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brand development
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2022 ◽  
pp. 163-182
Biqi Zhou ◽  
Rob Kim Marjerison ◽  
Fa-Hsiang Chang

This study seeks to explore the strategic alternatives for the many small and medium-sized manufacturing firms in China that play an OEM role in the global value chain. Declining margins due to rising production costs and intense competition from emerging manufacturing industries in Southeast Asia necessitates the transformation of China's traditional manufacturing industry. The result is opportunities for the creation and manufacturing of domestic brands. A multiple-case study methodology is used with primary data collection through in-depth interviews, supported by secondary data on the subject firms. The findings reveal an awareness of the opportunities afforded by the trend towards the development of domestic brands as well as the vision, strategy, tactics, and forecasting related to a transition to brand creation. This chapter could be of interest to those with an interest in manufacturing transition, brand development, and providing direction to OEM SMEs in China that seek to develop a strategic roadmap during the imminent industrial evolution and transformation.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-21
Jéssica Moreira da Silva ◽  
Juliana de Paula Matos Souza ◽  
Michele Bittencourt Rodrigues ◽  
Laís Amaral Mais ◽  
Rafael Moreira Claro ◽  

Abstract Objective: To investigate the advertising patterns on the posts of a fast-food chain in Brazil on three social media platforms in 2019. Design: An exploratory cross-sectional study. Setting: Advertising strategies on the posts of a major fast-food chain on their official Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube accounts. The strategies were investigated according to the INFORMAS protocol for food promotion monitoring. Principal component analysis (PCA) was employed to identify advertising patterns in each platform. Participants: 305 advertisements Results: Four advertising patterns were identified in the PCA of Facebook and Instagram. In both platforms, the components for kids and product exaltation were similar. On Facebook, a pattern corresponding to economic appeal was identified as price and discount, while on Instagram, this pattern also included a practical approach. On Facebook, the fourth component was named celebrity, while on Instagram it was celebrity/innovation since on this second social media the component also included the ‘new brand development’ variable. On YouTube, three advertising patterns were identified in PCA. Similar to the other platforms, the first and the second patterns were called for kids and price and discount, and the third component referred to both celebrity and commemorative dates. Conclusions: The advertising patterns of the fast-food chain on three social media platforms were commonly directed to children and addressed price, discounts, and the celebrities’ universe. The findings of this study corroborate other data in the literature regarding unhealthy food advertising on social media. This study discusses the urgency of regulating food advertising content on this medium.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (12) ◽  
pp. 606
Hsueh-Feng Chang ◽  
Shu-Hua Wu ◽  
Joyce Hsiu-Yu Chen ◽  
Chao-Hui Ke

Businesses in the past few years have paid more and more attention to brand awareness. More and more branded hotels have launched sub-brands so as to access a new market, boost brand exposure and value, and attain new market niches. The purpose of the work was to explore, on the basis of the business model, factors affecting hotel sub-brand development in Taiwan. The modified Delphi method was firstly referred to. Next, a questionnaire was designed to serve as the basis of quantitative analysis. Third, experienced professionals from the hotel business were invited to participate in a questionnaire survey. The affecting factors of hotel sub-brand development were identified, and analysis data were generated. Grey-TOPSIS was employed to evaluate, calculate, and certify weight analysis and ranking of affecting indices of hotel sub-branding. The results explained that there are nine affecting factors for developing a hotel’s sub-branding. They are channel, target customers, customer relationship, key activities, revenue model, key partners, value proposition, key resources, and cost structure. The top four are the most important ones. This finding, figured out by using soft mathematical methods, can provide a proper evaluating way for decision making by the hotel industry, which wants to establish its sub-brands.

O. Vdovichena ◽  
A. Vdovichen ◽  
O. Losheniuk ◽  
I. Losheniuk ◽  
V. Chychun

Abstract. The article analyzes the modern definitions of “brand management”. Critical analysis of existing definitions allowed to combine existing interpretations into approaches: brand management as a management system; brand management as a management activity; brand management as a marketing tool; brand management as an element (direction) of management. It is proposed to understand brand management as an element of the management system aimed at the formation, support and development of individual brands (corporate brand) of the enterprise in order to obtain competitive advantages. Reasonable interpretation differs from the existing ones by emphasizing the subordination of brand management to the management system of the enterprise and highlighting the tasks, object and purpose of brand management in modern Ukrainian realities. The views of scientists on the identification of factors influencing the effectiveness of the implementation of brand management in the management of the enterprise are systematized. The outlined factors are analyzed and supplemented. It is proposed to use the economic and mathematical method of Kendall to assess the factors influencing the effectiveness of brand management in the management of the enterprise, which allowed to place the influence of selected factors in importance: the presence of innovation, taking into account the impact of globalization, availability and use of all marketing elements; formed brand, taking into account the prospects of brand development in international markets; the appropriate level of brand identity, activity of brand managers; the presence of a brand manager assigned to each brand, consistency of brand management with marketing subsystems in the enterprise, taking into account territoria; cultural and economic factors at the enterprise. Taking into account the results of the study, a scientific and methodological approach to the effective implementation of brand management in the management of the enterprise taking into account the Ukrainian realities of modern enterprises is proposed and substantiated.  Keywords: brand, brand management, brand management, management system, brand management efficiency. JEL Classification: Formulas: 4; fig .: 1, tabl .: 5, bibl .: 15

A. P. Sadullaeva ◽  
G. K. Baizhaksynova

The article discusses the issues of the development of the city brand. The main purpose of the study was to identify the factors and components that contribute to the development of the city brand. The city brand model of Thomas Gad has been taken as a theoretical basis of the study. This model describes four dimensions of a city brand: mental, spiritual, social and functional. The author of the article has made an attempt to describe and add one more dimension to above-mentioned model-the dimension of “city style” with its visual and aesthetic aspect. The literature review has been conducted in order to clarify the concepts of “brand” and “city brand”. The questionnaire has been carried out among residents of two cities of Kazakhstan to identify the influence of the city style on the recognition of the city. The above is the theoretical and practical contribution of this study to the development and formation of the city’s brand. The proposal of the author of the study to develop design codes for cities of the Republic of Kazakhstan is of applied importance.

Olga A. Balabeikina ◽  
Karine S. Gavrilova ◽  
Julia A. Kuznetsova ◽  

By the example of the Arkhangelsk region, the process of religious tourism development on the northern Russian subjects territory in the dynamics of the post-Soviet decades, is analyzed. The northern regions of the country are far from its main economic centers, which is not only a limiting factor, but also a competitive advantage for the development of niche types of tourism, which is determined by the creation and implementation of variety of tourist products that are competitive and generate stable demand. In modern conditions, a competent and consistent tourist brand development of the territory is necessary for the successful recreational services promotion on the market. The main purpose of the submitted research is to identify the religious tourism role in the tourist branding of the Arkhangelsk region.The Arkhangelsk region is a region of ancient development and settlement, characterized by a large number of Orthodox religious infrastructure objects. To identify the degree of its placement uniformity, calculations of territorial concentration coefficient were made. By results, the conclusion is justified that Orthodox chapels, temples and monasteries are dispersed and, accordingly, several administrative districts of the region are allocated, acting as the core of the development of Orthodox religious tourism. The list and structure analysis results of the already approved and announced routes of religious tourism in the Arkhangelsk region allow us to assert that the designated sub-sector of recreational economy contributes to the development of local folk crafts, individual entrepreneurship, the preservation and historical and cultural heritage objects revival, as well as the preservation of settlements remote from large centers. The arguments are given in favor of the fact that religious tourism occupies an essential place in the tourist branding of the Russian Federation studied subject. This is confirmed by the results of a survey specially developed and conducted by the authors, which was carried out in order to identify the importance of Orthodox religious infrastructure objects in the Arkhangelsk region perception system among the population of the Russian Federation. The main effective conclusion based on the article results is that the role of religious tourism in the tourist branding of the Russian Federation studied subject is undeniably high, and the further development and improvement of the Arkhangelsk region tourist brand can be largely associated with religious tourism in the organization of a systematic approach to the use of marketing tools.

Fitriani Fitriani ◽  
Sutarni Sutarni ◽  
Bina Unteawati ◽  
Marlinda Apriyani ◽  
Dewi Kania Widyawati ◽  

The competitiveness of local agri-food needs through various marketing strategies. An essential part of the company's marketing strategy and tactics is recognizing product brand equity in the market. This study aims to identify brand entities, brand communication, and process to build Brand Equity toward local SMEs' competitiveness. A case study approach did at one of the SMEs in Bandar Lampung on the "FUDIA-Center of Agri-Food Polinela," that produce FUDIA cake & bakery.  The research has conducted from April to July 2020. Data analysis used a qualitative descriptive approach using SWOT analysis and a brand development model for SMEs. The analysis results concluded that FUDIA's brand recognition is the initial stage.  Development of the Fudia brand equity must take into account an existing market and expanding market share.  Enhancement market share could trough sales force distribution. Develop more product variants of Fudia Cake & Bakery based on the local source. Strengthen brand equity and develop a remarkable brand image program. Design and setting promotions systematic & massively is a priority.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 91-100
Оleh Karyy ◽  
Uliana Balyk ◽  
Nataliia Kara

In conditions of the deep crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, there is an urgent need to find effective ways to reboot the tourism industry. Territorial branding as a tourism marketing tool is one of such ways. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to compare the features of tourism branding in Ukraine and Poland, taking into account the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the tourism industry and consumer behavior. The study is grounded on the use of general and specific methods based on a systematic approach to the study of tourism branding opportunities in Ukraine and Poland before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: analysis and synthesis – used to compare the competitiveness of tourism, brand, development status and trends in the tourism industry of countries; deduction and induction – used to describe the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on tourism development and outline the problems of competitiveness of countries' tourism; abstraction and generalization – used to provide recommendations on how to improve countries' tourism branding. The article revealed that tourism plays a significant role in the economy of Ukraine and Poland and is closely linked with other industries. A comparison of the weaknesses and strengths of the countries’ tourism competitiveness made it possible to identify basic components that need to be improved. It was found that Ukraine and Poland are in constant search of optimal tourist brands. The authors investigated the specifics and retrospective development of tourist brands by government bodies in both countries. The concept of the latest versions of the tourist brand is to show Ukraine as an open, modern country where all the most interesting things are happening right now (Ukraine NOW), and Poland as a country that can expand the imagination of visitors (Poland. Move your imagination). Based on a comparison of various international rankings levels of tourist brands of these countries, it was found that Poland has a much better performance than Ukraine. In addition, the authors thoroughly investigated the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on tourism development in both countries and changes in tourism consumer behavior. The article offers recommendations for improving the tourism brands of countries, taking into account the new epidemiological conditions.

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