inclusion process from the legislation, identify the inclusion process with reference to education as the main means of favoring a healthy human coexistence, based on respect for diversity that constitutes society and still reflect the light of the importance of Libras/interpreter to facilitate the learning of the deaf in the classroom in a regular school experience in the city of Salgueiro-PE. The present research was qualitatively based, being a reflexive part of the dialogues of authors mentioned in the same and of a semi-structured research with the education department of the municipal network of Salgueiro-PE. Where it was found that through these questions there is a challenging barrier that needs to be urgently resolved in the process of inclusion of deaf students in schools in the network. It is necessary to recognize sign language as important for deaf students, continuing and specific training for education professionals with a view to qualifying them, understanding that training is a fundamental element to achieve the goals pursued by education. Keywords: Deaf student. Education. Inclusion. LIBRAS. Teacher. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (12) ◽  
pp. 113113-113125
Rogério de Mesquita Teles ◽  
Yasmin Helena Almeida de Melo ◽  
Regina Lucia Muniz Ribeiro ◽  
Lara Rubia Silva Teles ◽  
Maria do Socorro Mendes dos Santos ◽  

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