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conical shape
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Р. П. Абдина

В статье охарактеризованы лексемы, называющие традиционные жилища хакасов, а также дается их описание в этнографическом аспекте. Рассмотрены такие слова, как иб ‘дом; жилище, изба’, киис иб ‘войлочная юрта’, тос иб ‘берестяная юрта’, тирмелг иб ‘решетчатая юрта’, хараачылыг иб ‘юрта с обручем’, ахпайзац иб (фольк.) ‘богатый дом; дворец’, орге ‘дворец’, тура ‘здание; дом, изба’, иб - чурт ‘хозяйство; усадьба’, соол ‘избушка с особой печкой’, алачых ‘летнее хакасское жилище конусообразной формы’, этн. ‘временный свадебный шалаш’, одаг ‘шалаш’. Общетюркский пласт лексики составляют следующие наименования жилищ: иб, тура, чурт, алачых, одаг. Разнотипность построек находит отражение и в хакасских наименованиях жилых и хозяйственных построек. The article describes the lexemes that name traditional dwellings of the Khakass people, and also gives their description in an ethnographic aspect. Such words like ib ‘house; dwelling, hut’, kiis ib ‘felt yurt’, tos ib ‘birch yurt’, tirmelig ib ‘latticework yurt’, kharaachylyg ib ‘yurt with a hoop’, akh paizan ib (folk.) ‘rich house; palace’, yorge ‘palace’, tura ‘building; house, hut’, ib - churt ‘farm; farmstead’, sool ‘hut with a special stove’, alachykh ‘summer Khakass dwelling of a conical shape’, ethn. ‘temporary wedding hovel’, odag ‘hovel’ are considered. The common layer of vocabulary comprises the following names of dwellings: ib, tura, churt, alachykh, odag. The diversity of buildings is reflected in Khakass names of residential and commercial buildings.

2022 ◽  
A.N. Grechukhin

Abstract. This paper presents a solution to the problem of filling the internal structure of the workpiece with curve layer in 3D printing. A generalized model of filling the internal structure of workpiece with curve layer is designed. The results are presented for solving the problem on the example of curved layers of a conical shape with filling along a helical line. The research results can be in demand in the development of algorithms and software for technological equipment. They allow to ensure the formation of the internal structure of products in curved layers during 3D printing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-24
Ali Safaeianpour ◽  
Nima Valibeig

Abstract Using decorative elements is an inseparable aspect of Iranian architecture. Architectural ornaments in many buildings, including the minarets, represent the architect’s craftsmanship. As such, the minarets in Isfahan have different types of brickwork ornamentations, such as 90-degree herringbone (Khofteh-Rasteh), basket weave bond (Hasiri), and other complex types. Additionally, the highest minarets are usually constructed in a truncated conical shape to reduce their overall weight and ameliorate their stability against the wind, and lateral forces. Therefore, while the geometric integrity of brickwork patterns should be maintained, all the ornamentations are applied on a shrinking surface area. However, the practical solutions for the construction processes in these structures haven’t been sufficiently investigated. Hence, this study aims to explore the methods of brickwork projection on the minarets and analyse the changes in girih patterns at different height levels. Accordingly, after surveying the selected single minarets in Isfahan, they were modeled using drafting software applications and then analysed.

2021 ◽  
pp. 349-396
Daniel R. van Gijn ◽  
Jonathan Dunne

The function of the orbit is to protect and accommodate the globe in order to maximise its function. The bony orbits are paired four-sided conical cavities within the skull each comprising seven bones – ranging from the paper thin ethmoid and lacrimal plate medially to the buttress thick zygoma laterally. The conical shape consists of an apex posteriorly and a base anteriorly forming the outer margin. The medial wall and floor begin to blend towards the apex forming a posteromedial bulge as the orbit takes on a three-walled pyramidal structure. The walls are lined by periosteum (periorbita), which is continuous with the periosteal layer of the dura mater at the apex, the orbital septa and the fascial sheaths of the extraocular muscles. There are five principal openings of the orbit – three principal foramina located at the apex that transmit the neurovascular supply of the orbit and two lesser foramina located on the medial wall.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1037 ◽  
pp. 227-232
Nikita A. Zemlyanushnov ◽  
Nadezhda Y. Zemlyanushnova

The disadvantage of the known methods of hardening springs is the impossibility of their use when hardening springs of a conical shape or of a shape of a paraboloid of rotation, since they are intended only for cylindrical shape springs and are not suitable for conical shape springs or those of a shape of a paraboloid of rotation specifically because of the difference in the shape of the springs. One of the disadvantages of the known springs hardening mechanisms is the impossibility of hardening the inner surface of the conical compression springs. A new method of hardening springs is proposed, the unmatched advantage of which is the ability to create plastic deformations on the inner and outer surfaces of the spring coils compressed to contact and on the surfaces along the line of contact between the coils. A new advantageous mechanism for hardening springs is proposed, which makes it possible to harden the inner surface of compression springs having a conical shape or a paraboloid shape of rotation, in a compressed state.

2021 ◽  
pp. 112972982110150
Megan Ladd ◽  
Dominic Lullo ◽  
Shabir Abadin

In our aging population, there is an increased incidence of concurrent IVC filter and central venous catheter use. One of the risks of concurrent use is filter embolization, which almost always occurs due to the J-tipped guidewire. In this case, we describe the successful placement of a central venous catheter in the femoral vein in a patient with an IVC filter. Some guidelines exist concerning CVC placement in patients with IVC filters, and this case highlights the benefits of placing a CVC in the femoral vein. While little research exists regarding higher rates of IVC filter embolization in internal jugular and subclavian vein access sites, we hypothesize it is due to the conical shape of IVC filters.

Coatings ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 503
Jaehyun Lee ◽  
Ehsan Esmaili ◽  
Giho Kang ◽  
Baekhoon Seong ◽  
Hosung Kang ◽  

The dimple occurs by sudden pressure inversion at the droplet’s bottom interface when a droplet collides with the same liquid-phase or different solid-phase. The air film entrapped inside the dimple is a critical factor affecting the sequential dynamics after coalescence and causing defects like the pinhole. Meanwhile, in the coalescence dynamics of an electrified droplet, the droplet’s bottom interfaces change to a conical shape, and droplet contact the substrate directly without dimple formation. In this work, the mechanism for the dimple’s suppression (interfacial change to conical shape) was studied investigating the effect of electric pressure. The electric stress acting on a droplet interface shows the nonlinear electric pressure adding to the uniform droplet pressure. This electric stress locally deforms the droplet’s bottom interface to a conical shape and consequentially enables it to overcome the air pressure beneath the droplet. The electric pressure, calculated from numerical tracking for interface and electrostatic simulation, was at least 108 times bigger than the air pressure at the center of the coalescence. This work helps toward understanding the effect of electric stress on droplet coalescence and in the optimization of conditions in solution-based techniques like printing and coating.

2021 ◽  
Vol 67 (1 Jan-Feb) ◽  
pp. 162
C. Gómez Samaniego ◽  
M. Nieto Pérez ◽  
G. Ramos López

A 2D computational model, incorporating the Snowplow approximation in the mass balance, is used to simulate the acceleration of an annular current sheath along two coaxial electrodes, with the inner one having either cylindrical or conical shape. The circuit, mass and momentum equations are simultaneously solved in 2D (r, z) considering initial breakdown along the insulator surface, ideal gas mass accretion by the current sheath (snowplow model) and distributed inductance along a coaxial transmission line short-circuited by the current sheath. Plasma density and electron temperature in the current sheath are estimated using standard planar shock theory. Numerical integration of the model’s equations for a given electrode geometry yields the temporal evolution of the current sheath parameters during the axial acceleration phase. In order to see the effect of the inner electrode shape on sheath parameters (i.e. transit time, kinetic energy, total mass, shape, etc.) and/or circuit properties (i.e. circuit inductance, voltage and current evolution, etc.), the portion of the inner electrode beyond the insulator was given a conical shape. By changing the cone slant in a range between ±5°, it was found that the current driven on the plasma sheath varies nonlinearly with the angle. The divergent (positive angle) electrode gives the sheath the highest kinetic energy, being twice the value corresponding to that of the straight inner electrode case, and the transit time is reduced from 1.34 to 1.20 µs. The estimates of plasma density and electron temperature indicate that the achievable ion densities are on the order of 4x1022 m-3, which corresponds to 30 % ionization, and typical temperatures at the end of the rundown phase are on the order of 8 eV. These values are comparable with those measured in experimental devices. The development of this tool will enable us to benchmark its results against an experimental installation currently close to being operational, and a future follow-up paper will be devoted to the comparison between the prediction of the rundown phase behavior and experimental results utilizing conical electrodes.

Ihor Chobotko ◽  

Purpose. Investigation of the choice of parameters of equipment for extinguishing coal mining wastes that go to the formation of waste dumps, the choice of the main components of equipment for the operation of technological units and a schematic diagram of equipment for extinguishing coal mining wastes are proposed. Methods. Analysis of existing approaches to technological solutions to prevent combustion of waste dumps; environmental assessment of alternative options for technological solutions to prevent combustion of waste dumps; creation of an environmentally friendly design technology for the use of coal mining waste. Results. Based on in-depth analysis of the main components of technological units for the operation of the equipment, MFP FullJet irrigation nozzles by Spraying Systems Co. were proposed. – USA, their main advantages are considered. The expediency of using a hydraulic network, which includes pipelines made of polypropylene material produced by “Aquatherm” – Germany, are substantiated; the main component of the pipelines is the material “Fusiolen”, the advantages of which are given in the article. An integral part is pumping equipment, consisting of centrifugal pumps for water supply (1VNS 60-66) and (VNSp 2.5) for supplying limestone suspension to irrigation nozzles of the transporting dump mass. Scientific novelty. Equipment for extinguishing coal mining waste (rock dumps) resistant to spontaneous combustion is proposed, in which the introduction of new structural elements and their interconnection is achieved by the continuous control and management of spraying per unit of the transported surface of the dump rock, dispersed with an inert substance (lime suspension), which prevents the formation of active combustion centers during the operation of waste heaps. Timely coverage of the dump mass with an inert substance reduces the time of contact of the rock with the environment, which is an important stage in the formation of rock dumps, especially of a conical shape, reduces the cost of operation and maintenance due to the formation of fire-resistant dumps, regardless of the influence of environmental conditions. Practical implication. Efficiency from the use of equipment for extinguishing coal waste can be obtained due to the continuous work achieved by covering the dump mass with an inert mixture during transportation, this reduces the contact of the rock with the environment, which is an important stage in the formation of rock dumps of a particularly conical shape, and reduces operating costs and their maintenance due to the formation of fire-resistant waste dumps regardless of the influence of environmental conditions.

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